• 제목/요약/키워드: critical perspective

검색결과 672건 처리시간 0.035초

행동대리인 이론관점에서 가족기업 특성이 승계에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of The Distinction in Family Business on CEO Succession Types: A Behavioral Agency Theory Perspective)

  • 김기형;문철우;김상균;이병희
    • 중소기업연구
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2017
  • 1960~1970년대 창업했던 경영 1세대들이 평생을 바쳐 일군 기업을 다음세대에 승계해야 하는 중요한 시기를 맞이하여 가업 승계에 대한 고민이 증가하고 있는 상황이다. 가업승계 대상을 선정하는 과정에서 가족이나 내부직원에게 가업을 승계하는 형태, 매각 또는 외부 전문가 영입 등 다양한 승계형태를 고려하는 것이 필요하다. 해외에서는 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 중요성을 인식하고 가업승계에 미치는 영향요인, 가업승계의 특성, 유형 등 다각화된 연구를 진행하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 관련 정책 개발 및 가업승계 지원에 활용하고 있다. 하지만, 국내에서는 아직까지 가족기업의 가업승계와 관련된 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않았고, 일반적인 기업승계 형태에 대한 연구가 주를 이루고 있다. 국내 경제에서 차지하는 비중 및 영향력을 감안하였을 때, 가족기업에 대한 체계적인 연구를 통해 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 이슈를 해결해 줄 수 있는 가이드라인 및 정책개발이 필요한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 현황을 파악하기 위해 국내 540개 중소가족기업체 자료를 이용하여 Gomez-Mejia와 동료들(2007)이 주장하는 행동대리 이론(Behavioral Agency Theory)관점에서 사회 정서적 가치(SEW) 5영역을 중심으로 가족기업의 주요한 특성이 승계유형에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과, 비 재무적 특성인 기업업력, 사회 공헌의 변수는 가족승계 > 내부승계 > 외부승계 순서로, 지식자산은 내부승계 > 가족승계 > 외부승계 순서로, 가족의 경영참여는 가족승계 > 외부승계 순서로 승계유형 선택에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회 공헌 특성이 승계유형 선택에 가장 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 재무적인 요인인 경영성과나 R&D 투자 변수는 승계 유형 선택에 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 연립경영의 경우 가족승계 확률이 높았고, 연립경영은 R&D 투자, 사회공헌, 기업업력 변수가 가족기업으로 선택하는 것을 강화하는 조절효과가 있었다. 본 연구에서 사용된 행동대리인 이론이 가업승계에 설명력이 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 가족기업은 사회 정서적 가치(SEW)를 유지하려는 성향이 크며, 일반적인 상장 대기업의 경우와는 달리 중소가족기업에서는 성과 등 재무적인 요인이 아니라 오랜 업력을 바탕으로 축적된 노하우, 사회 공헌 등 비재무적인 요인이 승계에 많은 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 기업가의 가업승계에 실무적인 도움이 될 것으로 기대하며, 정부의 정책 개발에 가이드라인을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.

전주 시민의 일상사와 자기의식 『혼불』과 공유지(Commons)의 사례 (The Daily History and Self-consciousness of Jeonju Citizens: Two Examples of Reading Groups)

  • 오항녕
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제81호
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    • pp.5-44
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    • 2024
  • 본고는 전주 시민들의 활동에 대한 체험 및 관찰 보고이다. 이를 위해 시민들의 당대사이자 '작은 사람들(kleine Leute)'의 일상사(Alltagsgeschichite)를 보여주는 일기, 단체카톡방, 메모, 인터뷰 등 텍스트 또는 본디지털(born-digital) 자료를 활용하였다. 이들 시민 모임은 독서모임이자, 등산, 영화 같은 취미도 함께 즐기고 있다. 회원은 평범한 동네 사람들이다. 한 팀은 최명희(崔明姬)의 《혼불》을 약 1년 반 동안 읽으면서 답사를 겸하였고, 또 한 팀은 '공유지(commons)'를 주제로 몇 권의 책을 읽으며 답사, 전시나 영화를 함께 보고 누렸다. 본문은 모두 세 부분 구성하였다. 첫째, 지역민의 일상사를 살필 수 있는 방법과 관점을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 일상사의 전망과 이론의 가능성을 포착한 포이케르트(Detlev Peukert)와 뤼트케(Alf Lüdtke), 하부정치에 통찰력을 제공한 스콧(James C. Scot)의 견해를 검토하였다. 전주 시민들의 활동을 관찰할 수 있는 일상사 연구의 관점과 방법을 찾기 위해서였다. 이를 토대로, 둘째, 《혼불》 모임의 경험을 살폈다. 코비드(Covid)19와 대결하는 시기에 이루어진 《혼불》 읽기는 강렬한 지역성과 연관되어 시작했다. '지역이 낳은 위대한 작가'에 대한 비판이 불편했던 마음을 내려놓으면서, 회원들의 비판의식은 《혼불》 3권 이후 드러나고 6권 이후 두드러졌다. 특정한 형태의 공감(상심, Betroffenheit)에 고착되기보다 역동성을 택하는 시민들의 자기의식(고집, 아집, Eigensinn)의 성격을 보여주는 것으로 보였다. 지역사의 서술과 연구에서 맞닥뜨릴 난점이자 희망을 동시에 보여주었다고 생각한다. 셋째, 공유지를 주제로 모인 시민들을 관찰하였다. 이 모임은 전주 지역 시민들의 하부정치(infra-politics) 역량의 실제와 축적 과정을 보여주었다. 공유지 읽기는 《혼불》에 비해 지역 시민으로서의 '마음 고생'을 겪지 않았다. 그보다 사유 재산의 이데올로기 속에서 살면서도, 모임이 진행됨에 따라 공유지에 대한 인식이 정교해지고 주체적으로 이슈와 논의를 서로 공유하였고, 그 실천과 문제의식을 통해 풍부한 은닉 대본(hidden transcript)을 축적해갔다. 현대의 일상은 자본주의 시대와 떼어서 생각하기 어렵다. 더 근본적으로 인간이 즐기거나 고통을 당하는 것은 일상 속에서, 지금 여기에서이다. 모든 역사는 지금 여기 있는 내 몸을 거친다. 이것이 일상사의 보편성이다. 일상을 살면서 동시에 비판의 거리를 유지하는 것은 일상사를 만드는 시민의 역량에 달려 있다.

소비자의 부정적 브랜드 루머의 수용과 확산 (Consumer's Negative Brand Rumor Acceptance and Rumor Diffusion)

  • 이원준;이한석
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2012
  • 루머는 신뢰할 만한 타당한 근거나 이유가 없음에도 불구하고 광범위하게 이야기되는 일상적인 대화나 의견으로서 오랜기간 소비자 개개인의 사적 영역의 문제였다. 그러나 대중의 사랑과 주목을 받는 기업이나 브랜드는 선천적으로 소비자의 관심으로부터 멀어질 수 없으며, 항상 루머의 주요한 소재가 되어 왔다. 그 결과 현대의 소비자 커뮤니케이션 환경에서 루머는 기업 경영활동에 중요한 위기 요인이 되고 있다. 기업과 브랜드들이 당면하는 소비자 루머들은 크게 기업과 관련된 음모성 루머와 상품과 직접적 관련이 있는 오염성 루머로 나누어지며 국내외에서 많은 위기 사례들이 발견되고 있다. 심지어 P&G, SK, 현대, 삼성처럼 잘 정비된 홍보 조직을 갖춘 굴지의 대기업들조차 이런 루머로부터 자유롭지 못하며, 기존의 대응방식 역시 적절하지 못했던 것이 사실이다. 부정적 루머가 주목받아야 하는 이유는 해당 기업의 매출 및 점유율 하락은 물론 주식 가격에도 부정적인 영향을 미치며 오랜기간 구축해온 소비자와의 관계마저 황폐화시킬 가능성이 있기 때문이다. 최근 인터넷, 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 확산과 더불어 브랜드와 관련된 루머의 중요성은 더욱 증대하고 있으나 루머 연구는 지금까지 기업이나 마케팅 연구자의 정당한 주목을 받지 못하였다. 이에 본 연구는 루머의 다각적인 측면을 고려하는 상황주의자적 연구 패러다임을 기반으로 지각된 유용성, 원천 신뢰성, 메시지 신뢰성, 걱정, 생동감과 같은 루머와 관련된 속성들이 루머 수용강도와 루머 구전의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 가상 브랜드와 루머가 제시되었으며, 실증조사를 통한 데이터 수집과 분석이 이루어졌다. 연구 결과에 따르면 원천 신뢰성, 메시지 신뢰성, 걱정, 생동감 같은 루머 특성 변수들은 루머 수용 강도에 유의한 영향을 미치고, 루머 수용강도는 루머 구전의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 지각된 중요성은 루머 수용강도에 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하며, 상품 관여도의 조절효과 역시 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 주요한 실무적, 학문적 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 첫째, 루머를 자연발생적인 사회 현상이 아니라 소비자의 주요 활동의 일부이며, 마케터의 관심과 대응 커뮤니케이션 전략이 필요한 브랜드 관련 현상임을 주장하였다. 둘째, 브랜드 루머의 심리적, 사회적인 다차원적 구성 요인과 확산되는 경로를 제시함으로서 루머에 대한 능동적인 관리 가능성을 제시하였다. 셋째, 온라인상의 루머 활동이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향을 제시함으로서 기업들의 적극적인 온라인 커뮤니케이션 활동과 평판 관리의 필요성을 주장하였다. 넷째, 소비자의 걱정과 같은 부정적 정서가 루머의 온상이 되고 있음을 규명함으로서 소비자의 의혹을 불식시키기 위하여 정확하고 진실된 정보를 제공해야 함을 주장하였다. 다섯째, 루머의 유용성이 확산에 미치는 영향 가설이 기각되었으며, 상품 관여도의 조절 효과 역시 기각되었다. 이는 루머를 접하는 소비자의 입장에서 볼 때, 루머 자체가 무의미하더라도 단순한 재미나 호기심만으로도 얼마든지 확산될 가능성을 암시하고 있다. 일부 기업들은 사실이 아니라는 이유만으로 루머를 무시하거나 간과하는 경우들이 있으나, 기업의 예상과 다르게 루머가 얼마든지 확산될 수 있는 가능성을 보여주며, 기업의 보다 세심한 대응 전략의 필요성을 요구하고 있다.

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Perceptional Change of a New Product, DMB Phone

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Ko, Deok-Im
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.59-88
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    • 2008
  • Digital Convergence means integration between industry, technology, and contents, and in marketing, it usually comes with creation of new types of product and service under the base of digital technology as digitalization progress in electro-communication industries including telecommunication, home appliance, and computer industries. One can see digital convergence not only in instruments such as PC, AV appliances, cellular phone, but also in contents, network, service that are required in production, modification, distribution, re-production of information. Convergence in contents started around 1990. Convergence in network and service begins as broadcasting and telecommunication integrates and DMB(digital multimedia broadcasting), born in May, 2005 is the symbolic icon in this trend. There are some positive and negative expectations about DMB. The reason why two opposite expectations exist is that DMB does not come out from customer's need but from technology development. Therefore, customers might have hard time to interpret the real meaning of DMB. Time is quite critical to a high tech product, like DMB because another product with same function from different technology can replace the existing product within short period of time. If DMB does not positioning well to customer's mind quickly, another products like Wibro, IPTV, or HSPDA could replace it before it even spreads out. Therefore, positioning strategy is critical for success of DMB product. To make correct positioning strategy, one needs to understand how consumer interprets DMB and how consumer's interpretation can be changed via communication strategy. In this study, we try to investigate how consumer perceives a new product, like DMB and how AD strategy change consumer's perception. More specifically, the paper segment consumers into sub-groups based on their DMB perceptions and compare their characteristics in order to understand how they perceive DMB. And, expose them different printed ADs that have messages guiding consumer think DMB in specific ways, either cellular phone or personal TV. Research Question 1: Segment consumers according to perceptions about DMB and compare characteristics of segmentations. Research Question 2: Compare perceptions about DMB after AD that induces categorization of DMB in direction for each segment. If one understand and predict a direction in which consumer perceive a new product, firm can select target customers easily. We segment consumers according to their perception and analyze characteristics in order to find some variables that can influence perceptions, like prior experience, usage, or habit. And then, marketing people can use this variables to identify target customers and predict their perceptions. If one knows how customer's perception is changed via AD message, communication strategy could be constructed properly. Specially, information from segmented customers helps to develop efficient AD strategy for segment who has prior perception. Research framework consists of two measurements and one treatment, O1 X O2. First observation is for collecting information about consumer's perception and their characteristics. Based on first observation, the paper segment consumers into two groups, one group perceives DMB similar to Cellular phone and the other group perceives DMB similar to TV. And compare characteristics of two segments in order to find reason why they perceive DMB differently. Next, we expose two kinds of AD to subjects. One AD describes DMB as Cellular phone and the other Ad describes DMB as personal TV. When two ADs are exposed to subjects, consumers don't know their prior perception of DMB, in other words, which subject belongs 'similar-to-Cellular phone' segment or 'similar-to-TV' segment? However, we analyze the AD's effect differently for each segment. In research design, final observation is for investigating AD effect. Perception before AD is compared with perception after AD. Comparisons are made for each segment and for each AD. For the segment who perceives DMB similar to TV, AD that describes DMB as cellular phone could change the prior perception. And AD that describes DMB as personal TV, could enforce the prior perception. For data collection, subjects are selected from undergraduate students because they have basic knowledge about most digital equipments and have open attitude about a new product and media. Total number of subjects is 240. In order to measure perception about DMB, we use indirect measurement, comparison with other similar digital products. To select similar digital products, we pre-survey students and then finally select PDA, Car-TV, Cellular Phone, MP3 player, TV, and PSP. Quasi experiment is done at several classes under instructor's allowance. After brief introduction, prior knowledge, awareness, and usage about DMB as well as other digital instruments is asked and their similarities and perceived characteristics are measured. And then, two kinds of manipulated color-printed AD are distributed and similarities and perceived characteristics for DMB are re-measured. Finally purchase intension, AD attitude, manipulation check, and demographic variables are asked. Subjects are given small gift for participation. Stimuli are color-printed advertising. Their actual size is A4 and made after several pre-test from AD professionals and students. As results, consumers are segmented into two subgroups based on their perceptions of DMB. Similarity measure between DMB and cellular phone and similarity measure between DMB and TV are used to classify consumers. If subject whose first measure is less than the second measure, she is classified into segment A and segment A is characterized as they perceive DMB like TV. Otherwise, they are classified as segment B, who perceives DMB like cellular phone. Discriminant analysis on these groups with their characteristics of usage and attitude shows that Segment A knows much about DMB and uses a lot of digital instrument. Segment B, who thinks DMB as cellular phone doesn't know well about DMB and not familiar with other digital instruments. So, consumers with higher knowledge perceive DMB similar to TV because launching DMB advertising lead consumer think DMB as TV. Consumers with less interest on digital products don't know well about DMB AD and then think DMB as cellular phone. In order to investigate perceptions of DMB as well as other digital instruments, we apply Proxscal analysis, Multidimensional Scaling technique at SPSS statistical package. At first step, subjects are presented 21 pairs of 7 digital instruments and evaluate similarity judgments on 7 point scale. And for each segment, their similarity judgments are averaged and similarity matrix is made. Secondly, Proxscal analysis of segment A and B are done. At third stage, get similarity judgment between DMB and other digital instruments after AD exposure. Lastly, similarity judgments of group A-1, A-2, B-1, and B-2 are named as 'after DMB' and put them into matrix made at the first stage. Then apply Proxscal analysis on these matrixes and check the positional difference of DMB and after DMB. The results show that map of segment A, who perceives DMB similar as TV, shows that DMB position closer to TV than to Cellular phone as expected. Map of segment B, who perceive DMB similar as cellular phone shows that DMB position closer to Cellular phone than to TV as expected. Stress value and R-square is acceptable. And, change results after stimuli, manipulated Advertising show that AD makes DMB perception bent toward Cellular phone when Cellular phone-like AD is exposed, and that DMB positioning move towards Car-TV which is more personalized one when TV-like AD is exposed. It is true for both segment, A and B, consistently. Furthermore, the paper apply correspondence analysis to the same data and find almost the same results. The paper answers two main research questions. The first one is that perception about a new product is made mainly from prior experience. And the second one is that AD is effective in changing and enforcing perception. In addition to above, we extend perception change to purchase intention. Purchase intention is high when AD enforces original perception. AD that shows DMB like TV makes worst intention. This paper has limitations and issues to be pursed in near future. Methodologically, current methodology can't provide statistical test on the perceptual change, since classical MDS models, like Proxscal and correspondence analysis are not probability models. So, a new probability MDS model for testing hypothesis about configuration needs to be developed. Next, advertising message needs to be developed more rigorously from theoretical and managerial perspective. Also experimental procedure could be improved for more realistic data collection. For example, web-based experiment and real product stimuli and multimedia presentation could be employed. Or, one can display products together in simulated shop. In addition, demand and social desirability threats of internal validity could influence on the results. In order to handle the threats, results of the model-intended advertising and other "pseudo" advertising could be compared. Furthermore, one can try various level of innovativeness in order to check whether it make any different results (cf. Moon 2006). In addition, if one can create hypothetical product that is really innovative and new for research, it helps to make a vacant impression status and then to study how to form impression in more rigorous way.

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클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스의 도입특성이 조직의 성과기대 및 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 혁신확산 이론 관점 (A Study on the Effect of the Introduction Characteristics of Cloud Computing Services on the Performance Expectancy and the Intention to Use: From the Perspective of the Innovation Diffusion Theory)

  • 임재수;오재인
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2012
  • Our society has long been talking about necessity for innovation. Since companies in particular need to carry out business innovation in their overall processes, they have attempted to apply many innovation factors on sites and become to pay more attention to their innovation. In order to achieve this goal, companies has applied various information technologies (IT) on sites as a means of innovation, and consequently IT have been greatly developed. It is natural for the field of IT to have faced another revolution which is called cloud computing, which is expected to result in innovative changes in software application via the Internet, data storing, the use of devices, and their operations. As a vehicle of innovation, cloud computing is expected to lead the changes and advancement of our society and the business world. Although many scholars have researched on a variety of topics regarding the innovation via IT, few studies have dealt with the issue of could computing as IT. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to set the variables of innovation attributes based on the previous articles as the characteristic variables and clarify how these variables affect "Performance Expectancy" of companies and the intention of using cloud computing. The result from the analysis of data collected in this study is as follows. The study utilized a research model developed on the innovation diffusion theory to identify influences on the adaptation and spreading IT for cloud computing services. Second, this study summarized the characteristics of cloud computing services as a new concept that introduces innovation at its early stage of adaptation for companies. Third, a theoretical model is provided that relates to the future innovation by suggesting variables for innovation characteristics to adopt cloud computing services. Finally, this study identified the factors affecting expectation and the intention to use the cloud computing service for the companies that consider adopting the cloud computing service. As the parameter and dependent variable respectively, the study deploys the independent variables that are aligned with the characteristics of the cloud computing services based on the innovation diffusion model, and utilizes the expectation for performance and Intention to Use based on the UTAUT theory. Independent variables for the research model include Relative Advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Cost Saving, Trialability, and Observability. In addition, 'Acceptance for Adaptation' is applied as an adjustment variable to verify the influences on the expected performances from the cloud computing service. The validity of the research model was secured by performing factor analysis and reliability analysis. After confirmatory factor analysis is conducted using AMOS 7.0, the 20 hypotheses are verified through the analysis of the structural equation model, accepting 12 hypotheses among 20. For example, Relative Advantage turned out to have the positive effect both on Individual Performance and on Strategic Performance from the verification of hypothesis, while it showed meaningful correlation to affect Intention to Use directly. This indicates that many articles on the diffusion related Relative Advantage as the most important factor to predict the rate to accept innovation. From the viewpoint of the influence on Performance Expectancy among Compatibility and Cost Saving, Compatibility has the positive effect on both Individual Performance and on Strategic Performance, while it showed meaningful correlation with Intention to Use. However, the topic of the cloud computing service has become a strategic issue for adoption in companies, Cost Saving turns out to affect Individual Performance without a significant influence on Intention to Use. This indicates that companies expect practical performances such as time and cost saving and financial improvements through the adoption of the cloud computing service in the environment of the budget squeezing from the global economic crisis from 2008. Likewise, this positively affects the strategic performance in companies. In terms of effects, Trialability is proved to give no effects on Performance Expectancy. This indicates that the participants of the survey are willing to afford the risk from the high uncertainty caused by innovation, because they positively pursue information about new ideas as innovators and early adopter. In addition, they believe it is unnecessary to test the cloud computing service before the adoption, because there are various types of the cloud computing service. However, Observability positively affected both Individual Performance and Strategic Performance. It also showed meaningful correlation with Intention to Use. From the analysis of the direct effects on Intention to Use by innovative characteristics for the cloud computing service except the parameters, the innovative characteristics for the cloud computing service showed the positive influence on Relative Advantage, Compatibility and Observability while Complexity, Cost saving and the likelihood for the attempt did not affect Intention to Use. While the practical verification that was believed to be the most important factor on Performance Expectancy by characteristics for cloud computing service, Relative Advantage, Compatibility and Observability showed significant correlation with the various causes and effect analysis. Cost Saving showed a significant relation with Strategic Performance in companies, which indicates that the cost to build and operate IT is the burden of the management. Thus, the cloud computing service reflected the expectation as an alternative to reduce the investment and operational cost for IT infrastructure due to the recent economic crisis. The cloud computing service is not pervasive in the business world, but it is rapidly spreading all over the world, because of its inherited merits and benefits. Moreover, results of this research regarding the diffusion innovation are more or less different from those of the existing articles. This seems to be caused by the fact that the cloud computing service has a strong innovative factor that results in a new paradigm shift while most IT that are based on the theory of innovation diffusion are limited to companies and organizations. In addition, the participants in this study are believed to play an important role as innovators and early adapters to introduce the cloud computing service and to have competency to afford higher uncertainty for innovation. In conclusion, the introduction of the cloud computing service is a critical issue in the business world.

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시맨틱 웹 자원의 랭킹을 위한 알고리즘: 클래스중심 접근방법 (A Ranking Algorithm for Semantic Web Resources: A Class-oriented Approach)

  • 노상규;박현정;박진수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2007
  • We frequently use search engines to find relevant information in the Web but still end up with too much information. In order to solve this problem of information overload, ranking algorithms have been applied to various domains. As more information will be available in the future, effectively and efficiently ranking search results will become more critical. In this paper, we propose a ranking algorithm for the Semantic Web resources, specifically RDF resources. Traditionally, the importance of a particular Web page is estimated based on the number of key words found in the page, which is subject to manipulation. In contrast, link analysis methods such as Google's PageRank capitalize on the information which is inherent in the link structure of the Web graph. PageRank considers a certain page highly important if it is referred to by many other pages. The degree of the importance also increases if the importance of the referring pages is high. Kleinberg's algorithm is another link-structure based ranking algorithm for Web pages. Unlike PageRank, Kleinberg's algorithm utilizes two kinds of scores: the authority score and the hub score. If a page has a high authority score, it is an authority on a given topic and many pages refer to it. A page with a high hub score links to many authoritative pages. As mentioned above, the link-structure based ranking method has been playing an essential role in World Wide Web(WWW), and nowadays, many people recognize the effectiveness and efficiency of it. On the other hand, as Resource Description Framework(RDF) data model forms the foundation of the Semantic Web, any information in the Semantic Web can be expressed with RDF graph, making the ranking algorithm for RDF knowledge bases greatly important. The RDF graph consists of nodes and directional links similar to the Web graph. As a result, the link-structure based ranking method seems to be highly applicable to ranking the Semantic Web resources. However, the information space of the Semantic Web is more complex than that of WWW. For instance, WWW can be considered as one huge class, i.e., a collection of Web pages, which has only a recursive property, i.e., a 'refers to' property corresponding to the hyperlinks. However, the Semantic Web encompasses various kinds of classes and properties, and consequently, ranking methods used in WWW should be modified to reflect the complexity of the information space in the Semantic Web. Previous research addressed the ranking problem of query results retrieved from RDF knowledge bases. Mukherjea and Bamba modified Kleinberg's algorithm in order to apply their algorithm to rank the Semantic Web resources. They defined the objectivity score and the subjectivity score of a resource, which correspond to the authority score and the hub score of Kleinberg's, respectively. They concentrated on the diversity of properties and introduced property weights to control the influence of a resource on another resource depending on the characteristic of the property linking the two resources. A node with a high objectivity score becomes the object of many RDF triples, and a node with a high subjectivity score becomes the subject of many RDF triples. They developed several kinds of Semantic Web systems in order to validate their technique and showed some experimental results verifying the applicability of their method to the Semantic Web. Despite their efforts, however, there remained some limitations which they reported in their paper. First, their algorithm is useful only when a Semantic Web system represents most of the knowledge pertaining to a certain domain. In other words, the ratio of links to nodes should be high, or overall resources should be described in detail, to a certain degree for their algorithm to properly work. Second, a Tightly-Knit Community(TKC) effect, the phenomenon that pages which are less important but yet densely connected have higher scores than the ones that are more important but sparsely connected, remains as problematic. Third, a resource may have a high score, not because it is actually important, but simply because it is very common and as a consequence it has many links pointing to it. In this paper, we examine such ranking problems from a novel perspective and propose a new algorithm which can solve the problems under the previous studies. Our proposed method is based on a class-oriented approach. In contrast to the predicate-oriented approach entertained by the previous research, a user, under our approach, determines the weights of a property by comparing its relative significance to the other properties when evaluating the importance of resources in a specific class. This approach stems from the idea that most queries are supposed to find resources belonging to the same class in the Semantic Web, which consists of many heterogeneous classes in RDF Schema. This approach closely reflects the way that people, in the real world, evaluate something, and will turn out to be superior to the predicate-oriented approach for the Semantic Web. Our proposed algorithm can resolve the TKC(Tightly Knit Community) effect, and further can shed lights on other limitations posed by the previous research. In addition, we propose two ways to incorporate data-type properties which have not been employed even in the case when they have some significance on the resource importance. We designed an experiment to show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm and the validity of ranking results, which was not tried ever in previous research. We also conducted a comprehensive mathematical analysis, which was overlooked in previous research. The mathematical analysis enabled us to simplify the calculation procedure. Finally, we summarize our experimental results and discuss further research issues.

영세 소상공인 조직화에 대한 직능업종별 차이분석과 경영성과 (An Analysis of the Differences in Management Performance by Business Categories from the Perspective of Small Business Systematization)

  • 서근하;서미옥;윤성욱
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 국내사업체 수에서 87.9% 이상을 차지하고 있는 소상공인들의 직능업종별 조직화에 대한 실증적 연구이다. 연구문제의 검증을 위하여 직능단체의 조직화를 국내 상황에 적합하도록 도소매직능, 음식숙박직능, 개인서비스직능의 세 가지 형태로 구분하여 실증적인 분석을 시도하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 조직화 참여동기에서 인력구인난에 대한 반응은 음식직능이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 외부경쟁심화와 자금압박으로 인한 반응은 개인 서비스 직능이 가장 높게 나타났다. 이를 통하여 업종별 직능별로 경영애로사항과 조직화 참여동기에는 차이가 존재함이 새롭게 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 조직화 기대치의 경영공정 개선분야에서는 음식직능이, 단순한 최종성과 개선만을 기대하는 분야에서는 소매직능이 가장 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 소상공인 직능별 조직화요인과 경영성과에 대한 분석에서는 참여동기는 소상공인의 재무적인 경영성과에 부(-)의 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 반대로 조직화 기대치와 정책수요는 경영성과에 직접적인 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과가 의미하는 바는, 향후 정부에서는 직능단체별로 맞춤형 중장기 경영전략을 수립하여야 하는 필요성과 더불어, 현재 소상공인 조직화는 일천한 상황에 있지만, 최종적으로 창업 성공과 창업 실패를 구분하는 분기점이 된다는 점을 밝혀주었다.

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종합 평점과 다기준 평점을 선택적으로 활용하는 협업필터링 기반 하이브리드 추천 시스템 (A Hybrid Recommender System based on Collaborative Filtering with Selective Use of Overall and Multicriteria Ratings)

  • 구민정;안현철
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2018
  • 추천시스템은 사용자의 과거 구매행동을 통해 향후 구매할 것이라고 예상되는 제품을 자동으로 검색하여 추천해준다. 특히 전자상거래 기업의 상품추천시스템은 일대일 마케팅의 대표적 실현수단으로 가치가 있다. 하지만, 전통적인 추천시스템, 특히 학계 및 산업계에서 가장 널리 사용되고 있는 전통적인 협업필터링 기법은 단일차원의 '종합 평점'만을 고려하여 추천결과를 생성하도록 설계되어 있어, 사용자들의 정확한 니즈를 이해하고 대응하는데 근본적인 한계가 있다. 최근에는 전자 상거래 기업들도 고객들로부터 보다 다각화된, 다기준 방식으로 피드백을 받고 있다. 특히 다기준 평점은 정량적으로 입력되는 정보이므로 상대적으로 분석 및 처리가 용이하다는 장점이 있다. 그러나 다기준 평점 역시 사전에 정해진 기준에 대해서만 사용자의 피드백이 이루어지기 때문에, 보다 상세하게 사용자의 의견을 이해하여 추천에 반영하는 데에는 한계가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 다기준 평점 정보와 선택적 협업필터링의 서로 다른 접근방법을 통해 도출된 추천결과를 종합하여, 최종적으로 추천 대상리스트를 산출할 수 있는 하이브리드 기술을 제안한다. 본 연구에서 제안한 연구모형의 유용성을 검증하기 위해, 식음료점(식당, 카페 등)에 대한 실제 이용자를 대상으로 온라인 설문을 통해 종합 평점과 다기준 평점을 수집하였으며, 데이터를 학습용과 검증용으로 구분하여 학습시키고 성과를 평가하였다. 이 기법은 결합 함수 기반 접근법과 사용자마다 구매의사결정의 체계가 다르다는 전제하에, 사용자들을 유형화하고, 유형에 따라 정보원을 선택적으로 활용하는 협업필터링 알고리즘을 활용했다. 실험결과, 제안 알고리즘을 통한 추천 방법이 단일 차원을 고려하는 전통적인 협업필터링과 비교해 더 우수한 예측정확도를 나타냄을 확인했다. 아울러, 본 연구가 제안하는 다기준 평점과 선택적 협업필터링 알고리즘을 종합하여 추천하는 방법이, 단순히 다기준 평점을 고려했을 때 보다 통계적으로 유의한 수준의 정확도의 개선이 이루어짐을 확인할 수 있었다.

영산강 하구의 방류와 강우의 규모 및 빈도 상관성 분석 (Relationships on Magnitude and Frequency of Freshwater Discharge and Rainfall in the Altered Yeongsan Estuary)

  • 류호상;이관홍
    • 한국해양학회지:바다
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.223-237
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    • 2011
  • 하구둑으로 인해 담수의 공급이 간헐적으로 발생하는 영산강 하구에서는 담수의 방류가 하구의 유동패턴, 염분농도의 변이, 영양염 공급 등 하구환경과 생태계 반응을 주도하는 요인이다. 담수의 방류는 유역의 강우조건에 영향을 받으므로 담수의 방류시기 및 규모를 파악하기 위해서는 담수방류를 유발하는 강우조건과 강우-방류간 상관관계에 대한 이해가 필요하다. 또한 담수방류가 하구에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해서는 방류의 규모와 더불어 빈도에 대한 고려가 필수적이다. 이 연구는 영산강 하구역의 담수방류를 예측하고 평가하는 도구로서 영산강 하구둑의 담수 방류자료를 대상으로 강우에 보다 직접적으로 반응하는 극치방류의 확률분포함수를 파악하고 극치방류를 유발하는 강우조건을 판별하여 극치방류를 유발하는 강우와 극치방류 간의 빈도-규모 관계식을 도출하는 데 목적을 두었다. 13.7년(1997.1.1-2010.8.31)간의 일방류량 자료에 대하여 일연속방류를 분석의 기본단위인 방류이벤트로 정의하되 4일 이상의 일연속방류의 경우는 방류패턴에 토대를 둔 이벤트 분리 알고리듬을 적용하여 개별 이벤트를 식별하였다. 총 529건의 방류 이벤트에 대하여 14년간의 연 최고치 중 최솟값에 해당하는 133,656,000 $m^3$을 기준으로 극치방류이벤트를 선별하고 부분시계열 빈도분석법을 적용하여 극치방류의 확률분포함수가 Weibull(k=1.4)함수를 따름을 확인하였다. 극치방류를 기준으로 대비되는 강우 l일전 3일합 강우량이며 최솟값은 50.98 mm인 것으로 나타났다. 이 기준에 따라 추출된 방류유발기능 강우군은 총 102건으로 극치방류이벤트의 수보다 많았다. 정준판별분석을 통해 3일합 강우량 이외에 관리수위대비(-1.35 m EL.) 하구호 수위가 방류유발 강우를 규정하는 중요한 요소라는 점과 방류유발가능 강우군을 선별하는 임계값을 104mm로 재조정할 경우 3일합 강우량만으로 방류유발 강우를 규정할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 극치방류 유발 강우만을 대상으로 강우-방류 관계식을 수립한 결과 3일합-강우량($\overline{r_{3day}}$), 3일합-강우량 재현주기($T_{r3}$), 방류량(Discharge, D), 방류량 재현주기($T_d$)의 관계는 $D=1.111{\times}10^8+1.677{\times}10^6{\overline{r_{3day}}$, (${\overline{r_{3day}}{\geqq}104$), $T_d=1.326T^{0.683}_{r3}$, $T_d=0.117{\exp}[0.0155{\overline{r_{3day}}]$로 나타났다. 100년 주기 3일합 강우(357mm)에 의해 유발되는 방류량은 영산강 하구둑 방류량의 재현주기는 30.8년 정도이며 그 양은 $7.0979{\times}10^8m^3$이다. 담수방류의 재현주기 및 재현주기에 기초한 강우-방류 관계식은 영산강 하구역을 비롯하여 인위적으로 담수의 방류가 조절되는 하구역에서 담수의 영향을 평가하고 예측하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

스마트폰의 지각된 가치와 지속적 사용의도, 그리고 개인 혁신성의 조절효과 (An Empirical Study on Perceived Value and Continuous Intention to Use of Smart Phone, and the Moderating Effect of Personal Innovativeness)

  • 한준형;강성배;문태수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.53-84
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    • 2013
  • With rapid development of ICT (Information and Communications Technology), new services by the convergence of mobile network and application technology began to appear. Today, smart phone with new ICT convergence network capabilities is exceedingly popular and very useful as a new tool for the development of business opportunities. Previous studies based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) suggested critical factors, which should be considered for acquiring new customers and maintaining existing users in smart phone market. However, they had a limitation to focus on technology acceptance, not value based approach. Prior studies on customer's adoption of electronic utilities like smart phone product showed that the antecedents such as the perceived benefit and the perceived sacrifice could explain the causality between what is perceived and what is acquired over diverse contexts. So, this research conceptualizes perceived value as a trade-off between perceived benefit and perceived sacrifice, and we need to research the perceived value to grasp user's continuous intention to use of smart phone. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structured relationship between benefit (quality, usefulness, playfulness) and sacrifice (technicality, cost, security risk) of smart phone users, perceived value, and continuous intention to use. In addition, this study intends to analyze the differences between two subgroups of smart phone users by the degree of personal innovativeness. Personal innovativeness could help us to understand the moderating effect between how perceptions are formed and continuous intention to use smart phone. This study conducted survey through e-mail, direct mail, and interview with smart phone users. Empirical analysis based on 330 respondents was conducted in order to test the hypotheses. First, the result of hypotheses testing showed that perceived usefulness among three factors of perceived benefit has the highest positive impact on perceived value, and then followed by perceived playfulness and perceived quality. Second, the result of hypotheses testing showed that perceived cost among three factors of perceived sacrifice has significantly negative impact on perceived value, however, technicality and security risk have no significant impact on perceived value. Also, the result of hypotheses testing showed that perceived value has significant direct impact on continuous intention to use of smart phone. In this regard, marketing managers of smart phone company should pay more attention to improve task efficiency and performance of smart phone, including rate systems of smart phone. Additionally, to test the moderating effect of personal innovativeness, this research conducted multi-group analysis by the degree of personal innovativeness of smart phone users. In a group with high level of innovativeness, perceived usefulness has the highest positive influence on perceived value than other factors. Instead, the analysis for a group with low level of innovativeness showed that perceived playfulness was the highest positive factor to influence perceived value than others. This result of the group with high level of innovativeness explains that innovators and early adopters are able to cope with higher level of cost and risk, and they expect to develop more positive intentions toward higher performance through the use of an innovation. Also, hedonic behavior in the case of the group with low level of innovativeness aims to provide self-fulfilling value to the users, in contrast to utilitarian perspective, which aims to provide instrumental value to the users. However, with regard to perceived sacrifice, both groups in general showed negative impact on perceived value. Also, the group with high level of innovativeness had less overall negative impact on perceived value compared to the group with low level of innovativeness across all factors. In both group with high level of innovativeness and with low level of innovativeness, perceived cost has the highest negative influence on perceived value than other factors. Instead, the analysis for a group with high level of innovativeness showed that perceived technicality was the positive factor to influence perceived value than others. However, the analysis for a group with low level of innovativeness showed that perceived security risk was the second high negative factor to influence perceived value than others. Unlike previous studies, this study focuses on influencing factors on continuous intention to use of smart phone, rather than considering initial purchase and adoption of smart phone. First, perceived value, which was used to identify user's adoption behavior, has a mediating effect among perceived benefit, perceived sacrifice, and continuous intention to use smart phone. Second, perceived usefulness has the highest positive influence on perceived value, while perceived cost has significant negative influence on perceived value. Third, perceived value, like prior studies, has high level of positive influence on continuous intention to use smart phone. Fourth, in multi-group analysis by the degree of personal innovativeness of smart phone users, perceived usefulness, in a group with high level of innovativeness, has the highest positive influence on perceived value than other factors. Instead, perceived playfulness, in a group with low level of innovativeness, has the highest positive factor to influence perceived value than others. This result shows that early adopters intend to adopt smart phone as a tool to make their job useful, instead market followers intend to adopt smart phone as a tool to make their time enjoyable. In terms of marketing strategy for smart phone company, marketing managers should pay more attention to identify their customers' lifetime value by the phase of smart phone adoption, as well as to understand their behavior intention to accept the risk and uncertainty positively. The academic contribution of this study primarily is to employ the VAM (Value-based Adoption Model) as a conceptual foundation, compared to TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) used widely by previous studies. VAM is useful for understanding continuous intention to use smart phone in comparison with TAM as a new IT utility by individual adoption. Perceived value dominantly influences continuous intention to use smart phone. The results of this study justify our research model adoption on each antecedent of perceived value as a benefit and a sacrifice component. While TAM could be widely used in user acceptance of new technology, it has a limitation to explain the new IT adoption like smart phone, because of customer behavior intention to choose the value of the object. In terms of theoretical approach, this study provides theoretical contribution to the development, design, and marketing of smart phone. The practical contribution of this study is to suggest useful decision alternatives concerned to marketing strategy formulation for acquiring and retaining long-term customers related to smart phone business. Since potential customers are interested in both benefit and sacrifice when evaluating the value of smart phone, marketing managers in smart phone company has to put more effort into creating customer's value of low sacrifice and high benefit so that customers will continuously have higher adoption on smart phone. Especially, this study shows that innovators and early adopters with high level of innovativeness have higher adoption than market followers with low level of innovativeness, in terms of perceived usefulness and perceived cost. To formulate marketing strategy for smart phone diffusion, marketing managers have to pay more attention to identify not only their customers' benefit and sacrifice components but also their customers' lifetime value to adopt smart phone.