• Title/Summary/Keyword: budding

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리브 보강 GFRP 관로의 탄성 좌굴거동 특성 (Elastic Behavior Characteristics of GFRP Pipes Reinforced with Ribs)

  • 서주형;한택희;윤기용;강진욱;이명섭;강영종
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2006년도 정기 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2006
  • The elastic budding strength of a GFRP pipe reinforced with ribs was evaluated. The height and thickness of a rib and the spacing between two adjacent ribs were considered as factors affecting tlje budding strength of the pipe. And also, the ratio of the longitudinal stiffness and transverse stiffness was considered as the parameter affecting on the budding strength because GFRP is orthotropic material. Buckling strengths of various GFRP pipe models with different shapes and stiffness ratio were evaluated by FE analyses and a formula to estimate the elastic buckling strength of a rib-reinforced pipe made of orthotropic material was suggested from the regression with FE analysis results. Analysis results show that a rib-reinforced pipe has superior buckling strength to a general flat pipe and the suggested formula estimates accurate buckling strength of the rib-reinforced pipe.

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온도와 일장에 따른 국화의 식물계절과 출엽 예측 모델 개발 (Modelling the Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on Phenology and Leaf Appearance in Chrysanthemum)

  • 서범석;박하승;이규종;최덕환;이변우
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2016
  • 단일식물인 국화의 생육은 온도, 일장, 일사량 등 기상 환경과 재배관리 조건에 영향을 받는다. 기상환경과 재배관리를 고려한 국화의 생육예측모델은 국화 재배 시 의사결정을 위한 도구로 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구에서는 국화 생육모델 구축을 위한 기초 작업으로 온도와 일장뿐만 아니라 에세폰 처리, 야간 전조처리리 등 재배관리 정보를 입력변수로 하여 국화 품종 백선의 출엽과 식물계절을 예측할 수 있는 모델을 개발하였다. 모델은 국화의 생육시기를 유약기(Juvenile phase), 유약기 이후 발뢰기까지 기간, 발뢰기부터 개화기까지의 기간의 기간으로 구분하여 계산을 하도록 구성하였다. 유약기는 출엽속도의 온도 반응 곡선과 유약기의 종료를 결정하는 기준 엽수를 이용하여 추정하도록 구성 하였다. 한편 모주와 이식 후 식물체에 대한 에세폰 처리가 유약기 종료시점의 엽수를 증가시키는 것으로 가정하여 모델에 반영하였다. 유약기 이후에는 온도와 일장에 관한 함수를 이용하여 발육속도를 계산하여 발뢰기와 개화기를 예측하도록 하였는데 야간전조 처리는 임계일장 이상의 장일로 가정하여 모델에 반영하였다. 그리고 최종 엽수는 잎의 출엽이 발뢰 직전까지 진행되는 것으로 가정하여 예측하였다. 위와 같이 구성된 모델의 계수는 온도반응 실험과 정식시기 실험 등을 이용하여 추정하였고 프로그램 언어인 Java를 이용하여 구현하였다. 모델의 계수 추정에 이용한 자료(calibration 자료)뿐만 아니라 이와는 별개의 자료(validation 자료) 모두에 대하여 모델이 비교적 정확하게 발뢰기와 개화기를 예측할 뿐만 calibration에 비하여 validation의 정확도가 떨어지지 않았다. 한편 생육시기에 따른 출엽수와 최종엽수를 모델이 비교적 정확하게 예측하였으나 생육시기에 따라 다소 과소 또는 과대 예측을 하여는 경향을 보여, 온도 이외의 요인을 반영할 수 있는 실험을 통해 개선할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단되었다.

발아 초기에 영하온도 처리에 따른 감나무 '갑주백목' 의 신초 생장과 착과 특성 (Shooting and Fruiting Characteristics of 'Hachiya' Persimmon Tree Affected by Sub-zero Temperature Treatment at Early Budding Stage)

  • 김호철
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.395-399
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 감나무 '갑주백목'의 발아 초기에 영하의 온도 처리에 따른 신초 생육 및 착과 특성을 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 1년생 가지 당 발생된 신초 수, 착과된 신초 수, 그리고 정단부의 신초의 생장 및 착과는 영하온도 처리에 따라 뚜렷이 감소하였다. 그리고 1년생 가지 정단부에서 발생한 신초의 착과 수는 영하온도 처리에 의해 47.2% 감소하였다. 1년생 가지의 착과 신초 수는 그 가지의 눈 고사율 50% 이상 가지에서 유의하게 감소하였다. 특히, 정단부 3개의 눈에서 발생한 착과 수는 영하온도 처리와 이에 따른 눈 고사율 차이의 영향을 뚜렷하게 받았다. 영하온도처리를 받은 1년생 가지의 눈 고사율(X)과 정단부 3개의 눈에서 발생된 과실수(Y) 간 Y=-0.145X+12.950($r^2=0.4672^*$)의 유의한 관계를 나타내었다. 따라서 감나무 발아초기에 영하 온도($-2^{\circ}C$, 3시간)의 영향을 받으면 신초 생장량이 감소되고, 눈 고사율 10% 증가함에 따라 1년생 가지(정단부 3개의 눈) 당 착과 수는 1.4개 감소되는 것으로 생각된다.

Characterization of a Cadmium-resistant Yeast Strain in Response to Cadmium or Heat Shock Stress

  • Huh, Nam-Eung;Choi, Nack-Shick;Seo, Young-Kyo;Yu, Tae-Shick
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 1994
  • A varient strain of budding yeast, Hansenula anomala B-7 which had been identified to be highly resistant to cadmium ions, were observed by transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the cells accumulated excess amounts of cadmium ions throughout inside the cell rather than on the cell surface. The cell growth in response to cadmium or heat shock stress has also been investigated. It was observed that the cells precultured in the presence of 500 $\mu$ g/ml of Cd ions grew slower than those precultured at 1, 000 $\mu$ g/ml of the metal ions, when they were cultivated in the media containing 1, 000 $\mu$g/ml of the metal ions. Heat shock, however, stimulated the cell growth transiently, when the cells were allowed to grow in the presence of 1, 000 $\mu$g/ml of the metal ions. But the cells given heat shock for more than 100 min received permanent damage to growth. Effects of both stresses on budding rate was also examined. It revealed that the stresses did not change the budding ratio much, which was contradictory to that observed from the same budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Furthermore, the cells treated with 1, 000 $\mu$g/ml of the metal ions not only induced, but also switched off the expression of several new proteins. Some of the cadmium stress-inducible proteins were estimated to be also induced by heat shock stress.

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사과나무의 묘목생산성 향상을 위한 몇 가지 깎기눈접 기술 (Some Chip Budding Techniques for Improving the Nursery Performances in Apple Trees)

  • 이종섭;윤태명
    • 원예과학기술지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.352-357
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    • 2001
  • 깎기눈접으로 사과나무 우량묘목을 생산하고자 할 경우 생산성을 높이기 위한 몇 가지 기술을 개발하고자 본 시험을 수행하였다. 적정 깎기눈접 시기를 구명하고자 8월 5일부터 9월 24일까지 10일 간격으로 접목하고 활착률과 생육을 조사하였던 바 8월 중순부터 9월 상순까지가 깎기눈접 적기인 것으로 판단되었고 접목테이프는 접목 6-8주 후에 제거하는 것이 알맞은 것으로 나타났다. 깎기눈접시 작업능률을 높이기 위하여 미리 접눈을 깎아 $25^{\circ}C$의 물에 5시간까지 침지하여 두어도 접목 활착이나 활착 후 생장에 영향을 미치지 않았으나 $35^{\circ}C$의 물에서는 3시간 침지하여도 접목성공률이 떨어지고 생장도 불량하였다.

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The Role of Abp140p in Actin Dynamics of Budding Yeast

  • Lim, Bum-Soon;Lee, Yong-Keun;Pon, Liza A.;Yang, Hyeong-Cheol
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2005
  • In the previous studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Abp140p (actin binding protein 140) fused to GFP has been only a protein that can label actin cables of yeast cells so far. However, the role of Abp140p in actin dynamics was remained elusive. In this study, the function of Abp140p was investigated with a deletion mutant and overexpression of GFP fused Abp140p. The deletion mutant was slightly more susceptible to Latrunculin-A (Lat-A), an actin-monomer sequestering agent, than wild type, although no significant deformation of actin structures was caused by ABP 140 deletion. Overexpression of Abp140p-GFP retarded cell growth, and produced thick and robust actin cables. Lat-A was not able to destabilize the thick actin cables, which suggests that actin dynamics was compromised in the cells with surplus of Abp140p. Therefore, Abp140p seems to stabilize actin cables together with other bundling proteins. Recently, actin cable dynamics of budding yeast was found to have a resemblance to that of filopodial tip of cultured mammalian cells. Retrograde movement of actin cables from buds to mother cells indicated local generation of the cable at bud sites. By using Abp140p-GFP, we traced the steps in the generation of a new actin cable after elimination of old cables by sodium azide. Before the appearance of a new actin cable, Abp140p-GFP concentrated in buds and disappeared, as mother cells became abundant in actin cables. Our observations provide a direct evidence of actin cable formation at buds of budding cells.

Effect of Different Budding Methods and Times on Grafting Success of Walnut

  • Nosrati, Zia;Khadivi-Khub, Abdollah
    • 원예과학기술지
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.788-793
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    • 2014
  • Vegetative propagation of walnut is difficult compared with that of other fruit and nut species. The present study assessed three methods of grafting (patch, shield, and chip) at various periods of walnut growth and with different timings of grafting in walnut. Early May was the best time for grafting, at which time the highest success rate was obtained by the patch method (96%), followed by chip-budding (75%), while shield-grafting showed the lowest efficiency (10%). Patch-grafting was also successful (75-80%) in early August and moderately successful in mid-June (51-55%), while the shield and chip methods had no success during these two times (0.00%). Patch-grafting was more efficient and also induced better callus formation and scion growth than the other two methods. The genotypes used did not affect grafting efficiency. The best results were obtained by patch-budding in both tested genotypes. The present findings show the potential value of patch-grafting in early May as a propagation method for walnut for establishment of guidelines for propagation.

Prognosis of tongue squamous cell carcinoma associated with individual surgical margin and pathological features

  • Cho, Seongji;Sodnom-Ish, Buyanbileg;Eo, Mi Young;Lee, Ju Young;Kwon, Ik Jae;Myoung, Hoon;Yoon, Hye Jung;Kim, Soung Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2022
  • The specific muscular structure of the tongue greatly affects margin shrinkage and tumor invasion, making the optimal surgical margin controversial. This study investigated surgical margin correlated prognosis of TSCC (tongue squamous cell carcinoma) according to margin location and its value, and the histopathologic factors which are suggestive of tumor invasion. And we would like to propose defining of the surgical margin for TSCC via prognosis according to location and margin values. We reviewed 45 patients diagnosed with TSCC who visited Seoul National University Dental Hospital (SNUDH) (Seoul, Republic of Korea) from 2010 to 2019, who were managed by a single surgical team. Patient clinical and pathological data of patients were retrospectively reviewed, and in 36 out of 45 patients, the pathologic parameters including the worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) and tumor budding were investigated via diagnostic histopathology slide reading. When standardized with as 0.25 cm anterior margins, as 0.35 cm deep margin, there was no significant difference in disease specific survival (DSS) or loco-regional recurrence-free survival (LRFS). Additionally, there was a non-significant difference in DSS and LRFS at the nearest margin of 0.35 cm (PDSS=0.276, PLRFS=0.162). Aggressive WPOI and high tumor budding showed lower survival and recurrence-free survival, and there were significant differences in close margin and involved margin frequencies. In TSCC, the value and location of the surgical margin did not have a significant relationship with prognosis, but WPOI and tumor budding suggesting the pattern of muscle invasion affected survival and recurrence-free survival. WPOI and tumor budding should be considered when setting an optimal surgical margin.