• 제목/요약/키워드: climate change risk

검색결과 422건 처리시간 0.023초

기후변화 리스크의 지역 불평등 모니터링 : 폭염을 중심으로 (Monitoring regional inequalities in climate change risk - A Focus on Heatwave -)

  • 김근한
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2021
  • Abnormal climate caused by climate change causes enormous social and economic damage. And such damage and its impact may vary depending on the location and regional characteristics of the region and the social and economic conditions of local residents. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor whether there are indicators that are weaker than other regions among the detailed indicators that constitute the risk, exposure and vulnerability of climate change risk. In this study, the concept of climate change risk was used for heatwave to determine regional inequality of climate change risk. In other words, it was judged that inequality in climate change risk occurred in regions with high risk but high exposure and low vulnerability compared to other regions. As a result of the analysis, it was found that 13 local governments in Korea experienced regional inequality in climate change risk. In order to resolve regional inequality in climate change risks, the current status of regional inequality in climate change should be checked based on the analysis proposed in this study, there is a need for an evaluation and monitoring system that can provide appropriate feedback on areas where inequality has occurred. This continuous evaluation and monitoring-based feedback system is expected to be of great help in resolving regional inequality in climate change risks.

Global Assessment of Climate Change-Associated Drought Risk

  • 김혜진;김연주
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2019년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.397-397
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    • 2019
  • With the consequences of climate change becoming more evident, research on climate-associated risks has become a basis for climate adaptation and mitigation. Amongst the different sectors and natural resources considered in assessing such risks, drought is one impact to our environment that experiences stress from climate change but is often overlooked and has the potential to bring severe consequences when drought occurs. For example, when temperatures are higher, water demand increases and water supply decreases; when precipitation patterns fluctuate immensely, floods and droughts occur more frequently at greater magnitudes, putting stress on ecosystems. Hence, it is important for us to evaluate drought risk to observe how different climate change and socioeconomic scenarios can affect this vital life resource. In this study, we review the context of drought risk on the basis of climate change impacts and socioeconomic indicators. As underlined in the IPCC AR5 report, the risks are identified by understanding the vulnerability, exposure, and hazards of drought. This study analyzed drought risk on a global scale with different RCP scenarios projected until the year 2099 with a focus on the variables population, precipitation, water resources, and temperature.

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기후변화에 따른 공공기관 건축물의 리스크평가 (Risk Assessment of Public Agencies' Buildings due to Climate Change)

  • 최윤철
    • 대한건축학회논문집:구조계
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    • 제33권12호
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2017
  • Climate change not only has various impacts such as human shoes, economics, the environment, industry, etc. but the damage caused by this is also increasing, it is expected that severe damage will not occur without efforts to respond to climate change ing. Therefore, as the impact of climate change like the extreme weather phenomenon is dailyized and its strength tends to become stronger, as much as the mitigation measures of climate change, as a comparative effort to reduce the negative impact of climate change, adaptation to climate change is necessary. Especially when the damage caused by climate change (intense heat, torrential rain, cold wave and heavy snow etc.) as an institution responsible for the provision of public services such as public institutions, the socio-economic spread to the nation and the people The effect is very large. We confirmed the level of response to climate change for the entire public institution, and selected climate change risk which is relatively important for specific facilities and business establishments of public institutions, climate change adaptation measures We will try to utilize it as basic material of establishment.

The Impact of Climate Change on Fire

  • Eun-Hee JEON;Eun-Gu, HAM
    • 웰빙융합연구
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Climate change is greatly affecting the frequency and intensity of fires around the world. The main effects of climate change on fires are rising temperatures, dry seasons and extreme droughts, changes in precipitation, increased strong winds, extended fire danger periods, and changes in natural ecosystems. Several factors due to climate change are increasing the risk of large-scale fires, such as wildfires. Research design, data and methodology: Rising temperatures caused by climate change will make forests and grasslands drier, make it easier for wildfires to occur in drier environments and spread quickly to wider areas, and the generated wildfires will release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), and the released greenhouse gases will strengthen the global greenhouse effect, further raising the temperature. As temperatures rise, the risk of wildfires increases in drier environments, and this process is repeated, leading to a vicious cycle of intensifying climate change as more fires occur and more greenhouse gases are released. Results: In conclusion, climate change is increasing the risk of fire occurrence and this phenomenon is expected to become more frequent and severe in the future. Conclusions: In order to cope with the increasing fire risk caused by climate change, fire prevention and management. Fire detection and response systems need to be strengthened, supportive policies and international cooperation are needed to restore ecosystems, and these measures, along with fire prevention, management and countermeasures, should take into account long-term climate change and adaptation as well as short-term responses.

Attribution of Responsibility, Risk Perception, and Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility in Predicting Policy Support for Climate Change Mitigation: Evidence from South Korea

  • Bumsub Jin
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.182-200
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    • 2023
  • A recent nationwide survey reported that South Koreans perceive large corporations as the party that should be the most responsible for tackling climate change. This public opinion result offers insight into the argument that defining who is responsible for the climate change issue can guide campaigners and policymakers in designing effective communication strategies. This study examines how attributing responsibility to large corporations can affect behavioral intention to support government policy and regulation via a moderated mediation model of the perceived risk of climate change and corporate social responsibility (CSR). A nationwide online survey of 295 South Koreans was conducted. The findings reveal an indirect effect of responsibility attribution on behavioral intention through risk perception. Moreover, perceived CSR moderated the causal link between risk perception and behavioral intention, such that South Koreans reported higher levels of behavioral intention when they reported higher CSR. However, perceived CSR failed to moderate the indirect effect. These findings have implications for communication processes and policymaking to address climate change problems in South Korea.

Defining Risk Education in Climate Change Issues and Exploring its Status Quo in the Current Science Education

  • Yohan Hwang;Young-Shin Park;Hyunju Lee;Hyunok Lee;Kongju Mun
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.404-420
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    • 2024
  • Many risk-related issues within the realm of science education have been addressed through science-technology-related socioscientific issues (SSI) education. It has been established that the topics categorized as SSI are interconnected with risk-related issues. These topics emphasize numerous points of convergence with the goals of SSI education, particularly in understanding and analyzing risks, including risk assessment, risk management, and risk decision-making. Such understanding can aid in grasping the complexity of SSI based on risk-related issues and facilitate informed decision-making by structuring debates. Although there has been discourse on the need for education aimed at future survival and reflection on the responsibilities and roles of education in risk-prone societies, concepts or strategies related to actual risk responses are rarely addressed in science education and schools. Education tailored to risk-prone societies is not yet well established. This study explored the incorporation of climate change risk education into science education. A framework for climate change risk education was developed, encompassing seven elements, with corresponding definitions and examples. The researchers applied this framework to evaluate the extent to which climate change risk education is integrated into the current science curriculum of Korea. Additionally, SSI lesson scenarios related to climate change were analyzed using this risk education framework to determine the types and extent of risk education incorporated. The findings underscore the importance of teaching climate change risk education to equip students for rational decision-making.

기후변화 위험관리를 위한 체계 (A Framework for Climate Change Risk Management)

  • 이승준
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2019
  • 연구목적: 본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 재난의 특성을 분석하여 기후위험에 대비하기 위한 관리체계를 제시함을 목적으로 한다. 연구방법: 최근 국내외 자연재난으로 인한 피해의 추이를 분석하고 기후변화에 따른 재난의 특성을 파악함으로써 기후위험을 위한 관리체계를 설계한다. 연구결과: 기후변화에 따른 위험의 불확실성과 다양한 규모의 재난을 고려할 때, 위험의 평가에서부터 목표 설정, 계획 수립, 모니터링 및 평가, 학습과 조정 등의 핵심과정을 포함하는 포괄적 기후위험 관리체계가 요구되며, 이는 이해관계자 참여를 바탕으로 지속적으로 반복되는 체계를 의미한다. 결론: 본 연구에서 제시한 포괄적 기후위험 관리체계를 효과적으로 추진하기 위해 시범사업을 통해 관리체계를 수정 및 보완하고, 필요한 제도적 여건을 마련해야 한다.

Implementation of Agrometeorological Early Warning System for Weather Risk Management in South Korea

  • Shim, Kyo Moon;Kim, Yong Seok;Jung, Myung-Pyo;Choi, In Tae;Kim, Hojung;Kang, Kee Kyung
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the farmstead-specific early warning service system for weather risk management is to develop custom-made risk management recommendations for individual farms threatened by climate change and its variability. This system quantifies weather conditions into a "weather risk index" that is customized to crop and its growth stage. When the risk reaches the stage where it can cause any damage to the crops, the system is activated and the corresponding warning messages are delivered to the farmer's mobile phone. The messages are sent with proper recommendations that farmers can utilize to protect their crops against potential damage. Currently, the technology necessary to make the warning system more practical has been developed, including technology for forecasting real-time weather conditions, scaling down of weather data to the individual farm level and risk assessments of specific crops. Furthermore, the scientific know-how has already been integrated into a web-based warning system (http://new.agmet.kr). The system is provided to volunteer farmers with direct, one-on-one weather data and disaster warnings along with relevant recommendations. In 2016, an operational system was established in a rural catchment ($1,500km^2$) in the Seomjin river basin.

보험업의 기후변화 영향과 적응에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effects and Adaptation of Climate Change in Insurance Industry)

  • 남상욱
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to screen for the effects of climate change and climate change adaptation in the insurance industry. There is now a consensus that the climate is changing, with potential risk to the global economy and human health and so on. On the other hand, unknown is the extent to which insurance business pattern have already been affected. But the increase in damage due to climate change is likely to raise insurance company losses. In this regard, I conduct especially an effects of the insurance industry on climate change. And than, I analyzed what insurance companies would do to lessen the impact of climate change. As a result, the impact of climate change on the insurance industry is a huge increases in claims due to disasters and diseases arising from climate change. And another thing is growth in climate change-related legislation, regulations and reporting requirements such as financial soundness regulation and climate change risk disclosure. Therefore, the insurance industry needs to build a climate change adaptation strategies include capital raising, liquidity of assets, faithful debt management and so forth.

기후변화에 따른 기업 공급체인의 물 리스크 대응 실태 조사 (A study of how Supply Chain companies correspond to water risk resulted from climate change)

  • 박지영;박석하;임병선;김제숭
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2015
  • It is expected that the temperature in Pyeongyang will be similar to that ($16.6^{\circ}C$) in Seogwipo in the late 21st century, and most of South Korea will enter the subtropical climate due to climate change. Change in the precipitation pattern like the range of fluctuation caused by climate change will lead to expanded uncertainty in securing reliable water supply, along with a serious impact on demands for living and industrial water due to change in the volume and period of river outflow. As industrial water for production activities is estimated based on the contract quantity, it is difficult to apply rationalization of water usage and incentives in water recycling. Therefore many companies are making efforts in complying with the effluent standard while spending few resources on such rationalization and recycling. This study researched water risk management over 115 Korean companies by 28 questions in 4 categories. Through the research, this study aims to understand water risk management levels and seek response plans.