• Title/Summary/Keyword: dB difference

검색결과 1,889건 처리시간 0.028초

Glazing 횟수가 전장지르코니아에 미치는 굴곡강도와 표면 미세구조의 변화 (A study of the changes in the strength and microstructure of the zirconia crown surface by the glazing number)

  • 오선미
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the flexural strength and surface microstructure of the zirconia crown according to the number of glazing zirconia prostheses. Methods: The specimens were made as follows. A specimen without glazing: 1ea, first glazed specimens (group B): 10ea, second glazed specimens (group C): 10ea, third glazed specimens (group D): 10ea. Three-point measuring strength equipment and electron microscopes were used for strength measurement and microstructure observation. As for statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA and t-test (level of significance level=5%) were used to determine the difference in the change in flexural strength according to the number of glazing zirconia prostheses. Results: ANOVA analysis of groups B (1st glazing), C (2nd glazing), and D (3rd glazing) revealed that the change in strength between the groups is statistically significant (p=0.023). The Mann-Whitney test for each group revealed that the difference in flexural strength between groups B and C was not statistically significant (z=-0.302, p=0.762) while that between groups C and D was statistically significant (z=-0.257, p=0.01). Microstructure observation revealed 3 changes in the microstructure of the surface of the glaze powder were observed. Conclusion: According to the number of glazing zirconia prostheses, it was found that the difference in strength between groups was statistically significant, and changes in the microstructure were observed.

Ka-Band용 Half-Height Waveguide 전력 합성기 설계 (Design of a KaBand Half-Height Waveguide Power Combiner)

  • 빅필준;최재훈
    • 한국전자파학회논문지
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    • 제11권7호
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    • pp.1218-1224
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 half-height W/C(Waveguide)를 이용하여 Ka-band 대역의 위성통신용 전력합성기를 설계하였다. 낮은 삽입 손실과 포트간 아이솔레션 특성이 좋은 방향성 겨랗ㅂ기를 위성 통신용 전력합성기로서 채택하였다. half-height W/C를 이용하여 설계된 전력합성기는 full-height W/G를 사용하여 설계된 전력삽성기에 비하여 작은 부피와 무게를 가지기 때문에 크기와 무게면에서 많은 이점을 얻을 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 FDTD(Finite-Difference Time-Domain)를 이용하여 half-height W/G 전력 합성기를 분석하고 설계 하였으며 full-height W/G로 구성된 전력 증폭기와 성능을 비교하였다. 또한 최적의 차수로 설계된 half-height 전력합성기를 제작하여 측정하였다. 설계된 half-height 전력합성기는 Ka-band 위성 통신용 대역(20.255~21.255 GHz)에서 삽입손실 0.3dB 이하, 반사손실 20 dB 이상, 포트간 분리도 20 dB 이상, 출력 포트간 위상차가 5$^{\circ}$ 이내의 특성을 만족하도록 설계되었다.

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밀가루와 찹쌀이 고추장 품질에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Wheat Flour and Glutinous Rice on Quality of Kochujang)

  • 박창희;이석건;신보규
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 1986
  • 전분질원으로서 밀가루와 찹쌀을 단용(A: 전량 밀가루 사용, D: 전량 찹쌀 사용) 또는 혼용(B : 밀가루 75%, 찹쌀 25%, C : 밀가루와 찹쌀을 각각 50% 사용)하여 담금한 고추장의 성분을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 숙성 과정중 조단백질과 아미노태의 질소 함량 은 대체적으로 4, 3, C, D구의 순으로 높았고, ethyl alcohol은 D, C, B, A구의 순으로 높았다. pH는 A구에서 다소 높았으나 수분과 식염은 시험구간에 차이가 없었다. 90일숙성 고추장 중의 유리당은 glucose, fructose, maltose, rhamnose가 검출되었고, 이중 glucose는 양적으로 가장 많았다. 또한 glucose는 A구에서, fructose는 B구에서 각각 높았다. 숙성고추장의 알코올류로서 n-propyl, iso-butyl, iso-amyl alcohol이 검출되었으며, 이들 함량은 3.2mg% 이하로 시험구간에는 큰 차가 없었다.

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광주지역의 택지개발지구 소음도 조사연구 (A Study on the Noise Level of Residential Area in Gwangju)

  • 강영주;백계진;김찬중;박강수;서광엽;문향미;고은미;고영춘;김연희
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.520-527
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to investigate the present state of noise level including three general districts and two roadside areas at the Residential Area such as Sangmu, Pungam, Moonheung, and Ilgok Area. The noise level was measured quarterly. The results were shown that the noise level of day time was no great difference and that noise level of night time represented ranges between 44 to 48 dB(A). The noise level of day time was higher 4 to 7 dB(A) than night time. At the roadside areas, average noise level of day time was suitable to the requirements of environmental criteria. However. only one point of two points exceeded the noise level of environmental criteria. except Pungam Area. The noise level of night time in all areas was 58 dB(A), showing more 3 dB(A) than the environmental criteria (55 dB(A)). The difference of noise level between day time and night time was approximately 5 to 7 dB(A) in all Area. The noise level of day time was not dependent on all seasons, whereas that night time is dependent on season, especially showing lower noise level in winter. Showing the changes on the times in a day, it reached the highest at 16:00, mainly resulting in a lot of activities of people. The maximum noise level (Lmax) from 3 or 4 military aircraft showed almost the same. The noise level of aircraft in Sangmu Area was 71.5∼78.1 WECPNL.

균일 삽입 손실 특성을 갖는 반사형의 5-비트 디지털 위상 변위기 (Reflection-Type 5-bit Digital Phase Shifter with Constant Insertion Loss)

  • 고경석;최익권
    • 한국전자파학회논문지
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.582-589
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 스위칭 소자인 beam lead 형태의 pin 다이오드대신에 저가인 증폭기용 HEMT를 스위칭소자로 하여 12 GHz 대역에서 동작하는 일정 삽입 손실의 5-비트 디지털 반사형 위상 변위기를 설계 및 제작한다. 기존의 이상적인 스위칭소자에 기초한 이론에 의해 설계할 때 필연적인 HEMT소자의 on, off시 큰 삽입손실차는 특정한 길이의 전송선로를 우선 스위칭 소자에 연결하여 HEMT소자의 on, off시 임피던스를 변환한 후 기존의 방식대로 설계하는 방법에 의해 제거할 쑤 있었다. 제작된 위상변위기는 설계 주파수인 12.2GHz - 12.7GHz 대역내 32단계의 스위칭 상태에서 삽입손실이 -4.5dB에서 -6dB 범위에 있으며 특히 전 단계에서 삽입 손실의 변화량이 1.5 dB 이내로 양호한 특성을 가져 본 논문에서 처음 시도한 임피던스 변환용 전송선에 의한 삽입 손실차 제거방법의 타당성을 확인할 수 있었다.

고지향 수중 통신을 위한 파라메트릭 어레이 트랜스듀서의 설계 및 개발 연구 (Design and Development Research of a Parametric Array Transducer for High Directional Underwater Communication)

  • 황용환;제엽;문원규
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2015
  • 파라메트릭 어레이(parametric array)는 매질의 비선형성을 이용하여 고지향성 저주파를 발생시키는 현상이다. 발생된 저주파는 직접 발생된 1차 음파에 비해 음압이 상대적으로 매우 작다. 따라서 강력한 1차 음파를 지향성 있게 발생시킬 수 있는 트랜스듀서가 필수적으로 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 파라메트릭 어레이를 위한 음원으로써 다공진 트랜스듀서의 설계, 제작, 시험평가에 대해 연구하였다. 유닛 트랜스듀서 및 배열 트랜스듀서의 설계를 해석 모델에 근거하여 수행하였으며, 이 과정을 반복하여 최적의 트랜스듀서를 제작하였다. 제작된 배열 트랜스듀서는 6.3 m 거리에서 각각 189 dB, 190 dB의 1차 음파를 확인하였으며, 파라메트릭 어레이 현상을 이용하여 136 dB의 차주파수음 발생을 확인하였다. 차주파수음은 $12{\times}18{\times}10m$크기의 수조에서 15 kHz, $8^{\circ}$ half power beamwidth의 고지향성 저주파 특성을 가지고 있음을 확인하였다.

시판 스포츠 브래지어의 디자인 차이에 따른 착용감 연구 - 어깨끈 차이를 중심으로 - (Wearing Satisfaction with Commercial Sports Bras According to Design Difference - Focusing on Shoulder Strap Difference -)

  • 한현숙
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.766-774
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the fit of commercial sports bras was analyzed according to various design variations, focusing on the shape of the shoulder strap, which is known to cause great discomfort in wearing sports bras. Experimental clothes were set to four commercially available sports bras with different shoulder strap shapes. The results showed that, in "size suitability," the overall satisfaction with experimental clothing B, of which the shoulder strap can be adjusted, was the highest, especially for "underbust circ. fit," "bust circ. Fit," and "shoulder strap length." In the "Shape suitability" and "Wearability" sections, experimental clothing B also showed the highest satisfaction and the shoulder strap adjustment device did not negatively affect wearing satisfaction. In the question on "side wings rolled up," experimental clothing A also received a relatively good score, which is due to its long front length. In the "Compression of the front center" section, the responses for experimental clothing A and B were "appropriate" and for C and D, they were "pressurized." In "motion suitability" as well, satisfaction with experimental clothing B was the highest, followed by experimental clothes A, C, and D. In the "body shape correction" section, clothing B elicited the highest satisfaction, followed by experimental clothes A, C, and D, in that order. Overall, it is recommended that shoulder straps be applied with adjustable straps for the comfort of the shoulder area while wearing sports bras.

5 GHz 대역 무선통신용 SHP 혼합기 설계 및 제작 (Design and Fabrication of the SHP Mixer for the 5 GHz Band Wireless Communication System)

  • 김갑기;안영섭
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제28권10호
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    • pp.875-879
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    • 2004
  • 본 논문은 APDP(Anti-Parallel Diode Pair)를 이용한 5 GHz 대역 무선통신용 서브 하모닉 혼합기를 설계하였다. 기존의 혼합기는 LO와 RF를 혼합하여 투 주파수의 차로서 IF 신호를 얻는다. 그래서 주파수가 높아질수록, 안정되고, 높은 출력을 갖고, 우수한 위상잡음 특성을 갖는 LO 발진기가 필요하다. 그러나 APDP를 이용한 서브 하모닉 혼합기는 LO 신호의 제 2 고조파를 이용하여 혼합 작용을 한다. 따라서 기존의 혼합기에서 필요한 LO 주파수가 1/2로 줄어드는 장점이 있다. 제작된 서브 하모닉 혼합기의 변환손실은 LO 신호전력이 3dBm일 때, 12.83 dB이다. LO/IF, 2LO/IF, RF/IF, LO/RF의 분리도 특성은 39.17 dB, 58 dB, 34 dB, 67.9 dB이다. 그리고 입력 IP3는 8 dBm이다.

APDP를 이용한 5.8GHz 무선 랜용 서브 하모닉 혼합기의 설계 (Design of 5.8 GHz Wireless LAN Sub Harmonics Pumped Mixer Using Anti Parallel Diode Pair)

  • 유홍길;장석환;강정진;이종악
    • 전기전자학회논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • 본 논문은 APDP(Anti-parallel diode pair)를 이용한 5.8 GHz 무선 랜용 서브 하모닉 혼합기를 설계하였다. 기존의 혼합기는 LO와 RF를 혼합하여 두 주파수의 차로서 IF 신호를 얻는다. 그래서 주파수가 높아질수록, 안정되고, 높은 출력을 갖고, 우수한 위상잡음 특성을 갖는 LO 발진기가 필요하다. 그러나 APDP를 이용한 서브 하모닉 혼합기는 LO 신호의 제 2 고조파를 이용하여 혼합 작용을 한다. 그래서 기존의 혼합기에서 필요한 LO 주파수가 1/2로 줄어드는 장점이 있다. 제작된 SHP 혼합기의 변환손실은 LO 신호전력이 3 dBm일 때, 12.83 dB이다. LO/IF, 2LO/IF, RF/IF, LO/RF의 분리도 특성은 39.17 dB, 58 dB, 34 dB, 67.9 dB이다. 그리고 IIP3는 8 dBm이다.

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Considerations of Environmental Factors Affecting the Detection of Underwater Acoustic Signals in the Continental Regions of the East Coast Sea of Korea

  • Na, Young-Nam;Kim, Young-Gyu;Kim, Young-Sun;Park, Joung-Soo;Kim, Eui-Hyung;Chae, Jin-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제20권2E호
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2001
  • This study considers the environmental factors affecting propagation loss and sonar performance in the continental regions of the East Coast Sea of Korea. Water mass distributions appear to change dramatically in a few weeks. Simple calculation with the case when the NKCW (North Korean Cold Water) develops shows that the difference in propagation loss may reach in the worst up to 10dB over range 5km. Another factor, an eddy, has typical dimensions of 100-200km in diameter and 150-200m in thickness. Employing a typical eddy and assuming frequency to be 100Hz, its effects on propagation loss appear to make lower the normal formation of convergence zones with which sonars are possible to detect long-range targets. The change of convergence zones may result in 10dB difference in received signals in a given depth. Thermal fronts also appear to be critical restrictions to operating sonars in shallow waters. Assuming frequency to be 200Hz, thermal fronts can make 10dB difference in propagation loss between with and without them over range 20km. An observation made in one site in the East Coast Sea of Korea reveals that internal waves may appear in near-inertial period and their spectra may exist in periods 2-17min. A simulation employing simple internal wave packets gives that they break convergence zones on the bottom, causing the performance degradation of FOM as much as 4dB in frequency 1kHz. An acoustic experiment, using fixed source and receiver at the same site, shows that the received signals fluctuate tremendously with time reaching up to 6.5dB in frequencies 1kHz or less. Ambient noises give negative effects directly on sonar performance. Measurements at some sites in the East Coast Sea of Korea suggest that the noise levels greatly fluctuate with time, for example noon and early morning, mainly due to ship traffics. The average difference in a day may reach 10dB in frequency 200Hz. Another experiment using an array of hydrophones gives that the spectrum levels of ambient noises are highly directional, their difference being as large as 10dB with vertical or horizontal angles. This fact strongly implies that we should obtain in-situ information of noise levels to estimate reasonable sonar performance. As one of non-stationary noise sources, an eel may give serious problems to sonar operation on or under the sea bottoms. Observed eel noises in a pier of water depth 14m appear to have duration time of about 0.4 seconds and frequency ranges of 0.2-2.8kHz. The 'song'of an eel increases ambient noise levels to average 2.16dB in the frequencies concerned, being large enough to degrade detection performance of the sonars on or below sediments. An experiment using hydrophones in water and sediment gives that sensitivity drops of 3-4dB are expected for the hydrophones laid in sediment at frequencies of 0.5-1.5kHz. The SNR difference between in water and in sediment, however, shows large fluctuations rather than stable patterns with the source-receiver ranges.

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