• Title/Summary/Keyword: coastal-offshore

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Polychaete Feeding Guilds from the Continental Shelf Off the Southeastern Coast of Korea (한국(韓國) 동남해역(東南海域)에 분포(分布)하는 다모류(多毛類)의 식이조합(食餌組合))

  • Choi, Jin Woo;Koh, Chul Hwan
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 1989
  • The feeding guild classification proposed by Fauchald and Jumars (1979) and the relationship between this guild structure and the habitat environment were examined based on the quantitative polycheate samples collected on the continental shelf off the southeastern coast of Korea. Total 12 feeding guilds were found and the major feeding guilds of polychaetes were BSX (burrowing, sessile, non-jawed), SDT (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), SST (surface deposit feeding, sessile, tentaculate), BMX (burrowing, motile, non-jawed), BMJ (burrowing, motile, jawed), SDJ (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, jawed). There were more significant associations between feeding guilds and mean grain size (${\phi}$); SST and BMJ showed a positive correlation with mean phi, whereas CDJ (carnivore, discretely motile, jawed) and FDT (filter feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), a negative value. The CDJ and CMX (carnivore, motile, non-jawed) guilds showed positive correlations with sand content, but only SST guild showed a positive correlation with clay. The heterogeneity of sediment or sorting value (${\phi}$) was highly associated with various feeding strategies of polychaetes. Surface deposit feeders and filter feeders, sessile, and tentaculate strategies were associated with poorly sorted or heterogeneous sediments. Some preliminary polychaete feeding surfaces were posed. Southern and northern coastal region composed of muddy sediment were characterized by SDJ; northern slope of mud by SST; central coast of mud by SDT, BSX; and BMX; southern offshore of sandy sediment by SDJ and IDT (interface feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate).

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Environmental Character and Catch Fluctuation of Set Net Ground in the Coastal Water of Hanlim in Cheju Island II. Fluctuation of Temperature, Salinity and Current (제주도 한림 연안 정치망 어장의 환경특성과 어획량 변동에 관한 연구 II. 수온 및 염분의 변동과 해수의 유동)

  • KIM Jun-Teck;JEONG Dong-Gun;RHO Hong-Kil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 1999
  • To investigate the relationships between ocean environmental characteristics, the time-series data of temperature and salinity observed at a station near at Hanlim set net in 1995 and 1996 are analyzed, and the results are as follow ; 1. In hanlim set net, the diurnal range of temperature and salinity variation in summer is very large and the amplitude of short-period fluctuation of temperature and salinity is very large. That is, not only the water of the middle and bottom layers (low temperature and high salinity) but also the coalstal water (high temperature and low salinity) appears alternatively depending on the current direction 2. from the result of mooring for 22 days in Hanlim set net, the mean speed and direction of tidal current in neap tide were 9.1 cm/sec and south westward in ebb time, and 11.6 cm/sec and north or northeastward in flood time, respectively. The highest speed of the current was 15cm/sec in ebb time, and 22.6 cm/sec in flood time. The mean speed and direction of tidal current in spring tide were 10.4 cm/sec, and southwestward in ebb time, and 12.3 cm/sec, and north or northestward in flood time, respectively. The highest speed of the current was 19.4 cm/sec in ebb time, and 20 cm/sec in flood time respectively. The mean speed of the current in flood time was larger than that in ebb time. The velocity vector along the major axis of semidiurnal tide ($M_2$) component was 1.5 times larger than that of diurnal tide ($K_1$), The major directions of two compornants were northwestward and east-southeastward and residiual current were 3.25 cm/sec and northwestward-directed. Result of TGPS Buoy tracer for 3 days between Biyang-Do and Chgui-Do showed that the mean speed was 1.6 knot in ebb time and 1.3 knot in flood time. Direction of tidal was southwestward in ebb time and northeastward in flood time respectively. The maximum current speed was 4.8 knot in ebb time and 3.7 knot in flood time respectively. The mean speed and direction of tidal in of offshore were 1.7 knot and northwestward in flood time. The residual current appeared 0.3 knot northeastward.

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Spatio-temporal Distributions of Organic Matter in Surface Sediment in the Central Part of the South Sea, Korea (남해 중부해역 표층퇴적물 유기물의 시.공간 분포특성)

  • Noh, Il-Hyeon;Yoon, Yang-Ho;Park, Jong-Sick;Soh, Ho-Young;Kim, Dae-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 2006
  • Field observations on the spatio-temporal distribution of organic matter of the surface sediment were carried out at 15 stations in the central parts of the South Sea of Korea from April 2002 to January 2003. The range of water temperature and salinity in bottom waters, mud content and water content of surface sediment were $8.06{\sim}23.35^{\circ}C,\;29.20{\sim}34.51\;psu,\;71.2{\sim}99.9%$ and $38.7{\sim}68.9%$, respectively. Measured parameters on the surface sediments of ignition loss (IL), chemical oxygen demand (CODs), phaeopigment, particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) also ranged in $3.9{\sim}l2.5%,\;9.60{\sim}44.05\;mgO_2/g-dry,\;1.58{\sim}29.51\;{\mu}g/g-dry,\;3.12{\sim}13.01\;mgC/g-dry$ and $0.49{\sim}2.00\;mgN/g-dry$, respectively. The spatio-temporal distribution of organic matter demonstrated higher concentrations offshore than at lesions near the coastal line. Higher concentrations occurred in the summer and spring. The results indicated that the origin of organic matter in surface sediments in the central part of the South Sea was autochthonous rather than allocthonous because the organic matter had an average C/N ratio of 6.44 (${\pm}0.51$). However, the composition of autochthonous organic matter was mainly derived from detritus rather than living phytoplankton, which was Indicated by the results of the POC/phaeopigment ratio. A principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that 73.2% of the variability in the data was described by two factors: 1) an 'environmental factor concerning the accumulation of materials (57.3%)' and 2) 'origin of organic matter and the composition by primary production (15.9%)'. The sedimentary environment in the central part of the South Sea was divided into four regions from the factor score of the PCA by the concentrations of organic matter and the composition ratio of organic matters from phytoplankton in surface sediments.

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Improvements in the Marine Environmental Survey on Impact of Seawater Qualities and Ecosystems due to Marine Sand Mining (바다모래 채취 시 해수 수질 및 생태계 영향에 대한 해양환경조사 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Yeong-Tae;Kim, Gui-Young;Jeon, Kyeong-Am;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Kim, In-Chul;Choi, Bo-Ram;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kim, Jin-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2014
  • We reviewed investigation status on turbidity plume in the statement of marine environmental survey(2008 to 2012) associated with marine sand extraction projects. The survey statement from seven marine sand extraction sites (extraction area of Southern EEZ, extraction area of Western EEZ, relocation zone in the Western EEZ, sea area under jurisdiction of Taean-gun, sea area under jurisdiction of Ansan City, and two discrete sea areas under jurisdiction of Ongjin-gun) in the nearshore and offshore of Korea showed that in situ observations were carried out for the dispersion and transport of suspended sediments on two areas (One is a extraction area in the EEZs, the other is an area of coastal sites). However, sampling station and range have not been selected considering physical, geographical factors (tide, wave, stratification, water depth, etc.) and weather conditions (wind direction and velocity, fetch, duration, etc). Especially turbidity plumes originating from three sources, which include suspended sediments in overflow(or overspill) discharged from spillways and reject chutes of dredging vessel, and resuspended sediments from draghead at the seabed, may be transported to a far greater distance outside the boundary of the extraction site and have undesirable impacts on the marine environment and ecosystem. We address that behaviour of environmental pollutants such as suspended solids, nutrients, and metals should be extensively monitored and diagnosed during the dispersion and transport of the plume. Finally we suggest the necessity to supplement the current system of the sea area utilization consultation and establish the combined guidelines on marine sand extraction to collect basic data, to monitor cumulative effects, and to minimize environmental damages incurred by the aftermath of sand extraction.

A Review on Ocean Acidification and Factors Affecting It in Korean Waters (우리나라 주변 바다의 산성화 현황과 영향 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Wook;Kim, Dongseon;Park, Geun-Ha;Ko, Young Ho;Mo, Ahra
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 2022
  • The ocean is a significant sink for atmospheric anthropogenic CO2, absorbing one-third of the total CO2 emitted by human activities. In return, oceans have experienced significant declines in seawater pH and the aragonite saturation state also called ocean acidification. This study evaluates the distribution of aragonite saturation state, an indicator to assess the potential threat from ocean acidification, by combining newly obtained data from the west coast of South Korea with previous datasets covering the Yellow Sea, East Sea, northern South China Sea, and southeast coast of South Korea. In general, offshore waters absorb atmospheric CO2; however, most of the collected water samples show aragonite oversaturation. On the southeast coast, the aragonite saturation state was significantly affected by river discharge and associated variables, such as freshwater input with nutrients, seasonal stratification, biological carbon fixation, and bacterial remineralization. In summer, hypoxia and mixing with relatively acidic freshwater made the Jinhae and Gwangyang Bays undersaturated with respect to aragonite, possibly threatening marine organisms with CaCO3 shells. However, widespread aragonite undersaturation was not observed on the west coast, which receives considerable river water discharge. In addition, occasional upwelling events may have worsened the ocean acidification in the southwestern part of the East Sea. These results highlight the importance of investigating site-specific ocean acidification processes in coastal waters. Along with the above-mentioned seasonal factors, the dissolution of atmospheric CO2 and the deposition of atmospheric acidic substances will continue to reduce the aragonite saturation state in Korean waters. To protect marine ecosystems and resources, an ocean acidification monitoring program should be established for Korean waters.

Estimation of the Surface Currents using Mean Dynamic Topography and Satellite Altimeter Data in the East Sea (평균역학고도장과 인공위성고도계 자료를 이용한 동해 표층해류 추산)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Byun, Do-Seong;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Lee, Eun-Il
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2009
  • In order to estimate sea surface current fields in the East Sea, we examined characteristics of mean dynamic topography (MDT) fields (or mean surface current field, MSC) generated from three different methods. This preliminary investigation evaluates the accuracy of surface currents estimated from satellite-derived sea level anomaly (SLA) data and three MDT fields in the East Sea. AVISO (Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data) provides a MDT field derived from satellite observation and numerical models with $0.25^{\circ}$ horizontal resolution. Steric height field relative to 500 dbar from temperature and salinity profiles in the East Sea supplies another MDT field. Trajectory data of surface drifters (ARGOS) in the East Sea for 14 years provide another MSC field. Absolute dynamic topography (ADT) field is calculated by adding SLA to each MDT. Application of geostrophic equation to three different ADT fields yields three surface geostrophic current fields. Comparisons were made between the estimated surface currents from the three different methods and in-situ current measurements from a ship-mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) in the southwestern East Sea in 2005. For offshore areas more than 50 km away from the land, the correlation coefficients (R) between the estimated versus the measured currents range from 0.58 to 0.73, with 17.1 to $21.7\;cm\;s^{-1}$ root mean square deviation (RMSD). For coastal ocean within 50 km from the land, however, R ranges from 0.06 to 0.46 and RMSD ranges from 15.5 to $28.0\;cm\;s^{-1}$. Results from this study reveal that a new approach in producing MDT and SLA is required to improve the accuracy of surface current estimations for the shallow costal zones of the East Sea.