• Title/Summary/Keyword: carry-over effect

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A study on the scene directing and overacting character expressions in accordance with creating actual comedy movie into animation Focusing on TV animation Mr. Bean (희극적 실사의 애니메이션화에 따른 장면 연출과 캐릭터 과장연기 표현 연구 - TV애니메이션 Mr.bean을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sung-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.143-167
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics that appear when actual comedy movie is made into animation, from the singularities which arise from producing remake of existing media contents into animation. Animation and slapstick comedy movies possess a similarity in that they both evoke laughter from the viewer via exaggerated motion, expression and action. In the case of live action film, people must carry out the acting and there exists spatial limitations, whereas animation does not have such limits, which allows the comic animation to materialize spatial scene directing and acting which are different from that of live action comic films, despite the fact that they share elements of the same genre. Accordingly, this study performs comparative analysis of and which is based on the contents of the same event, from the English comedy TV program and the , the TV animation which is a remake animated version of the original series, to conduct comparative analysis the character acting and the scene directing in accordance with the live action movie and animation. The result of studying the point that makes it easy to create comic genre into animation and the advantages possessed by the media of animation, through analyzing two works that deal with the same character and the same event, were as follows. It was proven through the analysis that comedic directing with doubled composure and amusement is possible through the anticipation of exaggerated directing in the acting through expression and action, and diversity of the episodes with added imagination in the story, as well as the estrangement effect of the slapstick expression and etc.

Assessment of Public Engagement Approach in Various Project Stages: The Case Study of Central Market, Hong Kong

  • Wong, Crystal;Chan, Icy;Lam, Lily;Zayed, Tarek;Sun, Yi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2020
  • The present research evaluates the public engagement approach in various project stages. Hong Kong had long been criticized as top-down and executive-led jurisdiction by overlooking the importance of cultural heritage and public concerns on public projects. It was suggested to the government to engage public and provide sufficient public consultation. Thereby, the government announced a series of revitalization and conversion measures in Policy Address in 2008. To carry out the measures, there were voices, because of diverse and sometimes conflicting interests, over the effect of revitalization project. On the other hand, studies reveal that there are benefits of revitalization and enhancement of public engagement approach. In pursuit of the subject, the present research aims at studying the Central Market as a case study pilot project. In October 2009, the Policy Address announced that the Central Market be revitalized. Tasked to implement the project, Urban Renewal Authority (URA) continued to adopt the people-oriented approach as the guiding principle in its core business and in heritage preservation and revitalization so as to create a sustainable development. Between government and the public, URA acts as a bridge for communication. As between URA and the public, URA conducted public consultation, set up an ad-hoc committee in January 2016 to be in charge of the project and will continuously inform the government and public with the updates and project progress. The main objectives of the present research are to assess the advantages and challenges in different stages of public engagement approach, to evaluate the engagement system, to give a comprehensive view for participation of stakeholders, and to find out effective strategies to enhance civil engagement. Research was achieved through interviews to key persons in the project, questionnaire that was distributed to community and experts in the field. Case Study of the Central Market was studied and investigated using different sources, such as newspapers, journals, etc, to evaluate the degree of public engagement in the project. Both detailed qualitative methodological approaches of interview, questionnaire, and case study, act as a synergy to demonstrate the research objectives and provide the comprehensive perceptions on the revitalization project. The results show that public participants in revitalized project have generated considerable value enhancements to social-cultural, environmental, political and economic aspect. This study provides valuable insights that the public participation can make positive contribution to sustainability in the city. The findings indicate that no any single system is flawless therefore seeking both public opinions and professional advices are also important as a comprehensive approach to achieve higher sustainability of the building.

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The Cross-Cultural Study about Effects of Service Quality Dimensions on CS in Korea and China (할인점 서비스품질의 각 차원이 CS에 미치는 영향에 대한 한(韓).중(中)간 비교 문화적 연구)

  • Noh, Eun-Jeong;Seo, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2009
  • A hypermarket as the one of the most globally standardized retailing format is also the type of store among various types of stores that the most active in expanding into other foreign markets. Recently, as several Korean retailing companies start to penetrate into Chinese market they differentiate themselves with modern facilities and customers service oriented high-end concept. China and Korea as Far East Asian countries share many common values, however precise and careful analysis should be carried out since there may also be critical differences in socio-economic aspects as well as in consumption patterns due to the level of development stages of retail industry among two countries. Even though precise and careful study is crucial on Chinese retailing market and consumers, none of researches and studies on 'how the quality of service dimensional structure is different between Korea and China', and 'what will be the most important and influential service dimensional factors for Chinese consuers compared to the hypermarkets customers in Korea' in order to improve the level of Chinese consumers satisfaction' have been fulfilled At this point of view, this study uses KD-SQS (Rho Eun Jung & Sir Yong Gu, 2008) which is a measure of Korean hypermarkets service quality to set up a hypothesis on Korean and Chinese consumers, and an empirical analysis is conducted. We try to get the answers about how the comparative importance of Service quality dimensions which decides the level of customer satisfaction is different depending on the cultural dimensions and socio-economic factors among two countries, Korea and China. Based upon the results, we try to give a valuable suggestion of what service dimensional factors should be reinforced to improve the level of CS in Chinese retailing market. Hypotheses for this study are as follows : H1. Each dimension of Service Quality significantly affects the level of CS H2. The effect of 'Basic Benefit' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H3. The effect of 'Promotion' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H4. The effect of 'Physical Aspects'in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in Korea than in China. H5. The effect of 'Personal Interaction' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H6. The effect of 'Policy' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China H7. The effect of additional convenience in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China. More than 1,100 data were collected directly from the surveys of Chinese and Korean consumers in order to verify the hypotheses above. In Korea, stores which have floor space of over $9,000m^2$and opened later than year 2000 were selected for the samples, and thus Gayang, Wolgye, Sangbong, Eunpyeong, Suh-Suwon, Gojan stores and their customers were surveyed. In China, notable differences in the income levels and consumer behaviors between cities and regions were considered, and thus the research area was limited to the stores only in Shanghai. 6 stores which have the size of over $6,000m^2$ and opened later than 2000, such as Ruihong, Intu, Mudanjang, Sanrin, Raosimon, and Ranchao stores were selected for the survey. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used as statistical tools, and exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multi-group analysis were conducted. In order to carry out a multi group analysis that decides whether the structure variables which shows the different effects of 6 service dimensions in Korean and Chinese groups is statistically valid, configural invariance, metric invariance, and structural invariance are tested in order. At the results of the tests, 3 out of 7 hypotheses were supported and other 4 hypotheses were denied. According to the study, 4 dimensions (Basic Benefit, Physical Environment, Policy, and additional convenience) were positively correlated with CS in Korea, and 3 dimensions (i.e. basic benefit, policy, additional convenience) were significant in China. However, the significance of the service-dimensions was turned out to be partially different in Korea and China. The Basic Benefit is more influential in deciding the level of CS in china than Korea, however Physical Aspect is more important factor in Korea. 'Policy dimension' did not make significant difference between two countries. In the 'additional convenience dimension', the differences in 'socio-economic factors' than in'cultural background' were considered as more important in Chinese consumers than Korean. Overall, the improvement of Service quality will be crucial factors to increase the level of CS in Chinese market same as Korean market. In addition, more emphases need to be placed on the service qualities of 'Basic Benefit' and 'additional convenience' dimensions in China. In particular, 'low price' and 'product diversity' that constitute 'Basic Benefit' are proved to be comparatively disadvantageous and weak points of Korean companies compared to global players, and thus the prompt strengthening those dimensions would be urgent for Korean retailers. Moreover, additional conveniences such as various tenants and complex service and entertaining area will be more important in China than in Korea. Besides, Applying advanced Korean Hypermaret`s customer policy to Chinese consumers will help to get higher reliability and to differentiate themselves to other competitors. However, as personal interaction, physical aspect, promotions were proved as not significant for the level of CS in China, Korean companies need to reconsider the priority order of resource allocations when they tap into Chinese market.

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Effect of Red-edge Band to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Close Canopy Forest (울폐산림의 엽면적지수 추정을 위한 적색경계 밴드의 효과)

  • Lee, Hwa-Seon;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_1
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    • pp.571-585
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    • 2017
  • The number of spaceborne optical sensors including red-edge band has been increasing since red-edge band is known to be effective to enhance the information content on biophysical characteristics of vegetation. Considering that the Agriculture and Forestry Satellite is planning to carry an imaging sensor having red-edge band, we tried to analyze the current status and potential of red-edge band. As a case study, we analyzed the effect of using red-edge band and tried to find the optimum band width and wavelength region of the red-edge band to estimate leaf area index (LAI) of very dense tree canopy. Field spectral measurements were conducted from April to October over two tree species (white oak and pitch pine) having high LAI. Using the spectral measurement data, total 355 red-edge bands reflectance were simulated by varying five band width (10 nm, 20 nm, 30 nm, 40 nm, 50 nm) and 71 central wavelength. Two red-edge based spectral indices(NDRE, CIRE) were derived using the simulated red-edge band and compared with the LAI of two tree species. Both NDRE and CIRE showed higher correlation coefficients with the LAI than NDVI. This would be an alternative to overcome the limitation of the NDVI saturation problem that NDVI has not been effective to estimate LAI over very dense canopy situation. There was no significant difference among five band widths of red-edge band in relation to LAI. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained at the red-edge band of center wavelength near the 720 nm for the white oak and 710 nm for the pitch pine. To select the optimum band width and wavelength region of the red-edge band, further studies are necessary to examine the relationship with other biophysical variables, such as chlorophyll, nitrogen, water content, and biomass.

A Numerical and Experimental Study for Fry-drying of Various Sludge (슬러지 유중 건조에 대한 전산 해석 및 실험적 연구)

  • Shin, Mi-Soo;Kim, Hey-Suk;Kim, Byeong-Gap;Hwang, Min-Jeong;Jang, Dong-Soon;Ohm, Tae-In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2010
  • The basic principle of fry drying process of sludge lies in the rapid pressure change of sludge material caused by the change of temperature between oil and moisture due to the difference of specific heat. Therefore, the rapid increase of pressure in drying sludge induces the efficient moisture escape through sludge pores toward heating oil media. The object of this study is to carry out a systematic investigation of the influence of various parameters associated with the sludge fry drying processes on the drying efficiency. To this end, a series of parametric experimental investigation has been made together with the numerical calculation in order to obtain typical drying curves as function of important parameters such as drying temperature, sludge diameter, oil type and sludge type. In the aspect of frying temperature, especially it is found that the operation higher than $140^{\circ}C$ was favorable in drying efficiency regardless of type of waste oil employed in this study. The same result was also noted consistently in the investigation of numerical calculation, that is, in that the sludge particle drying was efficiently made over $140^{\circ}C$ irrespective of the change of particle diameter. As expected, in general, the decrease of diameter in sludge was found efficient both experiment and numerical calculation in drying due to the increased surface area per unit volume. In the investigation of oil type and property, the effect of the viscosity of waste oil was found to be more influential in drying performance. In particular, when the oil with high viscosity, a visible time delay was noticed in moisture evaporation especially in the early stage of drying. However, the effect of high viscosity decreased significantly over the temperature of $140^{\circ}C$. There was no visible difference observed in the study of sludge type but the sewage sludge with a slightly better efficiency. The numerical study is considered to be a quite useful tool to assist in experiment with more detailed empirical modeling as further work.

A Study on the Influence of Nascent Entrepreneurs Motivation and Preparation on the Business Continuity: Based on the Mediation Effect of Start-up Satisfaction (초기창업자의 창업동기와 창업준비가 사업계속의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 창업만족도의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Han, Hyang Won;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the government provided about 35 trillion won to start-ups through a large amount of start-up support funds from the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund and the Korea Development Bank, and more than 100 trillion won to start-ups over the past three years.(2015-2018) The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced that a total of 1.4517 trillion won will be supported by 16 ministries (90 projects) after surveying start-up support projects by ministries in 2020 to create a start-up country. Indeed, among the budgets supported by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, startups accounted for 85%, while scale-ups (growth and maturity) were only 15%. However, the survival rate of Korean start-ups was far lower than that of developed countries. The survival rate for the three years after the start-up was 39.1 percent, with only about 4 out of 10 surviving, with 27.5 percent surviving for five years, and only 3 out of 10 surviving. On the other hand, overseas start-ups have a survival rate of twice as high as that of Korea for five years. Accordingly, this study aims to empirically analyze and examine the need for research on nascent entrepreneurs, which have recently been actively supported by the government, as well as the impact of start-up motivation and start-up preparation on the intention to continue business. The survey was conducted from April 1 to May 15, 2020 for nascent entrepreneurs nationwide, and 222 of the total 245 copies were analyzed, and the questionnaire was measured using the Likert 5-point scale. As a result of the analysis, first, all factors constituting start-up motivation were adopted by significantly affecting start-up satisfaction. In addition, among the sub-factors of nascent entrepreneurs' preparation, item preparation was adopted as a significant influence on start-up satisfaction. Second, the nascent entrepreneurs' satisfaction level was adopted by having a significant impact on the business continuity. Third, some of the motivations for self-realization of the motivation for start-ups were adopted by having a significant impact on the business continuity. In addition, the preparation of items for the start-up preparation of nascent entrepreneurs was partially adopted as they had a significant impact on the business continuity. Fourth, it was adopted by the mediation effect of start-up satisfaction between the motivation of the nascent entrepreneurs' preparation and the business continuity. In addition, it was adopted by the medium effect of start-up satisfaction between the nascent entrepreneurs' preparation and the business continuity. Based on the results of these studies, it is intended to draw practical implications, and to provide useful policy implications to increase nascent entrepreneurs' satisfaction and continue to carry out their start-ups.

The Roles of Service Failure and Recovery Satisfaction in Customer-Firm Relationship Restoration : Focusing on Carry-over effect and Dynamics among Customer Affection, Customer Trust and Loyalty Intention Before and After the Events (서비스실패의 심각성과 복구만족이 고객-기업 관계회복에 미치는 영향 : 실패이전과 복구이후 고객애정, 고객신뢰, 충성의도의 이월효과 및 역학관계 비교를 중심으로)

  • La, Sun-A
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2012
  • Service failure is one of the major reasons for customer defection. As the business environment gets tougher and more competitive, a single service failure might bring about fatal consequences to a service provider or a firm. Sometimes a failure won't end up with an unsatisfied customer's simple complaining but with a wide-spread animosity against the service provider or the firm, leading to a threat to the firm's survival itself in the society. Therefore, we are in need of comprehensive understandings of complainants' attitudes and behaviors toward service failures and firm's recovery efforts. Even though a failure itself couldn't be fixed completely, marketers should repair the mind and heart of unsatisfied customers, which can be regarded as an successful recovery strategy in the end. As the outcome of recovery efforts exerted by service providers or firms, recovery of the relationship between customer and service provider need to put on the top in the recovery goal list. With these motivations, the study investigates how service failure and recovery makes the changes in dynamics of fundamental elements of customer-firm relationship, such as customer affection, customer trust and loyalty intention by comparing two time points, before the service failure and after the recovery, focusing on the effects of recovery satisfaction and the failure severity. We adopted La & Choi (2012)'s framework for development of the research model that was based on the previous research stream like Yim et al. (2008) and Thomson et al. (2005). The pivotal background theories of the model are mainly from relationship marketing and social relationships of social psychology. For example, Love, Emotional attachment, Intimacy, and Equity theories regarding human relationships were reviewed. As the results, when recovery satisfaction is high, customer affection and customer trust that were established before the service failure are carried over to the future after the recovery. However, when recovery satisfaction is low, customer-firm relationship that had already established in the past are not carried over but broken up. Regardless of the degree of recovery satisfaction, once a failure occurs loyalty intention is not carried over to the future and the impact of customer trust on loyalty intention becomes stronger. Such changes imply that customers become more prudent and more risk-aversive than the time prior to service failure. The impact of severity of failure on customer affection and customer trust matters only when recovery satisfaction is low. When recovery satisfaction is high, customer affection and customer trust become severity-proof. Interestingly, regardless of the degree of recovery satisfaction, failure severity has a significant negative influence on loyalty intention. Loyalty intention is the most fragile target when a service failure occurs no matter how severe the failure criticality is. Consequently, the ultimate goal of service recovery should be the restoration of customer-firm relationship and recovery of customer trust should be the primary objective to accomplish for a successful recovery performance. Especially when failure severity is high, service recovery should be perceived highly satisfied by the complainants because failure severity matters more when recovery satisfaction is low. Marketers can implement recovery strategies to enhance emotional appeals as well as fair treatments since the both impacts of affection and trust on loyalty intention are significant. In the case of high severity of failure, recovery efforts should be exerted to overreach customer expectation, designed to directly repair customer trust and elaborately designed in the focus of customer-firm communications during the interactional recovery process to affect customer trust rebuilding indirectly. Because it is a longer and harder way to rebuild customer-firm relationship for high severity cases, low recovery satisfaction cannot guarantee customer retention. To prevent customer defection due to service failure of high severity, unexpected rewards as a recovery will be likely to be useful since those will lead to customer delight or customer gratitude toward the service firm. Based on the results of analyses, theoretical and managerial implications are presented. Limitations and future research ideas are also discussed.

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On the vibration influence to the running power plant facilities when the foundation excavated of the cautious blasting works. (노천굴착에서 발파진동의 크기를 감량 시키기 위한 정밀파실험식)

  • Huh Ginn
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 1991
  • The cautious blasting works had been used with emulsion explosion electric M/S delay caps. Drill depth was from 3m to 6m with Crawler Drill ${\phi}70mm$ on the calcalious sand stone (soft -modelate -semi hard Rock). The total numbers of test blast were 88. Scale distance were induced 15.52-60.32. It was applied to propagation Law in blasting vibration as follows. Propagtion Law in Blasting Vibration $V=K(\frac{D}{W^b})^n$ were V : Peak partical velocity(cm/sec) D : Distance between explosion and recording sites(m) W : Maximum charge per delay-period of eight milliseconds or more (kg) K : Ground transmission constant, empirically determind on the Rocks, Explosive and drilling pattern ets. b : Charge exponents n : Reduced exponents where the quantity $\frac{D}{W^b}$ is known as the scale distance. Above equation is worked by the U.S Bureau of Mines to determine peak particle velocity. The propagation Law can be catagorized in three groups. Cubic root Scaling charge per delay Square root Scaling of charge per delay Site-specific Scaling of charge Per delay Plots of peak particle velocity versus distoance were made on log-log coordinates. The data are grouped by test and P.P.V. The linear grouping of the data permits their representation by an equation of the form ; $V=K(\frac{D}{W^{\frac{1}{3}})^{-n}$ The value of K(41 or 124) and n(1.41 or 1.66) were determined for each set of data by the method of least squores. Statistical tests showed that a common slope, n, could be used for all data of a given components. Charge and reduction exponents carried out by multiple regressional analysis. It's divided into under loom over loom distance because the frequency is verified by the distance from blast site. Empirical equation of cautious blasting vibration is as follows. Over 30m ------- under l00m ${\cdots\cdots\cdots}{\;}41(D/sqrt[2]{W})^{-1.41}{\;}{\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots}{\;}A$ Over 100m ${\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots}{\;}121(D/sqrt[3]{W})^{-1.66}{\;}{\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots}{\;}B$ where ; V is peak particle velocity In cm / sec D is distance in m and W, maximLlm charge weight per day in kg K value on the above equation has to be more specified for further understaring about the effect of explosives, Rock strength. And Drilling pattern on the vibration levels, it is necessary to carry out more tests.

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A Study on the Effect of the Introduction Characteristics of Cloud Computing Services on the Performance Expectancy and the Intention to Use: From the Perspective of the Innovation Diffusion Theory (클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스의 도입특성이 조직의 성과기대 및 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 혁신확산 이론 관점)

  • Lim, Jae Su;Oh, Jay In
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2012
  • Our society has long been talking about necessity for innovation. Since companies in particular need to carry out business innovation in their overall processes, they have attempted to apply many innovation factors on sites and become to pay more attention to their innovation. In order to achieve this goal, companies has applied various information technologies (IT) on sites as a means of innovation, and consequently IT have been greatly developed. It is natural for the field of IT to have faced another revolution which is called cloud computing, which is expected to result in innovative changes in software application via the Internet, data storing, the use of devices, and their operations. As a vehicle of innovation, cloud computing is expected to lead the changes and advancement of our society and the business world. Although many scholars have researched on a variety of topics regarding the innovation via IT, few studies have dealt with the issue of could computing as IT. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to set the variables of innovation attributes based on the previous articles as the characteristic variables and clarify how these variables affect "Performance Expectancy" of companies and the intention of using cloud computing. The result from the analysis of data collected in this study is as follows. The study utilized a research model developed on the innovation diffusion theory to identify influences on the adaptation and spreading IT for cloud computing services. Second, this study summarized the characteristics of cloud computing services as a new concept that introduces innovation at its early stage of adaptation for companies. Third, a theoretical model is provided that relates to the future innovation by suggesting variables for innovation characteristics to adopt cloud computing services. Finally, this study identified the factors affecting expectation and the intention to use the cloud computing service for the companies that consider adopting the cloud computing service. As the parameter and dependent variable respectively, the study deploys the independent variables that are aligned with the characteristics of the cloud computing services based on the innovation diffusion model, and utilizes the expectation for performance and Intention to Use based on the UTAUT theory. Independent variables for the research model include Relative Advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Cost Saving, Trialability, and Observability. In addition, 'Acceptance for Adaptation' is applied as an adjustment variable to verify the influences on the expected performances from the cloud computing service. The validity of the research model was secured by performing factor analysis and reliability analysis. After confirmatory factor analysis is conducted using AMOS 7.0, the 20 hypotheses are verified through the analysis of the structural equation model, accepting 12 hypotheses among 20. For example, Relative Advantage turned out to have the positive effect both on Individual Performance and on Strategic Performance from the verification of hypothesis, while it showed meaningful correlation to affect Intention to Use directly. This indicates that many articles on the diffusion related Relative Advantage as the most important factor to predict the rate to accept innovation. From the viewpoint of the influence on Performance Expectancy among Compatibility and Cost Saving, Compatibility has the positive effect on both Individual Performance and on Strategic Performance, while it showed meaningful correlation with Intention to Use. However, the topic of the cloud computing service has become a strategic issue for adoption in companies, Cost Saving turns out to affect Individual Performance without a significant influence on Intention to Use. This indicates that companies expect practical performances such as time and cost saving and financial improvements through the adoption of the cloud computing service in the environment of the budget squeezing from the global economic crisis from 2008. Likewise, this positively affects the strategic performance in companies. In terms of effects, Trialability is proved to give no effects on Performance Expectancy. This indicates that the participants of the survey are willing to afford the risk from the high uncertainty caused by innovation, because they positively pursue information about new ideas as innovators and early adopter. In addition, they believe it is unnecessary to test the cloud computing service before the adoption, because there are various types of the cloud computing service. However, Observability positively affected both Individual Performance and Strategic Performance. It also showed meaningful correlation with Intention to Use. From the analysis of the direct effects on Intention to Use by innovative characteristics for the cloud computing service except the parameters, the innovative characteristics for the cloud computing service showed the positive influence on Relative Advantage, Compatibility and Observability while Complexity, Cost saving and the likelihood for the attempt did not affect Intention to Use. While the practical verification that was believed to be the most important factor on Performance Expectancy by characteristics for cloud computing service, Relative Advantage, Compatibility and Observability showed significant correlation with the various causes and effect analysis. Cost Saving showed a significant relation with Strategic Performance in companies, which indicates that the cost to build and operate IT is the burden of the management. Thus, the cloud computing service reflected the expectation as an alternative to reduce the investment and operational cost for IT infrastructure due to the recent economic crisis. The cloud computing service is not pervasive in the business world, but it is rapidly spreading all over the world, because of its inherited merits and benefits. Moreover, results of this research regarding the diffusion innovation are more or less different from those of the existing articles. This seems to be caused by the fact that the cloud computing service has a strong innovative factor that results in a new paradigm shift while most IT that are based on the theory of innovation diffusion are limited to companies and organizations. In addition, the participants in this study are believed to play an important role as innovators and early adapters to introduce the cloud computing service and to have competency to afford higher uncertainty for innovation. In conclusion, the introduction of the cloud computing service is a critical issue in the business world.

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Studies on the Utilization of Woodland for Livestock Farming II. Problem and Its Improvement Followed by the Join Cattle Grazing in king Won Do (임지의 축산적 이용에 관한 연구 제2보. 강원도의 새마을 "소" 임간공동방목사업의 문제점과 개선책)

  • 맹원재;윤익석;유제창;정승헌
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 1983
  • The research results reported herein had the objectives to understand and analyze the present problems of saemaeul woodland joint cattle grazing system in Kang Won Do and to take steps of improvement. The study results on actual management conditions, problems analyzed and improvement plan of total 208 joint cattle grazing area which was established 105 area in 1981 and 103 area in 1982 were summarized as follows: 1. the effectiveness of joint cattle grazing projects 1) Average daily weight gain of cattle during joint cattle grazing period was 0.4kg, showing higher daily than the conventional feeding of 0.33kg. 2) Increase of total farm income over the conventional feeding system were \1,031,357,320 during the grazing period from May to October in 1982 by adapting the 208 joint cattle grazing system, of which effectiveness of weight gain was \293,075,300 and labor saving was \543,838,750. 3) According to the results of questionaire investigation from 208 joint cattle grazing area, effectiveness of joint cattle grazing system over the conventional system were (1) labor saving, (2) feed cost saving, (3) reduced diseases, (4) increase of number of feeding, (5) inspiration of joint endeavor, (6) effect of more gain, (7) easiness of feeding and feed cost savings. 2. Problems of joint cattle grazing system. 1) Shortages of grass were a problem at second year of joint cattle grazing period due to the low regrowth rate of wild grass. 2) Proper land for woodland joint cattle grazing is belonging to land of Government ownership and it is very hard to get the permission from office of forestry for cattle grazing purpose. 3) It is also difficult to find a proper time of breeding in grazing area by the difficulty of estrus detection. 4) There are a difficulty to give a proper vaccination and medical examination for the grazing cattle. 3. Improvement plans for woodland joint cattle grazing projects. 1) Obtain sufficient roughages by hoof cultivation and oversowing pasture from the second year of joint cattle grazing period. 2) In order to increase the beef production and to use for a calf production area, Government should arrange that all proper grazing land of Government owned in Kang Won Do convert into woodland joint cattle grazing area. 3) Make a good reproductive record by mixed grazing with a excellent breeding cow in a remote area. And carry out the collective artificial insemination with synchronous puberty induced by injection of puberty stimulation hormone. 4) Make a preventive injection for blackleg, twice medication of fasciola hepatica in a year, and spray and medication of tick insecticide. 4. A policy towards upbringing of woodland joint cattle grazing area. 1) Government should thoroughly investigate about a proper land for woodland joint cattle grazing from all forests. 2) When the area is suitable for the woodland joint cattle grazing, though it is national forest or restricted area, government should make it possible to establish a grazing area. 3) On the proper land foe joint cattle grazing in the remote place, Government should support for the road construction and electric fence equipments by using of national funds. 4) There should be an administrative consideration for well promotion of the project that make woodland joint cattle grazing suitable to the characteristics of Kang Won Do. 5) In order to improve the reproduction record, Government should reform the insufficiency of artificial insemination in the joint cattle grazing area. 6) In order to maintain a proper price of cow, Government should carry out the price plan. 7) When there is any request for grassland formation in the woodland joint cattle grazing area, Government should permit it with preference.

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