• Title/Summary/Keyword: connection of concept

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The Effect of the Estimation Strategy on Placing Decimal Point in Multiplication and Division of Decimals (어림하기를 통한 소수점 찍기가 소수의 곱셈과 나눗셈에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Youn-Mee;Park, Sung-Sun
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of estimation strategy on placing decimal point in multiplication and division of decimals. To examine the effects of improving calculation ability and reducing decimal point errors with this estimation strategy, the experimental research on operation with decimal was conducted. The operation group conducted the decimal point estimation strategy for operating decimal fractions, whereas the control group used the traditional method with the same test paper. The results obtained in this research are as follows; First, the estimation strategy with understanding a basic meaning of decimals was much more effective in calculation improvement than the algorithm study with repeated calculations. Second, the mathematical problem solving ability - including the whole procedure for solving the mathematical question - had no effects since the decimal point estimation strategy is normally performed after finishing problem solving strategy. Third, the estimation strategy showed positive effects on the calculation ability. Th Memorizing algorithm doesn't last long to the students, but the estimation strategy based on the concept and the position of decimal fraction affects continually to the students. Finally, the estimation strategy assisted the students in understanding the connection of the position of decimal points in the product with that in the multiplicand or the multiplier. Moreover, this strategy suggested to the students that there was relation between the placing decimal point of the quotient and that of the dividend.

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Single Level Adaptive hp-Refinement using Integrals of Legendre Shape Function (적분형 르장드르 형상함수를 이용한 단일 수준 적응적 hp-체눈 세분화)

  • Jo, Jun-Hyung;Yoo, Hyo-Jin;Woo, Kwang-Sung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2010
  • The basic theory and application of new adaptive finite element algorithm have been proposed in this study including the adaptive hp-refinement strategy, and the effective method for constructing hp-approximation. The hp-adaptive finite element concept needs the integrals of Legendre shape function, nonuniform p-distribution, and suitable constraint of continuity in conjunction with irregular node connection. The continuity of hp-adaptive mesh is an important problem at the common boundary of element interface. To solve this problem, the constraint of continuity has been enforced at the common boundary using the connectivity mapping matrix. The effective method for constructing of the proposed algorithm has been developed by using hierarchical nature of the integrals of Legendre shape function. To verify the proposed algorithm, the problem of simple cantilever beam has been solved by the conventional h-refinement and p-refinement as well as the proposed hp-refinement. The result obtained by hp-refinement approach shows more rapid convergence rate than those by h-refinement and p-refinement schemes. It it noted that the proposed algorithm may be implemented efficiently in practice.

A Study on Street Types and Application Patterns in High-Rise Apartment Housing - The Case Study of Prizewinners in the Design Competitions since the 1990s - (고층 아파트 단지의 동선 유형 및 적용 패턴에 관한 연구 - '90년대 이후 공영 아파트 설계 경기 당선안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Young-Suk;Park, Chan-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2008
  • The street system in multi-family housing is an important design element to control the circulation of vehicles and pedestrians, and to form the spatial organization of the projects. In particular, in the case of high-rise apartments, the street patterns have an influence on the safety, amenity, and convenience of facilities. Until now, however, the design of street patterns in most high-rise multi-family housing projects has diminished the quality of residential environments because priority of design consideration has primarily been given to planning road ways and parking areas. Nevertheless, the design competitions introduced for the first time in the 1980s have played a significant role in developing fresh ideas and concepts in housing design. Because street patterns have been respectably modified as a result of the generalizing of design competitions, it is important to review the ideas that have been proposed in competitions over the recent past. In this context, this study classified the types of street patterns and analyzed their design characteristics for the proposals of housing design competitions since the 1990s. As a result of this analysis, the road patterns are classified into 4 types: 1) serial type, 2) isolated type, 3) mixed type, and 4) not a road pattern due to the system of connection. In addition, these were further divided into 8 types: 1) loop, 2) ring, 3) penetration, 4) tree, 5) direct entry, 6) ring and penetration, 7) loop and penetration, 8) not a road pattern due to appearance and the collector.

A Study on Internet Technology Perspective Applicable in Industrial Environments (산업환경에서 적용 가능한 사물인터넷 기술 전망에 한 연구)

  • Hong, Sunghyuck
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2019
  • The Internet of things is the infrastructure that can communicate with each other by exchanging information by installing antennas that can communicate with all things in the world. The reason why the Internet of Things is the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that data is collected through the Internet to be. Technology of things Internet and Trend of Things Internet IoT (Internet of Things) is a concept that enables internet connection and communication between devices equipped with various sensors. It is the core IT trend of lot, technology such as big data, mobile, cloud And to provide information for the development of the industrial environment through research on the importance of the Internet of things, the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the processing and analysis techniques of Big Data. By providing various security measures and future technologies, This study was conducted to contribute to management.

A Dynamic Investigation of iBeacon Adoption at Tourism Destination (관광지에서의 iBeacon 도입에 대한 동태적 분석)

  • Choedon, Tenzin;Lee, Young-Chan
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • The interconnectedness of all things is continuously expanding. For example, bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons are wireless radio transmitters that can send an identifier to nearby receivers and trigger a number of applications, from proximity marketing to indoor location-based service. iBeacon technology which is one of the newest technologies in the smart tourism field, is reckoned as being very useful for travelers in enhancing the experience with visiting places. However, there is consequently not much existing research yet about the connection between iBeacon technology and tourism destination. Considering that, this study analyzes the adoption of iBeacon in tourism destination, this study examine the interrelationships and feedback structures of key factors in iBeacon adoption. To serve the purpose, this study used system dynamics approach to develop a model of iBeacon adoption in tourism destination. The analysis results showed that the concept of 'Social Influences' is one of the significant predictors for individual's intention behavior to accept iBeacon, and word of mouth (WOM), subjective norm, privacy concern, and perceived usefulness are key factors influencing the iBeacon adoption.

Evaluation of marginal bone loss around platform-switched implants by digital subtraction radiography (디지털 공제술을 이용한 platform switching 임플란트의 변연골 소실에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Chi-Yoon;Kim, Sung-Sook;In, Hee-Sun;Kim, Yu-Lee
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study is to evaluate the clinical significance of the platform switching concept by comparing the marginal bone loss around platform-matched and platform-switched implants. Materials and Methods: Date of implant placement, diameter, length, implant-abutment connection type and absence of splinting prosthesis were investigated on patients who performed treatment with implant placement at Wonkwang University Dental Hospital Implant Center. To measure the marginal bone loss around implants, periapical radiographs of patient were used when implant was placed and when visited the center most recently by using the program, Emago advanced v5.6. Results: As a result of observing on 150 implants of 82 patients for 6 - 63 months, platform-matched implants showed 1.16±0.54mm, platform-switched implants showed 0.68±0.27mm of marginal bone loss. Conclusion: It was considered that there is the positive effect to reduce marginal bone loss around platform-switched implants.

Improving Productivity of Food Materials by Introducing Central Kitchen (호텔 식자재의 Central Kitchen도입을 통한 생산성 향상에 관한 연구 - rAr 호텔그룹 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 신재근;이수진
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2002
  • Controlling food materials, is getting more significant in hotel management nowadays as the selling of food beverage continue to rise. F&B managers have been required to have new management of the food materials by a fierce competition, an increase in cost, the shortened span of product life and customer's demand that is becoming more various and sophisticated since Korea was placed under the influence of IMF. I'm going to analyze the factors that cause waste and loss through a series of the process to purchase inspect, store food materials, make a product with that materials and sell the product in order to make more profits by making the circulation of the food materials easier and more efficiently. I studied how 3 chain hotels of A group purchase, store the food materials and control stock. I made up questionnaires about the circulation and control of food materials to 107 cooks in order to know what the cooks who are working at the hotel regard as a real problem and a practical solution. This research indicates that purchasing, producing and selling departments don't establish the mutual connection, a professional purchasing manager is strongly needed and there is difficulty in predicting the proper timing to supply. Also the research shows that A hotel group controls the food materials by analyzing the amount of consumption, stock, setting up the period of validity and uses slowly moving food materials in stock mainly by introducing the menu that aims at four seasons. As a result, the research suggests that we should introduce the concept of food producing factory, as it were, Central Kitchen that is based on the network among various kitchens to improve the flow of the food materials.

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A Study of the Spatial Composition of the Each Generation's Museum Space by Space Syntax Analysis - Focused on Connection Form Changes of the Major Space and Exhibition Space - (공간구문론(Space Syntax) 분석에 의한 세대별 박물관 공간구성에 관한 연구 - 대공간과 전시공간 연결방식의 변화양상을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Chong-Ku;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2006
  • The museum has steadily been evolved by time with its function and social idea differently. As the museum makes its evolution, its architecture has also been changed. This study aims to find out the characteristics of museum architecture by applying Space Syntax for space correspondence of museum architecture changed by the time. And the characteristics could be used as project guide by making data for building up museum architecture changed by social concept with efficient and functional system. The method of the study is to divide the museum into three generations, and give case for each generation. And the each chosen case was analyzed by convex space of space syntax. The order of the analysis is to divide the case as the unit space, make out the Convex Map. And finally get the analysis variable by carrying out a mathematical operation. The characteristics found in these operations are as follows. First, the major space has been planed for convenience of spectators. Second, exhibition space located on specific area in entire plot planning makes spectators easy to recognize in terms of the line of flow toward exhibition space and also relieves character of major and exhibition space. Third, it is getting hard to comprehend the entire space as forming diverse space in process that museum accepts many request from spectators.

Imaginary Ego-image and Fashion Styles represented in the Social Media - Focusing on women's personal fashion blogs - (소셜미디어에 나타난 상상적 자아이미지와 패션스타일 - 여성의 퍼스널 패션블로그를 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Sung Eun;Kim, Min Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.7
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    • pp.128-142
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    • 2014
  • In the new media age, the importance of personal style is highlighted, as the fashion recipients independently create their own images by transforming and recombining the fashion information gathered from the fashion blogs - the most representative form of social networks. The study aims to identify the types and styles of imaginary ego-images represented on the personal fashion blogs as a new space of self-expression, based on Lacan's gaze; the imaginary of the unconscious world and the ego-concept. According to literature search, the imaginary ego-image is classified as narcissism, regression, identification, and virtuality. In the case study, Narcissism is represented mostly as bloggers' satisfaction and beliefs about their fashion styles. The degeneration represents childhood images including a mother, as well as retro and vintage images that recreate the fashions of bygone eras - such as medieval, 19th or 20th century fashion. Identification is the connection with the various areas of culture and art, especially movies and music. Virtuality represents hypothetical situations of mythical, fairy tale-like, surreal, or dreamlike atmospheres and hypothetical bodies that appear removed, disassembled, or crooked. The imaginary ego-images emerged on the personal fashion blogs are also classified into specific style depending on the attributes of the ego images-such as kidult style, retro style, ethnic style, and surreal style.

A Study on Furniture Design for Disassembly

  • Han, Jung-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2007
  • Modernity which is superficial phenomenon set off the mass scale for mass consumption and provide uniformly artificial environment. But natural destruction, environment pollution, resources exhaustion and so on has been caused by this and now ecology is threatened by destruction and damage beyond the limitation and human beings survival is even threatened. Accordingly furniture development for environment preservation considered environment problem is the urgent real situation. Recent paradigm is the concept of Eco-design which is the green design possible to live together in symbiosis, and new types of alternative furniture are needed in Korea as well. 'Furniture for disassembly' is presented as new method for alternative furniture. Furniture for disassembly can be presented by mainly two directions. The first main characteristic is what is assembled by the use of woodworking joints technique as an assembly structure system without any hardware. The second is what is presented as the structure possible to be assembled by simple manual tools with hardware without any glue. The advantages of furniture for disassembly are environment preservation, space application, transportation efficiency and shapeliness. In manufacture method which is different from present furniture, the application of traditional truss technique which uses various types of custom-made and connection technique in case of assemble structure system without hardware is the typical differences. This assembly method expects not only interest induction about assembly and disassembly of diagram per sub materials but also the development of emotion, the improvement of collaboration, space perception ability and shape sense, the improvement of solid body structure insight and so on, when it use in the furniture for children with the application to many kinds of structure with BANGDOOSANJ (Wedged), JUMUGJANGBU (Dovetail) or NABIEUNJANG (Dovetail Keys) and so on.

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