• Title/Summary/Keyword: chicken liver

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Study on the Interaction between Vitamins A and E on Their Transfer from Diet to Chicken Eggs, and Effect of Flood-dosing of Dietary Vitamin A on its Content in Eggs and Livers (사료내 비타민 A와 E의 계란내 이행시 상호작용과 비타민 A의 다량투여에 따른 계란 및 간내 함량 변화)

  • 강경래;이창환;남기택;강창원
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to investigate the interaction of vitamins A and E on their transfer from diet to chicken eggs and the effect of vitamin A flood-dosing on its concentration in eggs and livers. In Experiment I, forty-two 45-wk-old brown layers (Bobeock) were divided into seven groups and fed one of seven diets: control, three vitamin A supplemented diets(8, OOO, 16, 000, and 64, 000 IU /kg diet) or three vitamin E supplemented diets (50, 100, and 200 IU/kg diet). In Experiment II, a total of thirty-two 35-wk-old white layers (Hy-ine) were divided into four groups and fed one of four diets :control, vitamin A 20, 00O+vitamin E 200 TU /kg, vitamin A 50, O00+vitamin E 200 IU /kg or vitamin A 100, OO0+vitamin E 200 lU/kg supplemented diets. In Experiment III, a total of fifty-six 35-wk-old white layers (Hy-line) was divided into four groups and fed one of four diets: control or three vitamin A supplemented diets (80, 000, 120, 000 and 160, 000 lU/kg diet). In Experiment I, vitamin E levels of egg yolk in hens fed the vitamin A supplemented diets decreased as dietary vitamin A level increased (P

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Gene Expression of Heart and Adipocyte Fatty Acid-binding Protein in Chickens by FQ-RT-PCR

  • Tu, Yunjie;Su, Yijun;Wang, Kehua;Zhang, Xueyu;Tong, Haibing;Gao, Yushi
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.987-992
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    • 2010
  • This study was to detect the expression of heart fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) and adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) gene mRNA in different tissues of Rugao and Luyuan chickens at 56 d and 120 d by real-time fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription polymerase-chain reaction (FQ-RT-PCR). The primers were designed according to the sequences of HFABP, A-FABP and GAPDH genes in Gallus gallus, which were used as target genes and internal reference gene, respectively. The levels of H-FABP and A-FABP gene expression were detected by SYBR Green I FQ-RT-PCR. The relative H-FABP and A-FABP gene mRNA expression level was calculated with 2-$^{{\Delta}Ct}$. Melting curve analysis showed a single peak of three genes. Intramuscular fat (IMF) content in breast muscle and leg muscle of the two chicken breeds at 120 d was higher than at 56 d. IMF content in breast muscle and leg muscle at 56 d and 120 d in Luyuan was significantly higher than in Rugao, however, abdominal fat of Luyuan was significantly lower than that of Rugao. The relative H-FABP gene mRNA expression level in cardiac muscle was the highest in both chicken breeds. The relative H-FABP and A-FABP gene expression of different tissues in Luyuan was higher than in Rugao. H-FABP gene mRNA expression had a negative effect on IMF of leg and breast muscles, and was significantly negatively correlated with IMF content. The relative A-FABP gene mRNA level in abdominal fat was higher than in liver. The A-FABP gene mRNA was not expressed in leg, breast and cardiac muscles. A-FABP gene mRNA expression level was significantly positively correlated with abdominal fat and had a significant effect on abdominal fat but not IMF content.

Isolation and Characterization of Avian Reoviruses from Chickens with Arthritis or Stunted Growth (관절염과 발육부전증을 보이는 닭으로부터 Avian Reovirus의 분리와 성상조사)

  • 김선중;서익수
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 1985
  • A total of eight strains of avian reoviruses were isolated from chickens with arthritis or stunted growth. The isolations were made from broilers or broiler breeders under 12 weeks of age. The viruses had a typical morphology of reoviruses with double capsid layers and 81nm of diameter. In agar gel precipitation tests, the isolates reacted with antisera prepared against S-1133 or R-1 strains of avian reoviruses and cross reacted with S-1133 antigen. They did not agglutinated RBC's from day-old chicks, adult chickens, guinea pigs, and horses. The isolates showed strong resistance against the treatments of chloroform, IUdR, and heat, When infectivities of the viruses were titrated in cell cultures of chicken embryo fibroblast, chicken embryo liver, and Vero cells, similar end points reached four to five days after inoculation, regardless of tell types and virus inoculation time, either inoculated simultaneously at the time of cell seeding or on confluency. Mean times of mortality of chicken embryos inoculated with the isolates via the chorioallantoic membrane ranged from 54 to 59 hours and that of S-1133 strain was 73 hours.

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Utilization of Graded Levels of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) in Place of Yellow Maize in Commercial Broiler Chicken Diets

  • Rama Rao, S.V.;Raju, M.V.L.N.;Reddy, M.R.;Panda, A.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 2005
  • An experiment was conducted to study the performance, carcass traits, serum lipid profile and immune competence in commercial broilers (2 to 42 d of age) fed graded levels (25, 50, 75 and 100%) of finger millet (FM) (Elusine coracana) in place (w/w) of yellow maize (YM). Each diet was fed to eight replicates (five female Vencobb broilers/replicate) housed in stainless steel battery brooders. The estimated metabolizable energy content of FM was about 540 kcal less than the YM. FM contained more protein (10.42 vs. 9.05%) and fibre (9.52 vs. 2.24%) compared to YM. Body weight gain, ready to cook yield, relative weights of giblet, liver, intestine and length of intestine at 42 d of age was not affected due to replacing YM with FM. But, the feed efficiency decreased in broilers fed diets containing 75 and 100% FM in place of YM at both 21 and 42 d of age. The amount of fat deposited in abdominal area decreased and the relative weight of gizzard increased with increase in level of FM in the diet. The serum HDL cholesterol at 21 and 42 d of age and serum triglycerides at 42 d of age decreased with increase in level of FM in diet. The relative weight of spleen and antibody titers against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) at 5 d post inoculation (PI) decreased in broilers fed FM at 100% of YM. However, the relative weight of bursa, SRBC titers at 10 d PI, antibody titers against ND virus and mortality were not affected due to incorporation of FM in place of YM in diet. The fat content in thigh muscle and liver decreased, while the protein content in these tissues increased with increase in the level of FM in broiler diet. Based on the results, it may be concluded that YM can be replaced with FM up to 25% on weight basis without affecting weight gain, carcass yields and immunity in commercial broiler diet (up to 42 d of age). Further, inclusion of finger millet reduced the fat deposition in thigh muscle, liver and in abdominal area compared to those fed maize as the principal source of energy.

Choline Contents of Korean Common Foods (한국인 상용 식품의 콜린 함량)

  • Cho, Hyo-Jung;Na, Jin-Suk;Jeong, Han-Ok;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.428-438
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    • 2008
  • Choline is important for normal membrane function, acetylcholine synthesis and methyl group metabolism. In this study, 185 food items customarily eaten by Koreans were selected from the data of the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey and analyzed on the total choline content of the foods using enzymatic method of choline oxidase. Foods with high choline concentration (mg/100 g) were listed in sequence of quail egg (476.04 mg), dried squid (452.42 mg), beef liver (427.16 mg), pork liver (424.92 mg), tuna canned in oil (414.44 mg), boiled and dried anchovy (381.30 mg), dried Alaskan pollack (378.88 mg), chicken egg (309.88 mg), chicken liver (259.38 mg), soybean (238.62 mg), French bread with garlic (193.18 mg) and barley (183.73 mg). From this result, it is shown that dried fishes, prepared fishes, livers, eggs, pulses and cereals might be categorized as high choline food. Citron tea and green tea showed low choline content below 1 mg. Vegetables and fruits were also categorized into low choline food. No choline was detected in red pepper powder, beer, soju, soybean oil and corn oil out of foods analyzed in this study. Further study is required for analytic procedure of the foods of which results are inconsistent with USDA's data such as rice and wheat flour.

A Study on the Levels of Trace Elements in Livestock Products (축산식품중의 미량원소 함량에 관한 연구 - 우, 돈, 계, 계란 및 우유를 중심으로 -)

  • 박향미;김순재;손봉환
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1990
  • In order to determine the levels of trace elements in livestock products surveys have been conducted in Inchon area. The samples were obtained from cattle organs, swine organs, chicken organs, eggs and milk. The levels of nine harmful trace elements(As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn) and three trace elements(Ca, Co, Na) were determined by ICP spectrometry, 1. In the survey on 9 harmful metals with 20 cattle, the highest level was 56.90ppm(Fe, liver) and the lowest level was 0.10ppm (Cd, muscle). 2. In the survey on 9 harmful metals with 31 swine, the highest level was 169.71ppm(Fe, lung) and the lowest level was 0.02ppm(Cd, heart). 3. In the survey on 9 harmful metals with 20 chickens, the highest level was 42.64ppm(Fe, liver) and the lowest level was 0.00ppm (Hg, entire organs). 4. In the survey on 9 harmful metals with 23 eggs, the highest level was 26.08ppm(Fe, yolk) and the lowest level was 0.00ppm (Hg, yolk and white). 5. In the survey on 9 harmful metals with 20 cases of milk, the highest level was 6.02ppm(Zn) and the lowest level was 0.04ppm(Cd). 6. In cattle the mean concentrations were highest in seven elements and in milk the mean concentrations were lowest in five elements.

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Conjugated Linoleic Acid Changes fatty Acid Composition by Decreasing Monounsaturated fatty Acids in Rabbits and Hep G2 Cells

  • Nam, Kisun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.442-450
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    • 1997
  • Conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid(CLA) are a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid(LA). We previously found that CLA changes the fatty acid profile in chicken eggs and serum by decreasing monounsaturated fatty acids. Studies were conducted to explore the effects of CLA on fatty acid composition. Rabbits were fed a semisynthetic diet with or without CLA(0.5g CLA/rabbit/day) for 22 weeks. Compared to the control, rabbits fed CLA had significantly lower monounsaturated fatty acid levels(palmitoleic acid Cl6 : 1 by 50% and oleic acid Cl8 : 1, by 20%) in plasma lipids. We found similar differences in fatty acid composition in the liver and the aorta. The inhibitory effect of CLA on $\Delta$9 desaturation was confirmed in a human hepatoma cell line, Hep G2. CLA significantly decreased $\Delta$9 desaturation in 4-5 hours as shown by an increase in the ratio of Cl6 : 0 to C 16 1, This is apparently due to a decrease in $\Delta$9 desaturase(stearoyl-CoA desaturase, SCD) activity ; it was decreased more than 50%. These results, along with our previous findings, indicate that CLA is an inhibitor of $\Delta$9 desaturase in the liver.

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Conjugated Linoleic Acid as a Key Regulator of Performance, Lipid Metabolism, Development, Stress and Immune Functions, and Gene Expression in Chickens

  • Choi, Yang-Ho
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.448-458
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    • 2009
  • It has been well documented from animal and human studies that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has numerous beneficial effects on health. In chickens, CLA exerts many effects on performance ranging from egg quality and yolk lipids to meat quality. Although there are several CLA isomers available, not all CLA isomers have the same incorporation rates into egg yolk: cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 CLA isomers are more favorably deposited into egg yolk than other isomers investigated, but of the two isomers, the former has a higher incorporation rate than the latter. CLA alters the amounts and profiles of lipids in plasma, muscles and liver. Furthermore, increased liver weight was reported in chickens fed dietary CLA. As observed in egg yolk, marked reduction in intramuscular lipids as well as increased protein content was observed in different studies, leading to elevation in protein-to-fat ratio. Inconsistency exists for parameters such as body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, egg production rate and mortality, depending upon experimental conditions. One setback is that hard-cooked yolks from CLA-consuming hens have higher firmness as refrigeration time and CLA are increased, perhaps owing to alterations in physico-chemistry of yolk. Another is that CLA can be detrimental to hatchability when provided to breeders: eggs from these breeders have impaired development in embryonic and neonatal stages, and have increased and decreased amounts of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), respectively. Thus, both problems can be fully resolved if dietary sources rich in MUFAs are provided together with CLA. Emerging evidence suggests that CLA exerts a critical impact on stress and immune functions as it can completely nullify some of the adverse effects produced by immune challenges and reduce mortality in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, CLA is a key regulator of genes that may be responsible for lipid metabolism in chickens. CLA down-regulates both expression of the gene encoding stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 and its protein activity in the chicken liver while up-regulating mRNA of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-l.

Development of equipment for tumor cauterization

  • Hoshino, Hirokazu;Ochiai, Makoto;Sakasegawa, Aya;Hayakawa, Yoshinori
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.474-477
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    • 2002
  • Equipment to cauterize tumors by an electrically heated Kanthal wire is under development. The wire( alloy of iron, chromium and Aluminum) keeps sufficient strength up to 1400 degrees in Celsius. Although AC 50Hz current source is used in the prototype experiment, RF current will be used in future. The diameter of the Kanthal wire was 0.3 mm which was connected to Kanthal wire of 0.8 mm. The thicker wire was used as a leading wire. The possibility of application of the heating wire in combination with an ultrasound endoscope was determined, where ultrasound endoscope is to be used to monitor the location on the wire and an extent of a tumor in digestive organs. This procedure requires the wire to be applied inside ultrasound transmitting media. First, the wire was applied in the degassed water in which a chicken liver sample was submerged. The wire, however, burned out in water soon after it became red-hot at 12 A. The reason is that large current is required for the wire to become red-hot due to strong convection. Starch paste of 3 weight percent was employed instead of water. This made the wire red-hot approximately at 6 A, showing the increased viscosity of the starch decreased the convection and the wire was cover by the steam. The liver sample was cauterized successively, while the location of the wire and the liver was monitored by an ultrasound diagnosis equipment outside the plastic vessel of the starch paste.

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Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition of Culled Laying Hen (산란노계육의 지질함량 및 지방산 조성)

  • 문윤희;공양숙
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 1989
  • Culled laying hens used in this study were Arbor acres, which reared to S 35 days old on commerical formula feed for chicken. Liver, gizzard, breast and thigh muscles separated from each carcass, and total lipid was extracted and fractionated to neutral, phospho and glycolipid and then fatty acid composition were analyzed. Liver had the highest level of. total lipid, and breast tissue had the least among tissues tested. The neutral, phospho and glycolipid contents of total lipid had more thigh, breast and gizzard than other tissues, respectively. The major fatty acid in total and neutral lipid were palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid. And the major fatty acid in phospholipid was palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid, and palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid in case of glycolipid. The fatty acid contents of neutral, phospho and glycolipid in total lipid had more oleic, docosahexaenoic and linoleic acid than other lipid, respectively. Contents of unsaturated fatty acid of total and neutral lipid were comparatively high in thigh, and phospho and glycolipid were high in breast and liver, respectively. Contents of Polyunsaturated fatty acids were comparatively high in phospholipids than other lipids.

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