• 제목/요약/키워드: consciousness of limits

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한계의 철학 : 수학과 철학 사이 (The Philosophy of Limits: Between Mathematics and Philosophy)

  • 박창균
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2016
  • This essay aims to suggest roughly the "philosophy of limits." The limits mainly refer to those of human experiences and rational thoughts. The philosophy of limits consist of three theses and two consequences(L, M). (1) The limits are necessarily supervenient in the course of searching knowledge. (2) The limits cannot be dissipated ultimately. (3) To recognize the limits is not only an intellectual recognition but also a beginning of whole personality's reaction. (L) It is a rational decision to accept the limits and leave the margins (yeoback/yeoheuck) rather than to try to remove them. (M) To leave the margins (yeoback/yeoheuck) is characteristic of being human, and enables one to harmoniously communicate with others. To justify the philosophy of limits, this essay examine the limits discussed in mathematics and philosophy: set theory, Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, Galois Theorem in mathematics; and Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Wittgenstein in philosophy. I try to interpret consciousness of limits in various cultures. I claim that consciousness of the limits contribute to lucidity of human identity, communication between persons, stimulation of creative thinking.

농촌지역사회개발 운동의 사회의식화 교육적 접근 (A study on the Social Consciousness Education Approach to Rural Community Development movement)

  • 김태호
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 1997
  • This paper reviews the concept and limits of rural community development, examines the relation between consciousness education and movement, and suggests the model of social consciousness education to rural community movement. Since consciousness education is closely related to social movement methodologically, organizational and systematic community development movements for re-structuring the urban-oreiented policies and education which back up them be followed as natural consequence. Based upon the results of this study, the new paradigm is suggested. As shown in the model, new understanding of urban-rural continuum theory, new roles and concept of social consciousness education should be emphasized to solve the contemporary rural community problems. The organizational community development movement for the rural-oriented policy should be an essential process, and peoples' re-orientation, such as 'breaking stereotype', 'assumming a critical thinking toward social reality' etc., is the indispensible background of successful movement.

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한국인의 복지의식 결정요인 연구: 국가의 공적책임에 대한 태도를 중심으로 (A Study on The Determinants of Koreans' Welfare Consciousness: Focusing on State's Responsibilities upon Public Agenda)

  • 김신영
    • 한국조사연구학회지:조사연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구는 한국인의 복지의식에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 확인하는 작업의 연장선상에서, 과거 연구들이 의존해 왔던 경제적 변수들에서 어느 정도 탈피하여 최근 다양한 차원에서 논의되고 있는 사회적 신뢰가 개인의 복지의식에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 경험적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 복지의식은 국가의 공적책임에 대한 태도를 통해 측정되었다. 마르크스주의적 계급결정론과 제도주의에 입각한 복지지위의 신정치 논리는, 물질적 이해관계에 의한 사회적 인식과 정치적 행위의 결정성을 강조한다는 측면에서 상대적으로 자유로운 사회적 의식의 작동 가능성을 인정하지 않는 모습을 보인다. 사회적 신뢰감은 공적제도에 대한 신뢰를 증가시키고 이는 국가의 복지제도에 대한 인식에 긍정적 효과를 가져 올 것이라는 가설을 토대로 분석한 결과 다른 모든 변수군을 통제한 상태에서도 사회적 신뢰는 응답자의 복지의식 에 정(positive)적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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A Study on the Benefits Sought and the Rental Intension According to Rental Clothing Experience

  • Shim, Joon-Young;Kim, Yong-Sook
    • 한국복식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복식학회 2003년도 International Costume Conference
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    • pp.56-56
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    • 2003
  • The present time, people have felt limits to own clothing because of fast change of fashion trend and various role management which they have. This mood changes people's consciousness for product, and makes them face to intention for rental using instead of permanent possessions.

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의학용어 수업에 참여한 간호대학생의 직소 협동학습 경험 (Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Experiences of Nursing Students in Medical Terminology Classes)

  • 이윤주;양정하
    • 산업융합연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2019
  • 연구 배경: 본 연구는 직소 협동학습으로 진행된 의학용어 수업에 참여한 간호대학생이 어떤 경험을 하였는지 확인하기 위해 시행되었다. 연구 방법 : 자료는 심층적 개별 인터뷰를 통해 자료를 수집하고 Colaizzi 현상학적 분석 방법론을 사용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 : 간호대학생의 직소 협동학습의 경험을 통해 '수면아래의 양가감정', '자기주도적 학습으로의 진행', '살아나는 공동체 의식', '성장한 자신과의 만남', '현실적인 한계', '수면위로 올라온 협동'의 6가지 범주가 나타났다. 결론 : 직소 협동학습은 간호대학생의 자기주도적 학습 및 공동체 의식과 협동을 통한 성장을 유도하는 매우 유용한 교수학습 방법으로 판단되며, 본 결과를 기초로 추후 다양한 수업에서 직소 협동학습을 활용한 연구를 제안한다.

건설공사장 소음방지 대책 (Noise Isolation Method at Construction Site)

  • 정갑철
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.940-948
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    • 2000
  • Noise and vibration generated at construction sites become serious issues because of bigger construction projects and growing use of heavy equipment. Especially in downtown construction, noise and vibration easily exceed the legal standards that can suffer the most of surrounding residents. The number of complaints by the residents who are exposed to the noise increases as their consciousness grows. However, the Korean regulations for the construction noise and vibration only present the overall limits for target areas and times zones, and this make it difficult to take effective measures. Also in rural area, disputes between construction sites and residents arise, but the dispute resolution or taking measures are difficult because clear standards concerning cause-and-effect, estimation of effective levels, calculation of damages, and future precautions and examples lack. This paper describes legal standards regarding the noise and vibration and presents judging standards for the physical damages. This paper also introduces example public complaints that happened at Daewoo construction sites to describe the problems in the existing law and further to enable smooth construction progresses by emphasizing the seriousness of public complaints.

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『난화몽기전(蘭花夢寄傳)』의 여성영웅과 비극성 (Orchid Dream Wonderful Biography(蘭花夢寄傳)'s heroine and tragic characteristics.)

  • 김명신
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제26권
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    • pp.227-248
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    • 2012
  • Orchid Dream Wonderful Biography(蘭花夢奇傳), whose author was Yimmeishanren(吟梅山人), is a Xia-Yi-Ai-Qing(俠義愛情) novel in the late Qing Dynasty. The work published in 1905 when Emperor Guangxu(光緖) governed China. The novel was reprinted for several times to its excellent art feature as well as its public praise. Orchid Dream Wonderful Biography narratives the life story of the heroin, Songbaozhu(松寶珠). Songbaozhu disguises herself as a man, takes the imperial examination, and takes part in the war. However, she is abused after marring Xuwenqing(許文卿), finally, she dies in misery. Songbaozhu's tragic fate show that although a woman may disguise as a man and makes great contributions in novel, it would never come true in reality. Songbaolin(松寶林) is also home to female hero. She has a younger brother and sister were strictly education. She is a female hero of the pitch. The writer creates her, had to satisfy a social reality male. Orchid Dream Wonderful Biography, this work has had a tragic or a reality. This work represents the limits of consciousness and the writers. Orchid Dream Wonderful Biography did not transcend male-oriented notions.

환경친화적 산업단지 조성을 위한 환경성 평가 지표개발에 관한 연구 (Development of Environmental Evaluation Indicators for Environmentally Friendly Industrial Estate)

  • 구본학;이은엽
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2000
  • Development of index for evaluation of environmental nature and its application for the purpose of construction of industrial complex with environmentally friendly. Industrial complex comes to be recognized as a disgusting zone according to the increasing environment consciousness of residents. And the objection about the exploitation of geographically unwanted land site is increased during development process and it is possible to cause Nimby phenomenon. Therefore, ecology and environment-oriented strategies tends to be adopted for industrial complex development. Furthermore, the maximization of profit mainly directed by enterprises as of today cannot guarantee its future and the efforts of adopting environmental constancy and harmony as a new objective are made progressively. For the development of city and region, in particular such as residence complex, farming and special city, the discussion of environmental consistency, new paradigm with environmentally friendly is briskly under progress, but the relevant discussion for the development of industrial estate is not done so much. Just only few studies are realized from the viewpoint of industrial ecology but its level remains in the understanding of the concepts and presentation of development direction. This study is to prepare for the foundation of the construction of industrial estate with environmentally friendly under the current condition of Korea against coming future environment era and to try to develop of evaluation range and index which are the basis of evaluation of environment. I applied the above evaluation index to the residents of actual industrial estate to understand their consciousness of decreased environment. And I obtained 7 evaluation ranges and 37 evaluation indexes for the relevant residents. Among them, I get the value less than the average in 19 index items. And they represent very sensible reaction about environment pollution including decrease of waste materials. This study has several limits but is meaningful in that the development of evaluation index for environmental nature in industrial complex is done, and that the basic discussion of the plan and design for environmentally friendly industrial estate is made under the above evaluation and that 37 evaluation items are applied to the reality.

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칸트, 후설과 유식철학(唯識哲學)에서 인식과 자아 문제에 관한 연구 - 유식철학(唯識哲學)의 삼성설(三性說)과 전식득지(轉識得智)를 중심으로 - (Investigation on Cognition and Ego in Kant, Husserl and Yogācāra - focused on trisvabhāva and the transformation of the basis of mind in Yogācāra -)

  • 박종식
    • 철학연구
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    • 제144권
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    • pp.167-203
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    • 2017
  • 이 논문에서는 유식학파의 삼성설(三性說)를 칸트, 후설의 코페르니쿠스적 전회와 현상학적 환원이라는 태도전환과 비교하면서 자아와 인식의 상관관계를 탐구하고자 한다. 유식론은 식전변(識轉變), 삼성설(三性說), 수도론(修道論) 세 부분으로 구성되어 있는데, 이 논문에서는 유식학파의 식전변(識轉變), 삼성설(三性說)를 중심으로 자아와 식전변(識轉變) 문제를 칸트, 후설의 자아와 태도전환과 비교하고 그 유사성을 밝히고자 한다. 유식학파의 식전변(識轉變)는 현행식과 알라야식의 상관관계를 잘 보여주고 있다. 삼성설(三性說)는 자아와 인식이 공(空)임을 증명하는 유식학파의 핵심적 근거이다. 우리의 마음과 생각은 잠시도 고요하게 머물지 못하고 천변만화(千變萬化)하여 하루에도 수백 번을 생멸(生滅)하면서 천국과 지옥을 오간다. 마음과 생각을 잠시라도 쉴 수 있다면 부질없는 허공 속의 꽃(공화(空華))은 사라지고 바로 자아와 대상, 인식의 본래 모습을 깨닫게 될 것이다. 외부대상의 변화가 아니라, 인식태도의 전환인 전식득지(轉識得智)야말로 자기 마음의 본래면목을 제대로 볼 수 있는 유일한 방식이다. 현상에 대한 왜곡된 인식의 근거인 편계소집성(遍計所執性)을 깨달음으로써 현상의 의타기성(依他起性)과 마음의 원성실성(圓成實性)으로 환지본처(還至本處)하는 것이 유식학의 근본취지이다. 전오식(前五識), 의식(意識), 말나식(末那識), 알라야식 등 팔식(八識)은 단지 현상에 불과할 뿐 그 본성은 실체가 없는 공성(空性)에 불과하다. 전의(轉依)를 통해서 번뇌(煩惱)의 의식(意識)이 청정(淸淨) 지혜(智慧)로 전환되는 것이 전식득지(轉識得智)이다. 반면 칸트는 인식대상이란 자아에 의해서 구성되는 것이지, 있는 그대로의 대상을 인식할 수 없다고 한다. 칸트의 자아는 대상을 인식할 수 있도록 질서지우고 구성하는 능력이다. 자아는 고정된 실체가 아니라 활동성이다. 그러므로 칸트의 자아 역시 공성(空性)이지만, 자아가 대상과 인식을 구성하는 형식적 근거라는 점에서는 유식의 자아와는 다르다. 후설의 자아 역시 대상을 구성하고 대상에 의미를 부여하는 활동적 자아로서 실체가 아니라는 점에서는 공성(空性)이면서 동시에 의미 부여의 근원적 근거가 된다. 그러나 자아와 대상은 상관적인 지향적 구조를 지니고 있기 때문에, 자아와 독립된 초월적 대상이나 현상은 원리적으로 불가능하다. 이 점에서는 유식학의 관점과 유사하다. 그러나 의식활동으로서의 자아는 실체가 아닌 내용 없는 현상학적 잔여물이기는 하지만 무자성(無自性)의 자아는 아니다. 이런 방식으로 유식학, 칸트, 후설의 자아와 인식, 자아의 태도전환의 유사성과 차이성을 밝히고자 한다.

"환경"과 부전공 자격연수의 문제점과 개선방향 (The problems and improvement directions of certificate in-service training for "Environment" subjects)

  • 김인호;이선경
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.138-150
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    • 1995
  • The quality of environmental education in school depends on the quality of environment teacher, who develops his/her ability through avalible courses such as in-service training and communication et al. This study was performed with the questionnaire to 179 teachers who participated in certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects on winter of '95 and summer of '96. The questionnaire included 28 items, which could be categorized 5 parts : the environmental consciousness of teachers, their awareness of environmental education in schools, the reason of participation, the limits and requirements of learning field, avalible teaching and learning methods. The improvements and suggestions derived from this study are summarized as follows: First, it is necessary to differentiate in-service training concerning environment, because the motive of teacher's participation is diverse and is not always suitable to the purpose of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects. Second, the teaching contents and programs of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects have to be various according to the characteristics and major subjects of teachers. Third, it deserves special emphasis that the field trips and survey for the experiential study in field is supplemented in the teaching contents and programs of certificate in-service training for [Environment] subjects. Also, it is necessary to strengthen the environmental ethics and philosophy in the teaching contents and programs.

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