• Title/Summary/Keyword: complex urban scene

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Fast Scene Understanding in Urban Environments for an Autonomous Vehicle equipped with 2D Laser Scanners (무인 자동차의 2차원 레이저 거리 센서를 이용한 도시 환경에서의 빠른 주변 환경 인식 방법)

  • Ahn, Seung-Uk;Choe, Yun-Geun;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2012
  • A map of complex environment can be generated using a robot carrying sensors. However, representation of environments directly using the integration of sensor data tells only spatial existence. In order to execute high-level applications, robots need semantic knowledge of the environments. This research investigates the design of a system for recognizing objects in 3D point clouds of urban environments. The proposed system is decomposed into five steps: sequential LIDAR scan, point classification, ground detection and elimination, segmentation, and object classification. This method could classify the various objects in urban environment, such as cars, trees, buildings, posts, etc. The simple methods minimizing time-consuming process are developed to guarantee real-time performance and to perform data classification on-the-fly as data is being acquired. To evaluate performance of the proposed methods, computation time and recognition rate are analyzed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has efficiency in fast understanding the semantic knowledge of a dynamic urban environment.

Accurate Parked Vehicle Detection using GMM-based 3D Vehicle Model in Complex Urban Environments (가우시안 혼합모델 기반 3차원 차량 모델을 이용한 복잡한 도시환경에서의 정확한 주차 차량 검출 방법)

  • Cho, Younggun;Roh, Hyun Chul;Chung, Myung Jin
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2015
  • Recent developments in robotics and intelligent vehicle area, bring interests of people in an autonomous driving ability and advanced driving assistance system. Especially fully automatic parking ability is one of the key issues of intelligent vehicles, and accurate parked vehicles detection is essential for this issue. In previous researches, many types of sensors are used for detecting vehicles, 2D LiDAR is popular since it offers accurate range information without preprocessing. The L shape feature is most popular 2D feature for vehicle detection, however it has an ambiguity on different objects such as building, bushes and this occurs misdetection problem. Therefore we propose the accurate vehicle detection method by using a 3D complete vehicle model in 3D point clouds acquired from front inclined 2D LiDAR. The proposed method is decomposed into two steps: vehicle candidate extraction, vehicle detection. By combination of L shape feature and point clouds segmentation, we extract the objects which are highly related to vehicles and apply 3D model to detect vehicles accurately. The method guarantees high detection performance and gives plentiful information for autonomous parking. To evaluate the method, we use various parking situation in complex urban scene data. Experimental results shows the qualitative and quantitative performance efficiently.

A Contribution Culling Method for Fast Rendering of Complex Urban Scenes (복잡한 도시장면의 고속 렌더링을 위한 기여도 컬링 기법)

  • Lee, Bum-Jong;Park, Jong-Seung
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2007
  • This article describes a new contribution culling method for fast rendering of complex huge urban scenes. A view frustum culling technique is used for fast rendering of complex scenes. To support the levels-of-detail, we subdivide the image regions and construct a weighted quadtree. Only visible objects at the current camera position contributes the current quadtree and the weight is assigned to each object in the quadtree. The weight is proportional to the image area of the projected object, so large buildings in the far distance are less likely to be culled out than small buildings in the near distance. The rendering time is nearly constant not depending on the number of visible objects. The proposed method has applied to a new metropolitan region which is currently under development. Experimental results showed that the rendering quality of the proposed method is barely distinguishable from the rendering quality of the original method, while the proposed method reduces the number of polygons by about 9%. Experimental results showed that the proposed rendering method is appropriate for real-time rendering applications of complex huge scenes.

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Luminance Analysis of the Apartment Exterior Lighting using HDR Images (HDR이미지를 이용한 공동주택 외부조명의 휘도 분석)

  • Hong, Sung-De;Shin, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of luminance measurement in lighting design of urban scale is to prevent light trespass and light pollution, caused by over-bright. Specially, the illumination of road, tunnel and sports complex as urban infrastructure is measured by international standard for illuminance and luminance. It has been used the spot luminance meter and the image photometer to define the characteristics of qualitative and quantitative in exterior lighting. This study introduced the concept of HDR Image, procedure of HDR Image creation and analysis. Applications of HDR Image, particularly within the apartment building exterior lighting design analysis, have been demonstrated. The procedure proposed in this study is a affordable method that is useful for the assessment of luminance distribution in the scene with electric light. It also provides a measurement capability with the high resolution luminance data within a large field of view efficiently and quickly, which is not possible to achieve with a luminance meter.


  • Kim Seung-Yeb;Lee Kiwon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2005
  • In these days, the management and visualization of 3D geo-spatial information is regarded as one of an important issue in GiS and remote sensing fields. 3D GIS is considered with the database issues such as handling and managing of 3D geometry/topology attributes, whereas 3D visualization is basically concerned with 3D computer graphics. This study focused on the design and implementation for the OpenGL API-based rendering system for the complex types of 3D geo-spatial features. In this approach 3D features can be separately processed with the functions of authoring and manipulation of terrain segments, building segments, road segments, and other geo-based things with texture mapping. Using this implementation, it is possible to the generation of an integrated scene with these complex types of 3D features. This integrated rendering system based on the feature-based 3D-GIS model can be extended and effectively applied to urban environment analysis, 3D virtual simulation and fly-by navigation in urban planning. Furthermore, we expect that 3D-GIS visualization application based on OpenGL API can be easily extended into a real-time mobile 3D-GIS system, soon after the release of OpenGLIES which stands for OpenGL for embedded system, though this topic is beyond the scope of this implementation.

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Variation Profiles of Temperature by Green Area of Apartments in Gangnam, Seoul (서울 강남지역 아파트단지의 녹지면적에 따른 온도변화 모형)

  • 홍석환;이경재
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of green area in apartment complexes to variation of temperature. The inside temperature of each site was estimated by analyzing Landsat ETM+ image data. The factors on variation of temperature were landcover type, building density, and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI). The results of correlation between inside temperature of apartment complex and land cover type showed that the green area ratio had negative(-) correlation and impermeable pavement ratio had positive(+) correlation. Building-to-land ratio was not significant with inside temperature. A coefficient of correlation between the temperature value and the value of permeable pavement ratio added up green area ratio was higher than a coefficient of correlation between the temperature value and the value of permeable pavement ratio added up impermeable pavement ratio. Thus we may define that permeable pavement area decrease urban temperature with green area in apartment complex. Floor area ratio had no significant correlation with inside temperature. Inside temperature was decreased as the NDVI was increased. To establish the temperature distribution model in a development apartment complex, As the result of regression analysis between inside temperature as dependent variable and permeable pave ratio+green area ratio, green area ratio, building-to-land ratio and NDIT as independent variables, only permeable pavement ratio added up green area ratio of the independent variables was accepted fur regression equation in both two seasons and adjusted coefficient of determination was 41.4 on September, 2000 and 40.4 on June,2001.

Railway Track Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data (모바일 레이저 스캐닝 데이터로부터 철도 선로 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Yoonseok, Jwa;Gunho, Sohn;Jong Un, Won;Wonchoon, Lee;Nakhyeon, Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2015
  • This study purposed on introducing a new automated solution for detecting railway tracks and reconstructing track models from the mobile laser scanning data. The proposed solution completes following procedures; the study initiated with detecting a potential railway region, called Region Of Interest (ROI), and approximating the orientation of railway track trajectory with the raw data. At next, the knowledge-based detection of railway tracks was performed for localizing track candidates in the first strip. In here, a strip -referring the local track search region- is generated in the orthogonal direction to the orientation of track trajectory. Lastly, an initial track model generated over the candidate points, which were detected by GMM-EM (Gaussian Mixture Model-Expectation & Maximization) -based clustering strip- wisely grows to capture all track points of interest and thus converted into geometric track model in the tracking by detection framework. Therefore, the proposed railway track tracking process includes following key features; it is able to reduce the complexity in detecting track points by using a hypothetical track model. Also, it enhances the efficiency of track modeling process by simultaneously capturing track points and modeling tracks that resulted in the minimization of data processing time and cost. The proposed method was developed using the C++ program language and was evaluated by the LiDAR data, which was acquired from MMS over an urban railway track area with a complex railway scene as well.

Development of an Image Processing System for the Large Size High Resolution Satellite Images (대용량 고해상 위성영상처리 시스템 개발)

  • 김경옥;양영규;안충현
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.376-391
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    • 1998
  • Images from satellites will have 1 to 3 meter ground resolution and will be very useful for analyzing current status of earth surface. An image processing system named GeoWatch with more intelligent image processing algorithms has been designed and implemented to support the detailed analysis of the land surface using high-resolution satellite imagery. The GeoWatch is a valuable tool for satellite image processing such as digitizing, geometric correction using ground control points, interactive enhancement, various transforms, arithmetic operations, calculating vegetation indices. It can be used for investigating various facts such as the change detection, land cover classification, capacity estimation of the industrial complex, urban information extraction, etc. using more intelligent analysis method with a variety of visual techniques. The strong points of this system are flexible algorithm-save-method for efficient handling of large size images (e.g. full scenes), automatic menu generation and powerful visual programming environment. Most of the existing image processing systems use general graphic user interfaces. In this paper we adopted visual program language for remotely sensed image processing for its powerful programmability and ease of use. This system is an integrated raster/vector analysis system and equipped with many useful functions such as vector overlay, flight simulation, 3D display, and object modeling techniques, etc. In addition to the modules for image and digital signal processing, the system provides many other utilities such as a toolbox and an interactive image editor. This paper also presents several cases of image analysis methods with AI (Artificial Intelligent) technique and design concept for visual programming environment.