• Title/Summary/Keyword: contemporary landscape

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A Study on the Commercial Streetscape Design Guideline of the Historic and Cultural Environmental Districts in Ancient Capital Gyeongju (고도(古都) 경주의 역사문화환경지구 내 상업가로경관 디자인가이드라인에 관한 연구)

  • Hyun, Taek-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to provide a townscape design guideline that harmonized with a historic landscape via condition investigation and landscape analysis of the cultural /commercial environment district where an improvement is a necessity. The followings are the conclusions: 1.To enhance the identity of Gyeongju, should pursue diversity in unity by making the image of architectural landscape a similar peculiarity. 2.The central commercial district where the tradition is valued and contemporary figures meet the tradition needs a landscape formation by CONTEXT. 3.Since a characteristic of the target area is a regional commercial center, to reduce its congestion, reforming the area to simple environment is required. 4.Induce buildings located on the streets with cultural properties to have Korean traditional tiled roof in order to fit in with their surroundings. 5.Make it a rule to partition a wall into tripartition, the wall surface exposed should be the same finishing materials. 6.Consider the visual aspect of pedestrians and a building's width, the recommendable height of the facade should be 3~3.6m. 7.For the design archetype of cornice, four traditional types based on Korean traditional eaves are suggested. 8.The design of signboards should break existing square-shapes, and seek a design to take advantage of icons that historicity and traditionalist of the city are expressed.

Deconstructing the Dichotomy between Ecology and Art in Contemporary Landscape Architecture (현대 조경설계에서 생태-예술 이원론의 해체)

  • Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2003
  • 20세기 후반을 거치며 환경 관련 이슈는 조경 이론과 설계에서도 중심 주제로 자리잡아 왔다. 환경에 대한 고려를 중심에 둔 이른바 생태적 조경계획 설계는 조경의 패러다임에 일대 전환을 가져오고 조경의 대사회적 역할을 교정했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 이러한 흐름은 동시대 조경 이론과 설계의 가장 첨예한 쟁점 중의 하나인 생태학과 예술 사이의 이분법을 심화시켰다는 비판에 직면하고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 즉 생태적 조경은 환경적 가치 대형태 구축, 부지의 생태적 분석 대 창조적 표현이라는 이원론적 갈등 관계를 형성해 온 것이다. 이 논문은 이러한 양상의 생태-예술 이원론을 해체하고 대안적 조경의 지평을 구축하는 일이 현대 조경설계가 풀어야 할 최우선의 과제라고 파악한다. 이 논문은 특히 최근의 조경설계에서 실험되고 있는 경험의 구축, 변화와 프로세스의 고려, 일시성과 불확정성을 존중하는 태도 등을 통해 생태-예술 이원론을 해체할 수 있는 실천적 전략을 모색한다. 뿐만 아니라 그러한 전략에서 드러나는 대안적 조경미학이 최근의 환경미학과 공유하고 있는 이론적 지형을 검토함으로써 생태학과 예술의 접점을 가로지르는 조경설계의 새로운 좌표를 탐색한다.

Roland Giguère and Poetic Landscape - La main au feu (롤랑 지게르와 시의 풍경 - 『불 위의 손』을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yong Hyun
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.39
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    • pp.153-176
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    • 2015
  • Poet, painter and publisher, Roland $Gigu{\grave{e}}re$ is one of Quebec's outstanding figures, inspired by both Surrealism and Quebec nationalism. He participated in contemporary artistic movement 'Phases' and influenced collective self-awareness and political ferment, 'Quiet Revolution'. In La Main au feu(1973), his poetry represent a landscape dominated by darkness in contrast with red color of fire from the volcanic crater. The world is immersed in darkness of despair which allude to the Great Darkness of Quebec society. Acts of violence assume many different forms: crows, black rain, dark flow, frenzy of knife blows. Both things and humans are in the state of absence or lack. Life falls into opacity of death. In the background of dark landscape, we discover Miror, a singular character. Similar to chain of mountains and to bare forest, he is a creature that shape the tragic inner world of poet. He is as like as seismograph that record the tremble of being. Finally, in order to fight the darkness of environment, the poet attempt to use the power of fire of volcanoes. The flow of magma become paintings of his dream and the flame of eruption, poetry of cry toward the sky. 'La main au feu' means the will to resist injustice and repression in the world. The tragic reality is replaced by a dream that become second reality out of reach of the force of hostile external circumstances.

Study on Collage Techniques Applied to Contemporary Fashion (현대패션에 수용된 콜라주의 표현기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2012
  • This study focuses on the application of collage techniques to contemporary fashion and intends to show that collage techniques have a significant influence on contemporary fashion, leading to a more creative design aesthetic through the combination of fashion and art. The author carried out an empirical analysis focusing on domestic and global fashion collections from 2000S/S to 2010F/W, fashion publications, and internet data, along with a literature review. As a result, the papier-colle approach, as represented by cubism, showed a creative surface effect through the texture of the paper itself by applying real paper and other materials directly to the clothing items. Second, Dadaist ready-made expressed a distortion of the material and freedom of expression by creating a collage with ready-made fashion items and daily necessities. Third, a photomontage expressed unique images by printing various images of photos that contrasted in perspective. In addition to this, beauty in dissonance and a new sense of space by a collage of disparate material. Fourth, decalcomanie was expressed by printing methods, giving a stable image of the symmetry of the perfect landscape as well as the unintended effect of coincidence in abstract images and particular textures. Fifth, assemblage as the representative collage technique of pop art introduced the overall object itself or modified form by combining it with fashion to express three-dimensional aggregate structures.

Modern Housing Complexes in South Korea. An Educational Analysis to Evaluate the Typological Evolution and Urban Adaptations

  • Pedrabissi, Dario
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2017
  • The contemporary South Korean landscape is characterised by a massive display of modern apartment buildings. They are omnipresent in their monotonous manifestation and represent the dream of the Korean population. Serial mass housing is a typology that has had a great diffusion all over the world, but how has modern housing developed in South Korea? To this end, what are the resulting local adaptations?. This paper retraces these key evolutional aspects. Methodologically, it draws on a scholarly literature review as well as on-site photographic surveys, developed in connection with an educational program at the Korea Tech University. The result is the analysis of both the urban and architectural transformation from the early modernisation period to the present condition of contemporary housing. A historical background introduces Korean traditional urban houses, to be used as a context to describe the contemporary modern city that has developed since the 1960s. The main emphasis is then placed on the urbanisation process that fully matured during the 1980s together with a focus on the mass housing typology as the main pivot in the urban transformation. Finally, the paper will draw a parallel between modern Western theories and Korean applications.

A Study on the Application and Concept of Sustainable Community in the Contemporary Architecture and Urban Design (현대 건축 및 도시설계에 있어서 지속가능한 커뮤니티의 개념과 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kwack, Dong-Wha;Lee, Jeong-Mi
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to arrange the design elements and methods for sustainable community. After made the concept of sustainable community clear in the contemporary architecture and urban design, this study examines rural ecovillage, urban demonstration project, co-housing, new urbanism and urban village, and ecological township as the application modes of sustainable community. Through the cases of the application mode, the design elements for sustainable community were summarized as the followings: the symbiosis system with the nature, permaculture and edible landscape, identity, the technology for saving of resources and energy, the traffic system for the reduction of private motor use, mixed use development, and the housing with diversity. And the design methods for sustainable community were summarized as the followings: strategic planning, visioning, community action planning, workshops and charrette, environmental evaluation, and participation techniques.

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A Study of Property on Trilateral Elevation in the Acute Angle Site

    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2021
  • Morphology of contemporary city streets is composed of overlapping infrastructures corresponding to the new street within the established organization, contemporary system, future circumstance, and population. As well, two overlaid organizations and morphological, historical, social and physical development lead to sharp acute algle(triangular) site, and the architecture in this site has a restriction on the availability of the internal space and the external design due to outside shape sharpness. We want to have a positive effect on the internal and external design of the architecture in the future by categorization of the shape and processing characteristics of the acute angle corner of the trilateral site. The characteristics and design categorization shown in this case study are as follows. Constitution a unique and independent form, lead streets and shape a exclusive image of the landscape, alleviate sharpness by configuring a acute angle point as a plane, use void to give reserve character, replace roundness for companionability to induce ambience in the road, embrace the characteristics of the site and create internal spaces and functions, emphasize the characteristics of each stairs, retain of uniqueness and highlight the characteristics of a vertical elements.

The Origin and Development of Hybrid Environmental Design (혼성적 환경설계의 기원과 전개)

  • Kim, Han-Bai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Since the late 20th century, post-modern society has needed new styles in environmental design. The land art begun during that time supplied the momentum for the birth of the hybrid environmental design. The new design approach, focusing on land form and landscaping begun with land-form architecture, raised a powerful current of hybridization in the environmental design genres. The new picturesque landscape design distinguished by manipulated land forms and sublimated aesthetics appeared under the influence of land art and land-form architecture. Similarly, landscape urbanism was formed by the fusion of landscape architecture and urbanism. Therefore, the representative hybrid styles in environmental design appear as new picturesque landscape design, land-form architecture and landscape urbanism. With the new, strong interest in land and landscape, this same new interest was given to 'time' on account of the dynamics and indeterminacy of urban society. This new interest in land and time gave rise to new hybrid methodologies for environmental design such as mapping, diagramming and folding. These three tools have been applied most comprehensively in landscape urbanism. The 'fold' is the most popular design tool for most of the hybrid genres. The 'diagram' is the second-most popular design tool mostly for landscape urbanism and land-form architecture. Mapping is being actively applied to landscape urbanism and passively applied in new picturesque landscape design. In general, landscape urbanism seems to be a timely and suitable alternative for contemporary urban society. It displays very high potentials in the regeneration of the locality through the comprehensive hybrid methodology. It is necessary to actively engage in and develop landscape urbanism fit the local needs.

J. M. W. Turner's The Shipwreck and the Romantic Semiotics of Maritime Disaster (터너의 <난파선>과 낭만주의적 해양재난)

  • Chun, Dongho
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.14
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2012
  • Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) has been widely regarded as the most original and brilliant English landscape painter in the 19th century. Admitted to the Royal Academy Schools in 1789, Turner was a precocious artist and gained the full membership of the prestigious Royal Academy in 1802 at the age of 27. Already in the 1800s he was recognised as a pioneer in taking a new and revolutionary approach to the art of landscape painting. Among his early works made in this period, The Shipwreck, painted in 1805, epitomizes the sense of sublime Romanticism in terms of its dramatic subject-matter and the masterly display of technical innovations. Of course, the subject of shipwreck has a long standing history. Ever since human beings first began seafaring, they have been fascinated as much as haunted by shipwrecks. For maritime societies, such as England, shipwreck has been the source of endless nightmares, representing a constant threat not only to individual sailors but also to the nation as a whole. Unsurprisingly, therefore, shipwreck is one of the most popular motifs in art and literature, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet accounts, images and metaphors of shipwreck have taken diverse forms and served different purposes, varying significantly across time and between authors. As such, Turner's painting registers a panoply of diverse but interconnected contemporary discourses. First of all, since shipwreck was an everyday occurrence in this period, it is more than likely that Turner's painting depicted the actual sinking in 1805 of the East India Company's ship 'The Earl of Abergavenny' off the coast of Weymouth. 263 souls were lost and the news of the wreck made headlines in major English newspapers at the time. Turner's painting may well have been his visual response to this tragedy, eyewitness accounts of which were given in great quantity in every contemporary newspaper. But the painting is not a documentary visual record of the incident as Turner was not present at the site and newspaper reports were not detailed enough for him to pictorially reconstruct the entire scene. Rather, Turner's painting is indebted to the iconographical tradition of depicting tempest and shipwreck, bearing a strong visual resemblance to some 17th-century Dutch marine paintings with which he was familiar through gallery visits and engravings. Lastly, Turner's Shipwreck is to be located in the contexts of burgeoning contemporary travel literature, especially shipwreck narratives. The late 18th and early 19th century saw a drastic increase in the publication of shipwreck narratives and Turner's painting was inspired by the re-publication in 1804 of William Falconer's enormously successful epic poem of the same title. Thus, in the final analysis, Turner's painting is a splendid signifier leading the beholder to the heart of Romantic abyss conjoing nightmarish everyday experience, high art, and popular literature.

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A Study on Introduction of Nature in Le Corbusier's Architecture (르 코르뷔지에 건축에서 자연의 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Yun, Hee-Jin
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This paper is an attempt to explicate the principle of space and form-making in Le Corbusier's architecture from the viewpoint of integrating and relating architecture with the natural landscape. It shows thereby how the geometrical element of architecture and the non-geometrical element of the nature coexist in terms of form. It also explains how space is deployed for the construction of cognitive system between natural landscape and architectural scenery in terms of space, hoping to make a contribution to design method of contemporary house as an elementary datum. Method: Three issues are studied, focusing on the designs around nineteenth thirties in the earliest phase of Le Corbusier: How architectural form and nature is related, how natural greens is introduced into urbanism, and how natural landscape is introduced to house design. 1) it is studied how the relation between the nature and the formal elements of purism in Le Corbusier's architecture is formed. 2) it is studied how the relation between the nature and architecture proposed in Le Corbusier's urbanism is formed. 3) Le Corbusier's "four compositions" is analyzed in terms of relation-formation between architectural space and the nature. 4) it is studied how the natural landscape is introduced to Le Corbusier's house-design in the form of architectural promenade. Result: It has been found out that the natural landscape in Le Corbusier's architecture is not just a simple background, but a necessary element for the consummation of form and space in his architecture, and that architectural inspiration is maximized with coexistence with nature.