• Title/Summary/Keyword: data-driven framework

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Object Detection and Tracking using Bayesian Classifier in Surveillance (서베일런스에서 베이지안 분류기를 이용한 객체 검출 및 추적)

  • Kang, Sung-Kwan;Choi, Kyong-Ho;Chung, Kyung-Yong;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present a object detection and tracking method based on image context analysis. It is robust from the image variations such as complicated background, dynamic movement of the object. Image context analysis is carried out using the hybrid network of k-means and RBF. The proposed object detection employs context-driven adaptive Bayesian framework to relive the effect due to uneven object images. The proposed method used feature vector generator using 2D Haar wavelet transform and the Bayesian discriminant method in order to enhance the speed of learning. The system took less time to learn, and learning in a wide variety of data showed consistent results. After we developed the proposed method was applied to real-world environment. As a result, in the case of the object to detect pass outside expected area or other changes in the uncertain reaction showed that stable. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve superior performance using various data sets to previously methods.

Can Dining Alone Lead to Healthier Menu Item Decisions than Dining with Others? The Roles of Consumption Orientation and Menu Nutrition Information (혼밥이 건강한 메뉴 선택에 미치는 영향: 소비 목적 지향과 메뉴 영양 정보 표시의 역할)

  • Her, EunSol;Behnke, Carl;Almanza, Barbara
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Driven by a growth of single-person households and individualized lifestyles, solo dining in restaurants is an increasingly recognizable trend. However, a research gap exists in the comparison of solo and group diners' menu-decision making processes. Based on the self-control dilemma and the temporal construal theory as a theoretical framework, this study compared the ordering intentions of solo vs. group diners with healthy vs. indulgent (less healthy) entrées. The mediating role of consumption orientation and the moderating role of amount of menu nutrition information were further explored to understand the mechanism and a boundary condition. Methods: A scenario-based online survey was developed using a 2 (dining social context: solo vs. with others) × 3 (amount of menu nutrition information: no nutrition information vs. calories vs. calories/fat/sodium), between-subjects, experimental design. Consumers' level of nutrition involvement was controlled. A nationwide survey data (n = 224) were collected from a crowdsourcing platform in the U.S. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance, independent t-test, univariate analysis of covariance, and moderated mediation analyses. Results: Findings reveal that solo (vs. group) diners have less (vs. more) intentions to order indulgent menu items due to a more utilitarian (vs. more hedonic) consumption orientation in restaurant dining. Findings also show that solo (vs. group) diners have more (vs. less) intentions to order healthy menu items when the restaurant menu presented nutrition information including calories, fat, and sodium. Conclusions: The findings contribute to the literature of foodservice management, healthy eating, and consumer behavior by revealing a mechanism and an external stimuli of solo vs. group diners' healthy menu-decision making process in restaurants. Furthermore, the findings provide restauranteurs and health professionals with insights into the positive and negative impacts of menu nutrition labelling on consumers' menu-decisions.

An Empirical Investigation into the Role of Core-Competency Orientation and IT Outsourcing Process Management Capability (핵심역량 지향성과 프로세스 관리역량이 IT 아웃소싱 성과에 미치는 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Jin;Nam, Ki-Chan;Song, Jae-Ki;Koo, Chul-Mo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the role of IT service providers has been enlarged from managing a single function or system to reconstructing entire information management processes in new ways to contribute to shareholder value across the enterprise. This movement toward extensive and complex outsourcing agreements has been driven by the assumption that outsourcing information technology functions is a reliable approach to maximizing resource productivity. Hiring external IT service providers to manage part or all of its information-related services helps a firm focus on its core business and provides better services to its clients, thus obtaining sustainable competitive advantage. This practice of focusing on the strategic aspect of outsourcing is referred to as strategic sourcing where the focus is capability sourcing, not procurement. Given the importance of the strategic outsourcing, however, to our knowledge, there is little empirical research on the relationship between the strategic outsourcing orientation and outsourcing performance. Moreover, there is little research on the factor that makes the strategic outsourcing effective. This study is designed to investigate the relationship between strategic IT outsourcing orientation and IT outsourcing performance and the process through which strategic IT outsourcing orientation influences outsourcing performance, Based on the framework of strategic orientation-performance and core competence based management, this study first identifies core competency orientation as a proper strategic orientation pertinent to IT outsourcing and IT outsourcing process management capability as the mediator to affect IT outsourcing performance. The proposed research model is then tested with a sample of 200 firms. The findings of this study may contribute to the literature in two ways. First, it draws on the strategic orientation - performance framework in developing its research model so that it can provide a new perspective to the well studied phenomena. This perspective allows practitioners and researchers to look at outsourcing from an angle that emphasizes the strategic decision making to outsource its IT functions. Second, by separating the concept of strategic orientation and outsourcing process management capability, this study provides practices with insight into how the strategic orientation can work effectively to achieve an expected result. In addition, the current study provides a basis for future studies that examine the factors affecting IT outsourcing performance with more controllable factors such as IT outsourcing process management capability rather than external hard-to-control factors including trust and relationship management. This study investigates the major factors that determine IT outsourcing success. Based on strategic orientation and core competency theories, we develop the proposed research model to investigate the relationship between core competency orientation and IT outsourcing performance and the mediating role of IT outsourcing process management capability on IT outsourcing performance. The model consists of two independent variables (core-competency-orientation and IT outsourcing process management capability), and two dependent variables (outsourced task complexity and IT outsourcing performance). Comprehensive data collection was conducted through an outsourcing association. The survey data were analyzed using a structural analysis method. IT outsourcing process management capability was found to mediate the effect of core competency orientation on both outsourced task complexity and IT outsourcing performance. Further analysis and findings are discussed.

A Motion-driven Rowing Game based on Teamwork of Multiple Players (다중 플레이어들의 팀워크에 기반한 동작-구동 조정 게임)

  • Kim, Hyejin;Shim, JaeHyuk;Lim, Seungchan;Goh, Youngnoh;Han, Daseong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we present a motion-driven rowing simulation framework that allows multiple players to row a boat together by their harmonized movements. In the actual rowing game, it is crucial for the players to synchronize their rowing with respect to time and pose so as to accelerate the boat. Inspired by this interesting feature, we measure the motion similarity among multiple players in real time while they are doing rowing motions and use it to control the velocity of the boat in a virtual environment. We also employ game components such as catching an item which can accelerate or decelerate the boat depending on its type for a moment once it has been obtained by synchronized catching behaviors of the players. By these components, the players can be encouraged to more actively participate in the training for a good teamwork to produce harmonized rowing movements Our methods for the motion recognition for rowing and item catch require the tracking data only for the head and the both hands and are fast enough to facilitate the real-time performance. In order to enhance immersiveness of the virtual environment, we project the rowing simulation result on a wide curved screen.

Development of Land Management Information System(LMIS) (토지관리정보체계 시스템구축방안 -시스템개발을 중심으로-)

  • 서창완;문은호;최병남;김대종
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2001
  • In the recent rapidly changing technology environment the computerization of administration business using GIS is driven or will be driven to give improved information services for the people by local government or central government with huge budget. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated with huge budge. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated to prevent local government from investing redundant money and to reuse the existing investment at this time. The purpose of this study is finding the development method of Land Management Information System (LMIS) to give service and share data in various computing environment of local governments. To do this, we have to develop LMIS as open system with interoperability and we explain it with a focus to framework of Open LMIS. According to recent trend of technology we developed Open LMIS for convenient maintenance with nationwide LMIS expansion at hand. This system was developed at the $\ulcorner$Land Management Information System Development$\lrcorner$project which was managed by Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT). GIS application was based on OpenGIS CORBA specification for development of standard interface and RUP(Rational Unified Process) for development method and LML(Unified Modeling Language) for system design. Developed systems were land administration system for local government, spatial planning support system for regional government, and land policy support system for MOCT.

  • PDF

Automatic Extraction of Abstract Components for supporting Model-driven Development of Components (모델기반 컴포넌트 개발방법론의 지원을 위한 추상컴포넌트 자동 추출기법)

  • Yun, Sang Kwon;Park, Min Gyu;Choi, Yunja
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.543-554
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    • 2013
  • Model-Driven Development(MDD) helps developers verify requirements and design issues of a software system in the early stage of development process by taking advantage of a software model which is the most highly abstracted form of a software system. In practice, however, many software systems have been developed through a code-centric method that builds a software system bottom-up rather than top-down. So, without support of appropriate tools, it is not easy to introduce MDD to real development process. Although there are many researches about extracting a model from code to help developers introduce MDD to code-centrically developed system, most of them only extracted base-level models. However, using concept of abstract component one can continuously extract higher level model from base-level model. In this paper we propose a practical method for automatic extraction of base level abstract component from source code, which is the first stage of continuous extraction process of abstract component, and validate the method by implementing an extraction tool based on the method. Target code chosen is the source code of TinyOS, an operating system for wireless sensor networks. The tool is applied to the source code of TinyOS, written in nesC language.

Development of Modeling Support System for Lower Arm in Automobile Suspension Module (자동차 서스펜션 로워암의 모델링 보조시스템 개발)

  • Lee T.H.;Shin S.Y.;Suh C.H.;Kwon T.W.;Han S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the modeling support system was developed which can make easy and fast FE-modeling and verify the results of static and durability analysis for the lower arm, one of the important parts in automobile suspension module. It took into account of the whole complicated design processes verifying the durability coefficients evaluated by fatigue analysis, which should be used to satisfy a design criteria. To guide the FE-modeling the drive page was constructed by using HTML and XML, which was based on expert's know-hows. It is able to integrate the processes to design the lower arm in practice, so that the standardization of its FE-Modeling is achieved, consequently. The 3 dimensional CAD's geometrical data were changed automatically into pre-defined shell elements under the concept of mesh-offset technique, and then welding elements were treated to connect between target and basic surfaces constructed by the shell elements. This system has also a user interface to control boundary and load ing conditions applied in performing of the static and durability analysis, in which many load cases can be applied simply with the MPCs driven by just few mouse clicks. These were implemented on the platform of MSC.Patran and utilized ANSYS, MSC.Nastran and MSC.Fatigue as the solver of the analysis performed. The developed system brings not only significant decreasing of man-hours required in FE-modeling process, but also obtaining of satisfied qualities in analyzed results. It will be integrated in a part of virtual prototyping module of the developing e-engineering framework.

Route Selection in the Network of Public Transportation using the GA and the GIS (유전자 알고리즘과 GIS를 이용한 대중교통 경로선택에 관한 연구)

  • 전철민
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2003
  • GIS-based applications for route guidance are increasingly developed recently, but most of them are for self$.$driven cars. Although some of them are intended for public transportation, they show limitations in dealing with time constraints problems taken place in transfer areas. Developing a public transportation guidance system requires the fallowing aspects: (i) people may change transportation means not only within the same type but also among different modes such as between buses and subways, and (ii) the system should take into account the time taken in transfer from one mode to the other. This study suggests the framework for developing a public transportation guidance system that generates optimized paths in the transportation network of mixed means including buses, subways and other modes. For this study, the Genetic Algorithms are used to find the best routes that take into account transfer time and other service-time constraints. The method for constructing the data structure in the GIS was also suggested.

Framework of Conceptual Estimation Model for BIM based Internal Finishes of High-rise Building Project (BIM기반의 초고층 빌딩 내부마감 개략견적 코스트모델 개발)

  • Chung, Suwan;Kwon, Soonwook
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2014
  • Previous studies reveal the need for a tool to cost estimation of building design in early design stages. This paper proposes an internal finishes cost model tool to address this need. The tool allows users to evaluate the functionality, economics and quality of finishes concurrently with high-rise building design. Lack of information in the early stages of the project enables a relatively accurate estimates of work to raise up. Measurements are automatically extracted from simple design information and profile driven estimates are revised in real-time. The data model uses a flexible unit rate system that can easily be extended to other estimate dimensions such as mix-use building surcharge rate estimation. The approach illustrated in this paper is applicable to BIM tool conceptual estimation that support for massing purposes other than the one chosen for this study.

A Framework for Quantifying the Damage to Residential Facilities Caused by Typhoon Changes (태풍 변화로 인한 주거시설 피해 정량화 프레임 워크 제안)

  • Kim, Ji-Myong;Son, Seunghyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.797-807
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    • 2023
  • This research aims to investigate the alterations in typhoon patterns attributable to climate change and to quantitatively assess the risk of damage to residential structures. The increasing prevalence of climate anomalies and severe weather events, a consequence of global warming, is causing escalating damage globally. Notably, numerous countries are facing substantial devastation due to shifts in typhoon trajectories. Despite this, there exists a gap in empirical research quantifying the impact of these changes on building integrity and the associated risk alterations driven by climate change. In addressing this gap, our study analyzes the frequency and intensity of typhoons impacting Korea, examining the evolution of these meteorological phenomena. Furthermore, we employ the Korean Typhoon Vulnerability Function for residential facilities to quantify the altered risk posed by these changing patterns. The outcomes of this study provide the private sector with essential data to formulate diverse scenarios and business strategies in response to the escalating risks of typhoon-related damage. Additionally, it equips governmental bodies with the necessary insights to develop comprehensive risk management strategies to mitigate the effects of future typhoons.