• Title/Summary/Keyword: data-driven learning (DDL)

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Identifying Key Grammatical Errors of Japanese English as a Foreign Language Learners in a Learner Corpus: Toward Focused Grammar Instruction with Data-Driven Learning

  • Atsushi Mizumoto;Yoichi Watari
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2023
  • The number of studies on data-driven learning (DDL) has increased in recent years, and DDL's overall effectiveness as an L2 (second language) teaching methodology has been reported to be high. However, the degree of its effectiveness in grammar instruction, particularly for the goal of correcting errors in L2 writing, is still unclear. To provide guidelines for focused grammar instruction with DDL in the Japanese classroom setting, we aimed to identify the typical grammatical errors made by Japanese learners in the Cambridge Learner Corpus First Certificate in English (CLC FCE) dataset. The results revealed that three error types (nouns, articles, and prepositions) should be addressed in DDL grammar instruction for Japanese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. In light of the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for future DDL research and practice are discussed.

The Effects of Corpus Use on Learning L2 Collocations of Light Verbs and Nouns

  • Yoshiho Satake
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2023
  • In data-driven learning (DDL), learners explore a corpus to understand vocabulary and grammar. Although many studies have emphasized the role of DDL in second language (L2) acquisition, L2 light verbs have been largely under-explored. To bridge this gap, this study focused on the learning outcomes of L2 light verbs among 29 intermediate-level Japanese university students. The research zeroed in on six prevalent light verbs in English: "make," "do," "take," "have," "give," and "get." Over nine weeks, the participants engaged with verb-noun collocations using worksheets that juxtaposed Japanese translations of the target collocations with their English equivalents, with the verbs omitted. With the aid of Wordbanks Online, they filled in the blanks and constructed accurate sentences. Before this activity, a 20-minute tutorial was given to the participants on how to interpret the concordance lines. The effectiveness of the DDL method was evaluated using pre-tests, immediate post-tests, and delayed post-tests. The results showed that DDL significantly improved the participants' knowledge of the target collocations of light verbs and nouns; the post-test and delayed post-test scores were significantly higher than the pre-test scores. The results showed that, overall, DDL contributed to memorizing the collocations of light verbs and nouns; however, DDL had different effects on the memorization of collocations across different light verbs. The extent of work on the worksheet is not the only factor in its retention, and observing concordance lines may promote learners' memorization of light-verb collocations.

A Study on the Method of Teaching Korean Synonyms Using Online Corpora (온라인 코퍼스를 활용한 한국어 유의어 교수 방안 연구)

  • 전지은
    • Language Facts and Perspectives
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    • v.47
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    • pp.177-203
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the possibility of using online corpora for teaching synonyms in Korean. The research included how to develop the effective concordance learning materials for teaching synonyms in Korean using data driven learning(DDL). Because synonyms are similar in meaning and usage, even native speaker can not clearly explain the difference in synonyms. Furthermore, it is not easy to provide proper example sentences for each word, and it is a reality that the differentiation of the synonyms are not sufficiently provided in the Korean textbooks. In recent years, it has been claimed that DDL helps students produce vocabulary as well as comprehend vocabulary. Nevertheless, it is hard to find how the concordance materials should be made for them. In this study, we extract concordance examples from the various kinds of online corpora; written and spoken corpora, korean textbooks, newspapers. We presented how to make corpus-designed activities using concordance materials for teaching Korean synonyms. In order to examine the effects of DDL, five experimental lessons were given to a group of 15 advanced korean learners in the university and follow-up surveys(attitude-questionnaire) were conducted. This study is meaningful in that it proposed a new teaching method in Korean synonym education.

Effects of Corpus Use on Error Identification in L2 Writing

  • Yoshiho Satake
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the effects of data-driven learning (DDL)-an approach employing corpora for inductive language pattern learning-on error identification in second language (L2) writing. The data consists of error identification instances from fifty-five participants, compared across different reference materials: the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), dictionaries, and no use of reference materials. There are three significant findings. First, the use of COCA effectively identified collocational and form-related errors due to inductive inference drawn from multiple example sentences. Secondly, dictionaries were beneficial for identifying lexical errors, where providing meaning information was helpful. Finally, the participants often employed a strategic approach, identifying many simple errors without reference materials. However, while maximizing error identification, this strategy also led to mislabeling correct expressions as errors. The author has concluded that the strategic selection of reference materials can significantly enhance the effectiveness of error identification in L2 writing. The use of a corpus offers advantages such as easy access to target phrases and frequency information-features especially useful given that most errors were collocational and form-related. The findings suggest that teachers should guide learners to effectively use appropriate reference materials to identify errors based on error types.

English Predicate Inversion: Towards Data-driven Learning

  • Kim, Jong-Bok;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.1047-1065
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    • 2010
  • English inversion constructions are not only hard for non-native speakers to learn but also difficult to teach mainly because of their intriguing grammatical and discourse properties. This paper addresses grammatical issues in learning or teaching the so-called 'predicate inversion (PI)' construction (e.g., Equally important in terms of forest depletion is the continuous logging of the forests). In particular, we chart the grammatical (distributional, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) properties of the PI construction, and argue for adata-driven teaching for English grammar. To depart from the arm-chaired style of grammar teaching (relying on author-made simple sentences), our teaching method introduces a datadriven teaching. With total 25 university students in a grammar-related class, students together have analyzed the British Component of the International Corpus of English (ICE-GB), containing about one million words distributed across a variety of textual categories. We have identified total 290 PI sentences (206 from spoken and 87 from written texts). The preposed syntactic categories of the PI involve five main types: AdvP, PP, VP(ed/ing), NP, AP, and so, all of which function as the complement of the copula. In terms of discourse, we have observed, supporting Birner and Ward's (1998) observation that these preposed phrases represent more familiar information than the postposed subject. The corpus examples gave us the three possible types: The preposed element is discourse-old whereas the postposed one is discourse-new as in Putting wire mesh over a few bricks is a good idea. Both preposed and postposed elements can also be discourse new as in But a fly in the ointment is inflation. These two elements can also be discourse old as in Racing with him on the near-side is Rinus. The dominant occurrence of the PI in the spoken texts also supports the view that the balance (or scene-setting) in information structure is the main trigger for the use of the PI construction. After being exposed to the real data and in-depth syntactic as well as informationstructure analysis of the PI construction, it is proved that the class students have had a farmore clear understanding of the construction in question and have realized that grammar does not mean to live on by itself but tightly interacts with other important grammatical components such as information structure. The study directs us toward both a datadriven and interactive grammar teaching.

Is Compared to Different from Compared with? A Discussion of Prepositions that Are Particularly Difficult for EFL Learners

  • Lee, Seung-Ah
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1057-1085
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    • 2009
  • This paper addresses the question of why prepositions are particularly difficult forEFL learners. The first reason for such difficulty lies in the distinction between seemingly equivalent prepositions such as to and with, as in compared to and compared with. Most monolingual learners' dictionaries regard these two phrases as virtually synonymous. Yet, the results of the corpus analysis conducted in this study indicate that there are differences between the two. A second reason why EFL learners have problems with prepositions is that there are often variations in the inputdata. For example, although from generally follows different, in American English different than is also used. On the other hand, in British English, different to is the second most commonly used construction. This type of regional variation, confirmed in the corpus findings of the present paper, causes confusion in students of English. A learner who is not accustomed to British English may be puzzled by the expression different to. Finally, L1 negative transfer is responsible for the incorrect use of expressions such as discuss about. An error of this sort is the result of interference from the learner's mother tongue. The English verb discuss is not subcategorized for a preposition, whereas the equivalent Korean verb, for example, requires a noun phrase combined with the postposition.