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Clinical Observation on The Left and Right Facial Palsy (${\cdot}$右側 口眼와斜 患者에 對한 臨床的 考察)

  • Lim, Jin-Ki;Lim, Gyu-Sang;Hwang, Choong-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.383-402
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    • 1997
  • The author analyzed 155 cases of Facial Palsy, excluding lesions caused by cerebrovascular attacks, who were treated in the Kwang-ju Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from March 1996 to September 1996. I've examined the 155 cases in the view of the etiologic distributions, the age, the relationship of the sex and paralytic side, attended symptoms and analyzed 95 cases who were treated over ten times in the view of the ratio of recovery according to the age, anatomic focus, the relations of sex and paralytic side. The following results are obtained. 1. The ratio of punghan(風寒) was $20.64\%$(32 cases), overwork was $18.70\%$(29 cases), stress was $6.44\%$(10 cases), excessive drinking was $3.23\%$(5 cases), teeth pain was $1.93\%$(3 cases), and idiopathy was $38.05\%$(59) and etc. 2. The ratio of stylomastoid pain was $15.48\%$(24 cases), auricular pain was $10.32\%$(16 cases), headache was $4.51\%$(7 cases), eyedried was $4.51\%$(7 cases), taste paralysis was $2.57\%$(4 cases), tinnitus was $2.57\%$(4 cases) and non-significant symptoms was $50.97\%$(79) and etc. 3. The ratio of 2th and 5th decade were $20.00\%$(31 cases), 4th decade was $18.71\%$(29 cases), 3th decade was $16.71\%$(26 cases), 6th decade was $11.61\%$(18 cases), teenagers in $5.81\%$(9 cases), over seventy and under teenagers were $3.23\%$(5 cases), and infant was $0.65\%$(1 case). 4. The ratio of the male-right was $28.39\%$(44 cases), female-right was $25.82\%$(40 cases), male-left was $23.23\%$(36 cases), female-left was $20.65\%$(32 cases) and male-both side was $1.94\%$(3 cases) in order. 5. Topographically, The ratio of the infrachordal lesion was $72.90\%$(113 cases), transgeniculate lesion was $16.13\%$(25 cases), suprageniculate lesion was $5.81\%$(9 cases), infrastapedial lesion was $3.87\%$(6 cases) and suprastapedial lesion was $1.29\%$(2 cases) in order. 6. When we examined the degree of recovery about the 95 patients who were treated over ten times after on attack, normal improvement was seen in $46.32\%$(44 cases), excellent in $7.37\%$(7 cases), good in $12.63\%$(12 cases), fair in $13.68\%$(13 cases), poor in $20.00\%$(19 cases). The total remedial value of the 95 patients who were treated over ten times was revealed $61.58\%$. 7. When we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of the infant was $50.00\%$, under teenagers $43.75\%$, teenagers $37.50\%$, 2th decade $56.82\%$, 3th decade $64.06\%$, 4th decade $55.00\%$, 5th decade $73.53\%$, 6th decade $77.50\%$, over seventieth $68.75\%$. The remedial value of 3th decade, 5th decade, 6th decade, 7th decade and over seventieth were higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$) 8. In the point of topographical lesion, when we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of infrachordal lesion was $66.78\%$, infrastapedial lesion $58.33\%$, suprastapedial lesion $50.00\%$, transgeniculate lesion $48.44\%$, suprageniculate lesion $31.25\%$, in order. Only the remedial value of Infrachordal($66.78\%$) was higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$). 9. In the point of the relationship of the sex and the paralytic side, when we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of male-left was $57.29\%$, male-right $61.54\%$, male-both side $58.33\$%, female-left $57.81\%$ and female-right $68.27\%$. Only the remedial value of female-right($68.27\%$) was higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$). These results demonstrated that in the point of prognostic view there was more concerned with the topographical lesion, body condition than the traditional rule of sex-paralytic relationship that man is awed left paralysis and woman right paralysis.

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Characteristics of Electrode Potential and AC Impendance of Perchlorate Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Quaternary Phosphonium Salts in PVC Membranes (제4급 인산염을 이용한 과염소산 이온선택성 PVC막 전극의 전극전위와 AC 임피던스 특성)

  • 안형환
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.230-239
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    • 1999
  • Perchlorate ion-selective electrodes in PVC membranes that respond linearly to concentration 106 M were developed by incorporating the quaternary phosphonium salts as a canier. The effects of the chemical structure, the contents of canier, the kind of plasticizer and the membrane thickness on electrode characteristics such as the electrode slope, the linear respone range and the detection limit were studied. With this results, the detectable pH range, selectivity coefficients and AC impedance characteristics were compared and investigated. The perchlorate ion substituents of the quaternary phosphonium salts like tetraoctylphosphonium perchlorate (TOPP) , tetraphenylphosphonium perchlorate(TPPP), and tetrabutylphosphonium perchlorate(TBPP) as a canier were used. The electrode characteristics were better in the ascending order of TBPP < TPPP < TOPP, with the increase of carbon chain length of the alkyl group. Dioctylsebacate(OOS) was best as a plasticizer, the canier contents were better with 11.76 wt% and the optimum membrane thickness was 0.19 mm. Under the above condition, the electrode slope was 56.58 mV/$^P{ClO}_4$,the linear response range was $10^{-1}$\times$10^{-6}$ M, the detection limit was 9.66 x $10^{-7}$ M. The performance of electrode was better than Orion electrode. The electrode potential was stable within the pH range from 3 to 11. The order of the selectivity coefficients for the perchlorate ion was sol < F < Br < 1. With the result of impedance spectrum, it was found that the equivalent circuit for the electrode could be expressed by a series combination of solution resistance, parallel circuit consisting of the double layer capacitance and bulk resistance and Warburg impedance. And solution resistance was almost not appeared and Warburg impedance was highly appeared by diffusion. Then Warburg coefficient was 1.32$\times$$10^74 $\Omega$ $\cdot$ ${cm}^2/s^{1/2}$.

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The Effect of Seasoning on the Intestinal Absorption -Absorption by Passive Transport and the Effect of Red Pepper- (조미료가 창자 운동과 흡수기능에 미치는 영향 -소장의 피동적 흡수에 대한 고추의 영향-)

  • Shin, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Joong-Soo;Koh, Jae-Pyong;Ahn, Seung-Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 1973
  • Numerous factors concern with the absorption of substances through the membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. To simplify the experimental condition, present work has been restricted to observe the disappearance rate of substance from the intestinal loop which was made in the jejunum, 70 cm apart from the pylorus of the adult rabbit. The purpose of the study is to clarify the absorption of urea through the jejunal wall is solely attributable to the concentration difference between the luminal fluid and plasma, and to observe the effect of adding red pepper upon the rate of absorption. The rabbits were anesthetized with nembutal, 35mg/kg I.V. Jejunal loop was made by ligating at 2 spots, 70 cm and 80cm apart from the pylorus. After rinsing with normal saline solution through the polyethylene tubing inserted from the end of the loop, 8 ml of test solution was placed through the same tubing. The test solution contained 200 mg% of urea and 150mg% of polyethylene glycol(M.W. 4,000) in normal saline solution. Right after placing the test solution the first specimen was taken through the tubing, and successive samplings were performed at 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. Logarithm of the difference of urea concentration between the luminal fluid and plasma was plotted against time elapsed after the onset of the experiment. If straight line is revealed, it would verify the nature of transport mechanism as diffusion, obeying the Fick's principle. The concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG) was also measured in order to examine the change in the volume. PEG was used as the marker substance because it is not absorbable in the intestinal tract. Consequently the concentration of PEG relates inversely to the volume of the loop. Instantaneous concentration of urea in the loop times the volume will give the amount of urea remaining in the luminal fluid. The change in the amount of any substance is directly relate to the volume of the compartment and differs from the change in the concentration which is independent of the volume. After completion of the experiment without red pepper, it was added in the test solution and was centrifuged after thorough mixing. Supernatant of the mixture was placed in the loop and similar sampling were performed with the same time intervals that of previous run in order to observe the effects of the red pepper on the passive transport of the water soluble small substance, urea. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Logarithm of the concentration difference of urea between the luminal fluid and plasma was diminished exponentially as time elapsed. The decay constant in the experiment without red pepper was 0.0563/min. By adding red pepper in the test solution as much as the concentration rose to 4,000 mg% and 8,000 mg%, the decay constants were lowered to 0.0493/min and to 0.0506/min, respectively. The time interval by which the concentration difference dropped to one half of the initial value was prolonged. Without red pepper the half concentration time was 13.30 minutes, and by adding extract of red pepper, 15.31 minutes and 15.71 minutes were revealed. 2. The profile of the diminishing rate of tile amount of urea was quite different from that of the concentration because of the change in the volume of the loop during the observed period. 3. By adding the extract of red pepper, it slowed down the rate of absorption of urea in the intestinal loop, suggesting an increase in the diffusional barrier. 4. Larger dosage of red pepper brought an increase in the secretion of intestinal fluid with concomitant expansion of the luminal volume, and the retardation of the absorption of urea was noticed. This effect was largely dependent on the sensitivity of the individual animal to the red pepper, extract. The amount of urea remained after 10 minutes interval was 55.5% of the initial amount in the experiment without red pepper. On the other hand it was not consistent after administration of red pepper, showing 50.6% and 66.5% of the initial figures by adding 400 mg and 800 mg of red pepper in the test solution, respectively. It was postulated that symptom of diarrhea often encountered by taking a hot (red pepper) food might be attributable to the increase of secretion and the retardation of absorption in the intestinal tract.

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A study on the present condition of family planning and the status of health and nutrition in Wido islanders (낙도주민(落島住民)의 가족계획(家族計劃) 현황(現況)과 건강(健康) 및 영양실태(營養實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (I))

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong;Kong, Yeong-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1979
  • Due to the relatively high number of members and low income in each family, Wido inhabitants take very low nutrition. The result indicates that nutrition at the present time is generally lower than that of 1973 with the exception of fat. Consequently, the degree of body development of primary and junior high school students has not generally reached the standard in Korea, that was collected from Gyeongido, Korea and from Japan, of the corresponding grade students as well as the Hb content is significantly insufficient. As the body development of 12-year-old children grown at home and nursery, and attending the sports school are compared with that of the Korean standard and Wido students, the body development of Wido students is similar to the Korean standard, and slighly better than that of the sports school students by three years. Health is important as said that health power is nation's power. In order to maintain good health, the normal level of body development and Hb content is necessary for which the recommended daily nutrition for each person should be taken. In addition, the present status and importance of body development and nutrition should be fully educated the primary and junior high school students as well as directly to the inhabitants.

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Classification of Seismic Stations Based on the Simultaneous Inversion Result of the Ground-motion Model Parameters (지진동모델 파라미터 동시역산을 이용한 지진관측소 분류)

  • Yun, Kwan-Hee;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2007
  • The site effects of seismic stations were evaluated by conducting a simultaneous inversion of the stochastic point-source ground-motion model (STGM model; Boore, 2003) parameters based on the accumulated dataset of horizontal shear-wave Fourier spectra. A model parameter $K_0$ and frequency-dependent site amplification function A(f) were used to express the site effects. Once after a H/V ratio of the Fourier spectra was used as an initial estimate of A(f) for the inversion, the final A(f) which is considered to be the result of combined effect of the crustal amplification and loca lsite effects was calculated by averaging the log residuals at the site from the inversion and adding the mean log residual to the H/V ratio. The seismic stations were classified into five classes according to $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f), the maximum level of the site amplification function in the range of 1 Hz < f < 10 Hz, i.e., A: $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f) < 0.2, B: 0.2 $\leq$ $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f) < 0.4, C: 0.4 $\leq$ $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f) < 0.6, D: 0.6 $\leq$ $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f) < 0.8, E: 0.8 $\leq$ $logA_{1-10}^{max}$(f). Implication of the classified result was supported by observing a shift of the dominant frequency of average A(f) for each classified stations as the class changes. Change of site classes after moving seismic stations to a better site condition was successfully described by the result of the station classification. In addition, the observed PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration)-values for two recent moderate earthquakes were well classified according to the proposed station classes.

The study of stereoscopic editing process with applying depth information (깊이정보를 활용한 입체 편집 프로세스 연구)

  • Baek, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Min-Seo;Han, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2012
  • The 3D stereoscopic image contents have been emerging as the blue chip of the contents market of the next generation since the . However, all the 3D contents created commercially in the country have failed to enter box office. It is because the quality of Korean 3D contents is much lower than that of overseas contents and also current 3D post production process is based on 2D. Considering all these facts, the 3D editing process has connection with the quality of contents. The current 3D editing processes of the production case of are using the way that edits with the system on basis of 2D, followed by checking with 3D display system and modifying, if there are any problems. In order to improve those conditions, I suggest that the 3D editing process contain more objectivity by visualizing the depth data applied in some composition work such as Disparity map, Depth map, and the current 3D editing process. The proposed process has been used in the music drama , comparing with those of the film . The 3D values could be checked among cuts which have been changed a lot since those of , while the 3D value of drew an equal result in general. Since the current process is based on an artist's subjective sense of 3D, it could be changed according to the condition and state of the artist. Furthermore, it is impossible for us to predict the positive range, so it is apprehended that the cubic effect of space might be perverted by showing each different 3D value according to cuts in the same space or a limited space. On the other hand, the objective 3D editing by applying the visualization of depth data can adjust itself to the cubic effect of the same space and the whole content equally, which will enrich the 3D contents. It will even be able to solve some problems such as distortion of cubic effect and visual fatigue, etc.

Ecological Characteristics and Management Program for Buffer Greens at Sinhyeon-Eup, Geoje-Si (거제시 신현읍 완충녹지의 생태적 특성 및 관리방안)

  • SaGong, Young-Bo;Lee, Soo-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.243-256
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is aimed at identifying the planting condition of greenbelt axis covering forests located at Sinhyeon-eup, Geoje-si and also establishing improvement plans for the ecological organization. The study was executed with buffer green space designed to mitigate noise, which is located at a halfway point linking Mt. Yukkyo(altitude of 50m) and Mt. Jungmae(altitude of 131m). The number of the biotope patterns was classified into 17 in total: the two are urbanized districts such as a townified district and streets and another 15 are greenbelts and open space such as forest biotope, inland water biotope, and landscaping tree plantations biotope. According to the analysis of biotope types, it was estimated that the making use of already established buffer greens as a linking medium with a foothold of Mt. Yukkyo and Jungmae, whose natural eco-system is well suited for habitation of living organism, is the one and only way to the influx of living organism into the downtown area. The green coverage rate of the base green area, sub-base green area and linkage green area was 160.29%, 128.37% and 44.37% respectively; the green capacity coefficient(i.e. GVZ[$Gr{\ddot{u}}nvolumezahl$]) for base green area, sub-base green area and linkage green area was $4.04m^3/m^2,\;3.95m^3/m^2\;and\;0.65m^3/m^2$ respectively. The base green area has constituted multi-layered vegetation structure and thus played a role as habitats for living organism and supply centre of species, whereas the sub-base green area has destroyed lower layer vegetation, and the linkage green area was in bad shape due to the lack of planting volume and damage of the shrub layer. Accordingly, this research paper intended to suggest detailed implementation plans for the improvement in landscape for city dwellers' use and relaxation; in other words, this paper focused on ecological build-up for the Influx of wild birds into the downtown area for the promotion of bio-diversity of species through the linkage of base green areas and the fostering of nature observing trails for citizens as well as the connecting of green areas through the build-up of roadside greens to make these green areas to be efficiently used as corridors for the influx of wild birds and bio-organism habitation and for citizens' using space.

Diapause and Voltinism in Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Suwon, and Larval Instar Sensitivity to Diapause Induction (수원 지방에서 조명나방 휴면과 발생 세대수 및 휴면유도에 대한 유충의 민감성)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Kim, I Hyeon;Seo, Bo Yoon;Kim, Yonggyun;Park, Chang-Gyu;Jung, Jin Kyo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2020
  • The diapause induction season in Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was estimated in Suwon. Three batches of adult generations were observed, the first one from early May to early July, the second from early or mid-July to early or mid-August, and the third from mid-August to October. In outdoor larval rearing, colony rearing occurring from mid-July to mid-August produced both non-overwintering and overwintering larvae, whereas late-reared colonies produced only overwintering larvae. Larvae collected during July and August in maize fields produced both non-overwintering and overwintering larvae, whereas late-collected larvae produced only overwintering larvae. The results indicated that O. furnacalis has a bi- or trivoltine complex life cycle in this area. In the laboratory, when larvae of all instars within 9 h after molting were first treated to a diapause induction condition (11:13 h = light:dark photoperiod and 20℃), almost all larvae were induced to diapause. However, when similar treatments were conducted age-specifically for the 5th instar larvae, diapause induction rates in 3- and 4-day-old larvae of the 5th instar decreased. In contrast, when larvae were subjected to the diapause induction treatment only during the periods from the hatching stage to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar, almost all larvae were not induced to diapause. The results suggest that the early age of the 5th larval instar is the last stage for sensitivity to diapause induction stimuli. In the diapause-induced larvae, hemolymph trehalose content increased and body supercooling points dropped, compared with those in non-diapause larvae.

Application of Off-axis Correction Method for EPID Based IMRT QA (EPID를 사용한 세기조절방사선치료의 정도관리에 있어 축이탈 보정(Off-axis Correction)의 적용)

  • Cho, Ilsung;Kwark, Jungwon;Park, Sung Ho;Ahn, Seung Do;Jeong, Dong Hyeok;Cho, Byungchul
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2012
  • The Varian PORTALVISION (Varian Medical Systems, US) shows significant overresponses as the off-center distance increases compared to the predicted dose. In order to correct the dose discrepancy, the off-axis correction is applied to VARIAN iX linear accelerators. The portal dose for $38{\times}28cm^2$ open field is acquired for 6 MV, 15 MV photon beams and also are predicted by PDIP algorithm under the same condition of the portal dose acquisition. The off-axis correction is applied by modifying the $40{\times}40cm^2$ diagonal beam profile data which is used for the beam profile calibration. The ratios between predicted dose and measured dose is modeled as a function of off-axis distance with the $4^{th}$ polynomial and is applied to the $40{\times}40cm^2$ diagonal beam profile data as the weight to correct measured dose by EPID detector. The discrepancy between measured dose and predicted dose is reduced from $4.17{\pm}2.76$ CU to $0.18{\pm}0.8$ CU for 6 MV photon beam and from $3.23{\pm}2.59$ CU to $0.04{\pm}0.85$ CU for 15 MV photon beam. The passing rate of gamma analysis for the pyramid fluence patten with the 4%, 4 mm criteria is improved from 98.7% to 99.1% for 6 MV photon beam, from 99.8% to 99.9% for 15 MV photon beam. IMRT QA is also performed for randomly selected Head and Neck and Prostate IMRT plans after applying the off-axis correction. The gamma passing rare is improved by 3% on average, for Head and Neck cases: $94.7{\pm}3.2%$ to $98.2{\pm}1.4%$, for Prostate cases: $95.5{\pm}2.6%$, $98.4{\pm}1.8%$. The gamma analysis criteria is 3%, 3 mm with 10% threshold. It is considered that the off-axis correction might be an effective and easily adaptable means for correcting the discrepancy between measured dose and predicted dose for IMRT QA using EPID in clinic.

A Clinico-Statistical Analysis of Patient with Hoarseness in E.N.T. field (사성을 주소한 이비인후과 질환에 대한 임상적 관찰)

  • Lee, Sook-Ja;Kang, Young;Yoo, Bang-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1977.06a
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    • pp.6.2-7
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    • 1977
  • Hoarseness, caused by any condition that interfers with normal phonatory function of larynx, is the most important symtom of the laryngeal disease. The air pollution is the serious social problom today due to irritation of the respiratory mucosa and secondary respiratory disease. It is significant to study whether, in resent years, the patients with complant of hoarseness has being increased or decreased, compare to past years. The authors report a statistical analysis on 400 cases with chief complain of horseness at the Department of Otolaryngology, Hanil Hospital during past 7 years from Jan. I, 1970 to Dec. 31, 1976. The results were as follows; 1) Among total out patients of 14, 731 who visited to the department of otolaryngology, the patients with hoarseness numbered to 400(2.7%). 2) Among total of 400 cases, male were 211 and female were 189. The incidence was slightly higher in male than female with ratio 1.1 to 1 in sex distribution. 3) The uderlying diseases causing hoarseness in order of frequency were Acute Laryngitis (158 cases, 39.5%), Chronic Laryngitis (103 cases, 27.3 %), Vccal Nodule (37 cases, 9.3%), Vocal cord paralysis (34 cases, 8.5%), Laryngeal Polyp (32 cases, 8%), Laryngeal Ca. (13 cases, 3.5%), and Laryngeal Tbc. (9 cases, 2.3%). Particulary, Laryngeal Ca., Laryngeal polyp and Laryngeal Papilloma were extremely high in male but the remainings were equally distributed in sex group distribution. 4) The highest incidence occurred in 3rd decade (113 cases, 28.5%), the next 4th and 2nd decade in the age group distribution. Acute and Chronic Laryngitis were widely distributed in age group distribution but the highest incidence was noted between 3rd and 4th decade (145 cases, 55.5%). The highest incidence was 3rd decade in Laryngeal polyp, 3rd and 4th decade in Vocal Nodule, 4th and 5th decade in Laryngeal Tbc. and Vocal cord paralysis and 5th decade in Laryngeal Ca. 5) The underlying disease causing hoarsness were evenly occurred in monthly distribution but relatively high incidence was observed between April and June (35.5%) compared to winter. 6) In durational distribution, the highest incidence was within 10 days (26%) from onset to consultation. 317 cases (80%) were visited to the clinic within 1 year.

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