• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural-field

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Developing a Scale for Measuring the Corporate Social Responsibility Activities of Korea Corporation: Focusing on the Consumers' Awareness (한국형 기업의 사회적 책임활동 측정을 위한 척도 개발 연구: 소비자 인식을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jongchul;Kim, Kyungjin;Lee, Hanjoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 2010
  • It is not new that today's business organizations are expected to exhibit ethical and moral management and to carry out social responsibility as a good corporate citizen. Since South Korea emerged as a newly industrialized country during the 1980s, Korean corporations have become active in carrying out their social responsibility as a good corporate citizen to society. In spite of the short history of corporate social responsibility, Korean companies have actively participated in corporate philanthropy. Corporations' significant donations to various social causes, no-lay-off policies, corporate volunteerism and green marketing are evidences of their commitment to corporate citizenship. Corporate social responsibility is now an essential management practice whereby corporation can strengthen its sustainable value creation processes by enhancing the trust assets underlying the relationships between the business and the stakeholders. Much of the conceptual work in the area of corporate social responsibility(CSR) has originated from researches conducted in the management field. Carroll(1979) proposed that corporations have four types of social responsibilities: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Most past research has investigated CSR and its impact on consumers' attitudes toward the corporations and corporate performances. Although there exists a large body of literature on how consumers perceive and respond to CSR, the majority of past studies were conducted in the United States. The stability and applicability of past findings need to be tested across different national/cultural settings, especially since corporate social responsibility is a reflection of implicit conformation with the expectations and criticism that society may have toward a corporation(Matten and Moon, 2004). In this study, we explored whether people in Korea perceive CSR of Korean corporations in the same four dimensions as done in the United States and what were the measurement items tapping each of these four dimensions. In order to investigate the dimensions of CSR and the measurement items for CSR perceived by Korean people, nine focus group interviews were conducted with several stakeholder groups(two with undergraduate students, two with graduate students, three with general consumers, and two with NGO groups). Scripts from the interviews revealed that the Korean stakeholders perceived four types of CSR which are the same as those proposed by Carroll(1979). However we found CSR issues unique to Korean corporations. For example for the economic responsibility, Korean people mentioned that the corporation needed to contribute to the economic development of the country by generating corporate profits. For the legal responsibility, Koreans included the "corporation need to follow the consumer protection law." For the ethical responsibility, they considered that the corporation needed to not promote false advertisement. In addition, Koreans thought that an ethical company should do transparent management. For the philanthropic responsibility, people in Korea thought that a corporation needed to return parts of its profits to the society for the betterment of society. The 28 items were developed based on the results of the nine focus group interviews, while considering the scale developed by Maignan and Ferrell(2001). Following the procedure proposed by Churchill(1979), we started by developing an item poll consisting of 28 items and purified the initial pool of items through exploratory, confirmatory factor analyses. 176 samples were sued for this analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the 28 items in order to verify the underlying four factor structure. Study 1 provided new measurement items for tapping the Korean CSR dimensions, which can be useful for the future studies exploring the effects of CSR on Korean consumers' attitudes toward the corporations and corporate performances. And we found the CSR scale(17 items) has good reliability, discriminant validity and nomological validity. Economic Responsibility: "XYZ company continuously improves the quality of our products", "XYZ company has a procedure in place to respond to customer complaint", "XYZ company contributes to the economic development of our country by generating profits", "XYZ company is eager to hire people". Legal Responsibility: "XYZ company's products meet legal standards", "XYZ company seeks to comply with all laws regulating hiring and employee benefits", "XYZ company honors contractual obligations to its suppliers", "XYZ company's managers try to comply with the law related to the business operation". Ethical Responsibility: "XYZ company has a comprehensive code of conduct", "XYZ company does not promote a false or misleading advertisement", "XYZ company seems to conduct a transparent business", "XYZ company does a fair business with its suppliers or sub-contractors". Philanthropic Responsibility: "XYZ company encourages partnerships with local businesses and schools", "XYZ company supports sports and cultural activities", "XYZ company gives adequate contributions to charities considering its business size", "XYZ company encourages employees to support our community". Study 2 was condusted for comprehensive validity. 655 samples were used for this anlysis. Collected samples were tested by factor analysis and Crnbach's Alpha coefficiednts and were found to be satisfactory in terms of validity and reliability. Furthermore, fitness of the measurement model was tested by using conformatory factor analysis. χ2=880.73(df=160), GFI=0.891, AGFI=0.854, NFI=0.908, NNFI=0.913, RMR=0.059, RMESA=0.070. We hope that CSR scale could greatly facilitate research on Corporate social resposibility, it is by no means the final answer.

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Burqanism from the Origin of the Pastoral Nomadic Koryo Region and the Vision of Korean Livestock Farming (고려의 원시영역 유목초지, 그 부르칸(불함)이즘과 한국축산의 비전)

  • Chu Chae Hyok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2005
  • Khori(高麗) refers to the Chaabog(reindeer) that live on lichens(蘚) on Mt. Soyon(鮮) in which pastures are the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia. Thus, the origin region of the Khori or Koguryo that are the ancestors of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads(馴鹿 遊牧民) can be said to be the Steppe-Taiga-Tundra pastoral areas of North Eurasia and North America. When the pastoral nomads moved on to the great mountain(大山) zone of the Jangbaek(長白) to the Baekdu(白頭) Mountains, they could have been in contact with pastoral farmers or agricultural farmers living there and they became the farmers remaining on agricultural farms. They were the Koryo people, the ancestors of Korea. Staying in one place, they gradually forgot the origin of their reindeer-herding pastoral nomadic history in the Northwest area of Mt. Soyon, the small mountain(小山) zone of the Steppe-Taiga-Tundra pastoral areas. In other words, they lost their identity as reindeer-herding pastoral nomads when they entered the agricultural area after leaving the pastoral area. However, since their basic genes had already formed when they lived on the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia, it is possible to study their pastoral nomadic history focusing on 'the minority living in the broad area(廣域少數)', by utilizing highly advanced biotechnological science and focusing on genes and information technology innovation, and removing various past hindrances in research. Therefore, it is not so difficult to restore the reindeerherding pastoral nomadic history of the Koguryo(高句麗) people and secure their pastoral nomadic identity, of which the first steps have already been taken into their historical stages. The Eurasian continent and the Korean peninsula, especially the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia and the Korean peninsula have been closely related to each other ecologically and historically. They can never be a separate space at all. The Eurasian continent lies horizontally east to west and thus, the continent forms an isothermal zone. Also, since the time of producing their own foods, it was relatively easy for people with their technology to move to other places owing to the pastoral nomadic characteristic of mobility. Unlike the Chungyen(中原) region, western Asia and the regions covering the Siberia-Manchu-Korean peninsula where food production revolution was first made were connected to the Mongolian lichens route(蘚苔之路: Ni, ukinii jam) and steppe roads. Although the ecological conditions of nature have changed a bit throughout a long history, it was natural for the many tribes in North Asia living on the largest Steppe-Taiga-Tundra area in the world to have believed 'the legends related to animals in relation to their founders and ancestors(獸祖傳說)'. Assuming that Siberian tigers and the tigers living on Mt. Baekdu were connected ecologically and genetically because of the ecological characteristics of the animals, and their migration from plateau to plateau, we would suspect that the Chosun(朝鮮) tribe living on Mt. Baekdu were ethnically and culturally more closely connected to the farther removed Ural-Altai tribes that lived on the cold and dry plateau region than to the Han(i14;) tribe who lived in Chungyen(中原) that was close to Mt. Baekdu. More evidence is the structure of the Korean language which has the form of 'Subject + Object + Verb', which is assumed to have originated from the speedy lifestyle of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads. The structure is quite different from that of the Han(漢) language, which is based on agricultural life. Also, it is natural for reindeer riding reindeerherding pastoral nomads or horse-riding sheep-herding pastoral nomads(騎馬, 羊遊牧民) to have held military and political power over the region and eventually to have established an ancient pastoral nomadic empire in the process of their conquest of agricultural regions. The stages for founding global empires in the history of mankind maybe largely divided into two, in terms of ecological conditions and occupations. They are the steppes and the oceans. Of course, the steppe-based empires were established based on the skills to deal with horses and the ability to shoot arrows while riding horses, along with the use of iron ware in the 8th century BC. The steppe-based empires became the foundation for an oceanic empire, which could have been established by the use of warships and warship guns since the 15th Century. Based on those facts, we know that Chosun, Puyo(夫餘), and Koguryo are the products of a developmental process of pastoral nomadic empires on the steppes. Maybe we can easily find the pastoral nomadic identity of the Koguryo more than we expected when we trace the origins and history of the Korean tribe living in the pastures located in the northwest area of Mt. Jangbaek by focusing on pastoral nomadic mobility and organization just as we have investigated the historic origins of Anglo-Saxons in America by focusing on the times before the 15th Century. In the process, we should keep in mind that English culture originated from the Industrial Revolution and was directly delivered to the American continent, although America was far from England and was not an intermediate point on long sojourns either. Further, American culture came back to England in a more advanced form later. The most important thing currently to be resolved is to cause Koreans to look back on their own history in a freer way of thinking and with diverse, profound, and sharp insight, taking away the old and existing conventional recognition that is entangled with complicated interests with Korean people and other countries. The meanings of Chosun, Khori, and Solongos have been interpreted arbitrarily without any historic evidence by the scholars who followed conventional tradition of fixed-minded aristocrats in an agricultural society. If the Siberian cultural properties of the stone age, the earthenware age, the bronze age, and the iron age are analyzed in such a way, archaeological discovery will never be able to contribute to the restoration of the Koguryo's pastoral nomadic identity. One should transcend the errors that tend to interpret the cultural properties discovered in the pastoral nomadic regions as not being differentiated from those of agricultural regions and just interpret them altogether from the agricultural point of view. A more careful intention is required in the interpretation of cultural properties of ancient Korean empires that seem to have been formed due to mutual interactions of pastoral nomadic and agricultural cultures. Also, it is required that the conventional recognition chain of 'reverse-genes' be severed, which has placed more weight on agricultural properties than pastoral nomadic ones, since their settlement on agricultural farms was made after the establishment of their ancient pastoral nomadic empires. There is no reason at all to place priority on stoneware, earthenware, bronze ware, and iron ware than on wooden ware(木器) and other ware which were made of animal skins(皮器), bones and horns(骨角器), in analyzing the history in the regions of reindeer or sheep pastures. Reading ancient Korean history from the perspective of pastoral nomadic history, one feels strongly the instinctive emotions to return to the natural 'mother place'. The reindeer-herding pastoral nomadic identity of the Koguryo people that has been accumulated in volumes in their genes and hidden deep inside and have interacted organically could be reborn with Burqanism(Burqan refers to 不咸 in Chinese), which was their religion by birth and symbolized as the red willow(紅柳=不咸). The mother place of the Koguryo's people is the endless vast green pastures of North Eurasia and North America, where we anticipated the development of Korean livestock farming following the inherent properties in the genes of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads with Korean ancestors. We anticipate that the place would be the core resource that could contribute to the development of life of living creatures following the inherent properties of their genes and biotechnological factors. In other words, biotechnology used for a search for clues on the well-being of humans could be the fruit brought by Burqanism of the Koguryo people and the fruit of the globalization of Korean livestock farming. It is the Chosun farmer in China come from the vast nomadic reindeer pastures of North Eurasia that resolved the food problem of a billion Chinese people with lowland paddy rice seeds (水稻) by transforming Heilongjiang Province(黑龍江省) into an oceanic lowland paddy rice field(水田). Even Mao Tse-tung(毛擇東) could not resolve the food problem by his revolution campaigns for tens of years. Today is the very time that requires the development of special livestock farming following the inherent properties of the ancient Korean reindeer-herding pastoral nomads that respected the dignity of life on the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia and the America continent. I suggest that research should be started from the pastures of the Dariganga Steppe in East Mongolia that was the homeland of Hanwoo(韓牛) and the central horse-herding steppe place(牧馬場) of Chingis Khan's Mongolia. The Dariganga Steppe is awash with an affluent natural environment for pastoral nomadic living however, the quality of life of the pastoral nomads there is still low. I suggest we Koreans, the descendents of the Koguryo, should take our first steps for our livestock farming business project and develop the Northern nomadic pastures, here at the pastures of the Dariganga Steppe, which is the Mongolian core place of state-of-the-art technology for military weapons.

Basic Research on the Possibility of Developing a Landscape Perceptual Response Prediction Model Using Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on Machine Learning Techniques - (인공지능을 활용한 경관 지각반응 예측모델 개발 가능성 기초연구 - 머신러닝 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Pyo;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.70-82
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    • 2023
  • The recent surge of IT and data acquisition is shifting the paradigm in all aspects of life, and these advances are also affecting academic fields. Research topics and methods are being improved through academic exchange and connections. In particular, data-based research methods are employed in various academic fields, including landscape architecture, where continuous research is needed. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the possibility of developing a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model using machine learning, a branch of Artificial Intelligence, reflecting the current situation. To achieve the goal of this study, machine learning techniques were applied to the landscaping field to build a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model to verify the simulation accuracy of the model. For this, wind power facility landscape images, recently attracting attention as a renewable energy source, were selected as the research objects. For analysis, images of the wind power facility landscapes were collected using web crawling techniques, and an analysis dataset was built. Orange version 3.33, a program from the University of Ljubljana was used for machine learning analysis to derive a prediction model with excellent performance. IA model that integrates the evaluation criteria of machine learning and a separate model structure for the evaluation criteria were used to generate a model using kNN, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Neural Network algorithms suitable for machine learning classification models. The performance evaluation of the generated models was conducted to derive the most suitable prediction model. The prediction model derived in this study separately evaluates three evaluation criteria, including classification by type of landscape, classification by distance between landscape and target, and classification by preference, and then synthesizes and predicts results. As a result of the study, a prediction model with a high accuracy of 0.986 for the evaluation criterion according to the type of landscape, 0.973 for the evaluation criterion according to the distance, and 0.952 for the evaluation criterion according to the preference was developed, and it can be seen that the verification process through the evaluation of data prediction results exceeds the required performance value of the model. As an experimental attempt to investigate the possibility of developing a prediction model using machine learning in landscape-related research, this study was able to confirm the possibility of creating a high-performance prediction model by building a data set through the collection and refinement of image data and subsequently utilizing it in landscape-related research fields. Based on the results, implications, and limitations of this study, it is believed that it is possible to develop various types of landscape prediction models, including wind power facility natural, and cultural landscapes. Machine learning techniques can be more useful and valuable in the field of landscape architecture by exploring and applying research methods appropriate to the topic, reducing the time of data classification through the study of a model that classifies images according to landscape types or analyzing the importance of landscape planning factors through the analysis of landscape prediction factors using machine learning.

The Implication and Recognition of International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013 on Blogs (블로그(Blog)를 통해 본 2013순천만국제정원박람회에 대한 인식)

  • Jang, Min-Ji;Choi, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to look for useful implications in its next application or similar planning by assessing visitors' recognition of International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013. To do this, blogs acknowledged as powerful communication media in modern information society were used. After searching for blogs related to International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea in the portal site ranked first in the domestic market share, this study classified 300 cases. This study was able to grasp the consciousness as bloggers gave descriptions of information and impressions and experiences of spaces without making any adjustments. The survey results are as follows: First, Dutch gardens were the most preferred, followed by Korean gardens, Chinese gardens and French gardens; in general, visitors were not satisfied with the national gardens. Inquiry is needed into the method of determining diverse cultural identity rather than a sample garden type through blogs delivering regret regarding the world gardens. Second, the survey results showed that the level of awareness of designers' gardens was low. This study judges that more emphasis should be placed on their roles as places speaking for the original purpose of the garden exposition which introduces gardening art and design through experimental design. Third, it was understood that many bloggers were deeply impressed by ephemeral landscapes like the change in landscape consequent on the elapse of time, distinctive atmosphere, and detailed-landscapes. These aspects are important landscape elements, and those elements should be addressed with weight in a subsequent study. Fourth, the most impressive places are 'Suncheon Lake Garden' and 'Bridge of Dreams', which are establishing themselves as icons of International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013. However, relatively, public attitude towards the world gardens and designers' gardens are weak. Fifth, bloggers were providing a variety of information like transportation, events schedules, ticket purchasing & prices, discount information, etc. Ticket price was commented on the most, and most of the bloggers thought ticket prices were 'expensive'. This study understands such a phenomenon as a result of the general population's non-establishment of the perception that it's proper to view gardens at visitors' own expense. Generally, bloggers expressed satisfaction with International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013, but with criticism as well. Their criticism included disappointing matters, to be improved upon and wishes without any distortion, providing meaningful implications deserving reference for similar cases. In this context, a blogger could be called a citizen-reviewer while a blog could be referred to as 'a field of informal discourse' for the public. As a research method of this study, blogs are difficult to interpret as they are subjective and personal, and have limited data analysis through their quantifications; however, blogs as methods of recognition survey are channels for varied, concrete and detailed awareness which are hard to grasp through a questionnaire survey or interviews. This study judges that such an aspect of a blog could be a useful means of grasping and reflecting upon visitors' attitude in future studies.

Festival Space Design to Change the Value of Sudokwon Landfill Site - 2014 Dreampark Chrysanthemum Festival Basic Plan and Design - (수도권 매립지 가치변화를 위한 지속 가능한 축제 공간 계획 - 2014 드림파크 국화축제 기본계획 및 기본설계 -)

  • Kim, Ok-Kyung;Lee, Hak-Youn;Kim, Joo-Am;Lee, Bo-Ram;Kim, Ha-Yan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2014
  • This paper offers a landscape design proposal for the 2014 Dreampark Chrysanthemum Festival within the Sudokwon Landfill Site. This site is located at 58 Baeksukdong, Seo-gu, Incheon, and it has an area of approximately $560,000m^2$. Over 1.53million visitors came to this festival on the previous year. This design includes an overall masterplan and a series of planting plans along with a core selection of iconic topiaries. The goal of the design is to create a landscape that improves the value of the place image and local economy as well as celebrates the 2014 Incheon Asian Game. In order to achieve this goal, three design subjects were considered: promoting local pride as a part of Incheon, increasing the aesthetic value of the site based on the brand image, and sustainable placemaking. To promote local pride, the 2km long "Little Incheon" is designed over a wildflower field, which is inspired by Incheon Bridge to give a strong image of the locality. A variety of programs from local gardening participation were introduced to the east part of the site. The design also outlines the vision for the development of Dreampark - a people-oriented gathering place for the entire community with spaces that offer a variety of unstructured recreational and cultural experiences. To increase the aesthetic brand value of the festival, it introduced a variety of wildflower beds scattering through the whole site. It creates a strong brand image for the festival and memories that will encourage visitors to return. Various folktales of Asian countries are displayed by autumn flowers and groundcover plants at the centre of the site, which is the highlight of the festival site. For sustainable placemaking, the design preserves the existing trees and reed beds for wildlife to create natural layers of landscape. In addition, facilities and service centers are designed to be flexible and are centred on the needs of the people using them. Also a festival management scheme was planned in order to operate the site efficiently and economically.

A Study on Detection Methodology for Influential Areas in Social Network using Spatial Statistical Analysis Methods (공간통계분석기법을 이용한 소셜 네트워크 유력지역 탐색기법 연구)

  • Lee, Young Min;Park, Woo Jin;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2014
  • Lately, new influentials have secured a large number of volunteers on social networks due to vitalization of various social media. There has been considerable research on these influential people in social networks but the research has limitations on location information of Location Based Social Network Service(LBSNS). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a spatial detection methodology and application plan for influentials who make comments about diverse social and cultural issues in LBSNS using spatial statistical analysis methods. Twitter was used to collect analysis object data and 168,040 Twitter messages were collected in Seoul over a month-long period. In addition, 'politics,' 'economy,' and 'IT' were set as categories and hot issue keywords as given categories. Therefore, it was possible to come up with an exposure index for searching influentials in respect to hot issue keywords, and exposure index by administrative units of Seoul was calculated through a spatial joint operation. Moreover, an influential index that considers the spatial dependence of the exposure index was drawn to extract information on the influential areas at the top 5% of the influential index and analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and spatial correlation. The experimental results demonstrated that spatial correlation coefficient was relatively high at more than 0.3 in same categories, and correlation coefficient between politics category and economy category was also more than 0.3. On the other hand, correlation coefficient between politics category and IT category was very low at 0.18, and between economy category and IT category was also very weak at 0.15. This study has a significance for materialization of influentials from spatial information perspective, and can be usefully utilized in the field of gCRM in the future.

Characteristics and Policy Implications of Materials and Parts Industry in Japan (일본 소재부품산업의 특성과 시사점)

  • Kim, Young-woo;Lee, Myun-hun
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2019
  • Materials and Parts acts as the bridge in the manufacturing industry. In 2018, the materials and parts industry became the leading industry in Korea as its export reached $316.2 billion, accounting for 52.3 percent of the country's total exports. As such, it is the main industry of Korea leading the trade surplus, but when it comes to Japan, it is not. The trade deficit with Japan shrinks to $24 billion last year but the materials and parts industry still accounts for 60 percent of total deficit, which is about $15.1 billion. Today Japan has the top competitiveness in the high-tech materials and parts industry and the factors can be found in cooperation and symbiosis among companies, monotsukuri spirit, and long-term government policy. In order for Korean economy to pursue the Japan's high-tech materials and parts industry, the following change of perception is necessary. First, the material and parts industry requires win-win cooperation. In general, materials and parts are intermediate products. Therefore, it is important to understand the characterist that the transactions are all made up between companies not the with consumers. Second, expansion of joint technology development is absolutely necessary. South Korea is a leading country in the field of general-purpose materials and parts. However, the research shows that South Korea has structure which small and medium-sized companies could have difficulties in developing high-tech products as finding demand and developing market are hard due to low participation of large corporations at R&D stage. It is necessary for large corporations to participate in joint R&D and share opinions of customers from the beginning stage of R&D. Third, a long-term approach is needed. Structural vulnerabilities in the Korea's materials and parts industry, including the lack of advanced technologies is the main reason of solidification of Korea's trade deficit with Japan but there are also cultural differences about technology in the background. Even if it takes time, a long-term approach is absolutely necessary to build up technology and know-how in order to secure competitiveness in the high-tech materials and parts industry. This approach applies to act of corporation and government policy.

A Study on Make-up Culture of Korea, China and Japan (한국.중국.일본 여성의 색조대장문화)

  • 박보영;황춘섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.39
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    • pp.217-237
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    • 1998
  • The present research is to study the make-up culture of Korea and its neighboring countries such as China and Japan during the period from the prehistoric age to the 19th cen-tury. The research was made by documents analysis. The results are summerised as follows : (1) A man has a basic instinct to beautify himself. There was not a significant difference between the make-up behavior of men and women in its primal stage. It was by the start of farming and the division of labor that made the make-up behavior as a feminine culture. The difference of sexual role caused the con-ceptual difference between manly beauty and womanly beauty. It was very natural for women to regard the make-up as the best way for showing their feminine beauty. In Korea, China and Japan, there were vari-ous kinds of primal actions such as tattooing, body-painting, and tooth make-up which were used in the purpose of body protection, incantation, ornament, and so on. Ass their ornamental purpose was becoming more important, these primal actions became the basis of the feminine make-up culture. Nowadays make-up, having mental and emo-tional function, is helpful to increasing self-satisfaction, promoting good personal relation-ship, and attracting attention from the other sex. It also has other functions of showing social status, wealth, age, sex, courage, power, and so on. (2) The representative make-up product used widely in the three countries was Boon (powder) which decides the overall color of face. The key point in the production of Boon was to increase its power of adsorption. The invention of Yunboon (power mixed with lead) solved this major problem of Boon. Yeonji which decides the color of cheek was the mixture of Boon and the powder of Honghwa (a kind of red-colored flower or tree). Mimook (eyebrow pencil) was developed to match up with the various and changing currencies of penciling eyebrows in each nation and times, Yeonji and Joosa (red sand) were used as Jinji (lip stick). The predominant color of Jinji was red. As miscellaneous methods of partial make-up, there were Kon-ji used in a wedding cer-emony in korea, Aek-hwang, Hwa-jeon, Sa-hong, and Myun-yup in China, and Chi-heuk, a peculial method of partial make-up in japan. (3) There were various factors which decided the characteristics of make-up culture usually reflects international atmosphere, the form of government, economic situation, re-ligious and social ideology, aesthetic sense, symbolizing meanings of colors, and so on. The up and down of an influentian country was one of the major factors which decided the characteristics of the make-up culture of its neighboring countries. When a country took a liberal form of government, it had diverse and splendid tendencies in its make-up culture. The better a nation's economic situation is, the more abandant and various its make-up culture is, and sometimes, the more eccentric and decadents it was. In the field of make-up production, the three countries had their own characteristics. But, as a whole, China was the leading nation who spread the culture and products of make-up to Korea and Japan. Though the Chinese make-up culture and products were usually spread to Japan through Korean, there was some evidence of direct exchanges between China and Japan through its dispatches of Kyun-Tang-Sa(Japanese delegation to the Tang Dynasty). While religion had a positive influence on the development of make-up culture by introducing new methods of make-up, Confucianism exercised strict control over the make-up cul-ture. The currencies in arts and changes of esthetic sense introduced new methods and booms to the make-up culture. Literature made people pay increasing attentions to the countenances of women and changed the standards of esthetic sense. We can find out that the social status of woman was also reflected in the make-up culture. As the social status of women became higher, the feminine make-up culture also developed more then ever. As mentioned above, the make-up cultures of the three countries reflected their social values, esthetic senses, and emotional feelings. Through their cultural exchanges, the three countries could develop various make-up products and methods.

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The Effects of Kisaeng's Clothes on General Women's Fashion in the Late Choson Dynasty (조선후기 기여복식이 일반부녀자 복식에 미친 영향)

  • 김나형;김용서
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.39
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 1998
  • This study focuses on the effects of the clothes worn by kisaeng; courtesans trained in singing and dancing, on changes in female psychology as reflected in general women's fashions during the later years of the Chosun dynasty. During this period, the social order had broken down considerable, due in part to the introduction of Roman Catholicism, and in part to the actions of Sil-hak, who emphasized open-ness and practicality in the organization of social affairs. This freer social environment disrup-ted the established social hierarchies. The kisaeng were among the first to respond to the new social mores by adopting more colorful, sensual, and individualized fashions. Their social position allowed them to reflect the new aesthetics of the time right away. Those aesthetics seemed to lay great emphasis on the artistic effects of contrast. The kisaeng would adorn their heads with large Kache (an elaborate wig or hairdo typically reserved for use by women in full formal dress). In contrast to this conspicuous hairstyle, they typically wore very tight-fitting Jogori (short-cropped Korean traditional jackets for women) around their upper torsos. The long skirts emerging from beneath these short jackets would typically flare out dramatically, with the aid of petticoats. However, these skirts would be bound at the waist with a sash, increasing the sexual suggestiveness of the clothing by drawing at-tention to the hips, and by exposing the bottom frills of the petticoats, or the wide pantal-oons and other undergarments the kisaeng wore to add volume to their skirts. The relative freedom enjoyed by the kisaeng to experiment with new fashions was not widely shared by most women. This generated envy from women of the noble classes, who were more bound by convention, and restrained from adopting such a mode of dress. It also generated envy from women of the humble classes, who saw the kisaeng as working little for their wealth, and yet dressing every day in finery that the average women would only ever be able to afford on her wedding day. This envy directed at the relative freedom/wealth of the kisaeng by women who faced greater socioeconomic constraints was given cultural expression through the adoption of elements of the kisaeng's fashion in the fashions of both noblewomen and humble women in old korea. The luxurious Kache sported by the kisaeng had in fact been borrowed from the habitual attire of upper-class women. So to distinguish themeselves from the kisaeng, they began to abandon these elaborate hairstyles in favor of traditional ceremonial hoods (Nel-ul-a thin black women's hood) and coronets (Suegaechima). This supposed reaction to the abuse of the Kache by the kisaeng still remained influenced by the kisaeng still remained influence by the kisaeng, however, as these headdresses became adorned with many more jewels and decorations, in imitation of the kisaeng's adaptations of the coronet. At the same time, noblewomen began sporting the Jangwue ; a headdress previously worn only by kisaeng and lower class women, and lower class women were then permitted to wear the Kache at weddings. All women behan to wear shorter, tighter Jogori jackets, and to add volume to their skirts. They also attached frills to their under-garments in imitation of the kisaeng's exposed petticoats and pantaloons. The impact of kisaeng fashions was thus deep and widespread, and can be understood as an expression of women's longing for freedom from socioeconomic constraints in the late Chosun dynasty. This study adopts an interdisciplinary ap-proach to the understanding of historical changes in women's fashions. Such interdisciplinary work can greatly enrich the study of fashion, often narrowly focused on clothing morphology and broad generalizations about society. For this reason, specific dynamics of feminine psychology in the late Chosun dynasty were elaborated in this study, to provide a deeper under-standing of the changes in fashion underpinned by them. If more such detailed analyses are undertaken, a whole new understanding of changes in fashion can be generated, and perhaps a transformation of the field of fashion history can be ultimately achieved.

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Effects of Altitude and Planting Time on Tuber Bulking of Potato (감자 고랭지 재배 시 표고 및 파종시기에 따른 괴경의 비대반응)

  • Kim, Chung-Guk;Ok, Hyun-Chung;Jeong, Jin-Chol;Hur, On-Sook;Seo, Jong-Ho;Jeong, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Si-Ju
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.418-423
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    • 2012
  • Field experiments were carried out to improve the cultural practice of potato by analysing its tuberization patterns. Tuberization patterns affected by different altitudes was analyzed at two potato cultivation regions, Jinbu (600 m) and Daegwallyung (800 m) using two potato cultivars, 'Superior' and 'Atlantic'. To analyse tuberization patterns affected by different planting time, seed potatoes were planted at every 10 days from April 19 to May 19 in Daegwallyung. Total dry weight was greater in plant grown at the altitude of 800 m than 600 m during the entire growth period and the highest increase was observed at the early growth period, July 6, comparing to other growth period. The total dry weight was the greatest at 110~112 days after planting (DAP) at the altitude of 800 m and 108~111 DAP at 600 m. There was no significant differences between altitudes and between cultivars. Tuber dry weight per plant at the altitude of 600 m was lower than 800 m on July 6 (58 DAP), but it increased rapidly from July 21 (73 DAP). At both altitudes, the increase of tuber dry weight per plant from July 6 to August 8 was higher than the other growth period. The time of growth period at which tuber dry weight per plant was the highest was similar at both altitudes that was 118~125 DAP at the altitude 800 m and 118~124 DAP at the altitude 600 m. Dry weight per tuber at the altitude 800m was higher than 600 m due to the number of tubers per plant. A higher increase of crop growth rate (CGR) was shown at the altitude 600 m on July 6 (58 DAP), comparing to at 800 m. The highest tuber dry weight per plant of each cultivar was shown when the planting time was April 29 for 'Superior' and was April 19 for 'Atlantic'. Both the tuber dry weight of plant and the total dry weight were lower at a later planting time. Dry weight per tuber increased quickly during the period between June 30 to August 8. Tuberization period was shortened as the planting time was delayed.