• 제목/요약/키워드: coal fired thermal power plant

검색결과 62건 처리시간 0.019초

배출가스의 질소산화물과 이산화황 동시 저감 기술 (Various Technologies for Simultaneous Removal of NOx and SO2 from Flue Gas)

  • 박현우;엄성현
    • 공업화학
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.607-618
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    • 2017
  • 석탄화력발전소를 포함한 다양한 산업설비에서 유해 대기오염물질이 배출되고 있으며, 이러한 오염물질은 인체 건강과 자연 생태계에 영향을 준다. 특히, 질소산화물($NO_x$)와 이산화황($SO_2$)은 인체 건강에 악영향을 주는 미세먼지($PM_{2.5}$) 형성에 원인물질로 알려져 있다. 이러한 $NO_x$$SO_2$ 배출을 저감하기 위해서 선택적 촉매 환원(SCR)과 습식 탈황 공정(WFGD)으로 결합된 혼합 시스템이 사용되고 있으나, 높은 설치비용 및 운전비용을 필요로 하며, 유지보수의 문제점, 기술적인 한계점을 가지고 있다. 최근에 이러한 혼합 시스템을 대체하기 위한 $NO_x$, $SO_2$ 동시 저감 기술이 연구되고 있으며, 제안된 기술들은 흡수, 고도 산화(AOPs), 저온 플라즈마(NTP), 전자 빔(EB) 등이 있다. 이러한 기술들은 강한 수용성 산화제 및 산화력을 가진 화학활성종에 의한 $NO_x$, $SO_2$$HNO_3$, $H2SO_4$ 형태로의 산화 반응, 기-액 계면에서 $HNO_3$$H2SO_4$ 흡수 반응, 화학 첨가제에 의한 중화 반응을 기본으로 하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 각각의 동시 저감공정에 대한 기술적인 특징과 대용량 처리 공정 응용을 위한 향후 전망을 정리하였다.

배출가스 중 응축성미세먼지 특성 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Condensable Fine Particles in Flue Gas)

  • 공부주;김종현;김혜리;이상보;김형천;조정화;김정훈;강대일;박정민;홍지형
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.501-512
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    • 2016
  • The study evaluated methods to measure condensable fine particles in flue gases and measured particulate matter by fuel and material to get precise concentrations and quantities. As a result of the method evaluation, it is required to improve test methods for measuring Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) emitted after the conventional Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM) measurement process. Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) based on the evaluated analysis process showed that RSD percentages of FPM and CPM were around 27.0~139.5%. As errors in the process of CPM measurement and analysis can be caused while separating and dehydrating organic and inorganic materials from condensed liquid samples, transporting samples, and titrating ammonium hydroxide in the sample, it is required to comply with the exact test procedures. As for characteristics of FPM and CPM concentrations, CPM had about 1.6~63 times higher concentrations than FPM, and CPM caused huge increase in PM mass concentrations. Also, emission concentrations and quantities varied according to the characteristics of each fuel, the size of emitting facilities, operational conditions of emitters, etc. PM in the flue gases mostly consisted of CPM (61~99%), and the result of organic/inorganic component analysis revealed that organic dusts accounted for 30~88%. High-efficiency prevention facilities also had high concentrations of CPM due to large amounts of $NO_x$, and the more fuels, the more inorganic dusts. As a result of comparison between emission coefficients by fuel and the EPA AP-42, FPM had lower result values compared to that in the US materials, and CPM had higher values than FPM. For the emission coefficients of the total PM (FPM+CPM) by industry, that of thermal power stations (bituminous coal) was 71.64 g/ton, and cement manufacturing facility (blended fuels) 18.90 g/ton. In order to estimate emission quantities and coefficients proper to the circumstances of air pollutant-emitting facilities in Korea, measurement data need to be calculated in stages by facility condition according to the CPM measurement method in the study. About 80% of PM in flue gases are CPM, and a half of which are organic dusts that are mostly unknown yet. For effective management and control of PM in flue gases, it is necessary to identify the current conditions through quantitative and qualitative analysis of harmful organic substances, and have more interest in and conduct studies on unknown materials' measurements and behaviors.