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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: configuration determination

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Determination of Acquisition Parameters for High-Resolution Marine Reflection Surveys through a Computer Model Study (전산모형을 통한 고해상도 다중채널 해양반사파의 획득변수 결정)

  • 김기영;주형태;홍종국;유해수
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.187-206
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    • 1994
  • Through a computer model study, optimum system configuration and field parameters were determined for high-resolution marine reflection surveys. Characteristics of far-field signatures were analysed in both time and frequency domains for the six individual R/V Onnuri. The analysis shows that the cluster fired at the depth of 2m below the sea surface generates the most ideal far-field signatures among the above seismic sources. Compared with the 96-channel streamer on the R/V Onnuri, the 12-channel streamer is suitable for shallow reflection profiling due to its high resolution both in the vertical and horizontal directions despite its lower signal-to-noise ratio. Considering factors including target depth, frequency range, airgun volume, number of recording channels, and capacity of compressors, optimum values for record length, sample period, and shot interval are believed to be is, 1ms, and 3.125m or 6.25m, respectively.

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Biogeography Based Optimization for Mobile Station Reporting Cell System Design (생물지리학적 최적화를 적용한 이동체 리포팅 셀 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2020
  • Fast service access involves keeping track of the location of mobile users, while they are moving around the mobile network for a satisfactory level of QoS (Quality of Service) in a cost-effective manner. The location databases are used to keep track of Mobile Terminals (MT) so that incoming calls can be directed to requested mobile terminals at all times. MT reporting cell system used in location management is to designate each cell in the network as a reporting cell or a non-reporting cell. Determination of an optimal number of reporting cells (or reporting cell configuration) for a given network is reporting cell planning (RCP) problem. This is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem which has an exponential complexity. We can see that a cell in a network is either a reporting cell or a non-reporting cell. Hence, for a given network with N cells, the number of possible solutions is 2N. We propose a biogeography based optimization (BBO) for design of mobile station location management system in wireless communication network. The number and locations of reporting cells should be determined to balance the registration for location update and paging operations for search the mobile stations to minimize the cost of system. Experimental results show that our proposed BBO is a fairly effective and competitive approach with respect to solution quality for optimally designing location management system because BBO is suitable for combinatorial optimization and multi-functional problems.

4-Aminopyridine Inhibits the Large-conductance Ca2+activated K+ Channel (BKCa) Currents in Rabbit Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells

  • Bae, Young-Min;Kim, Ae-Ran;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Cho, Sung-Il;Kim, Jung-Hwan;Earm, Yung-E
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2003
  • Ion channel inhibitors are widely used for pharmacological discrimination between the different channel types as well as for determination of their functional role. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) could affect the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) currents using perforated-patch or cell-attached configuration of patch-clamp technique in the rabbit pulmonary arterial smooth muscle. Application of 4-AP reversibly inhibited the spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs). The reversal potential and the sensitivity to charybdotoxin indicated that the STOCs were due to the activation of BKCa. The BKCa currents were recorded in single channel resolution under the cell-attached mode of patch-clamp technique for minimal perturbation of intracellular environment. Application of 4-AP also inhibited the single BKCa currents reversibly and dose-dependently. The membrane potential of rabbit pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells showed spontaneous transient hyperpolarizations (STHPs), presumably due to the STOC activities, which was also inhibited by 4-AP. These results suggest that 4-AP can inhibit BKCa currentsin the intact rabbit vascular smooth muscle. The use of 4-AP as a selective voltage-dependent K+ (KV) channel blocker in vascular smooth muscle, therefore, must be reevaluated.

The friction effects at high strain rates of materials under dynamic compression loads (동압축 하중을 받는 재료의 고변형도율에서의 마찰영향)

  • 김문생
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.454-464
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    • 1987
  • The objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate the dynamic flow curve of metals under impact loading at both high strain rate (.epsilon.=1/h dh/dt > 10\^3/m/s/m) and large strain (.epsilon.=In h/h_0/ > 1.0). A test method for dynamic compression of metal disc is described. The velocity of the striker face and the force on the anvil are measured during the impact period. From these primitive data the axial stress, strain, and strain rate of the disc are obtained. The Strain rate is determined by the striker velocity divided by the specimen height. This gives a slightly increasing strain rate over most of the deformation period. Strain rates of 100 to 10,000 per second are achieved. Attainable final strains are 150%. A discussion of several problem areas is presented. The friction on the specimen surfaces, the determination of the frictional coefficient, the influence of the specimen geometry (h_0//d_0/ ratio) on the friction effect, the lock-up condition for a given configuration, the friction correction factor, and the evaluation of several lubricants are given. The flow function(stress verus strain) is dependent on the material condition(e.g., prior cold work), specimen geometry, strain rate, and temperature.

Tool Design and Numerical Verification for Thick Plate Forming of Hollow-Partitioned Steam Turbine Nozzle Stator (스팀 터빈용 중공 분할형 노즐 정익의 후판 성형을 위한 금형 설계 및 해석적 검증)

  • Kang, B.K.;Kwak, B.S.;Yoon, M.J.;Jeon, J.Y.;Kang, B.S.;Ku, T.W.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.379-389
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    • 2016
  • As a stator for steam turbine diaphragm, hollow-type nozzle stator to substitute for conventional solid one is introduced in this study. This hollowed stator can be separated into two parts such as upper and lower plates with large and curved surface area. This study focuses on thick plate forming process for the upper plate of the hollow-partitioned nozzle stator. First, to reduce forming defects such as under-cut and localized thinning of the deformed plate, and to avoid tool interruption between forming punch and lower die, tool design including the position determination of forming surfaces is performed. Uni-axial tensile tests are carried out using SUS409L steel plate with initial thickness of 5.00mm, and plastic strain ratio (r-value) is also obtained. Due to the asymmetric curved configuration of the upper plate, it is hard to adopt a series of blank holder or draw-bead, so the initial plate during this thick plate forming experiences unstable and non-uniform contact. To easy this forming difficulty and find suitable tool geometry without sliding behavior of the workpiece in the die cavity, two geometric parameters with respect to each shoulder angle of the lower die and the upper punch are adopted. FE models with consideration of 21 combinations for the geometric parameters are built-up, and numerical simulations are performed. From the simulated and predicted results, it is shown that the geometric parameter combinations with (30, 90) and (45, 90) for the shoulder angle of the lower die and the upper punch are suitably applied to this upper plate forming of the hollow-partitioned nozzle stator used for the turbine diaphragm.


  • Kim, Hee-Sun
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.346-349
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    • 2009
  • Mandibular second molars have many variations in canal configuration. Technical modifications in cleaning, shaping and obturation are required. The purpose of this study was to investigate the root canal anatomy of mandibular second molars. 86 teeth of 85 patients were accessed and evaluated with taking radiographs for working length determination. 27 teeth(31.4%) had C-shaped canals, 43 teeth(50%) had 3 canals, 11 teeth(12.7%) had 4 canals, 5 teeth(5.8%) had 2 canals. Incidence of C-shaped canal was 31.7% in male and 31.1% in female. 30.9% of left mandibular second molar and 31.8% of right mandibular second molar showed C-shaped canals.

Multi-Objective Evaluation for Hybrid Use of Natural Energy in Power System (자연에너지 복합 이용시스템에 대한 다목적 평가)

  • Bae, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Youn
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 1991
  • Research and development works on practical application of natural energy utilization systems involving solar, wind and sea wave energies are under promoting for the purpose of improving the energy consumption structure. These natural energies, made available with the use of relatively simple apparatus, are clean economically efficient and highly effective in the conservation of environment. However, these natural energies also have low energy density, randomness and regional variations. To compensate for these characteristics, hybrid utilization of solar and wind energies is currently under study. The introduction of a plural number of the natural energy hybrid utilization systems into a specific area will affect the economic efficiency, reliability and environmental conservation. Evaluation method of such effects has been examined in this study. The present method consisted of the steps described below. First, available energy was calculated from insolation distribution and wind velocity distribution in the specified area, and then the effect on the configuration of the power system load was obtained. This was followed by the determination of the optimal power dispatch over the specified period and by evaluations in light of economic efficiency, reliability and environmental indices.

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ASTC Block-Size Determination Method based on PSNR Values (PSNR 값 기반의 자동화된 ASTC 블록 크기 결정 방법)

  • Nah, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2022
  • ASTC is one of the standard texture formats supported in OpenGL ES 3.2 and Vulkan 1.0 (and later versions), and it has been increasingly used on mobile platforms (Android and iOS). ASTC's most important feature is the block size configuration, thereby providing a trade-off between compression quality and rates. With the higher number of textures, however, it is difficult to manually determine the optimal block sizes of each texture. To solve the problem, we present a new approach based on PSNR values to automatically determine the ASTC block size. A brute-force approach, which compresses a texture on all block sizes and compares the PSNR values of the compressed textures, can increase the compression time by up to 14 times. In contrast, our three-step approach minimizes the compression-time overhead. According to our experiments on a texture set including 64 various textures, our method determined the block sizes from 4×4 to 12×12 and reduced the size of compressed files by 68%.

2D numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of non-persistent jointed rock masses under uniaxial and biaxial compression tests

  • Vaziri, Mojtaba Rabiei;Tavakoli, Hossein;Bahaaddini, Mojtaba
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2022
  • Determination of the mechanical behaviour of jointed rock masses has been a challenge for rock engineers for decades. This problem is more pronounced for non-persistent jointed rock masses due to complicated interaction of rock bridges on the overall behaviour. This paper aims to study the effect of a non-persistent joint set configuration on the mechanical behaviour of rock materials under both uniaxial and biaxial compression tests using a discrete element code. The numerical simulation of biaxial compressive strength of rock masses has been challenging in the past due to shortcomings of bonded particle models in reproducing the failure envelope of rock materials. This problem was resolved in this study by employing the flat-joint contact model. The validity of the numerical model was investigated through a comprehensive comparative study against physical uniaxial and biaxial compression experiments. Good agreement was found between numerical and experimental tests in terms of the recorded peak strength and the failure mode in both loading conditions. Studies on the effect of joint orientation on the failure mode showed that four zones of intact, transition to block rotation, block rotation and transition to intact failure occurs when the joint dip angle varies from 0° to 90°. It was found that the applied confining stress can significantly alter the range of these zones. It was observed that the minimum strength occurs at the joint dip angle of around 45 degrees under different confining stresses. It was also found that the joint orientation can alter the post peak behaviour and the lowest brittleness was observed at the block rotation zone.

Mixed Mode Analysis using Two-step Extension Based VCCT in an Inclined Center Crack Repaired by Composite Patching (복합재료 팻칭에 의한 중앙경사균열에서 2단계 확장 가상균열닫힘법을 사용한 혼합모우드해석)

  • Ahn, Jae-Seok;Woo, Kwang-Sung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1A
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals with the numerical determination of the stress intensity factors of cracked aluminum plates under the mixed mode of KI and KII in glass-epoxy fiber reinforced composites. For the stress intensity factors, two different models are reviewed such as VCCT and two-step extension method. The p-convergent partial layerwise model is adopted to determine the fracture parameters in terms of energy release rates and stress intensity factors. The p-convergent approach is based on the concept of subparametric element. In assumed displacement field, strain-displacement relations and 3-D constitutive equations of a layer are obtained by combination of 2-D and 1-D higher-order shape functions. In the elements, Lobatto shape functions and Gauss-Lobatto technique are employed to interpolate displacement fields and to implement numerical quadrature. Using the models and techniques considered, effects of composite laminate configuration according to inclined angles and adhesive properties on the performance of bonded composite patch are investigated. In addition to these, the out-of-plane bending effect has been investigated across the thickness of patch repaired laminate plates due to the change of neutral axis. The present model provides accuracy and simplicity in terms of stress intensity factors, stress distribution, number of degrees of freedom, and energy release rates as compared with previous works in literatures.