• Title/Summary/Keyword: contour Tracking

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Contour error analysis and PID controller design for machining center (머시닝센터를 위한 윤곽오차 분석 및 PID 제어기 설계)

  • Na, Il-Ju;Choi, Jong-Ho;Jang, Tae-Jeong;Choi, Byeong-Kap;Song, O-Seok
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 1997
  • One of the most important performance criteria in tuning the gain of position loop controller for CNC machining center is the contour error. In this papre we analyze contour error in the linear and circular interpolations for the axis-matched and mismatched cases. To have small contour errors, it is necessary to set the P gain for each axis to be same. And the D gain should be much smaller than the P gain. Baded on the analysis in the frequency domain, we propose a gain tuning method for the P and PD controllers. We show that the PD controller is better than the P controller. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by experiments.

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Object Tracking for Elimination using LOD Edge Maps Generated from Canny Edge Maps (캐니 에지 맵을 LOD로 변환한 맵을 이용하여 객체 소거를 위한 추적)

  • Jang, Young-Dae;Park, Ji-Hun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.333-336
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    • 2007
  • We propose a simple method for tracking a nonparameterized subject contour in a single video stream with a moving camera and changing background. Then we present a method to eliminate the tracked contour object by replacing with the background scene we get from other frame. Our method consists of two parts: first we track the object using LOD (Level-of-Detail) canny edge maps, then we generate background of each image frame and replace the tracked object in a scene by a background image from other frame that is not occluded by the tracked object. Our tracking method is based on level-of-detail (LOD) modified Canny edge maps and graph-based routing operations on the LOD maps. To reduce side-effects because of irrelevant edges, we start our basic tracking by using strong Canny edges generated from large image intensity gradients of an input image. We get more edge pixels along LOD hierarchy. LOD Canny edge pixels become nodes in routing, and LOD values of adjacent edge pixels determine routing costs between the nodes. We find the best route to follow Canny edge pixels favoring stronger Canny edge pixels. Our accurate tracking is based on reducing effects from irrelevant edges by selecting the stronger edge pixels, thereby relying on the current frame edge pixel as much as possible. This approach is based on computing camera motion. Our experimental results show that our method works nice for moderate camera movement with small object shape changes.

Mono-Vision Based Satellite Relative Navigation Using Active Contour Method (능동 윤곽 기법을 적용한 단일 영상 기반 인공위성 상대항법)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Choi, Han-Lim;Shim, Hyunchul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.902-909
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, monovision based relative navigation for a satellite proximity operation is studied. The chaser satellite only uses one camera sensor to observe the target satellite and conducts image tracking to obtain the target pose information. However, by using only mono-vision, it is hard to get the depth information which is related to the relative distance to the target. In order to resolve the well-known difficulty in computing the depth information with the use of a single camera, the active contour method is adopted for the image tracking process. The active contour method provides the size of target image, which can be utilized to indirectly calculate the relative distance between the chaser and the target. 3D virtual reality is used in order to model the space environment where two satellites make relative motion and produce the virtual camera images. The unscented Kalman filter is used for the chaser satellite to estimate the relative position of the target in the process of glideslope approaching. Closed-loop simulations are conducted to analyze the performance of the relative navigation with the active contour method.

Visual Tracking Algorithm Using the Active Bar Models (능동 보모델을 이용한 영상추적 알고리즘)

  • 이진우;이재웅;박광일
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1220-1228
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, we consider the problems of tracking an object in a real image. In evaluating these problems, we explore a new technique based on an active contour model commonly called a snake model, and propose the active bar models to represent target. Using this model, we simplified the target welection problems, reduced the search space of energy surface, and obtained the better performances than those of snake model. This approach improves the numerical stability and the tendency for points to bunch up and speed up the computational efficiency. Representing the object by active bar, we can easily obtain the zeroth, the first, and the second moment and it facilitates the target tracking. Finally, we present the good result for the visual tracking problem.

Moving object Tracking Algorithm Based on Specific Color Detection (특정컬러정보 검출기반의 이동객체 탐색 알고리듬 구현)

  • Kim, Young-Bin;Ryu, Kwang-Ryol;Sclabassi, Robert J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2007
  • A moving object tracking algorithm for image searching based on specific color detection is proposed in this paper. That is preprocessed for a luminance variation and noise cancellation to be robust system. The motion tracking is used the difference between input image and reference image in R, G, B each channels for a moving image. The proposed method is enhanced to 15% fast in comparison with the contour tracking method and the matching method, and stable.

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A Study on the Utilization of Contour Information of Industrial Mechanical Elemental Parts for Boundary Representation (산엽용 기계요소부품의 경계표현을 위한 경계정보 이용에 관한연구)

  • 전찬구;고명삼
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1989
  • A method for extracting the elemental information for an efficient representation of the boundary of industrial parts, from the contours of the mechanical parts, is presented. We have analyzed the performance of the boundary representation using lines and circles. We have also analyzed and compared the performance of the proposed method with that of CW tracking-RL searching method. The result of the analysis has shown that the method suggested in this paper is twice faster than CW tracking-RL searching method. The same result could also be observed in experiments.

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Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controller for CNC Feed Drive Systems with Large Disturbances (큰 외란이 존재하는 CNC 이송 구동계를 위한 적응 퍼지논리 제어기)

  • 지성철
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.180-192
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    • 1998
  • This paper introduces a new self-organizing fuzzy logic controller (SOFLC) for precision contour machining in the presence of large disturbances which adjusts both input and output membership functions simultaneously. The parameters of the proposed controller are self-tuned in real-time according to a continuous measurement of the performance of the controller itself and estimated disturbance values. The proposed controller as well as a conventional fuzzy logic controller and a PID controller were simulated and implemented on a 3-axis milling machine in contour milling. Both the simulations and experiments show that the self-organizing fuzzy logic controller has superior performance in terms of contour tracking accuracy compared with the other two controllers.

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Positioning Control through a Trade-off between Tracking Error and Contour Error for a Feed Drive System in CNC Milling Machine (추적오차 및 윤곽오차의 상호 절충을 통한 CNC 밀링머신 이송장치의 위치제어)

  • Gil Hyeong-Gyeun;Yang Ho-Suk;Lee Gun-Bok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • This paper deals with the position control for a feed drive system in CNC milling machine. The study shows that reduction in tacking error does not necessarily increase contouring accuracy, and proposes that a proper control scheme is able to exhibit the optimal tracking and contouring accuracy. The proposed scheme is to fix the parameter of the contouring control, and to find the optimal value of the parameter of the tracking control, which is automatically tuned. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is confirmed through simulations.

Adaptive Color Snake Model for Real-Time Object Tracking

  • Seo, Kap-Ho;Jang, Byung-Gi;Lee, Ju-Jang
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.740-745
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    • 2003
  • Motion tracking and object segmentation are the most fundamental and critical problems in vision tasks suck as motion analysis. An active contour model, snake, was developed as a useful segmenting and tracking tool for rigid or non-rigid objects. Snake is designed no the basis of snake energies. Segmenting and tracking can be executed successfully by energy minimization. In this research, two new paradigms for segmentation and tracking are suggested. First, because the conventional method uses only intensity information, it is difficult to separate an object from its complex background. Therefore, a new energy and design schemes should be proposed for the better segmentation of objects. Second, conventional snake can be applied in situations where the change between images is small. If a fast moving object exists in successive images, conventional snake will not operate well because the moving object may have large differences in its position or shape, between successive images. Snakes's nodes may also fall into the local minima in their motion to the new positions of the target object in the succeeding image. For robust tracking, the condensation algorithm was adopted to control the parameters of the proposed snake model called "adaptive color snake model(SCSM)". The effectiveness of the ACSM is verified by appropriate simulations and experiments.

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Recognition of English Calling Cards by Using Projection Method and Enhanced RBE Network

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we proposed the novel method for the recognition of English calling cards by using the projection method and the enhanced RBF (Radial Basis Function) network. The recognition of calling cards consists of the extraction phase of character areas and the recognition phase of extracted characters. In the extraction phase, first of all, noises are removed from the images of calling cards, and the feature areas including character strings are separated from the calling card images by using the horizontal smearing method and the 8-directional contour tracking method. And using the image projection method, the feature areas are split into the areas of individual characters. We also proposed the enhanced RBF network that organizes the middle layer effectively by using the enhanced ART1 neural network adjusting the vigilance threshold dynamically according to the homogeneity between patterns. In the recognition phase, the proposed neural network is applied to recognize individual characters. Our experiment result showed that the proposed recognition algorithm has higher success rate of recognition and faster learning time than the existing neural network based recognition.