• Title/Summary/Keyword: central government

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Evaluation of Kyunggi Provincial Government`s Regional Innovation Capability (지역혁신역량의 평가: 경기도 지방정부의 노력을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyeon-A;Lee, Jin-Hui;Jeong, Seon-Yang
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.132-151
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    • 2004
  • Regional innovation capabilities have been regarded as essential in developing regional economy. Many regional governments all over the world have been pouring great efforts to increase their regional innovation capabilities. In these days, this trend has been prevailed among Korean regional governments. In line with the active support of the central government, Korean regional governments have started their own regional innovation policies. This paper aims at discussing a regional government`s efforts in enhancing its innovation capabilities. As a representative region, we select Kyunggi Province, because it is one of the most advanced regions in Korea. We discuss Kyunggi Province`s innovation promotion efforts in terms of organization, budget, and programs. According to our analysis, the Kyunggi`s provincial government increased its innovation capabilities to a large scale. It has extended its S&T promotion organization, increased its R&D budget to a large scale, and increased its R&D promotion programmes and even initiated its own programs.

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Assessment Framework for Diagnosis of Administration Innovation in Korean Local Government: Case Study of Y-County (지방자치단체 행정혁신 진단 평가프레임웍: Y군청 탐색적 사례연구)

  • Park, Ki-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2007
  • A lot of organizations have been recognized innovative activities as the required process for organizational effectiveness and efficiency in those. Especially, the perceptual scope of innovation indisputability has been extended to the central and local government, and the public organization, which ultimately have the goal of public benefits. This study is to investigate the feasibility of the assessment elements consisting of framework for making a diagnosis of the level of administration innovation of local government. The elements of framework are such seven elements as innovative leadership, innovation vision and strategies, systematic infrastructure, innovative problems, innovation management, education and learning of innovation, and the perceptual level of members. The research results can provide the implications to not only local governments but also the public policy organizations who wish to extract the innovative problems and diagnose the innovation level of themselves.

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Medullary Infarction Presenting as Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature (급성 심정지로 나타난 연수경색)

  • Lee, Eung-joon;Choo, Il-yeon;Ha, Sue Young;Kwon, Hyung-min
    • Journal of the Korean neurological association
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.310-313
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    • 2018
  • The causes of sudden death after medullary infarction involve arrhythmia, central respiratory failure, and dysautonomia. Sudden cardiac arrest in a medullary infarction is uncommon. Most of these cases experienced sudden cardiopulmonary arrest within 2 weeks from stroke onset as the extent of lesion increased. Here, we report two cases of medullary infarction presenting as sudden cardiac arrest. These cases indicate that medullary infarction could be one of the causes of sudden cardiac arrest.


  • Boknam Lee;Wooyoung Kim;Seokin Choi;Hyounseung Jang;Bonsang Koo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1582-1590
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    • 2009
  • In 2006, Korean Government decided to relocate the several Government bodies and public institutes. They include total of 49 central Government agencies, semi-government agencies, and 17 national research institutes. The completion of the relocation program has been set to be final in 2030. The target population for the city plan is set to be 500,000. The goal of MAC is first to complete the first phase of the program by 2014 within the budget. In order to achieve the goal, considerable time has been spent to properly establish the program management system. The success of MAC's Multi-function Program Administration System is too early to determine as it is still in progressive. The success depends on the operations not the development.

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Decentralization of Agricultural Extension Services in Korea (지방화와 농촌지도사업)

  • Song, Yong-Sup;Choi, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.147-162
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    • 1995
  • The objective of this study is to provide direction for agricultural extension services in an age of localization. Agricultural extension services has carried out most of its activities by central direction and control. The central planning and management resulted in disappointment, inflexibility, and lack of responsiveness of the central bureaucracy. Facing localization in recent years, the extension system has not been satisfactorily developed to meet local demands. Korea has to choose to decentralize its extension services. The decentralization of extension services involves the transfer of planning, decision making, and management from the central government to the local level.

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Does nuclear energy reduce consumption-based carbon emissions: The role of environmental taxes and trade globalization in highest carbon emitting countries

  • Muhammad Yasir Mehboob;Benjiang Ma;Muhammad Sadiq;Yunsheng Zhang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 2024
  • This research examined consumption-based carbon emission reduction by nuclear energy consumption and environmental tax while considering the context of trade globalization in the highest five emitter nations from 1990 to 2020. This study used various empirical methodologies, including preliminary analysis to check the stationarity and cointegration, the CS-ARDL for long-run analysis, CCEMG, AMG for robustness, and the D-H causality test for short-term pairwise causation. The results indicated that nuclear energy consumption, environmental tax, and trade globalization help to mitigate consumption-based carbon emissions while economic growth and population density boost carbon emissions. Furthermore, the results also found two-way casual connection exists between nuclear energy consumption, population density, and consumption-based carbon emissions. Thus, the results emphasize the need for government policies that encourage nuclear energy and environmental tax as a strategy to reduce carbon emissions and achieve and maintain environmental development.

A Study on Cruise Tourism Industry Policy in China (중국 크루즈관광 산업정책에 관한 연구)

  • Liu, Huanqing;Wang, Mingming
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2011
  • The cruise tourism industry is viewed as a promising growth industry in the 21st century. But legislative framework to allow the cruise tourism industry to develop in China have not yet been fully prepared. Therefore, this study is intended to propose a industry policy for Chinese cruise tourism industry. The policies that Chinese central government implements that should drive growth for development of the cruise tourism industry are as follows: First, government must establish industry policy to slow cruise infrastructure construction. second, government must improve industry policy for attracting visits by cruise vessels. Third, the government must take steps to support cruise product development. Fourth, the government must take steps to support cruise business and social groups. Last, government must intensify the out abroad tourist screening system and cruise casino management.

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A Study on the Expressive Characteristics of the Interior of the Kyungsung Municipal Government Building (경성부청사 실내공간의 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, In-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2010
  • As ongoing construction of a new municipal government building leads to the destruction of the interior of the Kyungsung Municipal Government Building(currentlySeoul Metropolitan City Hall) despite its enormous historic value, this study aims to identify the unique features of spatial composition and interior design of the Kyungsung Municipal Government Building, which is widely known as a typical example of public architecture of the 1920s. The primary goal is to perform a systemic arrangement of its interior data and define the modern historic implications of its interior design, thereby laying the foundation for a compilation of the history of modern interior design. From a historical perspective, the Kyungsung Municipal Government Building-an explicit symbol of Japanese colonial supremacy-has served as the administrative hub of a hugecity for 19 years during the Japanese colonial rule and for 64 years following Korea's independence from Japan. From the perspective of architectural history, it also represents modern transitional buildingsin their shift from historicism into modernism, as manifested by its reasonable placement of interior space matching well with topographical form, easy access by citizens, open office space, and, excluding decoration, a simple and non-authoritarian exterior. Its interior design style follows Western historicist architecture, whereasits simple interior decoration embodies expressive characteristics of pragmatic simplicity. Such elements are notably found in the Grand Central Hall, the Municipal Head's Reception Room, and the Grand Conference Room.

Conflict Structure of Urban Growth Management Policies and Conflict Mitigation Alternatives : Lessons from the United States' Experience (도시성장관리정책의 갈등 구조 및 조종 미국 도시성장관리정책의 교훈)

  • 전명진;박성희
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 1997
  • This study aims at drawing implications for Korea's urban growth management policies from U.S.A's experience on this issue. This study analyzes two types of contradictions in planning and implementing urban growth management policies: 1) value conflicts in goal setting and 2) contradictions among different level of governments (local, province, nation). As mentioned by Campbell (1996), there are three types of conflicts in objective values (efficiency, equity, and environment protection): property contradiction between economic growth and equity, resource conflict between efficiency and environment protection, and development conflict between equity and environment protection in urban growth management policies. In implementing urban growth management three types of conflicts in goal values should been taken into consideration. Contradictions among local governments, province, and central government are also found in implementing growth management policies. The lessons from the United State are as follow: 1) growth management plans are initiated by the local government and during the planning process adjacent local governments review a local government's growth management plans and give inputs for the plan, 2) local government and State work together for growth management planning and specially, the State provides technical and financial assistance to local government, and 3) the State plays leading roles in local government's planning and implementing of growth management policies with carrot and stick policy.

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Site and Erection of the Government Complex Seoul in Capital Seoul (수도 서울에서 정부종합청사의 입지와 건립)

  • Lee, Sumin;Woo, Don-Son
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the site and erection of the Government Complex Seoul which was a project attempted to assemble dispersed government buildings in a certain place. The study focuses on the fact that the project is situated between the 1960s' making of capital Seoul and Seoul urban planning, and the way how the project achieved symbolism in capital Seoul. The project, one of the 1960s' Major Government Buildings, led both plan of capital Seoul and transforming city Seoul. The 1960s' Major Government Building Plan had identical drive with the 1950's Major Government Building Plan, however the 1960s' had additional layer: Seoul urban planning. After restoration of the Capital building, Sejongro the capital street was planned to the site arranging government offices. The Government Complex Seoul was set to be a modern building on a site with historical context according to the plan. Because of the site, the Government Complex Seoul was constructed in aware of other buildings that represented a competitive high-rise atmosphere in the late 1960s, including the Capital building nearby. PAE International's plan was completed through a series of design modification, and it boasted a vertical aspect, unlike the horizontal-looking plan that was already won after the design competition. The Government Complex Seoul tried to acquire the symbolism in the central space of the capital Seoul and high-rised city Seoul. "The new construction method" was a requirement to achieve the height.