• Title/Summary/Keyword: building geometry

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The Changes of Architectural Design Concept by the Paradigm of Modern Physics (현대물리학의 패러다임과 건축 디자인의 개념 변화)

  • Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2012
  • By the theories of the physics, the phenomena in the world are understood. And also these theories gave the influence to design the architecture. In this research, the contents which the thought of the physics gives a influence a building design is considered, and try to suggest the interrelation between the physics and architectural design. As the result, the architectural design on the influence of classical physics is based on the homogeneous space and the design focus on the style or form of the building with a geometry plan which is not concerned of the place. On the other hand, contemporary architectural design is based on the thought of the modern physics. By this concepts, the architecture is understood as the area contain the conditions of the circumstance and by interaction between buildings and the environment and by various viewpoints like cubism. And the architecture which is settled recently is shown of the diversity and atypical form.

A Review of Math Education about Set based on Stories (이야기에 기초한 유아 집합교육 소고)

  • 김기만
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 1995
  • The radical development of modern mathematics is due to the appearance of Collection Theory by George Cantor. The Set Theory is independent as an area and also closely interrelated with other areas. So its content becomes a common sense and a basic part across the whole area of modern mathematics. Accordingly, the basic element of modern mathematics is helping young children get familiar with set as early as possible. The thinking of set by which children can categorize, make partial sets and correspondences, understand the general characteristic, and conceptualize the discovered relationships is very important for young children. At this point where the Math education for young children is emphasized under the influence of the modernization movement of Math education, the systematic education for building up the set concept as the basic background of number concept during the early childhood is required. On current mathematics education for young children, graphs, the foundation of geometry, time, and patterns have been included in the traditional and practical content related to numbers. However, the education on collection which is the foundation of number concept is insufficient. A study shows that the level of young children's understanding on set is quite high, but the set concept isn't reflected in current Math curriculum for young children. And basic activities neccesary on building up the set concept, such as categorization, comparison, etc. are conducted in kindergardens but unsatisfactory because of those kindergarden teachers' premature understanding on the set concept. In conclusion, the curriculum for young children should be reorganized based on the set concept as the kernel concept. Also, the reappraisal of the training curriculum and the supplementary efucation for kindergarden teachers are urgent for raising the teaching ability of those kindergarden teachers.

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TIN based Matching using Stereo Airphoto and Airborne LiDAR (입체항공사진과 항공 LiDAR를 이용한 TIN 기반 정합)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae;Han, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2008
  • To deduce 3D linear information which express shapes of buildings out of airphoto by fusion of airphoto and LiDAR data, this research went through 2 process. First, research made LiDAR data into projected data of 2D based on airphoto. For this, the virtual points were added to solve the visual problem of building boundary area which has poor information because the attribute in LiDAR data. Research construct irregular triangular nets from modified LiDAR data and judge visual triangular nets out of image. Through this, research can make reference to information of triangular nets in each image pixel. Second, 3D information was extracted from stereo images segments by combining extracted information of visible region and 2D irregular triangular nets. Matching way based on TIN for segments from stereo images was used. Matching condition based on TIN can improve about 20% of edge matching accuracy compared to existing quadrilateral condition of epipolar geometry.

A Study on Bikway Design Index for Digital Data Survey (자전거도로의 인프라 데이터 구축을 위한 설계지표 연구)

  • Jeon, Woo Hoon;Yang, Inchul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of paper is to find index for building digital database of bike infrastructure statistics by analyzing the existing design standards and manuals. The design standards and guides of both central and local governments which designates the design elements of bikeway were investigated to find the primary index, and then the attribute data of bikeway were grouped into four categories including transportation, geometry, pavement, safety and utility facility, and were analyzed to find the secondary index. A FGI(Focus Group Interview) was conducted with experts in the arena of transportation to collect the opinions on the selected index. It is found that the final twenty four design elements were selected and additional six elements were added. The proposed twenty four index of bikeway design elements are considered to be included when building the digital bikeway register database.

Curvature-based analysis of concrete beams reinforced with steel bars and fibres

  • Kaklauskas, Gintaris;Sokolov, Aleksandr;Shakeri, Ashkan;Ng, Pui-Lam;Barros, Joaquim A.O.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.349-365
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    • 2022
  • Steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) is an emerging class of composite for construction. However, a reliable method to assess the flexural behaviour of SFRC structural member is in lack. An analytical technique is proposed for determining the moment-curvature response of concrete beams reinforced with steel fibres and longitudinal bars (R/SFRC members). The behaviour of the tensile zone of such members is highly complex due to the interaction between the residual (tension softening) stresses of SFRC and the tension stiffening stresses. The current study suggests a transparent and mechanically sound method to combine these two stress concepts. Tension stiffening is modelled by the reinforcement-related approach assuming that the corresponding stresses act in the area of tensile reinforcement. The effect is quantified based on the analogy between the R/SFRC member and the equivalent RC member having identical geometry and materials except fibres. It is assumed that the resultant tension stiffening force for the R/SFRC member can be calculated as for the equivalent RC member providing that the reinforcement strain in the cracked section of these members is the same. The resultant tension stiffening force can be defined from the moment-curvature relation of the equivalent RC member using an inverse technique. The residual stress is calculated using an existing model that eliminates the need for dedicated mechanical testing. The proposed analytical technique was validated against test data of R/SFRC beams and slabs.

A Study on the Meaning of Cubic Form by Salvador Dali - Focus on Salvador Dali's Work 'A Propos of the Treatise on Cubic Form by Juan de Herrera, 1960' - (살바도르 달리 입방체의 의미에 관한 연구 - 살바도르 달리의 작품 '후안 데 에레라의 입방체 연구에 대한 서문, 1960'을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hye
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2011
  • Salvador Dali put a title of his work as 'A Propos of the Treatise on Cubic Form by Juan de Herrera' at 1960. Through this work which is consisted in cube frame surrounding black and white letter squares and nails in the sky, he directly referred about the cube which were showed in his pictures. To understand the meaning of this work, Dali's paintings and Juan de Herrera's design and architectural ideas are analysed by building. His concerning about absolute existence like god and nuclear takes the cubic form by Juan de Herrera instead of pictorial tendencies of Cubism, however pictorial elements such as sky and nails were still used in the work. He use alphabet letter as pattern consisting wall and symbol representing 'Juan de Herrera', moreover number '2' is taken to show up line attribute. Dali had several design develop process, and finally he reached an new stage called 'Hypercube'. Hypercube can distinguish from Cubism and Herrera's architectural idea, and it will be free from objective world based in Euclid geometry. Although cubic is the simplest shape. It can contain the variety of developments in these fields - philosophy, architecture, painting and etc.- from Platon to nuclear physics and coexists in a picture of Salvador Dali.

Synthesis and Applications of Noble Metal and Metal Silicide and Germanide 1-Dimensional Nanostructures

  • Yoon, Ha-Na;Yoo, Young-Dong;Seo, Kwan-Yong;In, June-Ho;Kim, Bong-Soo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.2830-2844
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    • 2012
  • This review covers recent developments in our group regarding the synthesis, characterization and applications of single-crystalline one-dimensional nanostructures based on a wide range of material systems including noble metals, metal silicides and metal germanides. For the single-crystalline one-dimensional nanostructures growth, we have employed chemical vapor transport approach without using any catalysts, capping reagents, and templates because of its simplicity and wide applicability. Au, Pd, and Pt nanowires are epitaxially grown on various substrates, in which the nanowires grow from seed crystals by the correlations of the geometry and orientation of seed crystals with those of as-grown nanowires. We also present the synthesis of numerous metal silicide and germanide 1D nanostructures. By simply varying reaction conditions, furthermore, nanowires of metastable phase, such as $Fe_5Si_3$ and $Co_3Si$, and composition tuned cobalt silicides (CoSi, $Co_2Si$, $Co_3Si$) and iron germanides ($Fe_{1.3}Ge$ and $Fe_3Ge$) nanowires are synthesized. Such developments can be utilized as advanced platforms or building blocks for a wide range of applications such as plasmonics, sensings, nanoelectronics, and spintronics.

CG Application in Two-Dimensional Desingn Practive (평면디자인 연습에서의 CG응용)

  • 용영무
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 1996
  • The great development of the modern science enables the information technology including computer to be promoted, which has the great effects on the whole design field. Most of all, the computer has the feature to express the mathmatical formular through the logic and system, which is being used very efficiently in the design work. CG application to the two-dimensional design may be limited in promoting the basic ability synthetically through the direct and molding experience for its attribute, however, it is possible to create the effects on the different level in addition to those from the traditional skill. In particular, we should keep the fact in mind that the CG application in the design field will be able to accomplish the object only under understanding the attributes and functions for it to have. We should carry out the task to agree with. First, it is necessary to develop the various study on the educational environment to make the process to solve the problems and to promote the effects of the educational media in teaching design with the CG application. This study would make plans to approach that the computer can be utilized for the main method to create design despite of being limited in some point. Moreover, it suggests the possibility for the CG application in the course of building up and motiving the models by applied the basic system, which enables the computer to be applied centering around the composition of geometry pattern of the basic course of the two-dimensional design.

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  • Kim Seung-Yeb;Lee Kiwon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2005
  • In these days, the management and visualization of 3D geo-spatial information is regarded as one of an important issue in GiS and remote sensing fields. 3D GIS is considered with the database issues such as handling and managing of 3D geometry/topology attributes, whereas 3D visualization is basically concerned with 3D computer graphics. This study focused on the design and implementation for the OpenGL API-based rendering system for the complex types of 3D geo-spatial features. In this approach 3D features can be separately processed with the functions of authoring and manipulation of terrain segments, building segments, road segments, and other geo-based things with texture mapping. Using this implementation, it is possible to the generation of an integrated scene with these complex types of 3D features. This integrated rendering system based on the feature-based 3D-GIS model can be extended and effectively applied to urban environment analysis, 3D virtual simulation and fly-by navigation in urban planning. Furthermore, we expect that 3D-GIS visualization application based on OpenGL API can be easily extended into a real-time mobile 3D-GIS system, soon after the release of OpenGLIES which stands for OpenGL for embedded system, though this topic is beyond the scope of this implementation.

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Application of an Emission Estimation Methodology to Reflect Microscale Road Driving Conditions (미시적 도로주행 조건을 반영한 배출량 산정 방법의 적용 사례 연구)

  • Hu, Hyejung;Yoon, Chunjoo;Yang, Choongheon;Kim, Jinkook
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2016
  • PURPOSES : This study proposes a methodology to collect data necessary for microlevel emission estimation, such as second-by-second speeds and road grades, and to accordingly estimate emissions. METHODS : To ease data collection for microlevel emission estimation, a vehicle equipped with speed- and location-recording instruments as well as equipment for measuring road geometry was used. As a case study, this vehicle and the proposed methodology were used on a 10-km-long highway in Yongin City, Korea. Emissions from the vehicle during driving were estimated in various microscale driving conditions. RESULTS : Differences in the estimated emission under different microscale driving conditions cannot be ignored. Compared with the estimations obtained when second-by-second data were not considered, CO and NOx emissions were more than threefold higher when considering second-by-second speed; similarly, CO and NOx emission estimations were higher by approximately 10% and 3%, respectively, when considering second-by-second road grade. CONCLUSIONS : The proposed method can estimate vehicle emissions under real-world driving conditions in such applications as road design and traffic policy assessments.