• Title/Summary/Keyword: collapsed wall

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Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Failure Buying Heavy Rainfall - A Case Study (집중강우시 발생한 블록식 보강토 옹벽의 붕괴사례)

  • Yoo Chung-Sik;Jeon Han-Yong;Jung Hye-Young;Jung Hyuk-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a case history of a geosynthetics-reinforced segmental retaining wall, which collapsed during a severe rainfall immediately after the completion of the wall construction. In an attempt to identify possible causes for the collapse, a comprehensive investigation was carried out including physical and strength tests on the backfill, stability analyses on the as-built design based on the current design approaches, and slope stability analyses with pore pressure consideration. The investigation revealed that the inappropriate as-built design and the bad-quality backfill were mainly responsible for the collapse. This paper describes the site condition including wall design, details of the results of investigation and finally, lessons learned. Practical significance of the findings from this study is also discussed.

Numerical Study on the Leakage Safety of the Membrane LNG Tank Wall (멤브레인식 LNG 탱크벽체의 누설안전에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Chung-Kyun;Shim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2008
  • In this numerical study, the leakage safety of the LNG tank in which is constructed by membrane inner tank-plywood-polyurethane form-plywood-prestressed concrete structures has been presented for four leakage analysis models. The LNG leak criterion of the tank wall with a storage capacity of $200,000\;m^3$ is analyzed based on the thermal resistance technique. This means that if the cryogenic temperature of a leaked LNG is detected at the outer side of the PC wall, it may be leaked through the wall thickness of the tank. The calculated results based on the thermal resistance method between two walls show that the plywood, PUF, and another plywood walls may block the leakage of the leaked LNG even though the strength of these walls is already collapsed by a leaked LNG pressure. But, the leaked LNG may pass the thickness of the prestressed concrete wall for a period of elapsed time even though the PC outer tank supports the leaked LNG pressure. Thus, the PC outer tank may extend the leakage time of a leaked LNG.

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Reduction of the Isolated Anterior Wall of the Maxillary Sinus Fracture with Double Urinary Balloon Catheters and Fibrin Glue

  • Kim, Jaehee;Yang, Ho Jik;Kim, Jong Hwan;Kim, Su Jin
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2017
  • Background: Conservative treatment is performed for isolated anterior wall of the maxillary sinus fractures, in many cases when the fracture is clinically not severe and asymptomatic. Despite the absence of symptoms, complications such as sinusitis, rhinitis, and chronic purulent secretion may develop; therefore, successful reduction is required. We attempted to reduce the risk of complications using an alternative technique: reduction of the fracture with two urinary balloon catheters inserted through the maxillary ostium and fixation using fibrin glue, which minimizes the damage to the bony fragments and sinus mucosa. Methods: In this study, 38 patients who were diagnosed with an isolated anterior wall of the maxillary sinus fracture at our hospital between January 2014 and January 2017 were enrolled. The fracture site was exposed via the Caldwell-Luc approach followed by reduction through the insertion of two urinary balloon catheters using a nasal endoscope and fixation with fibrin glue. The sex, cause of fracture, physical examination, and presence of complications were examined and patient's medical records and facial bone computed tomography scans were analyzed. Results: Radiological evaluation showed that there was no evidence of collapsed reduction fragments. Although some patients had remaining symptoms of hypoesthesia (15%; 3 patients), there were no complications such as infection, rhinitis, sinusitis, and chronic purulent secretion at the surgical site. Conclusion: In this study, we present an alternative surgical technique using two urinary balloon catheters and fibrin glue for the successful reconstruction of an isolated anterior wall of the maxillary sinus fracture. This technique enables precise restoration with a reduced risk of complications.

A Case Study on the Reinforcement of Existing Damaged Geogrid Reinforced Soil Wall Using Numerical Analyses (수치해석을 이용한 기존 피해 보강토 옹벽의 보강에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Langcuyan, Christine P.;Choi, Jeong-Ho;Ha, Yang-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2020
  • There have been often cases of collapse for geogrid reinforced soil (GRS) retaining wall. Hence, social interest in the reinforcement and restoration of the collapsed GRS wall is increasing day by day. However, there are only few researches. For this reason, a series of numerical analyses using the Plaxis 2D program was conducted in this study to analyze the suitable reinforcement methods that can be applied on the existing damaged GRS wall caused by overturning of the modular blocks facing and the surface settlement at the backfill as the results from the design failure. The restoration plan used in this study is composed of two cases: (Case 1) soil nailing reinforcement and reinforced concrete (RC) wall facing construction on the existing damaged GRS wall; and (Case 2) removal of the entire damaged GRS wall and then reconstruction. The results on the internal stability of the GRS wall show that Case 1 obtained a greater safety factor than Case 2 for tensile force while Case 2 had a greater safety factor than Case 1 for pullout failures. Case 1 was found to be more stable than Case 2 in terms of the global slope safety by shear strength reduction method and the external deformation behavior by numerical analysis. In this study, the existing damaged GRS wall which was reinforced using Case 1 method shows more stable external behavior.

PEG Distribution in the Cell Walls of PEG-treated Woods using SEM-EDS (SEM-EDS를 이용한 PEG처리재 세포벽내의 PEG분포 분석)

  • Kwon, Gu-Joong;Kim, Nam-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution and penetration of PEG molecules into the cell wall of wood by SEM-EDS method. SEM observation indicated that the cell walls of PEG-treated specimen were swollen, and didn't show any change in their shapes, while the cells of untreated specimen were more or less collapsed. The results of X-ray analyses of potassium stained samples revealed the distribution of the impregnated chemicals within the cell walls, when considering the distribution of potassium ions in the cell walls. Consequently, this study supported the possibility of PEG molecules penetrated into the wood cell wall play an important role in enhancing the dimensional stability of wood.

Investigating measures to improve seismic performance of stone arch bridges using larger filling stones

  • Aiko Furukawa;Yusuke Higashi
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.277-296
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    • 2024
  • Stone arch bridges in Japan consist of ring stones, wall stones, and filling material. Some stone arch bridges have a filling material of small size, while others have a filling material of large size. During past earthquakes, the filling material collapsed and made the wall stones to collapse together, therefore, the stability of the filling material itself seems to have an important influence on the seismic performance of stone arch bridges. However, few studies have investigated the filling material. This study focused on the effect of the filling material size on the seismic performance of stone arch bridges. The seismic behavior of stone arch bridges with large or small crushed stones as the filling material was compared through shaking table tests and numerical simulation using the refined distinct element method. The shaking table test revealed that the natural frequencies and resonance curves of stone arch bridges with large and small crushed stones are similar. However, the seismic performance was different depending on the size of crushed stone. The stone arch bridge with larger crushed stones withstood the earthquake shaking for longer time. The post-collapse appearance of the test specimen revealed that large crushed stones were more stable than small crushed stones, because large crushed stones stabilized with a steeper slope angle. The numerical simulation revealed a trend similar to that in the shaking table test. The results revealed that replacing the filling material with larger stones is expected to improve seismic performance in the maintenance of stone arch bridges.

A STUDY ON ELASTO-PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF SPHERICAL SHELL BY RIGID ELEMENT METHOD(I) - Theoretical Consideration on Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Spherical Shell - (강체요소법에 의한 구형쉘의 탄소성해석에 관한 연구( I ) - 구형쉘의 탄소성 해석에 관한 이론적 고찰 -)

  • 권택진;한상율;서삼열;박강근
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1988.10a
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 1988
  • This study on the elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell by rigia element method is classified into two parts : (1) theoretical consideration on elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell, (2) elastic and elasto-plastic analysis of spherical shell with the open stiff ring. In 1982, Y. Tsuboi proposed the new analytical method which is called the rigid element method, for analyzing the elasto-plastic behavior of wall-type precast concrete structures by applying the concepts of rigid bodies-sprins model (i.e., when structures reach their ultimate state of leading, they may be yield, collapsed ana crushed into pieces, and each part or piece of structures mar move like a rigid body.). In this paper, for improvement and expansion this rigid element method, it is proposed the adaptation equation of rectangular-shaped spherical element and rectangular-shaped spherical bending element developed by present authors, and the analytical procedure for the elastic and the elasto-plastic increment method of structures.

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Analysis of Handsheet Properties of Kenaf Base and Core Blended Pulps

  • Park, Jong-Moon;Pang, Myong-Hyeok;Cho, Nam-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1999
  • This study was to measure the potential of nonwoody fibrous material, kenaf. Whole stalk of kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus was separated by two parts of bast and core portion, and cooked separately by alkaline method. Morphological characteristic was evaluated using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and fiber quality analyzer(FQA). The strength properties of handsheets, made by different mixing ration between kenaf base and core fibers, were measured. Cross-sectional area of bast fibers was smaller than that of core fibers, but the bast fibers had a thick cell wall and narrow lumen area. Bast fibers were longer in length than core fibers. Core fibers had thin cell walls, broad lumen areas, and short lengths, and they had collapsed shape even in water. These characteristics of core fibers affected strength properties of handsheet positively. When the amount of core fibers increased, the strength properties of handsheet were increased. When the amount of bast fibers increased, the handsheet had rougher surface and higher air permeability.

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Reinforced Earth Structures (보강토 공법)

  • 이은수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2001
  • Reinforced earth is a composite construction material in which the strength of engineering fill is enhanced by the addition of strong tensile reinforcement in variable types. The basic mechanism of reinforced earth involves the generation of frictional forces and bearing resistances between the soil and the reinforcement. The primitive structure of reinforced earth in Korean peninsula were found as the earth wall built around the old fort In about 3rd century Modern reinforced earth was introduced to Korea early 1980, and spreaded tremendously through the nation. Among them, not a few reinforced earth walls which were built ignored over all stabilities have been collapsed. In this paper basic concepts, economic benefits, design considerations and future applicable trends of reinforced earth are reviewed in simple manners.

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Weathering of Larch Wood treated with Wood tar and Wood vinegar (목타르와 목초액로 처리한 낙엽송재의 Weathering 특성)

  • Kwon, Gu-Joong;Kwon, Sung-Min;Jang, Jae-Hyeok;Chun, Kun-Woo;Kim, Nam-Hun
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2011
  • This study has been carried out to investigate the preservation characteristics and weathering of larch wood treated with wood tar and wood vinegar, neglected under the circumstance of outdoor exposure, buried under ground, and deposited under water. Earlywood cell wall observed by optical microscope has been collapsed due to the fungi deterioration. This phenomenon occurred more frequently in the case of woods treated with wood tar and buried under ground. Relative crystallinity of woods treated with wood tar, exposed outdoors, and untreated wood buried under ground was highest at 63% while wood tar treated wood buried under ground was lowest at 46%.