• 제목/요약/키워드: center qi

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중의(中醫) 비만(肥滿) 변증(辨證) 연구에 대한 고찰(CNKI 검색을 중심으로) (The Review on the Study of Obesity Pattern Identification in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Research on CNKI)

  • 박원형;차윤엽;송윤경;박태용;김호준;정원석;황의형;신승우;장보형;고성규
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2014
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to analyse research trends about obesity pattern identification in traditional chinese medicine. Methods Electronic searches were performed with China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). The first key words were "肥畔", "肥滿" and second key words were "病因", "分型", "病機", "辨證", "分流". We classified the papers by year and content. We investigated frequency of chinese obesity pattern identification. Results 48 studies were finally included. Papers were published between 1987 and 2013. More than half of the total were published since 2009. 36 studies were literature and Paper review studies. 16 studies were clinical research. There were 'qi deficiency', 'spleen deficiency', 'yang deficiency', 'yin deficiency', 'stomach heat ', 'qi stagnation', 'liver qi depression', 'phlegm-dampness', 'phlegm-heat', 'blood stasis' in chinese obesity pattern identification studies. 'Phlegm-dampness' was used most frequently, followed by 'spleen deficiency', 'yang deficiency', 'blood stasis', 'qi stagnation', 'liver qi depression', 'stomach heat ', 'qi deficiency', 'yin deficiency ' and 'phlegm-heat' in literature and paper review studies. 'Phlegm-dampness' was used most frequently, followed by 'yang deficiency', 'spleen deficiency', 'liver qi depression', 'stomach heat ', 'blood stasis ', 'yin deficiency', 'qi deficiency', 'phlegm-heat ' and 'qi stagnation' in clinical research. Conclusions Based on studies of chinese obesity pattern identification, More clinical trials and obesity pattern identification studies are needed.

脾氣虛證(비기허증) 진단평가도구 개발 연구 (Study on the Development of a Standard Instrument of Diagnosis and Assessment for Spleen Qi Deficiency Pattern)

  • 오혜원;이지원;김제신;송은영;신승원;한가진;노환옥;이준희
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency pattern. Methods: Reports published in Korea and China related to spleen qi deficiency pattern were selected. Assessments of selected references were performed to select major symptoms of spleen qi deficiency pattern. Korean translation and review by a Korean linguist were performed to create a draft of [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)]. The final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment on inclusion or exclusion, on importance of items and on validity of translation by an expert committee, consisting of professors from the National College of Korean Medicine. Results & Conclusions: 1. 14 major symptoms were selected by frequency from 45 references which were related to standard identification of spleen qi deficiency pattern, translated into Korean and reviewed by a Korean linguist. 2. 11 symptoms were selected after assessment on inclusion yes or no by the expert group. Items were listed in order of importance: tiredness of extremities (肢体倦怠), sallow complexion (面色萎黃), reduced appetite (食欲减退), abdominal distension after eating (腹胀食後尤甚), inability to eat (納少), pale tongue and white fur (舌淡苔白), lethargy (神疲), emaciation (消瘦), loose stool (大便溏薄), shortness of breath and reluctance to speak (少氣懶言), and weak pulse (脈緩弱). 3. Final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment of translation validity, reflection of individual opinions by the expert committee, and application of weighted value computed from assessment on importance of items.

한방치료와 심리치료를 통한 강박장애 환자 치험례 (A Case Report of a Patient with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Treated by Korean Medical Treatments and Psychotherapy)

  • 김동욱;황선혜;박아름;김태윤;박세진
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2016
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to report that a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) significantly responds to Korean medical treatments and psychotherapy.Methods We treated the patient with Korean medical treatments (acupuncture and herbal medication) and Melonis Calyx Vomiting Therapy. We also used psychotherapy including Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi therapy. The patient was diagnosed by DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for OCD. We used Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised-Korean (OCI-R-K), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI), and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory (BAI) to evaluate the patient.Results OCI-R-K score was decreased from 39 points to 9 points. BDI score was decreased from 14 points to 6 points. BAI score was decreased from 25 points to 13 points.Conclusions This study suggests that Korean medical treatment is an effective way to treat patients who suffer from OCD.

중의체질의학과 치미병(治未病)센터에 대한 보고 (A Report on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Constitution Theory and Chinese Health Administration Center)

  • 김상혁;주종천;황동욱;이시우
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2010
  • 1. Objectives: The objectives of this paper are to report Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Constitution Theory and the present state of Chinese Health Administration Center. 2. Methods: We visited China for "China Technology Survey" in 2009. Our purposes were to research for the study of constitutional medicine in China and to search for the Development Plan of Constitutional Medicine Through the Research of Chinese Constitutional Medicine. This paper is the report of the "China Technology Survey". 3. Results & Conclusions: In China, the concept and diagnosis of TCM constitutions is nine(Balanced Constitution, Qi-deficient Constitution, Yang-deficient Constitution, Yin-deficient Constitution, Phlegm-dampness Constitution, Damp-heat Constitution, Stagnant blood Constitution, Stagnant qi Constitution, Inherited specific Constitution). And Chinese government established the Classification and Diagnosis Standards for the Constitutions of TCM in 2009. TCM Constitution Theory is being widely applied at Health Administration Center that treats 'predisease' patients. Theses Chinese clinical implications of constitutional medicine are a good example for "Sasang Constituional Medicine" Care Service.

중풍 변증 모델에 의한 진단 정확률과 예측률 비교 (Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy and Prediction Rate for between two Syndrome Differentiation Diagnosis Models)

  • 강병갑;차민호;이정섭;김노수;최선미;오달석;김소연;고미미;김정철;방옥선
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.938-941
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    • 2009
  • In spite of abundant clinical resources of stroke patients, the objective and logical data analyses or diagnostic systems were not established in oriental medicine. In the present study we tried to develop the statistical diagnostic tool discriminating the subtypes of oriental medicine diagnostic system, syndrome differentiation (SD). Discriminant analysis was carried out using clinical data collected from 1,478 stroke patients with the same subtypes diagnosed identically by two clinical experts with more than 3 year experiences. Numerical discriminant models were constructed using important 61 symptom and syndrome indices. Diagnostic accuracy and prediction rate of 5 SD subtypes: The overall diagnostic accuracy of 5 SD subtypes using 61 indices was 74.22%. According to subtypes, the diagnostic accuracy of "phlegm-dampness" was highest (82.84%), and followed by "qi-deficiency", "fire/heat", "static blood", and "yin-deficiency". On the other hand, the overall prediction rate was 67.12% and that of qi-deficiency was highest (73.75%). Diagnostic accuracy and prediction rate of 4 SD subtypes: The overall diagnostic accuracy and prediction rate of 4 SD subtypes except "static blood" were 75.06% and 71.63%, respectively. According to subtypes, the diagnostic accuracy and prediction rate was highest in the "phlegm-dampness" (82.84%) and qi-deficiency (81.69%), respectively. The statistical discriminant model of constructed using 4 SD subtypes, and 61 indices can be used in the field of oriental medicine contributing to the objectification of SD.

동추금침(東樞金鍼)에 의한 비침습적 백회혈(百會穴) 자극이 뇌파에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Non-ivasive Baihui($GV_{20}$) Point Stimulus by 'Dong Chu Gold Chim' on Electroencephalogram)

  • 마정훈;한창현;박수진;최우석;이상남;박지하
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2010
  • Background : Recently a discussion about Qi including a study about the effect or the theory of acupuncture is getting prevailing in various angles. In most of studies about acupuncture stimulus, 'Filiform acupuncture'(毫鍼) is used. A study about Nine kinds of acupuncture(九鍼), except 'Filiform acupuncture'(毫鍼) has not been reported yet, and there is no study about using a special acupuncture made for controling Qi either. Objectives : 'Dong Chu Gold Chim(DCG-chim, 東樞金鍼)' can be used for patients who are scared of a pain because it is a medical Qi-gong tool and non-invasive stimulus one. To assess a effect of Qi-gong operation using DCG-chim objectively Methods : The present study was performed to elucidate the effects of DCG-chim stimulation of an acupuncture point Baihui($GV_{20}$) on the Electroencephalogram(EEG). Twenty healthy subject were treated with DCG-chim one time accompanied by the light and vertical pressure and EEG were measured during five minutes for three times (before, during and after treatment). The EEG results of DCG-chim treatment were compared with those of 'Filiform acupuncture(毫鍼)'. Results : EEG power spectra changed significantly after both kind of acupuncture stimulation. Significant increase of $\alpha$ wave and decrease of $\beta$ wave were observed but interestingly, Mid-$\beta$ and SMR of $\beta$ wave which mean the state of concentration were increased with statistically significant. According to these results, DCG-chim stimulation of Baihui($GV_{20}$) seems to lead to relaxation with antianxietic effect and improvement of concentration at the same time. Conclusions : It would be expected that the doctor can apply DCG-chim for treating anxiety, tension, symptom caused by stress and also can use it clinically for patients who have needlphopia or children as a non-invasive procedure. It is suggested that additional studies about the effect of DCG-chim on other acupuncture points and comparison study about the effect of DCG-chim with those of the finger-pressure treatment using other tool should be done in the future.

유방암 절제술 후 발생한 림프부종 환자의 치험1례 (A Case Report of lymphedema due to axillary lymph node dissection)

  • 김은걸;윤은혜;송수철;이성노;황민섭
    • 대한한의정보학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The purpose of this case is to report the improvement of a patient with lymphedema due to axillary lymph node dissection after acupuncture therapy and herbal medicine. Methods : We treated the patient with Dong-Qi acupuncture, herbal medication(木通大安湯), lymph absorption massage, compresses, abdominal breathing. We measured the circumference of the patient's elbow and wrist every day at 6pm. Results : Since being hospitalized, the circumference of the patient' elbow and wrist has been decreased and VAS score has gotten lower gradually. Conclusions : We considered Dong-Qi acupuncture, herbal medication had a useful effect on lymphedema due to axillary lymph node dissection with lymph absorption massage, compresses, abdominal breathing.

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