• Title/Summary/Keyword: condition (I)

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Effects of Supplementing Aqueous Direct-Fed Microbials on In Vitro Fermentation and Fibrolytic Enzyme Activity in the Ruminant Nutrition (반추가축영양에 있어서 액상미생물제제의 첨가가 In Vitro 발효성상과 섬유소분해효소활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, S.H.;Seo, I.J.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.789-804
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to determine effects of supplementation levels of aqueous direct-fed microbials (DFM; Bacillus spp.) to TMR(exp. 1.) and aqueous DFM addition under the various ratios of starch and cellulose(exp. 2.) on ruminal fermentation and fibrolytic enzyme activity. In experiment 1, ruminal fluids taken from rumen-cannulated Holstein cows were incubated during 24 hr by using TMR as substrates. Aqueous DFM was applied at a rate of 0, 0.025 and 0.05%, respectively. The pH of 0.025% treatment was not significantly different from that of control at 6 and 9 hr, but it was significantly lower (P<0.05) than 0.05% treatment. Concentrations of ammonia-N and VFAs were not affected by supplementing aqueous DFM. The A:P ratio of 0.05% treatment was significantly increased(P<0.05) by supplementation of aqueous DFM as compared with that of control at 24 hr. Although overall fibrolytic enzyme activities were not significantly affected by supplementing aqueous DFM, CMCase(carboxymethylcellulase) activity showed significant increase(P<0.05) compared to control at 6hr. However, the xylanase activity of 0.05% treatment significantly decreased(P<0.05) at 12 hr due to the application of aqueous DFM. There was no significant difference for in vitro dry matter disappearance among treatments. In experiment 2, ruminal fluids were incubated under the condition of various ratios of starch to cellulose(90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70 and 10:90) with or without aqueous DFM(0.025%). Ruminal pH was unaffected by the addition of aqueous DFM, however, as increased level of starch, ruminal pH partially showed significant decrease(P<0.05). Ammonia-N concentration was not affected by aqueous DFM and ratio of starch and cellulose. On 9 hr incubation, DFM addition at a ratio of 70:30 showed significantly (P<0.05) lower value of ammonia-N(35.65 mg/dL) than that(65.05 mg/dL) of control. Concentrations of VFAs were significantly increased(P<0.05) by aqueous DFM addition compared with control at the same ratio on 6 hr incubation. The overall CMCase activity was not affected by aqueous DFM addition. However, the xylanase activity by aqueous DFM partially showed significant differences at the ratios of 90:10, 30:70 and 10:90. Our results indicated that supplementation of aqueous DFM did not significantly improve in vitro fermentation and fibrolytic enzyme activity. In addition, the DFM utilized in this study did not show consistent results by having various effects on ruminal fermentation under different feeding regimens.

The Evvalution of Different Factors Influencing the Quality of Silage (Silago 품질에 영향을 미치는 각종요인의 평가)

  • 한정대;윤익석
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 1978
  • To study about the effect of harvested stage and physical treatment such as wilting or chopping of plant material on the quality of silage, Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum) harvested at pre-headed or heading stage and Seombadi(Dystaenia takesimana Nakai) harvested at pre-flowering stage, were used for the purpose. The materials were treated in four different ways which were a) non-treated, b) one day-wilted, c) chopped with 1 to 2cm length and d) wilted and chopped, and those were ensiled in plastic containers and stored at room temperature for three months. After three months of storage, it was investigated and obtained the following results. 1) Having 6.31 of NFE/CP ratio and low content of crude fiber, Seombadi contained more suitable constituents for silage than Italian ryegrass. 2) Under the non-treated or chopped condition, the loss of NFE was higher, and lower with wilted material. 3) Wilting or chopping improved DM digestibility. 4) Compared with Italian ryegrass harvested at pre-headed stage, the storage amount per unit volume of heading stage-Italian ryegrass and Seombadi were higher 8% and 69% respectively, and wilting and/or chopping increased the storage amount 41 to 134%. 5) The majority of weight loss during storage was observed at 1st week after ensiling, it continued slightly until 4th week. The highest loss in 8th week were 3.76% of nontreated material. 6) One day wilting increased DM content of silage 23 to 131%. Wilting and chopping increased pH and lactic acid improved the quality considerably. 7) The correlation between $NH_3$ and butyric acid, and between lactic acid and DM were r=0.782**, r=0.634** respectively. The regression equation were y=12.853X+4.908 (X=butyric acid), y=0.016X+1.309(X=DM content), respectively. 8. The above results indicate that it is necessary to wilt or chop material to make good quality silage from Italian ryegrass, and such treatment can improve the quality of silage with Seombadi also.

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Removal of Organic Matter and Nitrogen from River Water in a Model System of Floodplain Filtration (홍수터 여과 모형을 이용한 하천수중의 유기물과 질소 제거)

  • Ha, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Sang-Tae;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Jeong, Byeong-Ryong;Lee, Young-Deuk;Eum, Jin-Sup;Ji, Seung-Hwan;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2002
  • If contaminated river water is sprayed over the floodplain, organic matter and nitrogen would be removed by microbial processes in the rhizosphere of vegetation during the filtration through soil. In this study we tested the organic matter and nitrogen removal from contaminated river water by the floodplain filtration. Model system of floodplain was constructed using a PVC pipe (15 cm i.d. ${\times}$ 150 cm L) which was packed with a loamy sand soil collected from a floodplain in Nakdong river. The model system was instrumented with soil solution samplers and gas samplers. A river water collected from Omogcheon in Kyongsan was sprayed from top of the model system at three different rates. The concentration of organic matter, DO, $NO_3^-$, $NO_2^-$, $NH_4^+$, $N_2$ and $N_2O$, and redox potential were measured as a function of soil depth for 24 days after the system reached a steady state. When river water was sprayed at the rates of 40.8 and 68.0 $l/m^2/day$, a significant reductive condition for denitrification was developed at below 5-cm depth of the soil. When the water reached at 90-cm depth of the soil, COD and concentration of inorganic nitrogen were lowered, on an average, from 18.7 to 5 mg/l and from 2.7 to 0.4 mg/l, respectively. $N_2$ comprised most of the N gas evolved from denitrification and $N_2O$ concentrations emitted at the surface of soil were less than 1 {\mu}l/l. The effective removal of organic matter and nitrogen by the filtration in the model system of floodplain demonstrates that the native floodplains, which include rhizosphere of vegetation at the top soil, could be more effective in the treatment of contaminated river waters and other industrial waste waters containing high concentration of organic matter and nitrogen.

A Study on Balanced -type Oseillating Mole-Drainer(III)-Model Test for Draft Force, Torque, Power and Moment (평행식 진동탄환 암거 천공기의 연구(III)-견인력, 토크, 동력 및 모멘크에 관한 모형시험-)

  • 김용환
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1976
  • This paper is the third one of the study on balanced type oscillating mole-drainer, the first one was presented in No 9. Gyeongsang College Report and the second one in Vol. 17, No.4 of the KSAE. In the first part of this study, the characteristics of traction forces between the nonoscillating earth working equipments and oscillating ones was compared. A model of the balanced type oscillating mole-drainer, which composed of a mechanism that may reduce the machine vibration, was designed following the dimensional analysis and similitude technique. The model test was carried out to clarify the balancing mechanism of the oscillating parts and other parts of the machine. In the light of the results from the model tests, a prototype machine was made for experimental purpose. Results from the field test by a reported in the near future. In the second report, the model tests were carried out under the same soil conditions, i.e, . oscillating frequency, running velocity, and oscillating amplitude, etc. It was clear that use of balanced type oscillating model could substantially reduce the vibration of the whole system of the machine, when compared with the nonoscillating type model. In this paper(the third report), results of investigation on the traction force, power requirement, and moment. etc, is presented. Analysis of variance technique was used for analyzing the effect of the frequency, amplitude, and running velocity on the draft force, torque, power requirements, and moments. The results obtained from the model tests are as follows, 1) By practicing a balanced-type oscillating mole-drainer, it was possible to reduce the traction resistance by 55.1-61. 2 percent of traction resistance, however, was 1.75 - 1.95 times greater than the value of resistance which was induced by use of a mole-drainer with single bullet. The resistance of rear shank against soil was considered as a main causing factor of the above results. 2) As the oscillation frequency was increased, the traction resistance was decreased. Considering on the effect of oscillation the greater the amplitude, and the slower the running velocity was, the greater the reduction ratio of traction resistance was. 3) The ratio of the traction resistance of oscillating mole-drainer to that of non-oscillating one could be represented as a function of dimensionless variable (V/$Af$). The results from the tests were well agreed with the reported results from the experim ents on oscillation plow or hoe. 4) By taking a lower value of (V/$Af$), reducing the traction resistance was possible. This fact meant, however, that the efficiency of mole drain practice would be lower. 5) It was experimentally confirmed under the same condition of soil that the variable (R/$rD1^3$) could be represented as a function of a variable($V^2/gD$) when a non\ulcornerocillating mole-drainer was used. 6) When a oscillating mole-drainer was used, the variable(R/$rD_1^{3}$) could be represented as a function of two variables ($v^2/gD_1$) and (V^2/gD_1$). 7) The torque was not affected by a change of frequency. However, a relation of proportionality existed between torque and amplitude, running velocity, and ratio of bullet diameter. When a balanced type oscillating mole-drainer with two bullets was used, torque was increased by 52.8-78. 4 percent and total power requirement was also increased. 8) Total power requirement was increased linearly in accordance with the increasing frequency, 41.96 percent of total power was used for oscillating action. The magnitude of total power requirement was 1. 8-9. 4 times greater than that of a non-oscillating mechanism. In the view point of power requirement, it was not advisable to increase the frequency, amplitude, running velocity, and ratio of bullet diameter at the same time. 9) Only the positive moment occured in the rear shank. Change of the diameter of a rear bullet, could not affect the balancing against the soil resistance. It was necessary for rear bullet to have a large resistance against soil only when the rear bullet was in backward motion. 10) Within an extent of the experimental base, optimum limits for several design factors were A=0.5cm, $f$=22.5Hz, V=O. 05m/sec, and $\lambda$=1.0 By adapting these values traction resistance was reduced by 40 percent and vibration acceleration wa s reduced by 60 percent. Even though the total , power requirements for operating a balanced type oscillation mechanism was greater ~than that of non-oscillating one, using a oscillating mechanism would be more effective. Because a balanced type oscillating mechanism is used, tractive resistance will be reduced and then the lighter . tractive equipment could be used.

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Application for Identification of Food Raw Materials by PCR using Universal Primer (일반 프라이머를 이용한 PCR의 식품원료 진위 판별에 적용)

  • Park, Yong-Chjun;Jin, Sang-Ook;Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, Kyu-Heon;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Cho, Tae-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Han, Sang-Bae;Lee, Sang-Jae;Lee, Kwang-Ho;Yoon, Hae-Seong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2012
  • In order to determine an authenticity of food ingredient, we used DNA barcode method by universal primers. For identification of animal food ingredients, LCO1490/HCO2198 and VF2/FISH R2 designed for amplifying cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (CO1) region and L14724/H15915 for cytochrome b (cyt b) region on mitochondrial DNA were used. Livestock (cow, pig, goat, sheep, a horse and deer) was amplified by LCO1490/HCO 2198, VF2/FISH R2 and L14724/H15915 primers. Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey and ostrich) was amplified by LCO1490/HCO 2198 and VF2/FISH R2 primers. But, Fishes (walleye pollack, herring, codfish, blue codfish, trout, tuna and rockfish) were only amplified by VF2/FISH R2 primers. For plant food ingredients, 3 types of primers (trnH/psbA, rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R) have been used an intergenic spacer, a RNA polymerase beta subunit and a ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase region on plastid, respectively. Garlic, onion, radish, green tea and spinach were amplified by trnH/psbA, rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R. The PCR product sizes were same by rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R but, the PCR product size using trnH/psbA primer was different with others for plants each. We established PCR condition and universal primer selection for 17 item's raw materials for foods and determine base sequences aim to PCR products in this study. This study can apply to determine an authenticity of foods through making an comparison between databases and base sequences in gene bank. Therefore, DNA barcode method using universal primers can be a useful for species identification techniques not only raw materials but also processed foods that are difficult to analyze by chemical analysis.

Special Educators and Music Therapists' Recognition of Music Therapy in Special Education Class in Elementary School (초등학교 특수학급 음악치료에 대한 특수교사와 음악치료사의 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Jeong Ran
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • It has been passed more than 50 years of the history of music therapy on school aged children since there had been enforced the 'Education for All Handicapped Children Ace' in United states 1975, which had made an important role of music therapist augmented. In the case of South Korea, through reforming the law on March 2005 that therapist educator has to be allocated on the special class in general school, at least, patrol teacher is charged on that, which made possible to start music therapy as initial stage was realized in realistic way on the spot of school. This research has primary concerns as following. The one thing is intended that figuring the opinions of special educators and music therapists involved with the music therapy in elementary school. And the other thing is intended that making a investigation of actual condition on the spot of existing school, moreover, pinpointing at issue and suggesting the change for the better than now. In order to undertake theses intentions, I examined preceding researches and existing data, distributed the questionnaire involved the music therapy of elementary school to the people who are composed of special educators-65 persons and music therapists-30 persons from 18th October to second of November, and analyzed collected by descriptive statistics. According to the analyzed results, it says that special educator and music therapist know well about the necessity of music therapy in elementary school and its effectiveness is manifested in positive way. Moreover, in order to systemize and promote a program of music therapy, what is most urgent thing is the completion of instrument and music therapy room and there are needed strong supports at the level of nation and institution. It has become pervasive on the demand of therapy education by parents in all of the places involved with disabled children such as special school, special class, local welfare community, and early education. This research shows that how therapy and education was connected as music therapy on the spot of the elementary school, and the necessity of the education of music therapy.

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The Effects of Repeated Restraint Stress on the Rat Parotid Glands, Ultramicroscopical and Histochemical Study (구속 스트레스에 대한 백서 타액선 조직의 미세구조적, 조직화학적 변화)

  • Yoon, In-Jong;Kang, Soo-Kyung;Auh, Q-Schick;Chun, Yang-Hyun;Hong, Jung-Pyo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.121-136
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    • 2013
  • It has been known that saliva may affect the most of oral diseases. On the contrary, several systemic conditions may affect salivary flow and cause oral dryness and psychosocial stress especially may a crucial role in the etiology of hyposalivation and oral dryness. Many studies have focused on macroscopic effects of the stress on the salivary glands by autonomic response, but on the other hand it has hardly been reported on cellular microscopic effects of the stress on the salivary glands. Therefore, this study was performed to examine clusterin, a antiapoptotic and cytoprotective protein, in the parotid glands under restraint stress condition. For this study, 18 rats were divided into 3 groups; 1) 2 rats of group I were selected as a normal control. 2) 2 rats of group II, as a experimental control were placed in the restraint cone for 2 hours 3) 14 rats of group III were placed in the restraint cone for 2 hours once a day. The rats were sacrificed immediately(group II, as a experimental control), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days after application of the stress and the both parotid glands were excised. Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy were performed. The finding were as follows: 1. In parotid glands, repeated stress denaturalize the acinar cells, interacinous tissues and interacinous connective tissues were separated to individual acinar cells. After 4 days of experiment, there were lots of vacuoles and intercalated ducts. 2. In parotid glands, repeated stress make the rER which is in acinar cells swollen after 3 days of experiment and it was intensified to 4 days. After 5 days of experiment the edema got worse and degenerated. 3. In parotid glands, clusterin was reduced in ductal cell cytoplasm but in intercalated duct clusterin was slightly stained until 3 days prominently increased until 4 days and then decreased again after 5 days of experiment.

Design of a Bit-Serial Divider in GF(2$^{m}$ ) for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (타원곡선 암호시스템을 위한 GF(2$^{m}$ )상의 비트-시리얼 나눗셈기 설계)

  • 김창훈;홍춘표;김남식;권순학
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.12C
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    • pp.1288-1298
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    • 2002
  • To implement elliptic curve cryptosystem in GF(2$\^$m/) at high speed, a fast divider is required. Although bit-parallel architecture is well suited for high speed division operations, elliptic curve cryptosystem requires large m(at least 163) to support a sufficient security. In other words, since the bit-parallel architecture has an area complexity of 0(m$\^$m/), it is not suited for this application. In this paper, we propose a new serial-in serial-out systolic array for computing division operations in GF(2$\^$m/) using the standard basis representation. Based on a modified version of tile binary extended greatest common divisor algorithm, we obtain a new data dependence graph and design an efficient bit-serial systolic divider. The proposed divider has 0(m) time complexity and 0(m) area complexity. If input data come in continuously, the proposed divider can produce division results at a rate of one per m clock cycles, after an initial delay of 5m-2 cycles. Analysis shows that the proposed divider provides a significant reduction in both chip area and computational delay time compared to previously proposed systolic dividers with the same I/O format. Since the proposed divider can perform division operations at high speed with the reduced chip area, it is well suited for division circuit of elliptic curve cryptosystem. Furthermore, since the proposed architecture does not restrict the choice of irreducible polynomial, and has a unidirectional data flow and regularity, it provides a high flexibility and scalability with respect to the field size m.

The Effect of Local Condition on the Development at Dairy Farming (지역적(地域的) 입지조건(立地條件)이 낙농경영전개(酪農經營展開)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Lee, I.H.;Chai, Y.S.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 1974
  • This paper describes how location influences on the development of dairy farming. It compares Chuncheon, which in the mountains, Daejeon, which is a transportation center and on flat ground, and Incheon, which is the gate to Seoul and an industrial city. The results analyzed are summarized as follows : 1. Incheon, due to her vast market, influenced strongly on the development of management. But shortage of roughage for feeds is the critical problem there. 2. Owing to the side job of raising chicks, which involves 92% of dairy farmers there, Chuncheon does not make smooth utilization of vast grass pasture. 3. In Daejeon's case, running orchards concurrently is the problem. 4. There exists no gap in wages between the region. The labor supply is most affluent in Incheon and there is competition with other forms of agriculture in the mountainous area. 5. The full-time employee tends to be skillful in accordance with his career. Family labor has been skillful, but the full-time employee is very fluid and shows varieties of skill. 6. Because of the obscurity of the distribution of labor with other jobs in Chuncheon and Daejeon, many unspecialized men serve. 7. The prices of milk are different in each region. The income of dairy farmers is strongly influenced by the low purchasing price of milk plants, and this is one of the important factors hindering the development of dairy farm ing in Chuncheon.

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Clinical Observation on The Left and Right Facial Palsy (${\cdot}$右側 口眼와斜 患者에 對한 臨床的 考察)

  • Lim, Jin-Ki;Lim, Gyu-Sang;Hwang, Choong-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.383-402
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    • 1997
  • The author analyzed 155 cases of Facial Palsy, excluding lesions caused by cerebrovascular attacks, who were treated in the Kwang-ju Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from March 1996 to September 1996. I've examined the 155 cases in the view of the etiologic distributions, the age, the relationship of the sex and paralytic side, attended symptoms and analyzed 95 cases who were treated over ten times in the view of the ratio of recovery according to the age, anatomic focus, the relations of sex and paralytic side. The following results are obtained. 1. The ratio of punghan(風寒) was $20.64\%$(32 cases), overwork was $18.70\%$(29 cases), stress was $6.44\%$(10 cases), excessive drinking was $3.23\%$(5 cases), teeth pain was $1.93\%$(3 cases), and idiopathy was $38.05\%$(59) and etc. 2. The ratio of stylomastoid pain was $15.48\%$(24 cases), auricular pain was $10.32\%$(16 cases), headache was $4.51\%$(7 cases), eyedried was $4.51\%$(7 cases), taste paralysis was $2.57\%$(4 cases), tinnitus was $2.57\%$(4 cases) and non-significant symptoms was $50.97\%$(79) and etc. 3. The ratio of 2th and 5th decade were $20.00\%$(31 cases), 4th decade was $18.71\%$(29 cases), 3th decade was $16.71\%$(26 cases), 6th decade was $11.61\%$(18 cases), teenagers in $5.81\%$(9 cases), over seventy and under teenagers were $3.23\%$(5 cases), and infant was $0.65\%$(1 case). 4. The ratio of the male-right was $28.39\%$(44 cases), female-right was $25.82\%$(40 cases), male-left was $23.23\%$(36 cases), female-left was $20.65\%$(32 cases) and male-both side was $1.94\%$(3 cases) in order. 5. Topographically, The ratio of the infrachordal lesion was $72.90\%$(113 cases), transgeniculate lesion was $16.13\%$(25 cases), suprageniculate lesion was $5.81\%$(9 cases), infrastapedial lesion was $3.87\%$(6 cases) and suprastapedial lesion was $1.29\%$(2 cases) in order. 6. When we examined the degree of recovery about the 95 patients who were treated over ten times after on attack, normal improvement was seen in $46.32\%$(44 cases), excellent in $7.37\%$(7 cases), good in $12.63\%$(12 cases), fair in $13.68\%$(13 cases), poor in $20.00\%$(19 cases). The total remedial value of the 95 patients who were treated over ten times was revealed $61.58\%$. 7. When we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of the infant was $50.00\%$, under teenagers $43.75\%$, teenagers $37.50\%$, 2th decade $56.82\%$, 3th decade $64.06\%$, 4th decade $55.00\%$, 5th decade $73.53\%$, 6th decade $77.50\%$, over seventieth $68.75\%$. The remedial value of 3th decade, 5th decade, 6th decade, 7th decade and over seventieth were higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$) 8. In the point of topographical lesion, when we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of infrachordal lesion was $66.78\%$, infrastapedial lesion $58.33\%$, suprastapedial lesion $50.00\%$, transgeniculate lesion $48.44\%$, suprageniculate lesion $31.25\%$, in order. Only the remedial value of Infrachordal($66.78\%$) was higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$). 9. In the point of the relationship of the sex and the paralytic side, when we examined the 95 patients who were treated over ten times, the remedial value of male-left was $57.29\%$, male-right $61.54\%$, male-both side $58.33\$%, female-left $57.81\%$ and female-right $68.27\%$. Only the remedial value of female-right($68.27\%$) was higher than the total remedial value($61.58\%$). These results demonstrated that in the point of prognostic view there was more concerned with the topographical lesion, body condition than the traditional rule of sex-paralytic relationship that man is awed left paralysis and woman right paralysis.

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