Purpose: Breast cancer is second most common cancer in women. Almost of patients with breast cancer treated with mastectomy undergoes breast reconstruction. Nipple reconstruction is an important step in breast reconstruction. Many surgeons have investigated of nipple reconstruction using the flap technique after breast reconstruction with the autologous tissue. The objective of this study is to evaluate the results of nipple reconstruction using the C - V flap technique after breast reconstruction with the only breast expander. Methods: From April 2006 to May 2008, the authors treated 17 patients of nipple reconstruction using C - V flap technique, who were received breast reconstruction with the only breast expander. We have predicted decrease of the size of reconstructed nipple and designed flap a little larger than wanted nipple size. Nipple splint was applied for 4 - 6 months for minimizing decrease of the size of reconstructed nipple. The diameter and height of the reconstructed nipple were measured and patient's satisfaction score was assessed. Results: Mean follow-up duration was 12.5 months. Among the 17 patients, the average absorption rate by height of nipple was 47.0%. Partial necrosis was noted in 1 case, and treated well with conservative management. There was no other significant complications noted. Patient's satisfactory score was assessed by the height, design and location of the nipple. The average of satisfaction score was 85%, 68%, 62% and total average was 83%. Conclusion: The authors experienced 17 patients of nipple reconstruction using the C - V flap technique after breast reconstruction with the only breast expander. The absorption rate of the size of the nipple, complications and patient's satisfactory score of this study were similar to those of nipple reconstruction after breast reconstruction with the autologous tissue. It is expected that nipple reconstruction after breast reconstruction with the only breast expander is safe and reliable. It is considered that a long - term study is necessary.
The female breast is a potent symbol of maternity, sexuality, and feminity. Unfortunately, the frequency of breast cancer and mastectomy are increasing in Korea, so the reconstruction of breast becomes a important surgical procedure. The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of breast reconstruction using free TRAM flap and to suggest the operative techniques for more successful results. This study is based on a series of 39 cases of breast reconstruction using free TRAM flap in mastectomized patients. Among these cases, 21 patients underwent immediate reconstruction and 18 patients underwent delayed reconstruction. 2 patients underwent immediate bilateral reconstruction. The postoperative courses of these cases are uneventful. Breast reconstruction following mastectomy is one of the most challenging problems in plastic surgery. Nowadays the free TRAM flap is accepted as an excellent method of autogenous tissue breast reconstruction. We conclude that this technique has advantages as follows. The free TRAM flap has not associated with the complications of implant-based reconstruction. It provides sufficient volume for ptotic and natural breast, easily concealed donor site, and secondary aesthetic benefit of abdominoplasty. Unlike conventional pedicled TRAM flap, it has superiority in blood supply, and can make liberal setting of flap and sparing of rectus muscle. So it can provide more satisfaction about the final result of breast reconstruction.
Hong, Ki Yong;Son, Yoosung;Chang, Hak;Jin, Ung Sik
Archives of Plastic Surgery
Background Breast reconstruction has become more common as mastectomy has become more frequent. In Korea, the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) began covering breast reconstruction in April 2015. This study aimed to investigate trends in mastectomy and breast reconstruction over the past 10 years and to evaluate the impact of NHIS coverage on breast reconstruction. Methods Nationwide data regarding mastectomy and breast reconstruction were collected from the Korean Breast Cancer Society registry database. Multiple variables were analyzed in the records of patients who underwent breast reconstruction from January 2005 to March 2017 at a single institution. Results At Seoul National University Hospital, the total number of reconstruction cases increased 13-fold from 2005 to 2016. The proportion of immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) cases out of all cases of total mastectomy increased from 4% in 2005 to 52.0% in 2016. The proportion of delayed breast reconstruction (DBR) cases out of all cases of breast reconstruction and the overall number of DBR cases increased from 8.8% (20 cases) in 2012 to 18.3% (76 cases) in 2016. After NHIS coverage was initiated, the proportions of IBR and DBR showed statistically significant increases (P<0.05). Among the IBR cases, the percentage of prosthesis-based reconstructions increased significantly (P<0.05), but this trend was not found with DBR. Total mastectomy became significantly more common after the expansion of NHIS coverage (P<0.05). Conclusions Over the last decade, there has been an increase in mastectomy and breast reconstruction, and the pace of increase accelerated after the expansion of NHIS coverage. It is expected that breast reconstruction will be a routine option for patients with breast cancer under the NHIS.
Immediate breast reconstruction in breast cancer patients is universalized and now with a wide variety of methods to choose from, we can select a breast reconstruction method according to the patient's condition. Among these methods, immediate breast reconstruction with TRAM free flap is the most commonly used. Nipple reconstruction is usually performed as a secondary procedure, reconstructed. Nipple is reconstructed with contralateral nipple composite graft or with local flap. Areola is reconstructed with skin graft and tattooing. Therefore, to reconstruct complete breast, two or more staged operations are needed and are troublesome to both the surgeon and the patient. If we could reconstruct breast mound and nipple at same time, we would reduce the operative stages and heighten the patient's satisfaction. The author performed delayed or immediate breast reconstruction with TRAM free flap and nipple reconstruction at the same time. If the TRAM flap was to situate in the whole of the breast or at the center of the breast mound, nipple was reconstructed with a local flap from the TRAM flap. If the TRAM flap was not situated in center of breast mound, nipple was reconstructed with a local flap from remnant breast skin. Immediate nipple reconstructions in breast reconstruction consisted total of 22 cases. Among these, delayed breast reconstruction were 5 cases and immediate breast reconstruction were 17 cases. According to patient's condition and mastectomy method, nipple reconstruction method was selected; nipple reconstruction with contralateral nipple composite graft(3 cases); nipple reconstruction with remnant breast skin(6 cases); nipple reconstruction from flap margin(10 cases); nipple reconstruction with prefabricated nipple on flap(3 cases). Malposition of the reconstructed nipple was the most common and serious complication(6 cases). The other complications were atrophy of the nipple(1 case), and necrosis(1 case). Reconstruction of the breast and nipple at the same time can reduce the need of a secondary operation and use remnant skin or redundant flap tissue maximally. On the other hand, it must be considered that position and shape of nipple could be deformed, because the nipple reconstruction is performed before the shape of reconstructed breast settles completely. Prudent attention is needed, because the danger of complication is higher than delayed nipple reconstruction.
Purpose: The transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous(TRAM) flap is the most commonly used autogenous tissue flap for breast reconstruction. Postoperatively, partial flap loss or fat necrosis are relatively common and it may result in a smaller breast volume with marked contour irregularities. These defects are not easy to reconstruct with local tissue rearrangement or with breast implants. The current authors present the results of 2 patients who underwent Latissimus dorsi(LD) flap reconstruction to correct partial flap or fat necrosis that developed after TRAM flap breast reconstruction. Method: Case1: A 50 - year - old woman with left breast cancer visited for breast reconstruction after radical mastectomy. Initially, breast reconstruction with pedicled TRAM was performed. Postoperatively partial flap necrosis was developed. Secondary breast reconstruction using LD flap was done. Case2: A 51 - year - old woman with left breast cancer visited for breast reconstruction after radical mastectomy. Initially, breast reconstruction with pedicled TRAM was performed. Postoperatively fat necrosis was developed. Secondary breast reconstruction using LD flap was done. Results: Secondary breast reconstruction using LD flap survived completely and produce successful reconstruction. There was no significant complication in both patients. Conclusion: LD flap provides sufficient, vascularized skin and soft tissue. The flap can be molded easily to replace deficient tissue in all areas of the breast. These attributes make it an ideal candidate for salvage of the partially failed TRAM flap breast reconstructio.
Kim, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Jeong-Min;Park, Sun-Hyung;Lee, Sam-Yong
Archives of Plastic Surgery
Background : Immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy and delayed breast reconstruction with post-supplementary treatment are the two types of breast reconstruction currently performed when treating breast cancer. Post-mastectomy radiation therapy (PMRT) not only reduces local recurrence but also improves overall survival. However, the complications and survival rates associated with PMRT need to be clear when determining the timing of breast reconstruction. Accordingly, we investigated the optimal timing of breast reconstruction by observing patients who underwent mastectomy followed by PMRT, based on their overall health and aesthetic satisfaction. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 21 patients who underwent breast reconstruction with PMRT between November 2004 and November 2010. We collected data regarding the various methods of mastectomy, and the modality of adjuvant therapy, such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radiotherapy. Telephone interviews were conducted to study the general and aesthetic satisfaction. Results : Patients who received PMRT after breast reconstruction showed a greater complication rate than those undergoing breast reconstruction after PMRT (P=0.02). Aesthetic satisfaction was significantly higher in the groups undergoing breast reconstruction after PMRT (P=0.03). Patients who underwent breast reconstruction before PMRT developed complications more frequently, but they expressed greater aesthetic satisfaction with the treatment. Conclusions : It is recommended that the complication rates and aesthetic satisfaction after breast reconstruction be carefully considered when determining the optimal timing for radiotherapy.
Purpose: TRAM flap reconstruction has settled down as a common method for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. There are a few surgical contraindication in TRAM flap surgery. Previous abdominal liposuction has been a relative contraindication in TRAM flap surgery. The authors present 2 patients of successful breast reconstruction using pedicled TRAM flaps, who previously underwent abdominal liposuction. Methods: Case 1: A 48-year-old woman with a right breast cancer visited for mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Her past surgical history was notable for abdominal liposuction 15 years ago. Skin sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction with a pedicled TRAM flap was performed. Case 2: A 45-year-old woman with a left breast cancer visited us for mastectomy and autologous breast reconstruction. 3 years ago, she had an abdominal liposuction and augmentation mammaplasty in other hospital. Nipple sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction was done using pedicled TRAM flap. Results: One year after the reconstruction, partial fat necrosis was developed in one case but there was no skin necrosis or donor site complication in both patients. Conclusion: As aesthetic surgery becomes more popular, increasing numbers of patients who have a prior abdominal liposuction history want for autologous tissue breast reconstruction. In these patients, TRAM flap surgery will be also used for breast reconstruction. But, the warning of fat necrosis and the use of preoperative Doppler tracing to evaluate the abdominal perforator may be beneficial to patients who had abdominal liposuction recently.
Autologous microvascular breast reconstruction is widely accepted as a key component of breast cancer treatment. There are two basic donor sites; the anterior abdominal wall and the thigh/buttock region. Each of these regions provides for a number of flaps that are successfully utilised in breast reconstruction. Refinement of surgical technique and the drive towards minimising donor site morbidity whilst maximising flap vascularity in breast reconstruction has seen an evolution towards perforator based flap reconstructions, however myocutaneous flaps are still commonly practiced. We review herein the current methods of autologous microvascular breast reconstruction.
The numbers of breast cancer are increasing in Korea and the needs for breast reconstruction are also parallel with cancer frequency. The purpose of the study is to define the different state and condition between the delayed reconstruction and the immediate reconstruction of breasts and to suggest how to get more satisfactory outcome. The study included 22 patients who underwent delayed breast reconstruction using transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous(TRAM) free flap from December, 1990 to January, 2001. Their ages ranged from 28 years to 58 years. We have used internal mammary artery and vein as a recipient vessel in 13 patients because of fibrosis and severe scarring in the axillary region and thoracodorsal artery and vein in 9 patients. When we used internal mammary artery with recipient vessel, we would use contralateral deep inferior epigastric artery with donor vessel. We obtained satisfactory result without any flap loss, and most patients satisfied with shape and volume of reconstructed breast. We found that delayed breast reconstruction have some differences compared with immediate breast reconstruction. First, we remove fibrotic and scar tissue as much as possible to achieve satisfactory shape of breast. Second, we plan preoperative design in standing position to obtain symmetrical recreation of inframammary fold. Third, we use internal mammary vessel in many cases with recipient vessel for microvascular anastomosis. Fourth, patients with delayed breast reconstruction feel more satisfaction than patients with immediate breast reconstruction do. Finally, economic burden is much higher in the delayed case than in the immediate case because of no coverage with insurance.
Song, Woo Jin;Kang, Sang Gue;Kim, Eun Key;Song, Seung Yong;Lee, Joon Seok;Lee, Jung Ho;Jin, Ung Sik
Archives of Plastic Surgery
Since April 2015, post-mastectomy breast reconstruction has been covered by the Korean National Health Insurance Service (NHIS). The frequency of these procedures has increased very rapidly. We analyzed data obtained from the Big Data Hub of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) and determined annual changes in the number of breast reconstruction procedures and related trends in Korea. We evaluated the numbers of mastectomy and breast reconstruction procedures performed between April 2015 and December 2018 using data from the HIRA Big Data Hub. We determined annual changes in the numbers of total, autologous, and implant breast reconstructions after NHIS coverage commenced. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The post-mastectomy breast reconstruction rate increased from 19.4% in 2015 to 53.4% in 2018. In 2015, implant reconstruction was performed in 1,366 cases and autologous reconstruction in 905 (60.1% and 39.8%, respectively); these figures increased to 3,703 and 1,570 (70.2% and 29.7%, respectively) in 2018. Free tissue transfer and deep inferior epigastric perforator flap creation were the most common autologous reconstruction procedures. For implant-based reconstructions, the rates of directto-implant and tissue-expander breast reconstructions (first stage) were similar in 2018. This study summarizes breast reconstruction trends in Korea after NHIS coverage was expanded in 2015. A significant increase over time in the post-mastectomy breast reconstruction rate was evident, with a trend toward implant-based reconstruction. Analysis of data from the HIRA Big Data Hub can be used to predict breast reconstruction trends and convey precise information to patients and physicians.
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.