• 제목/요약/키워드: color range

검색결과 1,500건 처리시간 0.027초

Development of Traffic Light Automatic Discrimination System Using Digital Image Processing Technology (디지털영상처리 기술을 이용한 교통신호등 자동 판별 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Dong;Baek, Young-Hyun;Moon, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2009
  • This paper established the range of the wavelength of traffic lights to detection the color of traffic lights and the color component segmentation with the range of the wavelength. Development of traffic light automatic discrimination system is consists of the color detection and the traffic lights recognition. In this thesis, it established the range of the wavelength of traffic lights to detection the color of traffic lights and the color segmentation with the range of the wavelength. By the segmentation, the traffic light colors(red, orange and green) can be detected and the background is changed into gray image. Next, we proposed the algorithm which can detect the area of traffic lights in the various surroundings with the wavelet transformation algorithm. Also, we proposed traffic lights recognition algorithm using between the edge operator and the Hausdorff distance algorithm based on CBIR(Content-based Image retrieval). Therefore, the proposed algorithm is more superior to the conventional algorithm by experimenting with the illumination including the traffic lights and the backgrounds with various images.

A Color Correction Method for High-Dynamic-Range Images Based on Human Visual Perception (인간 시각 인지에 기반을 둔 높은 동적폭을 갖는 영상 보정 방법)

  • Choi, Ho-Hyoung;Song, Jae-Wook;Jung, Na-Ra;Kang, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제18권9호
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    • pp.1027-1038
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    • 2015
  • For last several decades, the color correction methods have been proposed for HDR(high dynamic range) images. However, color distortion problems take place after correcting the colors such as halos, dominant color as well known. Accordingly, this article presents a novel approach in which the method consists of tone-mapping method and cone response function. In the proposed method, the tone mapping method is used to improve the contrast in the given HDR image based on chromatic and achromatic based on the CIEXYZ tristimulus value, expressed in c/m2. The cone response function is used to deal with mismatch between corrected image and displayed image as well as to estimate various human visual effects based on the CMCAT2000 color appearance model. The experimental results show that the proposed method yields better performance of color correction over the conventional method in subjective and quantitative quality, and color reproduction.

Color Development of combination Dyeing of Indian Indigo and Turmeric Extracts, Gardenia Extracts (인도쪽과 울금 및 치자의 복합염색에 의한 색상 변화)

  • 정진순;설정화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.325-336
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated color change of combination dyeing silk fabrics dyed with Turmeric extracts and Gardenia extracts after dyeing of Indian indigo. Experimental variables include the condition of dyeing time and concentration of Turmeric extracts, Gardenia extracts, arid dyeing cycle of Indian indigo. Surface color of silk fabrics dyed with Turmeric 77tracts after one cycle dyeing, two cycles dyeing, four cycles dyeing of Indian indigo was changed from 5.1GY to 0.3GY, 1.5G to 3.5GY and 6.5G to 5.8GY by increase of concentration of Turmeric extracts. On the other hand, Surface color of silk fabrics dyed with Gardenia extracts after one cycle dyeing, two cycles dyeing, four cycles dyeing of Indian indigo was changed from 7.5Y to 3.9Y, 1.2GY to 6.7Y and 4.0GY to 8.6GY by increase of concentration of Gardenia extracts. Its range of surface color was changed to green and yellowish green by increase of dyeing time with concentration of Turmeric extracts. On the other hand, its range of surface color was changed to yellowish and yellow by increase of dyeing time with concentration of Gardenia extracts.

Analysis of Object Color Sensory Evoked Potentials Using Time Varying Filtering (시변 필터링에 의한 물체색각 유발뇌파 해석)

  • 양호은;최갑석
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1992
  • This paper proposes the method that evoked potentials stimulated by object colors are analyzed and examined on the phenomemon of color sensory. The method which is used to estimate the signal is time-varying. filtering (TVF). At the results of experiment which used object colors, it is shown that color sensory times of red are within the range of 0.0~0.25[sec], those of yellow are within the range of 0.25~0.55[sec], and those of blue are within the range of 0.55~0.75[sec]; they are inclined to sequence in accending order as red, yellow, and blue.

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Splitting between Region of Chromatic and Achromatic by Brightness and Chroma (명암과 채도에 의한 색상영역과 비색상영역의 분할)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Hwang, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제10권7호
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2010
  • Color is a sense signal for human to perceive being through light, and the color is divided into chromatic color and achromatic color. Chromatic color has hue, intensity, and saturation, but achromatic color has only intensity among the properties of chromatic color and doesn't have hue and saturation. Therefore it is important to split colors of image into area for human to perceive colors and not to perceive ones based on vision of human being. In this paper, we find a function to split colors of image into chromatic region of chromatic color region and achromatic region of achromatic color region. First, the input image of RGB color space is converted into the image of HSI color space in consideration of human vision and get a binary image from the converted image. After then, a function to split colors into ROC(ROC: Region of chromatic.) and ROA(ROA:Region of achromatic) is yield. It is difficult to split color of a general image into ROC and ROA. Therefore, to get the chromatic area and achromatic area, we make gradient images to have all range of intensity and range of saturation and to have a little range of hue and yield the function. The evaluation is tested using subjective-quality by 50 non-experts for result images of test images and general images. The results of the proposed method get better 27.5~32.96% than these of the conventional method

Effect of Zirconia Core Thickness on the Tone Blocking of Discolored Tooth and Metal Post (지르코니아 코어의 두께에 따른 변색치와 메탈 포스트의 색조차단 효과)

  • O, Seon-Mi;Lee, Chae-Hyun
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between zirconia core thickness and color tone blocking of discolored tooth and metal post. Methods: For this study, we made 20-porcelain sample and 4-metal sample( liechtenstein IPS e.max) bonded to zirconia core of different thickness with cement(Relyx ARC-3M USA)for produce discolored. We measured the color-spectral characteristics, using Shadepilot equipment(Degudent USA).We measured it with Shadepilot equipment set by automated average mode in 3 times And applied the average value obtained from 2 times of measurement in the middle of each sample. Results: As a result of analysing color-spectral characteristics on zirconia core sample, Depending on the thickness of zirconia core, the value of brightness(${\Delta}L*$:color-spectral characteristic) was increased within limited range, value of ${\Delta}a*$, ${\Delta}b*$ was decrease. Conclusion: Consequently, we obtained the following results: Changes of sample color were observed depending on the thickness of zirconia, but the range of change did not exceed the scope range of shade guide. The case of metal posts, shade guide color D2 were observed in 0.5mm of zirconia core thickness. As a result, in case of porcelain, increasing the zirconia thickness of 0.3mm or more is unnecessary for color blocking effect, in case of metal post, considering the discolored tooth, thickness of zirconia with at least 0.5mm or more is recommended.

등시지각 색 샘플링을 기반한 CIEL*a*b*-CMY 비선형 색변환

  • 오현수;이을환;유미옥;최환언;안석출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Printing Society Conference
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    • 한국인쇄학회 2000년도 추계 학술 발표회 논문집
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2000
  • In case of outputting the image with color printer, image is occurred color distortion by characteristics of paper, effect by overlap between neighbor dots and the mechanical characteristics if printer. Color calibration is needed to reduce this color distrotion. To color calibration, we select the color sample in printer color gamut. The accuracy of color calibration is determined by the number of sample, distribution, and calibration method. Generally, color space is selected the color sample dividing equal interval. In this case, the range of gamut of printed color patches is reduced due to the effect of inks overlap. Therefore, error is occurred when color transformation relatively. In this paper, we have the color sampling based on equi-visual perception and then reproduce the color using the Neural-Network and interpolation by LUT.

Favorite colar correction for color enhancement in color application system (색채 응용 시스템의 색향상을 위한 기호색 보정)

  • 이응주;하영호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.1566-1573
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we propose a favorite color correction algorithm for color enhancement in color application system which represent preferred colors for viewer's demands. The proposed algorithm corrects skin color which is widely used as a reference color for color control of color application system, blue color which is directly related to tri-stimulus values, and green color which has higher visual sensitivity. In the proposed algorithm, the vaiation range of phase detector output voltage was minimized for the favorite color saturation changes, thus the favorite from the burst signal for the phase detector characteristic, thus the favorite color was easilty detected from the other color without overlapping of correctionranges.

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A Study on the Color Reproduction Characteristic of Original Copy in Display Device (디스플레이 장치에서 인쇄원고의 컬러 재현특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ga-Ram;Koo, Chul-Whoi
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2005
  • An accurate characterization of the display device is essential for better color matching. The calibration and characterization process in display device is needed to transform the device dependent color to the device independent color. The process of characterization performs a linearization and transforms the linearized values into the CIE XYZ tristimulus values. The purposes of this paper is to propose optimal color transformation method for accurate reproduction of original copy in display device and to explain the propriety of transformation method using specific variable for the power of gradation expression.

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A Pseudo Multiple Capture CMOS Image Sensor with RWB Color Filter Array

  • Park, Ju-Seop;Choe, Kun-Il;Cheon, Ji-Min;Han, Gun-Hee
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.270-274
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    • 2006
  • A color filter array (CFA) helps a single electrical image sensor to recognize color images. The Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Bayer CFA is commonly used, but the amount of the light which arrives at the photodiode is attenuated with this CFA. Red-White-Blue (RWB) CFA increases the amount of the light which arrives at photodiode by using White (W) pixels instead of Green (G) pixels. However, white pixels are saturated earlier than red and blue pixels. The pseudo multiple capture scheme and the corresponding RWB CFA were proposed to overcome the early saturation problem of W pixels. The prototype CMOS image sensor (CIS) was fabricated with $0.35-{\mu}m$ CMOS process. The proposed CIS solves the early saturation problem of W pixels and increases the dynamic range.