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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: configuration determination

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A Computer Simulation Model for Container Terminal Systems (컨테이너항 전산 모의실험 모형의 개발)

  • Jo, Deok-Un
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.173-187
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    • 1985
  • A computer simulation model for optimum design and determination of optimal operational parameter values for modern container terminal systems was developed through the use of GASP-IV, a subset of SLAM. Input data reflecting current system configuration and operational practices at Pusan container terminal was used to test the model, which resulted in its validation. Possibilities for application of the model in areas of candidate system comparisons, operational parameter testing and forecasting operational performance under future traffic situations, are explained.

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Stiffness Determination Of A Bolted Member Using Optimization Technique (최적화 기법을 이용한 보울트 체결체의 강성 평가)

  • 김태완;조덕상;성기광;손용수;박성호
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 1993
  • In this paper a useful method on evaluating the joint stiffness of bolted memeber was introduced using optimization technique on the basis of Finite Element Method. A finite element model having one directional gap element at bo undary area was introduced to compensate the prying force in jointed members which might caused by geometrical configuration of members. Results showed a good aggrement with classical method in certain range and will be available to definine the design margine of pre-load design.

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Chiral Separation of Aromatic Acids by Capillary Electrophoresis Using HP β-Cyclodextrin as the Chiral Selector

  • La, Soo-Kie;Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Jung-Han;Kim, Kyoung-Rae
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.399.2-399.2
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    • 2002
  • Capillary electrophoretic direct chiral separation method is described for the determination of the absolute configuration of chiral aromatic acids, The enantiomeric separation was achieved by capillary electrophoresis using HP β-cyclodextrin (CD) as the chiral selector. The effect of CD concentration was investigated to optimize the chiral separation and resolution. When applied to microbial culture fluid. the present method allowed positive identification of chiral aromatic acids and their chirality as well.

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GPS Data Application of the KOMPSAT-2

  • Chung, Dae-Won;Kwon, Ki-Ho;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.337-342
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    • 2006
  • The use of GPS receiver at outer space becomes common in low earth orbit. The KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite-1 (KOMPSAT-1) which was launched in December 1999 has used GPS receiver's navigation solution to perform the Orbit Determination (OD) in the ground. At the circumstance of using only one ground station, the Orbit Determination using GPS receiver is good method. Because the accuracy of navigation solution acquiring directly from GPS receiver is not enough in satellite application such as map generation, post-processing concepts such as the Precise Orbit Determination (POD) are applied to satellite data processing to improve satellite position accuracy. The POD uses GPS receiver's raw measurement data instead of GPS receiver's navigation solution. The KOrea Multi- Purpose SATellite-2 (KOMPSAT-2) system newly uses the POD technique for large scale map generation. The satellite was launched in the end of July 2006. The satellite sends high resolution images in panchromatic band and multi-spectral bands to the ground. The satellite system uses GPS receivers as source of time synchronization and command reference in the satellite, provider of navigation solution for the OD, and provider of raw measurement data for the POD. In this paper, mechanical configuration and operations of the GPS receiver will be presented. The GPS data characteristics of the satellite such as time synchronization, command reference, the OD using GPS receiver's navigation solution, and the POD using GPS receiver's raw measurement data will be presented and analyzed. The enhancement of performance compared with it of the previous satellite will also be analyzed.

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Automated Determination of Prostate Depth for Planning in Proton Beam Treatment (양성자치료에서의 종양의 위치 및 깊이 검출 자동화 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Min-Ho;Yoon, Myong-Geun;Kim, Jin-Sung;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Yong;Lee, Se-Byeong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.180-190
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    • 2009
  • Depth of prostate volume from the skin can vary due to intra-fractional and inter-fractional movements, which may result in dose reduction to the target volume. Therefore we evaluated the feasibility of automated depth determination-based adaptive proton therapy to minimize the effect of inter-fractional movements of the prostate. Based on the center of mass method, using three fiducial gold markers in the prostate target volume, we determined the differences between the planning and treatment stages in prostate target location. Thirty-eight images from 10 patients were used to assess the automated depth determination method, which was also compared with manually determined depth values. The mean differences in prostate target location for the left to right (LR) and superior to inferior (SI) directions were 0.9 mm and 2.3 mm, respectively, while the maximum discrepancies in location in individual patients were 3.3 mm and 7.2 mm, respectively. In the bilateral beam configuration, the difference in the LR direction represents the target depth changes from 0.7 mm to 3.3 mm in this study. We found that 42.1%, 26.3% and 2.6% of thirty-eight inspections showed greater than 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm depth differences, respectively, between the planning and treatment stages. Adaptive planning based on automated depth determination may be a solution for inter-fractional movements of the prostate in proton therapy since small depth changes of the target can significantly reduce target dose during proton treatment of prostate cancer patients.

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Frequency Reuse and Sub-cell Coverage Determination Scheme for Improved Throughput in OFDMA-based Relay Systems (OFDMA 기반 Relay 시스템에서 Throughput 개선을 위한 자원 재사용과 커버리지 설정기법)

  • Hyun, Myung-Reun;Choi, Ho-Young;Hong, Dae-Hyoung;Lim, Jae-Chan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.5A
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    • pp.414-420
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we investigate throughput performance of OFDMA-based relay systems according to the "sub-cell coverage configuration" of the base station (RS) and the relay station (RS). RS is exploited for improved quality of the received signal with a tradeoff of additional radio resource consumption which may result in degradation of the throughput performance of the system. Therefore, "radio resource reuse" may be necessary for high performance in relay systems. However, it also causes system performance degradation since resource reuse between RSs incurs channel interference. Therefore, effective resource reuse also should be considered for "high throughput coverage configuration" when relays are employed. We relate the resource reuse patterns of neighboring RSs to sub-cell coverage configuration. We determine the sub-cell coverage of the system depending on the ratio of received signal-interference-noise-ratio (SINR) of the mobile station (MS) from the BS and RS, respectively. Simulations illustrate the throughput performance as the function of SINR ratio, and it has different optimal point depending on the resource reuse patterns. Therefore, the "resource reuse pattern" and the "effective sub-cell coverage configuration" should be considered together for the high throughput performance of the relay system.

The effect of non-persistent joints on sliding direction of rock slopes

  • Sarfarazi, Vahab;Haeri, Hadi;Khaloo, Alireza
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.723-737
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    • 2016
  • In this paper an approach was described for determination of direction of sliding block in rock slopes containing planar non-persistent open joints. For this study, several gypsum blocks containing planar non-persistent open joints with dimensions of 15×15×15cm were build. The rock bridges occupy 45, 90 and 135cm2 of total shear surface (225cm2), and their configuration in shear plane were different. From each model, two similar blocks were prepared and were subjected to shearing under normal stresses of 3.33 and 7.77kg/cm2. Based on the change in the configuration of rock-bridges, a factor called the Effective Joint Coefficient (EJC) was formulated, that is the ratio of the effective joint surface that is in front of the rock-bridge and the total shear surface. In general, the failure pattern is influenced by the EJC while shear strength is closely related to the failure pattern. It is observed that the propagation of wing tensile cracks or shear cracks depends on the EJC and the coalescence of wing cracks or shear cracks dominates the eventual failure pattern and determines the peak shear load of the rock specimens. So the EJC is a key factor to determine the sliding direction in rock slopes containing planar non-persistent open joints.

Vibration-based method for story-level damage detection of the reinforced concrete structure

  • Mehboob, Saqib;Zaman, Qaiser U.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to develop a method for the determination of the damaged story in reinforced concrete (RC) structure with ambient vibrations, based on modified jerk energy methodology. The damage was taken as a localized reduction in the stiffness of the structural member. For loading, random white noise excitation was used, and dynamic responses from the finite element model (FEM) of 4 story RC shear frame were extracted at nodal points. The data thus obtained from the structure was used in the damage detection and localization algorithm. In the structure, two damage configurations have been introduced. In the first configuration, damage to the structure was artificially caused by a local reduction in the modulus of elasticity. In the second configuration, the damage was caused, using the Elcentro1940 and Kashmir2005 earthquakes in real-time history. The damage was successfully detected if the frequency drop was greater than 5% and the mode shape correlation remained less than 0.8. The results of the damage were also compared to the performance criteria developed in the Seismostruct software. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has effectively detected the existence of the damage and can locate the damaged story for multiple damage scenarios in the RC structure.

Attitude Determination for Gyroless Spacecraft Using Reaction Wheels (반작용휠을 이용한 자이로 미탑재 위성의 자세결정 기법)

  • Park, Seong-Yong;Kim, Young-Ouk;Leeghim, Henzeh
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.10
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    • pp.853-861
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    • 2016
  • This paper deals with a new technique utilizing the angular speed of the reaction wheels to determine attitudes and angular rates for gyroless satellites. The suggested algorithm in this study is designed to determine the precise attitude and angular rates under actual space environments by the support of the angular speeds of reaction wheels based on the extended Kalman filter. Furthermore, the proposed approach is also designed to estimate not only the attitude and angular rates of spacecraft but the external disturbances. The numerical simulation was conducted for gyloless spacecraft installed with four reaction wheels of the pyramid-type configuration. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by using numerical simulations.