• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural-field

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A Current Review on the Publicness of Electronic Communication Networks: Focused on the Idea of Transport Economics and Network Neutrality (전자 커뮤니케이션 네트워크의 사회적 공공성에 대한 시론: 교통 경제학과 네트워크 중립성 논의를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young-Joo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.36
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    • pp.7-41
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    • 2006
  • This study criticizes the wave of liberalization, privatization, thoughtless and uncontrolled over-competition in the electronic communication networks area. This criticism is based on the 'transport economics' on one side, the 'network neutrality debate' on the other side. Through these standpoints, this study insists that it needs to deal with a social agenda related to the problems such as unplanned and unbalanced development of electronic communication networks, double/tripple-investment in the communication industry, conflicts among network companies and the decline of public values. Also does this study stress on the new ideas in the electronic communication network policy and planning to manage these problems. Electronic communication networks are converging and their borders are blurred. As a result of these flows, the field of information technology, media and contents is faced with radical changes. These changes could be so critical and complicated that nobody can diagnose their multi-level implications. However, the one thing sure is that we should start from the communication networks to think and control a communication system. Therefore, we should discuss and plan the now-and-future of communication infrastructure and its management. we need not only a market mentality but also a socio-cultural mentality. In this respect, this study does insist that it requires the vision of digital democracy and democratic communication ecology to put the steps toward social communication system.

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Influence of Paper Mill Sludge and Briquet Ash on the Growth of Zoysiagrass (제지(製紙)슬러지와 연탄재가 들잔디의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ku, Ja Hyeong;Kim, Tae Il;Ahn, Joo Won;Kim, Moon Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 1992
  • To investigate the potential of paper mill sludge and briquet ash as cultural media in turfgrass, zoysiagrass was grown in the mixtures prepared with paper mill sludge and briquet ash. The mixtures were consisted of sludge and briquet ash in the ratio by volume 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 in the order. To compare the growth responses, some plants were grown in the medium containing sand(3), field soil(1) and peatmoss (1) by volume anti regarded as control. 1. Activated sludge mixed with sand increased plant height, fresh weight, and dry weight more than 1.5-2.0 times compared to those of the control. The highest plant growth was shown in mixtures containing 67% activated sludge. 2. Plant density per $100cm^2$ and chlorophyll content were higher in all mixtures containing activated sludge than control. 3. The growth of zoysiagrass was reduced along with the increase of non-activated sludge ratio, but no difference was found in chlorophyll content. 4. Plant height, fresh weight and dry weight were greater in activated sludge combined with sand compared to the briquet ash mixtures, but the difference of shoot density between two mixtures was not shown. 5. Even though non-activated sludge appeared not to be appropriate to the growth of seedlings, the number of tillers of plant propagated with rhizome was more increased compared to control when briquet ash content was less than 75%.

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Ethno-graphic Research on the Bonding of Street Homeless : Making Alliance of Rough World (거리노숙인의 유대 형성에 대한 문화기술지: 삭막한 세계의 동맹자 만들기)

  • Kim, Jin-Mee;Seo, Jung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.51-79
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    • 2006
  • This study is to explore how the bondage of street homeless is made and what it implies. In order to do so, this study does participation-observation for the life of the homeless on the street and drop-in-center according to the ethno-graphic research tradition. Starting from the August of 2005, during the period of six months, we did a field study on the actual conditions of facilities for the homeless in the major parts in Seoul and collected the interview data through the interview-in-depth with 8 homeless people. Following the data-analysis procedures of Spradley(1979), we identified the main domains related to the factors for the bonding of street homeless. These domains show us how the homeless people who were left in the whole new world of homelessness just manage to tide over the crisis of identity and survival. The bondage of street homeless in the situation of street homelessness has been shown to have these following meanings: (1) the cultural significance as their second home, (2) the meaning of an alternative group to be admitted, (3) the maintenance of self-identity by way of distinction in the group. According to these, the self-identity of homeless is dual and, therefore, the meaning and interpretation of their relationship is also dual. This dualistic attitude comes from the process in which the homeless acquire the alliance-resource for the very survival and self-existence. The results of this study confirm that the homeless suffer from the lack of true relationship as well as resources. This study suggests that the supporting policies and services for the street homeless should be achieved qualitatively and integrated under a long range plan.

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An Analysis of the Image Factor and Combination of Xi'an Castle Park in China (중국 서안시 성곽공원의 이미지 요인 및 조화도 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Ma, Yuan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2010
  • This research aims to grasp the main factors of the image of Xi'an Ming City Wall Park and the harmony level with city walls and moat based on citizen's consciousness to improve the future design, field survey and the POE method are employed to analyze the image factor and harmony level of the Xi'an Ming City Wall Park. In the literature survey, the related materials were collected to obtain the most useful information for references, POE study of the Xi'an Ming City Wall Park were conducted. The instrument for survey is a questionnaire that includes a portion of questions regarding Xi'an Ming City Wall Park and the design intention of the surroundings of city wall. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS17.0 for Windows). Multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis were employed along with the use of general descriptive data analysis. The factor analysis of the image of Xi'an Ming City Wall Park identified three factors, "environment" factor, "convenience" factor, "cultural aesthetics" factor, and the most important factor is "environment" factor. Among 14 landscape elements, paving, garden architectures and entrance spaces were identified as important variables which significantly affect the overall level of harmony with the city wall, and the space for rest; waterscape and paving were identified as important variables which significantly affect the overall level of harmony with the moat.

Relationships of Physiologieal Activity and Anatomical Structure to the Wilting Phenomena in Rice Plant 1. Reappearance of the Wilting Phenomena concerning to Physiological Aspects and Environment (수도품종의 위고현상과 생리 및 형태해부학적 구조와의 관련성에 관한 연구)

  • ;Jong-Hoon Lee
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1980
  • In 1976, a newly released rice variety, Yushin, was planted in 300,000 ha of the 533,000 ha of cultivated total hecterage with new rice varieties. High productivity and quality were achieved by farmers around country. However, the wilting phenomena of Yushin occured in some regions where were employed poor cultural management, and flowed sewage into the paddy field from industrial factories. This study was identified some factors for the wilting phenomena of Yushin rice variety in morphological and physiological aspects. The Yushin variety showed greater internode elongation on low part of the stems that close related to lodge at heavier nitrogen levels, excessive number of spikelets per unit leaf blade weight i.e. higher sink/source ratio, and greater consumption of respiratory substrate by increased respiration rate of rice plant as compared with those of Tongil rice variety. In physilogical aspects, the Yushin variety was significantly declined root development and root activities under heavy nitrogen conditions. Yushin rice variety was decreased $K_2$O/N ratio, carbohydrate content in stem of rice plant, and physiological root activities specially in low light intensity, 50% light interception plots. Therefore, above factors were mainly promoted the wilting phenomena of Yushin rice variety.

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A Study on the Structuring of Professional System for Design Business (전문적 체계정립을 위한 디자인비즈니스 유형구조화 연구)

  • 김보영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2004
  • Those of the growth of e-business, the development of the cultural creative industry, the contents and knowledge industry have expanded and diversified the existing business models and created new ones. They are triggering new interpretations and discussions on business models. Such of changing business environment has paved the way for the expansion of design management within the design industry and opened new windows of opportunity for the traditionally small and non-specialized design business. Until now, the design business has not been distinguished from design industry or design service, and has not been viewed as an independent field. Rather, the design business has merely been part of a process. As such, the lack of dear definition and structured system had been a bottleneck for many design companies trying to achieve capital and social success and establish the foundation for growth and for companies striving to advance the design management in developing design business models or growth strategy in line with the changing environment. Against these sort of backdrops, this paper attempts to dearly define the design business. To this end, the paper tries to developed a design business model framework which classifies design business model into four types - customized, ready-made, provider and contract - according to the business activities between the producer and the end user, and business items into product, additional sonics, knowledge and promotion. The framework will expand the definition of design business and contribute to the expansion of design business activities and the development of diverse business models.

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Reasonable Seeding Rate for Ridge Direct Seeding on Dry Paddy of Rice as an Irrigation Water-Saving Cultural System (벼 휴립건답직파 절수재배에 알맞은 파종량)

  • Choi Weon-Young;Park Hong-Kyu;Kim Sang-Su;Shin Hyun-Tak;Choi Sun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate suitable seeding rate under irrigation water-saving rice culture in ridge direct seeding on dry paddy during 1997~1998. Dongjinbyeo was seeded from 60 kg/ha to 120 kg/ha on silty loam condition. The number of irrigation from 3-leaf stage to complete drainage were 7.5 times and total amount of irrigation was 258.75 mm. The number of seedling stand rose with the increase of seeding rate, whereas the rate of seedling stand was decreased with the increase of it. Soil moisture tension was -2kPa at one day after stopped irrigation and lowered to -30kPa at five days after stopped irrigation. Leaf area index and shoot dry weight were increased with rising of seeding rate. Lodging index was increased with the rising of seeding rate, but lodging was not showed in field. Heading date, percent ripened grain and 1,000 grain weight had no difference with seeding rate, and number of spikelets per m$^2$ were highest at the rate of 100 kg/ha. Rice yield was increased by 9% at the seeding rate of 100 kg/ha and 4% at the rate of 80 kg/ha and 120 kg/ha compared with 60 kg/ha. Therefore, it was considered that appropriate seeding rate was 100 kg/ha under water-saving culture in ridge direct seeding on dry paddy.

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Genetic Stability of Magnaporthe oryzae during Successive Passages through Rice Plants and on Artificial Medium

  • Park, Sook-Young;Chi, Myoung-Hwan;Milgroom, Michael G.;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Han, Seong-Sook;Kang, Seog-Chan;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2010
  • Genetic instability of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae has been suggested as a major factor underlying the rapid breakdown of host resistance in the field. However, little information is available on the mechanism of genetic instability. In this study, we assessed the stability of repetitive DNA elements and several key phenotypic traits important for pathogenesis after serially transferring two isolates though rice plants and an artificial medium. Using isolate 70-15, we obtained a total of 176 single-spore isolates from 10 successive rounds of culturing on artificial medium. Another 20 isolates were obtained from germ tubes formed at the basal and apical cells of 10 three-celled conidia. Additionally, 60 isolates were obtained from isolate KJ201 after serial transfers through rice plants and an artificial medium. No apparent differences in phenotypes, including mycelial growth, conidial morphologies, conidiation, conidial germination, appressorium formation, and virulence, or in DNA fingerprints using MGR586, MAGGY, Pot2, LINE, MG-SINE and PWL2 as probes were observed among isolates from the same parent isolate. Southern hybridization and sequence analysis of two avirulence genes, AVR-Pita1 and AVR-Pikm, showed that both genes were also maintained stably during 10 successive generations on medium and plants. However, one reversible loss of restriction fragments was found in the telomere-linked helicase gene (TLH1) family, suggesting some telomere regions may be more unstable than the rest of the genome. Taken together, our results suggest that phenotype and genotype of M. oryzae isolates do not noticeably change, at least up to 10 successive generations on a cultural medium and in host plants.

Production of Gastrodia elata Tuber using Armillaria spp. (Armillaria 속균을 이용한 천마의 생산)

  • Sung, Jae-Mo;Jung, Bum-Shig;Yang, Keun-Joo;Lee, Hyun-Kyung;Harrington, T.C.
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.23 no.1 s.72
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1995
  • The genus Armillaria is important because they produce Gastrodia tubers. Seventy two isolates of Armillaria were obtained from fruit bodies grown on decayed wood in Korea. Twenty four isolates from Pinus koraiensis were identified as A. ostoyae. Two isolates from G. elata growing in the field were identified as A. mellea. Seven isolates from Acer ginnala and Quercus spp. were identified as A. tabescens. Thirty nine isolates were identified as A. gallica. Armillaria gallica was isolated from Quercus spp., Ainus japonica, Vitis amurensis and Prunus sargentii. Armillaria spp. isolates were divided into four groups based on the cultural characteristics. Group II (A. gallica KNU-A110) was better than the other groups for mycelial growth and rhizomorph formation. Isolate KNU-A110 proved to be good for production of G. elata tubers. This fungus forms mycelial fan in the plant tissue and rhizomorphs in contact with G. elata tubers. Gastrodia spp. was found in thirteen sites in Kangweon province in Korea. The plants were divided into three different kinds based on stem color. Plants with stems of brownish orange and greyish yellow were identified as G. elata, and those with greyish green colored stems were identified as G. gracilis. Gastrodia was collected mainly from humus soils rich in leaf debris, and slopes facing south from mid-May to mid-July. Once the new tubers are formed from the ancestry tuber, the ancestry tuber begins to decay. The offspring tuber, apparently gaining nutrients through rhizomorphs, begins to grow in length and slowly to enlarge. It takes three years for the offspring tuber to become ancestry tuber.

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A Design and Implementation of Ubiquitous Museum(U-Seum) Using Location Based Service and Augmented Reality (위치기반 서비스 및 증강현실을 이용한 유비쿼터스 박물관(U-Seum)의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sun-Ho;Lee, Woo-Ski;Kim, Nam-Gi;Chun, Jun-Chul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a design and implementation of U-Seum(Ubiquitous Museum) system based on the LBS(Location Based Service) and mobile augmented reality technique. The mobile services under the smart space of the ubiquitous environments have been expanded in the various fields. In this study, we introduce U-Seum which supports tourists in the museum. U-Seum is developed by use of the position tracking technique based on Wi-Fi and mobile augmented reality. The GPS which is widely used in the position tracking has a difficulty to be utilized in the inside of the building because it requires the Line-of-Sight between a sender and a receiver. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a realtime tour-supported service through experience and evaluate the performance of the system in the world famous UNESCO's Hwa-Seong Museum by measuring the distance from the Wi-Fi signal which is suitable to track the position interior of the museum. U-Seum provides various push services such as mobile augmented reality service for explanation of the artifacts of the museum, game services and the statistics information of the tourist when the tourist approach a specific AP. U-Seum is developed in the Haw-Seong Museum by the support of the Swon Haw-Seong Cultural Foundation. With a field test, we prove that the excellence and expandability of the system.