• Title/Summary/Keyword: case history of failure

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Cardiac valve replacement in children with acquired lesions (소아 후천성심장판막질환의 판막치환수술)

  • 김종환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 1983
  • Between 1974 and 1982, 31 patients from 7 to 15 years of age have undergone valve replacement for their acuqired cardiac valvular diseases at Seoul National University Hospital. Furteen patients (45.2%) had a definite history of rheumatic fever and only 4 patients (12.9%) had atrial fibrillation on their preoperative electrocardiograms. Characteristically, the valvular lesions were ones of insufficiency with or without associated stenosis in all patients except only one whose mitral valve was tightly stenotic. Thrity-seven valves were replaced in 31 patietns including a case of successful replacement of his failed xenogragt mitral valve : 4 mechanical valves were used in 3 patients and 33 xenograft valves were used in the remaining 28 patients. The size of the valves were not the major problem at the time of opertion because most of the patients had a dilated heart from disease. There were 3 diaths within 30 days of surgery (9.7% operative mortality rate) and 3 late deaths (9.7% late mortality rate) with an overall mortality rate of 19.4%. Twenty-eight early survivors were followed up for a total of 488 patient-months. Thromboembolic complications occurred in 5 patients with 2 deaths: cmbolic rate of 17.9% or the actuarial embolic incidence of 12.29%/patients-year. four xenograft tissue valves in 4 patients had failed during the period from 19 to 41 months of surgery with an overall valve failure rate of xenograft of 14.3% or the actuarial incidence of 9.84% failure/patient-year. One of these 4 patients had required replacement of his failed mitral xenograft valve which had severe calcification and tissue disruption with primary tissue failure rate of 3.6% or the actuarial incidence of 3.13% failure/patient-year. The actuarial survial including the operative morality was 50.0% at 5 years of surgery. /the actuarial incidence free from thromboembolism in bioprosthetic group was 85.4% at 42 months, while it was 33.4% in mechanicial group at 60 months after operation. The actuarial incidence free from overall valve failur of 100.0% until 18 months after surgery was followed by a rapid decrease during the next 2-year period, and it was only 17.8% at the follow-up end of 42 months after surgery. It was suggested that the major advantage of low thrombogenecity with xenograft valve should be balanced against the high incidence of accelerated valve failure when it is used in children whose age is younger than 15 years old. The possible role of recurrent rheumatic attacks to the early failure of xenograft tissue valve was also discussed.

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Analysis of Pull-out Behavior of Tunnel-type Anchorage for Suspended Bridge Using 2-D Model Tests and Numerical Analysis (2차원 모형실험 및 수치해석을 통한 현수교 터널식 앵커리지의 인발거동 특성 분석)

  • Seo, Seunghwan;Park, Jaehyun;Lee, Sungjune;Chung, Moonkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the pull-out behavior of tunnel type anchorage of suspension bridges was analyzed based on results from laboratory size model tests and numerical analysis. Tunnel type anchorage has found its applications occasionally in both domestic and oversea projects, therefore design method including failure mode and safety factor is yet to be clearly established. In an attempt to improve the design method, scaled model tests were conducted by employing simplified shapes and structure of the Ulsan grand bridge's anchorage which was the first case history of its like in Korea. In the model tests, the anchorage body and the surrounding rocks were made by using gypsum mixture. The pull-out behavior was investigated under plane strain conditions. The results of the model tests showed that the tunnel type anchorage underwent wedge shape failure. For the verification of the model tests, numerical analysis was carried out using ABAQUS, a finite element analysis program. The failure behavior predicted by numerical analysis was consistent with that by the model tests. The result of numerical analysis also showed that the effect of Poisson's ratio was negligible, and that a plugging type failure mode could occur only when the strength of the surrounding rocks was 10 times larger than that of anchorage body.

Proposed Landslide Warning System Based on Real-time Rainfall Data (급경사지 붕괴위험 판단을 위한 강우기반의 한계영역 설정 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hong Gyun;Park, Sung Wook;Yeo, Kang Dong;Lee, Moon Se;Park, Hyuck Jin;Lee, Jung Hyun;Hong, Sung Jin
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2016
  • Rainfall-induced landslide disaster case histories are typically required to establish critical lines based on the decrease coefficient for judging the likelihood of slope collapse or failure; however, reliably setting critical lines is difficult because the number of nationwide disaster case histories is insufficient and not well distributed across the region. In this study, we propose a method for setting the critical area to judge the risk of slope collapse without disaster case history information. Past 10 years rainfall data based on decrease coefficient are plotted as points, and a reference line is established by connecting the outermost points. When realtime working rainfall cross the reference line, warning system is operating and this system can be utilized nationwide through setting of reference line for each AWS (Automatic Weather Station). Warnings were effectively predicted at 10 of the sites, and warnings could have been issued 30 min prior to the landslide movement at eight of the sites. These results indicate a reliability of about 67%. To more fully utilize this model, it is necessary to establish nationwide rainfall databases and conduct further studies to develop regional critical areas for landslide disaster prevention.

The Type Printing of First Ch'ing Dynasty Term (청대 전기의 활자인쇄)

  • Cho Hyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.29
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    • pp.345-382
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    • 1995
  • The type printing of first Ch'ing dynasty term in China is worthy to be studied because the type printing during that period included metal type, wood type, and clay type as well as the development phase was similar to Chosun dynasty culturally and technologically. This paper studied typography during the first Ch'ing dynasty term, including Shunzhi(1662-1722), Yongaheng(1723-1735), Qianlong(1736-1795), Jiaqing(1796­1820) period. The main results of the study is as follows. 1. The main body of type printing was bookstore, lecture-hall, and individual as well as the royal court that is the central government. 2. The content of type edition covers classics, history, philosophy, and literary works. Specifically, even though Wuyingdienjuzhenban series is excluded, the content includs study of the classics, class of the history, class of the philosophy, literature works that include collection works and novel and government official bulletin. 3. The printing technique of bronze type was very popular In Beijing. Jiangsu, and Taiwan. It's scale and production technique was more elaborate than in Ming dynasty. 4. Wood type was very popular in Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan, and Fujian. In addition to wood type, chinese ware type was applied to book printing in Shandong. However, most of them were wood type and they were used after Qianlong period. 5. The production technique of type was skilled enough to present the fine view of a style of type. The typesetting technique was improved as much as woodblock printing. With regard to the making technology of Chinese ink, the light and darkness of chinese ink was not even sometimes. But, the technology was improved significantly when comparing with the failure experience of printing that chinese ink was not developed in early type invention. 6. In case that the book was printed in bookstore with the intention of profit and the number of book was large, the proofreading attitude was rough. However, overally, it was made correction carefully applying the various methods of proofreading. 7. The support of government made a great contribution in the area of all printing technology, including production, typesetting, and brushing of type.

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Clinical Study for the Four Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea and Hypomenorrhea by Serum Hormone Assay (호르몬검사를 이용하여 관찰한 속발성무월경 및 과소월경의 치험 4례)

  • Kim, Ji-Ryang;Kim, Hae-Jung;O, Kwang-Woo;Kang, Jung-Ah;Ryu, Ik-Han;Choe, Chang-Min;Cho, Han-Baek;Kim, Song-Baeg
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of oriental medicine on secondary amenorrhea & hypomenorrhea objectively. Methods: By serum hormone assay and history interview, we classified the causes of each patient having secondary amenorrhea & hypomenorrhea. We also diagnosed and treated each patient according to them. And then we estimated the results of treatment by follow-up measurements of serum hormone level. Results: 1. We diagnosed case I as hypothalamic-pituitary disfunction, case II, III as PCOS and case IV as ovarian failure by classifying the causes from western medical scientific angle. 2. We also diagnosed and treated the cases from oriental medical scientific angle. 3. We confirmed the improvement of cases by follow-up measurements of serum hormone level. Conclusion: These results of serum hormone assay showed how medically effective oriental medical therapies of secondary amenorrhea & hypomenorrhea were.

A Case of Diffuse Panbronchiolitis Developing in Childhood (소아에서 발생한 미만성 범세기관지염 1례)

  • You, Jung Hoon;Lee, Hyung Shin;Lee, Kyung Yil;Hong, Ja Hyun;Lee, Mi Hee;Lee, Byung Cheol
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2005
  • Diffuse panbronchiolitis(DPB) is a chronic inflammatory airway disease predominantly affecting respiratory bronchioles, with distinct clinicopathological profiles. It was first described in 1966 by Yamanaka et al. The etiology of DPB is not yet clear, and the natural history of the disease is respiratory failure leading to cor pulmonale and ultimately death. But the long-term use of low-dose macrolide has proven to be highly effective in treating patients with DPB. Usual age at diagnosis is over 40. A few cases of DPB have been reported in Korea since 1992 but there have been no reports in children. We experienced a case of DPB in a 12-year-old girl. Therefore, we report the case with a brief review of the related literature.

The Surgical Impact of E-Cigarettes: A Case Report and Review of the Current Literature

  • Fracol, Megan;Dorfman, Robert;Janes, Lindsay;Kulkarni, Swati;Bethke, Kevin;Hansen, Nora;Kim, John
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.477-481
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    • 2017
  • We report a case of a 51 years old female with a 25 pack year smoking history who underwent bilateral mastectomy and immediate tissue expander reconstruction for newly diagnosed right breast cancer. The patient reported herself as a non-smoker despite significant e-cigarette use, with resulting significant mastectomy skin flap necrosis and breast reconstruction failure. Little is known about the physiologic effect of e-cigarettes on wound healing and tissue perfusion. To this end, we provide an updated review of the impact of e-cigarettes on surgical outcomes. PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and PRS GO were searched for the terms "e-cigarette", "electronic cigarette", "e-cig", "electronic nicotine delivery system", "vaping", "surgery", "surgical", "peri-operative", "operate", "operative", and "wound healing". Abstract review of all articles was performed. 123 articles returned that contained both variants of e-cigarettes and surgery as keywords. Of those, manual assessment returned three articles which were found to be relevant to e-cigarette use in the surgical patient. No articles were found that compared perioperative complications in e-cigarette versus traditional cigarette users in humans. In conclusion, our case report depicts the potential dangers associated with e-cigarette use in the surgical patient. There is a public misconception that e-cigarettes are healthier than traditional cigarettes and as such their use may go unreported by patients. Early evidence suggests e-cigarettes may induce some of the same physiologic changes as traditional cigarettes, and may have a significant deleterious effect on wound healing.

The Activation Guideline of Rural District and Eco-museum whole Area are Museum (농촌활성화정책과 지역통째로 박물관, 에코뮤지엄)

  • Bang, Han-Young;Choi, Hyo-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2002
  • Some projects being in force by the Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry for farm village area activation offers experience activity of various form to city dwellers, and to farm village inhabitants, affirmative effect is expected in aspect that activation becomes possible for a lot of visitors. But, to farm village(rural district) area activation that huge budget and effort carried out successfully, there are some items that specialist, administration and the persons concerned must inspect together now. First, to project for farm village area activation succeeds; leading participation of inhabitants should be premised. Second, that stagnated economy revives is as rightful result that appears in case farm village area activation effort succeeds. But, can drop more highlights like the value pursuit of life in case put success or failure of all businesses in income enlargement. Third, because inhabitant cultivates own in making process, the attachment and pride for area can be inculcated. Doing not become focus is set to economical logic to do, the heritage of area as well as history culture, must consider that apply eco-museum concept that magnify nature heritage and industry heritage. Fourth, actually the plan period given usually is too shortly than received huge budget. Furthermore, in case it carries out by desirable inhabitants leading type so. Project that not consider the period that is cost to the statement of inhabitants' active opinion and finding out a point of compromise may be hard to get desirable result.

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Successful treatment of tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis with steroid and azathioprine in a 12-year-old boy

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Park, Se Jin;Oh, Ji Young;Jeong, Hyeon Joo;Kim, Ji Hong;Shin, Jae Il
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.59 no.sup1
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2016
  • Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome is a rare disease, often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in children. We describe the case of a 12-year-old boy who presented to Severance Hospital with a 1-month history of bilateral conjunctival injection. He was first evaluated by an Ophthalmologist in another hospital and diagnosed with panuveitis. Laboratory tests indicated renal failure, and a renal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. An extensive exclusion of all possible causes allowed a diagnosis of TINU syndrome. The patient was treated with a systemic corticosteroid (initially prednisolone, 2 mg/kg and later deflazacort 1 mg/kg) and topical steroid drops for 1 month. Azathioprine was later added to the treatment regimen and the systemic steroid was slowly tapered. The final outcome of renal-ocular disease was favorable in the patient. However, long-term follow-up is necessary to properly manage frequent relapses and incomplete renal recovery. TINU should be considered as a differential diagnosis in children with uveitis or acute renal failure.

Analysis of Kinematic Factors between Success and Failure of Free Aerial Cartwheel on the Balance Beam (평균대 한발 몸 펴 옆 공중돌기의 성패에 따른 운동학적 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Choong Min;Park, Sang-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of successful and unsuccessful movements through the analysis of kinematics and muscle activity of the Free Aerial Cartwheel on the balance beam. Method: Subjects (Age: 22.8 ± 2.4 yrs., Height: 158.7 ± 5.0 cm, Body mass: 54.1 ± 6.4 kg, Career: 13 ± 2.4 yrs.) who were currently active as female gymnasts participated in the study. They had no history of surgical treatment within 3 months. Subject criteria included more than 10 years of professional experience in college and professional level of gymnastics and the ability to conduct the Free Aerial Cartwheel on the Balance Beam. Each subject performed 10 times of Free Aerial Cartwheel on the balance beam. One successful trial and one unsuccessful trial (failure) among 10 trials were selected for the comparison. Results: It was found that longer time required in case of unsuccessful trial when performing the Free Aerial Cartwheel on the balance beam compared with successful trial. It is expected to be the result of movement in the last landing section (i.e. phase 5). In addition, it was found that the center of gravity of the body descends at a high speed to perform the jump (i.e. phase 2) in order to obtain a sufficient jumping height when the movement is successful while the knee joint is rapidly extended to perform a jump when movement fails. In the single landing section after the jump (i.e. phase 4), if the ankle joint rapidly dorsiflexed after take-off and the hip joint rapidly flexed, so landing was not successful. Conversely, in a successful landing movement, muscle activity of the biceps femoris was greatly activated resulting no shaking in the last landing section (i.e. phase 5). Conclusion: In order to succeed in this movement, it is necessary to perform a strong jump after rapidly descending the center of gravity of the body using the force of the biceps femoris muscle. Further improvement of the skills on the balance beam requires the analysis of the game-like situation with continuous research on kinematic and kinematic analysis of various techniques, jumps, turns, etc.