• Title/Summary/Keyword: classifying spaces

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A study on the activating factors of street spaces - Focused on the analysis of the component factors of streets in Korea and Japan - (가로공간의 활성화 인자에 관한 연구 - 한국과 일본의 가로구성인자분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Rhee, Jae-Won
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2006
  • Based on the results from the already published 'A study on factors that make busy of street space' and 'A study on street the image evaluation of streetscape', this study is an attempt to explore factors, other than the structural factors, that compose the street space and affect the image of street to be more lively. First of all, this study was mainly concentrated on the structure of street space that fits the theory of the previous two theses, stating that the structural ratio ($D/H=0.5{\sim}2$) gives the street an interesting image. The next study subject was the street space that exhibits the amenity and busy of image according to the space structure ratio. I defined that exhibiting amenity and busy means the activation of the street space, and I attempted to extract the activation factors from the component elements. The street space that shows amenity and busy image after the activation was named as 'lively street space' in this study. Furthermore, I selected 20 street spaces, after classifying the whole, according to nations and local characteristics as the previous theses had done and looked for the 'lively street space', whose structural ratio was not in the range of $D/H=0.5{\sim}2$ and the factors that contributed to the Image. As the result, I founded that in case of the business areas with the ratio of $D/H=0.5{\sim}2$, street activation factors were hydroponic facilities, sidewalks, and wayside buildings and In case of the commercial areas, the factors were sidewalk, wayside buildings, hydroponic facilities, and illumination facilities. Especially, 5 commercial areas in Korea and 1 business areas in Japan did not have the structural ratio of $D/H=0.5{\sim}2$, but still exhibited lively image as streets. This was because aside from the structural element, other street activation factors such as facilities also had major contribution in these streets. In other words, in commercial areas in Korea have wayside buildings, sidewalks, and hydroponic facilities as activating factors, whereas in street spaces in business areas in Japan, hydroponic facilities, wayside buildings, and sidewalk factors are influential to the activation of street spaces.

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Sensitivity Analysis on the Population within and outside of the Urban Park Service Areas - Focused on Daegu Metropolitan City Neighborhood Parks and Resident Registration Number Data - (도시공원 서비스권역 내 · 외 이용인구 정밀 분석 - 대구광역시 근린공원, 주민등록 데이터 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Seung-Woo;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2013
  • Urban parks are public spaces that provide various services for any urban resident to use and enjoy. Parks should be fairly distributed so that the urban parks can be equally used amongst different regions, generations and classes. Researches on spatial distribution of urban parks have been continuously conducted from the past based on the principles of fairness with variety, and it was evident that their techniques have become more elaborate and sophisticated. Yet, there have been limitations in the analysis of residents who are the main users of the urban parks. The research done so far was unable to apply the real number of the residents and it was carried out by only classifying and analyzing the population by the same scale(grid in the same sizes), postal(zip) code and administrative district. The actual population that resides within the usable range of urban parks was not used. This study analyzes and evaluates the spatial distribution that the residents can use on foot, by utilizing the service areas and the residents' registration data by addresses. In this study, to analyze the square measure of the service areas of neighborhood parks in Daegu Metropolitan City and the number of residents within and outside of the service area, network analysis techniques were employed and the residents' registration data were utilized. Major findings were that the Square measure of service areas of neighborhood parks turned out to be 31.23% of the square measure of the residential areas and also, that only 43.03% of the population of the Daegu Metropolitan area lives within the service areas of the neighborhood parks.

Improvement on Street Greenery for the Landscape Specialization and Increase of Green Volume on the Streets of Seoul (서울시 가로경관 특성화 및 녹량증진을 위한 가로녹지 개선 방안)

  • Byon, Hye-Ok;Han, Bong-Ho;Ki, Kyong-Seok;Jung, Jin-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2012
  • This study attempts to specifically analyze green volume and scenery characteristics by classifying the streets in Seoul and suggest improvements accordingly. The subject streets for research were limited to those that have high occupancy ratio and are wide enough to have a big potential in improving green volume. In terms of green volume and scenery according to the types of streets, Platanus occidentalis and Ginkgo biloba were most common regardless of the street type, and the green ratio was 51.6% in residential areas, 50.4% in commercial areas, and 43.7% in business areas. Apart from the residential area, there was almost no green areas, and the ratio of green coverage was 71.0% in business areas, 64.0% in green areas, 37.3% in residential areas, and 36.2% in commercial areas, while the green volume coefficient was $1.9m^3/m^2$ on average. Based on the study results, it was set as a goal to provide the residential areas with a green community space and flowering trees throughout the year for scenery, and commercial areas with flowering trees and maples to emphasize the stores' image while not interfering with service and walking. For business areas, the goals were to improve green ratio and create streets that suit the urban image, and to set up spaces to provide habitat for wild animals with multi-layer planting and link to surrounding forests.

Developing Design Guidelines for Rest Area Based on the Traffic Safety (교통안전을 고려한 고속도로 휴게소 설계기준 개발)

  • Lee, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Eui-Eun;Seo, Im-Ki;Park, Je-Jin
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2012
  • Entry and exits of the rest area are sections where designed speed can be rapidly change and also a weak traffic safety section. In addition, two tasks can be performed simultaneously at entry of the rest area, particularly searching for deceleration and parking spaces/parking sides etc. Thus, design criteria is required in order to procure the stability of accessed vehicle. In case of Korea, geometric structure design criteria of entry facilities, such as toll-gate, interchange, junction etc was established. However there are no presence in a detailed standards for geometric structure of the rest area which affiliated road facilities. In this study, Derive problems in regards to the entry of geometric structure of resting areas by utilizing a sight survey and an investigation research of traffic accidents. The survey was targeting 135 general service areas. After Classifying the design section of resting areas' entry as well as derive design elements on each section, a speed measurement by targeting entry of rest areas and car behavior surveys were performed, then each element's minimum standard was derived through the analyses. According to the speeds at the starting/end point of entrance connector road, the minimum length of the entrance connector road is decided as 40m using Slowing-down length formula and based on the driving pattern, the range of the junction setting angle of the entrance connector road is defined as $12^{\circ}{\sim}17^{\circ}$. Suggest improvement plans for existing rest areas that can be applied realistically. This should be corresponded to the standards of entry and exit of developed rest areas.

Analysis of Digital Exhibitions Reflecting Participation Experience of Visitors in Digital Exhibition Space (디지털 전시 공간에서 발생하는 관람자의 참여 경험이 반영된 디지털 전시의 분석)

  • Park, Si-Eun;Sung, Junghwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2018
  • This research proposes a suitable classification and analysis standard for digital exhibition to analyze digital exhibition. Through the previous studies on digital exhibition classification, the necessity of the new standard is suggested and the analysis standard which can be easily applied to the change of concept and form of the newly emerging digital exhibition is established. Digital exhibition should take into account the elements of audience participation that naturally arise from exhibition planning and interactive storytelling format. Classification and analysis of existing digital exhibition spaces are conceptual classification based on keywords. This is because traditional exhibition methodology has been applied in the process of classifying exhibitions and works. However, in digital exhibitions, the interactive aspect between exhibition space, works, and visitors become so important that it is necessary to perform a performative classification between the works and the audience in the digital exhibition. Accordingly, the way of participating directly or indirectly in the exhibition classification should be considered based on what the audience feel. In this research, the interpretation of the classification and composition of the exhibition is based on Benjamin's argument which the classification of the sensory experience of the audience and 'Aktualisierung' closely related to the interaction with the audience. We also present analysis standard for digital exhibition according to the structure of the art exhibition narrative based on the narrative structure of Chatman. This classification methodology will provide the exhibition information in a way that can be easily understood by the visitors and it will be a precedent research that secures the expansion and accessibility of the digital exhibition.