• Title/Summary/Keyword: comparative pulse diagnosis

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A Study on Comparative Pulse Diagnosis of Renying Pulse(人迎脈) and Cunkou Pulse(寸口脈) (인영촌구비교맥진(人迎寸口比較脈診)에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : While Comparative Pulse Diagnosis of Renying pulse(人迎脈) and Cunkou pulse(寸口脈) is one of the three major pulse diagnostic methods in "Huangdineijing" along with Three Positions and Nine Indicators Pulse Diagnosis(三部九候脈診法) and Cunkou Pulse Diagnosis(寸口脈診法), it has died out in later periods. This study aims to examine this lost method. Methods : Annotations of "Huangdineijing" were examined along with descriptions of the author's own experience. Results & Conclusions : Renying is the Renying(人迎) point from the Stomach Channel(ST), while Cunkou is the Taiyuan(太淵) point from the Lung Channel(LU). These two points are compared in order to determine the deficiency and excess of the Zangfu(臟腑). Normal pulses(平脈) are Soft(軟脈) or Moderate(緩脈), while Stirred pulses(躁脈) are Stringy(弦脈), Tight(緊脈), Slippery(滑脈) or Long(長脈). If the Renying is once active where Shaoyang pulse is active, purge the Gallbladder and supplement the Liver. If there is Stirred pulse, purge the Triple Burner and supplement the Pericardium. If the Renying is twice active where Taiyang pulse is active, purge the Bladder and supplement the Kidney. If there is Stirred pulse, purge the Small Intestine and supplement the Heart. If the Renying is three times active, where Yangming pulse is active, purge the Stomach and supplement the Spleen. If there is Stirred pulse, purge the Large Intestine and supplement the Lung. If the Cunkou is once active where the Jueyin pulse is active, purge the Liver and supplement the Gallbladder. If there is Stirred pulse, purge the Pericardium and supplement the Triple Energizer. If the Cunkou is twice active where the Shaoyin pulse is active, purge the Kidney and supplement the Bladder. If there is stirred pulse, purge the Heart and supplement the Small Intestine. If the Cunkou is three times active where the Taiyin pulse is active, purge the Stomach and supplement the Spleen. If there is Stirred pulse, purge the Lung and supplement the Large Intestine.

Pulse diagnosis procedure before and after the acupuncture in Hwangjenaekyung ("황제내경"에 나타난 침자 전후의 맥진)

  • Bae, Seong-Cheol;Shin, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Wang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2011
  • The acupuncture procedures in Hwangjenaekyung (黃帝內經) was different to modern ones in many aspects. Especially, the role of pulse diagnosis in acupuncture was totally different and the pulse diagnosis was essential part in acupuncture therapy in Hwangjenaekyung era. We found four noteworthy features on the pulse diagnosis before and after acupuncture in Hwangjenaekyung : (1) Pulse diagnosis was a mandatory process in acupuncture (2) Doctors who used pulse diagnosis in 12 meridians (十二經脈遍診脈法), pulse diagnosis in 9 points of 3 body parts (三部九候脈法), and comparative pulse diagnosis between radial artery and carotid artery (人迎寸口對比脈法) followed the former rule ((1)). (3) The major pulse features to detect before and after acupuncture were conversion between the vacuous pulse (虛脈) and the replete pulse (實脈), and conversion between slippery pulse (滑脈) and rough pulse (澁脈). (4) Deukki (得氣, Deqi) was synonym of Kiji (氣至), and it referred to the changes of arterial pulse, not the sensation followed by acupuncture manipulation.

The study of pulse diagnosis(服診) about twelve meridians(十二經脈) (고대(古代)의 경복진단법(經服診斷法) 중 십이경맥(十二經脈) 맥진(脈診)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lim, Seong-cheol;Son, Seong-cheol;Lee, Kyung-min;Hwang, Min-seob;Kim, Kap-sung;Yoon, Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2002
  • Objective : The study of relations between twelve meridians and pulse diagnosis Method : The possiblity of pulse diagnosis on the pulse points(脈動處) of each meridian through the scription of $\ll$Maek beop(脈法)$\gg$ $\ll$Nae kyeong(內經)$\gg$ and $\ll$Nan kyeong(難經$\gg$ Result : The comparative pulse diagnosis method(比較脈診法) in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop$\gg$ progressed to the five Jang bu maek(五臟脈) in the scription of $\ll$Young chu : Sa gi jang bu byeong hyeong(靈樞 邪氣臟腑病形)$\gg$ in accordance with the progress of pulse diagnosis and the theory of medicine. Conclusions : The comparative pulse diagnosis method in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop)$\gg$ progressed to the five Jang bu maek(五臟脈) in the scription of $\ll$Young chu : Sa gi jang bu byeong hyeong$\gg$ and the moxibustion and Pyum bup(貶法) in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop$\gg$ altered to acupuncture therapy on the five shu points(五輸穴)

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Suggestion for Objective Evaluation of Comparative Pulse Diagnosis

  • Jun-Sang Yu
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: Pulse is a method of Korean medicine diagnosis and is an important clue to detect the organs, nature, and progress of the disease. Pulse examination is included in the basic examination of Korean medicine doctors, but there is no standardized method for diagnosing pulse although the types and methods of the pulse taking are briefly described in the literature, making it difficult to spread the examination method. In this regard, I would like to propose an objective evaluation method. Methods: Although the importance of pulse examination and the method of pulse examination are known in the literature, it is difficult for undergraduate students or inexperienced Korean medicine doctors to access it, so in this paper a method of marking the size of the pulse power in the blank space for objective evaluation was devised and presented. Results: The size of the pulse power should be indicated using the 1-cell, 3-cell, or 5-cell method according to the left and right wrists and the cun, guan and chi on both sides. Conclusion: The method of pulse diagnosis is an important diagnostic method as a verification process for making a Korean medical diagnosis. The remaining Korean medicine diagnostic methods, including pulse diagnosis, also need to undergo objectification. It is believed that the objectification of these diagnostic methods will lead to an improvement in the treatment rate of Korean medicine.

A Study on Pulse Condition of Sameumsamyang(三陰三陽) in "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)" ("황제내경(黃帝內經)"의 삼음삼양(三陰三陽) 맥상(脈象)에 대한 소고(小考))

  • Baik, You-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2008
  • Among the various pulse diagnosis contents in "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)", we researched the pulse conditions that are belonged to Sameumsamyang(三陰三陽), and made a comparative study with pulse conditions of five organs[五臟], that of six meridians in "Sanghallon(傷寒論)". So from now on, this study would make help to understand standard pulse condition of Sameumsamyang(三陰三陽) diseases for clinical application. In "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)", pulse condition of Taeyang(太陽) is expressed to be floating, Yangmyeong(陽明)'s condition to be strong but with a little bit weakness, Soyang(少陽)'s condition to be intermediate between Eum(陰) and Yang(陽), Taeeum(太陰)'s condition to be low and soft, So-eum(少陰)'s condition to be low and weak with some occasional upward tendency, Gweoleum(厥陰)'s condition to be mixed state of Eum and Yang.

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Comparative Study of Speed, Size and Depth of Pulse on the Traditional Pulse Diagnosis and Pulse Analyzer (맥의 빠르기, 크기, 깊이에 관한 전통맥진과 기기측정 맥진의 비교 연구)

  • Ha, In-Young;Youn, Yeo-Chung;Youn, Dae-Hwan;Choi, Chan-Hun;Lee, Young-Su;Lim, Seung-Il;Na, Chang-Su
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-37
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The pulse diagnosis is an important method in Oriental Medicine. The aim of this study is to measure the similarity of the diagnosis by a traditional method using doctor's hand for feeling of pulse and by pulse diagnosis apparatus using Hwang-Je (HJ) pulse analyser, Hui-Su (HS) pulse analyser on Chon, Kwan and Chuk. Methods : Four korean medical doctors and HJ pulse analyser, HS pulse analyser have measured the speed (遲數), the size (微細弱緩大), and the depth (浮沈) of pulse waves of 23 volunteers. First, four korean medical doctors measured pulse waves of volunteers. And then, the pulse waves of volunteers were measured by HJ pulse analyser, HS pulse analyser. This was performed on the right Chon, Kwan and Chuk. Results : The traditional method and the HJ pulse analyser method had the 60.9% matches on the values of the pulse speed condition, the HS pulse analyser method had the 78.3% matches on the values of the pulse speed condition. The traditional method and the HJ pulse analyser method had the 56.5% (Chon), 65.2% (Kwan), 78.3% (Chuk) matches on the values of the pulse size condition, the HS pulse analyser method had the 65.2% (Chon), 13.0% (Kwan), 39.1% (Chuk) matches on the values of the pulse size condition. The traditional method and the HJ pulse analyser method had the 43.5% (Chon), 26.1% (Kwan), 47.8% (Chuk) matches on the values of the pulse depth condition, the HS pulse analyser method had the 45.5% (Chon), 30.4% (Kwan), 36.8% (Chuk) matches on the values of the pulse depth condition. Conclusions : According to these results, we suggest that the pulse analyser is necessary to develope for its high similarities with the traditional pulse diagnosis.

Comparative study of pulse point using hemodynamics (혈류역학을 이용한 촌구와 인영의 특성비교)

  • Shin, Sang-hoon;Park, Dae-hun;Park, Young-jae;Park, Young-bae
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to examine the hemodynamic characteristics of pulse point. Methods : The computational analysis algorithms of arterial tree system was derived. In order to investigate the effect of internal organ on the pulse point, the diameter of celiac artery was reduced by half. Results : The sensitivity of flow change at the Inyoung(Renying) is better than that of the Chongu(Cunkou). but the Inyoung was worse than the Chongu in the point of the left and right symmetry. The pressure changes at the Inyoung and the Chongu were in the similar range. Conclusions : It was found from the result that the Chongu shows the more symmetrical hemodynamic characteristics than the Inyoung.

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PD Diagnosis on 22.9kV XLPE Underground Cable using Ultra-wideband Sensor

  • Lwin, Kyaw-Soe;Lim, Kwang-Jin;Park, Noh-Joon;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.422-429
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents compact low frequency ultra-wide band (UWB) sensor design and study of the partial discharge diagnosis by sensing electromagnetic pulse emitted from the partial discharge source with the newly designed UWB sensor. In this study, we designed a new type of compact low frequency UWB sensor based on microstrip antenna technology to detect both the low frequency and high frequency band of the partial discharge signal. Experiments of offline PD testing on medium voltage (22.9kV) underground cable mention the comparative results with the traditional HFCT as a reference sensor in the laboratory. In the series of comparative tests, the calibration signal injection test provided with the conventional IEC 60270 method and high voltage injection testing are included.

Comparative Study between the Finger Photoplethysmographic Waveform of the Old and That of the Young Whose Harmonics Deceased with Notch Filtration (고조파 성분 여과 전후의 지첨용적맥파 파형의 비교)

  • Nam, Tong-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Hoon;Park, Young-Jae;Park, Young-Bae
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: The aim of the present investigation was to determine whether the finger photoplethysmography (PPG) of the young will become analogous to those of the old when the PPG harmonic components in the young decrease. Methods: The PPG was measured in 46 old men (21 males and 25 females) over the age of 60 years and 10 young men (5 males and 5 females). We acquired the representative pulse waveform of old men by averaging the PPG waveforms measured in the old men. after the PPG harmonic components in the young men were diminished with notch filtering, we compared the representative pulse waveform of old men and those of the young men. Results: The PPG waveform of the young males became analogous to the representative pulse waveform of the old as the PPG harmonic components in the young were diminished with notch filtering. Especially after the second harmonic component in the young was diminished with notch filtering, increase of the Pearson's correlation coefficient was prominent. On the other hand, the Pearson's correlation coefficient between the PPG waveforms of the young females and that of the old deceased after the second harmonic component diminished in the young. Conclusions: Decrease of the second harmonic component may be a precondition of typical age-related change of the pulse waveform in the healthy male.

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The study on the origin of Shi-Dong-Ze-Bing and Shi-Zhu-Mou-Suo-Sheng-Bing (고대(古代) 경맥병증체계(經脈病證體系)에 있어서 "시동칙병(是動則病)"과 "시주모소생병(是主某所生病)"의 연원(淵源)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Hwang, Min-Seop;Sohn, Sung-Chul;Bae, Dae-Young;Kim, Kap-Sung;Yoon, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.14-27
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    • 2002
  • Objective : The aim of this study is to reveal the meaning of Shi-Dong-Bing and Suo-Sheng-Bing through investigating the origin of Shi-Dong-Bing and Suo-Sheng-Bing. Methods : We analyzed and compared the meridian symptoms of "ju Bi Shi Yi Mai Jiu Jing, "Ju Bi", "Yin Yang Shi Yi Mai Jiu Jing" and "Lin Shu Jing Mai". Results : Suo-Sheng-Bing seems to have been originated from the meridian symptoms of "Ju Bi" and Shi-Dong-Bing is different from the meridian symptoms of "Ju Bi". therefore two meridian symptoms differ in the source of formation and they seems to be different concerning recognition system for disease. Conclusion : Shi-Dong-Bing is the meridian symptoms, in case of feeling abnormal beat by pulse diagnosis, and this pulse diagnosis method is comparative pulse diagnosis method that compare all the pulse point of every meridians. Suo-Sheng-Bing seems to be the meridian symptoms describing the disease of somatic surface with making reference to meridian-circulating positions, afterward have been increased to the related internal organ's disease.

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