• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary point

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Digital painting: Image transfonnation, simulation, heterologie and transfonnation (현대회화에서의 형태와 물질 -Digital Transfiguration에 관한 연구-)

  • Jeong, Suk-Yeong
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.10
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    • pp.161-181
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    • 2006
  • The words which appeared in my theoretical study and work are image transformation to digital painting, simulation, heterologie and transfiguration, etc. Firstly, let's look into 'digital era' or 'new media era'. Nowadays, the image world including painting within the rapid social and cultural change, which is called as digital era, is having the dramatic change. Together with the development of scientific technology, large number of events which was deemed to be impossible is happening as real in image world Moreover, these changes in image world is greatly influencing to our life. The word which compresses this change of image world and shows is 'digital'. Digit, which means fingers in Latin, indicates separately changing signal, and to be more narrow, it indicates the continual signal of '0' and ' 1' in computer. The opposite word is 'analogue'. As analogue is the word meaning 'infer' or 'similarity', it indicates the signal or form which continuously changes along the series of time when it is compared to digital. Instead of analogue, digital is embossed as a major ruler along the whole area of our current culture. In whole culture and art area, and in whole generalscience, digital is appearing as it has the modernism and importance. The prefix, 'digital', e.g. digital media, digital culture, digital design, digital philosophy, etc, is treated as the synonym of modernism and something new. This advent of digital results the innovative change to the image world, creates the new beauty experience which we could not experience before, and forecasts the formation of advanced art and expansion of creative area. Various intellectual activities using computer is developing the whole world with making the infrastructure. Computer in painting work immediately accomplishes the idea of painters, takes part in simulation work, contingency such as abrupt reversal, extraction, twisting, shaking, obscureness, overlapping, etc, and timing to stimulate the creativity of painters, and provides digital formative language which enables new visual experience to the audience. When the change of digital era, the image appeared in my work is shown in 'transfiguration' like drawing. The word, 'transfiguration' does not indicate the completed and fixed real substance but indicate endlessly moving and floating shape. Thus, this concept is opposite to the substantial consideration, so that various concepts which is able to replace this in accordance with the similar cases are also exist such as change, deterioration, mutation, deformity of appearance and morphing which is frequently used in computer as a technical word. These concepts are not clearly classified, and variably and complicatedly related. Transfiguration basically means the denial of "objectivity' and '(continual) stagnation' or deviation from those. This phenomenon is appeared through the all art schools of art ever since the realism is denied in the 19th century. It is called as 'deformation' in case of expressionism, futurism, cubism, etc, in the beginning of the century, which its former indication is mostly preserved within the process of structural deviation and which has the realistic limit which should be preserved. On the contrary, dramatic transfiguration which has been showing in the modern era through surrealism is different in the point that dramatic transfiguration tends to show the deterioration and deviation rather than the preservation of indicated object. From this point, transfiguration coming out from morphing using computer deteriorates and hides the reality and furthermore, it replaces the 'reality'. Moreover, transfiguration is closely approached to the world of fake or 'imaginary' simulation world of Baudrillard. According to Baudrillard, the image hides and deteriorates the reality, and furthermore, expresses 'not existing' to 'imaginary' under the name of transfiguration. Certain reality, that is, image which is absent from the reality is created and overflowed, so that it finally replaces the reality. This is simulation as it is said by Baudrillard. In turn, Georges Bataille discusses about the image which is produced by digital technology in terms of heterologie. Image of heterologie is the visual signal which is established with the media. Image of media is to have the continuous characteristics of produce, extinction, and transformation, and its clear boundary between images becomes meaningless. The meaning of composition, excess, violation, etc of digital image is explained to heterological study or heteologie suggested as important meaning of Georges Bataille who is a heretic philosopher. As the form and image of mutation shows the shape in accordance with mechanical production, heterologie is introduced as very low materialism (or bas materialisme), in this theory. Heterologie as low materialism which is gradually changing is developing as a different concept and analysis because of the change of time in the late 20s century beside high or low meaning. Including my image, all images non-standardizes and transforms the code. However, reappearance and non-standardization of this code does not seem to be simple. The problem of transformation caused by transfiguration which appears in my digital drawing painting, simulation, heterologie, etc, are the continual problems. Moreover, the subject such as existence of human being, distance from the real life, politics and social problems are being extended to actual research and various expressing work. Especially, individual image world is established by digital painting transfiguration technique, and its change and review start to have the durability. The consciousness of observers who look at the image is changing the subject. Together with theoretical research, researchers are to establish the first step to approach to various image change of digital era painting through transfiguration technique using our realistic and historical image.

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Multiplification of the Reality in Contemporary Sculpture (현대조각에 있어서 실재의 다중화)

  • You, Jae-Heung
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.12
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2007
  • Today, the modern art is extremely diverse. It is denying its own boundary through chaos, extreme, abjection. In fact the diversity of the modern art can be best described as questioning and challenging to the essence of the reality, rather than the artistic pursuit of the beauties. The pursuit of the reality has been a long lasting discourse since the ancient. Through the history, the reality (referent) and representation (image) has been complementing and disposing each other in a relationship of a meaningful construction until the modern times. The limit of modernistic self-reference and the emergence of the figure leads to the emergence of Post-modernism in a trend of experimenting new visual arts. The return to the figure is clearly distinguished from existing representation's system and it brought new meanings to approaches and interpretations of the reality. In the case of Pop arts of 1960's and the following the modern sculptures, which is covered by this thesis, I put an emphasis on the diversification of those via changed strategies on the reality. In a situation where the reality is dictated by signified, the modern arts can no longer stay on a classic concept of representation, rather it pursuits new system and diverse strategies. I provide three types of strategic characters of the reality and the diversification of reality: the transition of the reality. These three types can be used as a frame work, which is supporting new aspects of the modern arts in reflecting on existing system. Therefore, the reason of categorizing is to distinguish modernistic arts and post modernistic arts, and to propose new post-modernistic discourses. Adapting J.F, Lyotard's view, absence is used to trace down the diversification of the reality thorough the sublime on the deconstruction of the mega discourses and the relationship of representation. Based on H. Faster's theory of the appropriation, the appropriation is used to exemplify the strategies of visual arts are in variations and being delayed. Lastly, in the transition, J. Baudrilliard's simulacre is used in terms of the concept of post modernistic representation. Based on the core of his theories, the deconstruction of existing concepts and simulation as the post modernistic representation, and the world of hyperreality based on simulacre are explained. These allows us to deny that representation is the expression of reality through mimesis. My aim is to work on the definition of the arts and representation in the modern era, and go further from there in order to clarify meaning and extension of the modern sculptures. Now two artists are reviewed based on their own art works: George Seagal; Jeff Koons. They are selected among numerous artists from the Post Modern era. Epic contents and emphasis on daily life of Seagal's works show good examples to artists from Pop Arts and following time period and may have served as a start point for Postmodernism. Indeed, he tried to show a newly defined relationship between art works and daily life experience. On the other hand, J.Koons used the strategies of fabrication and appropriation, which shows characteristics of the postmodernism. Through his four individual exhibitions, he shows the diversification of the reality based on art works as fetishistic merchandises, and newly defined concept of Ready-made since M Duchamp. Lastly, the diversification of the reality is analyzed again in context of my art works. I focused on the return to the figure among a variety of trends of late 20 th century modern sculpture. It showed the post modernistic point of view on the reality. Post modernistic diversified strategies are adopted as a method of distinguishing each art works via the diversification of the reality. This is the result of contemporary social and cultural situations.

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철도기준점을 이용한 철도중심선형 좌표변환에 관한연구 - 호남고속철도 계획노선을 중심으로 -

  • Moon, Cheung-Kyun;Heo, Joon;Kang, Sang-Du;Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1141-1151
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    • 2007
  • In this paper through Honam high-speed railroad which is planned with the north and south axis, we will verify the feasibility of the coordinate conversion using railroad control points after regarding current planned-railroad as the linear central axises. From analysis, distortion of Y axis varies 21cm to 40cm diminishing to a gentle straight line, distortion of X axis varies 14cm to 29cm. Through a revision, the deviation value between the coordinates were 6mm to 9mm and it satisfied the allowable error of national geographic information institute which is following ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) and cadastral boundary survey(10cm). consequently the coordinate conversion is possible using railroad control points as common control points.

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Prediction Study on Major Movement Paths of Otters in the Ansim-wetland Using EN-Simulator (EN-Simulator를 활용한 안심습지 일원 수달의 주요 이동경로 예측 연구)

  • Shin, Gee-Hoon;Seo, Bo-Yong;Rho, Paikho;Kim, Ji-Young;Han, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we performed a Random Walker analysis to predict the Major Movement Paths of otters. The scope of the research was a simulation analysis with a radius of 7.5 km set as the final range centered on the Ansim-wetland in Daegu City, and a field survey was used to verify the model. The number of virtual otters was set to 1,000, the number of moving steps was set to 1,000 steps per grid, and simulations were performed on a total of 841 grids. As a result of the analysis, an average of 147.6 objects arrived at the boundary point under the condition of an interval of 50 m. As a result of the simulation verification, 8 points (13.1%) were found in the area where the movement probability was very high, and 9 points (14.8%) were found in the area where the movement probability was high. On the other hand, in areas with low movement paths probabilities, there were 8 points (13.1%) in low areas and 4 points (6.6%) in very low areas. Simulation verification results In areas with high otter values, the actual otter format probability was particularly high. In addition, as a result of investigating the correlation with the otter appearance point according to the unit area of the evaluation star of the movement probability, it seems that 6.8 traces were found per unit area in the area where the movement probability is the highest. In areas where the probability of movement is low, analysis was performed at 0.1 points. On the side where otters use the major movement paths of the river area, the normal level was exceeded, and as a result, in the area, 23 (63.9%), many form traces were found, along the major movement paths of the simulation. It turned out that the actual otter inhabits. The EN-Simulator analysis can predict how spatial properties affect the likelihood of major movement paths selection, and the analytical values are used to utilize additional habitats within the major movement paths. It is judged that it can be used as basic data such as to grasp the danger area of road kill in advance and prevent it.

Analysis of the Effect of Corner Points and Image Resolution in a Mechanical Test Combining Digital Image Processing and Mesh-free Method (디지털 이미지 처리와 강형식 기반의 무요소법을 융합한 시험법의 모서리 점과 이미지 해상도의 영향 분석)

  • Junwon Park;Yeon-Suk Jeong;Young-Cheol Yoon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we present a DIP-MLS testing method that combines digital image processing with a rigid body-based MLS differencing approach to measure mechanical variables and analyze the impact of target location and image resolution. This method assesses the displacement of the target attached to the sample through digital image processing and allocates this displacement to the node displacement of the MLS differencing method, which solely employs nodes to calculate mechanical variables such as stress and strain of the studied object. We propose an effective method to measure the displacement of the target's center of gravity using digital image processing. The calculation of mechanical variables through the MLS differencing method, incorporating image-based target displacement, facilitates easy computation of mechanical variables at arbitrary positions without constraints from meshes or grids. This is achieved by acquiring the accurate displacement history of the test specimen and utilizing the displacement of tracking points with low rigidity. The developed testing method was validated by comparing the measurement results of the sensor with those of the DIP-MLS testing method in a three-point bending test of a rubber beam. Additionally, numerical analysis results simulated only by the MLS differencing method were compared, confirming that the developed method accurately reproduces the actual test and shows good agreement with numerical analysis results before significant deformation. Furthermore, we analyzed the effects of boundary points by applying 46 tracking points, including corner points, to the DIP-MLS testing method. This was compared with using only the internal points of the target, determining the optimal image resolution for this testing method. Through this, we demonstrated that the developed method efficiently addresses the limitations of direct experiments or existing mesh-based simulations. It also suggests that digitalization of the experimental-simulation process is achievable to a considerable extent.

Studies on the Directivity of Gokjungkyeong(Kyung Overlapped with Gok) which was specified in Byeokgye-ri, Yangpyeong-gun and the Hwaseo Lee, Hang-ro's Management in Byeokwon Garden (양평 벽계리에 설정된 곡중경(曲中景)의 지향성과 화서(華西) 이항로(李恒老)의 벽원(蘗園) 경영)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.78-97
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study are to examine the context of the establishment of Suhoe Gugok, Byeokgye Gugok Vally, and Nosan Palkyung, which have been established in Seojong-myeon of Yangpyeong-gun, by literature review and site investigations, and to determine the sceneries of Byeokgye scenic site as enjoyed and managed during the period of Hwaseo Lee, Hang-ro(華西 李恒老). The results of the study are as follows. First, Byeokgye Gugok Vally(黃蘗九曲) and Nosan Palkyung(蘆山八景), which have been established after the period of Hwaseo and theorized to have been established around key scenic areas associated with Hwaseo's activities, the analysis results showed that they were collecting sceneries of modern times. The extensive overlap between Byeokgye Gugok Vally and concentrated scenic elements of Suhoe Gugok(水回九曲), and the artificial configuration from the end point of Suhoe Gugok to the beginning point of Nosan Palkyung, reveal the pattern of space conflict and hegemony between Byeokgyes of Suip-ri and Nomun-ri. This is likely to be caused by the conflict between the historicity of the group that enjoyed Byeokgye prior to Hwaso's period and the strong territoriality of the space filled with the image of Hwaseo. Second, Byeokgye Gugok Vally was the secondary spatial system created by selecting the most scenic sites in Suip-ri while expanding the area of Nosan Palkyung. After establishment of Byeokgye Gugok Vally, the spatial identity of the entire Byeokgyecheon area was effectively established. This was a "Hwaseo-oriented" move, including the complete exclusion of the scenic sites from the pre-Hwaseo period such as Cheongseo Gujang and Suhoe Gugok's Letters Carved on the Rock. Consequently, the entire Byeokgyecheon area was reorganized into a cultural scenic site with Heoseo's influence. Third, Fifth, creations of Gugok(九曲) to determine the lineage of the Hwaseo School from Juja(朱子) to Yulgok(栗谷) to Uam(尤庵) to Hwaseo is likely to be an opportunity of birth and external motivation of the establishment of new Gugok Palkyung. In other words, Nosan Palkyung and Byeokgye Gugok Vally are likely to have been created as a reaction to the change of the center of the Hwaseo School to Okgyedong, and with strategic orientation based on the motivation and needs such as creation of the connecting space between Mui Gugok, Gosan Gugok, and Okgye Gugok, and the elevation of Hwaseo's status. Fourth, from the Hwaseo's Li-centric point of view, all revered sites in Beokwon(蘗園) that he managed existed as the spatial creative work to experience the existence of "li" through the objects in the landscape and the boundary of the spirit of emptiness of the aesthetic self. This clearly shows how Byeokgye Gugok Vally or Nosan Palkyung must be defined, and furthermore, appreciated and approached, prior to discussing it as the space associated with Hwaseo. Fifth, Nosan Palkyung was composed of cultural scenic landscapes of Gokjungkyung(曲中景) with eight scenic sites where Hwaseo gave his teachings and spend time around, in the Byeokgye of Nomun-ri area of Byeokgye Gugok Vally. The sceneries is, however, collected by depending on Hwaseo's Letters Carved on the Rock and poetry. Consequently, an inner exuberance of Nosan Palkyung is satisfied beside Byeokgye Gugok Vally, but its conceptual adequacy leaves room for questions.

Three-dimensional Model Generation for Active Shape Model Algorithm (능동모양모델 알고리듬을 위한 삼차원 모델생성 기법)

  • Lim, Seong-Jae;Jeong, Yong-Yeon;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.6 s.312
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2006
  • Statistical models of shape variability based on active shape models (ASMs) have been successfully utilized to perform segmentation and recognition tasks in two-dimensional (2D) images. Three-dimensional (3D) model-based approaches are more promising than 2D approaches since they can bring in more realistic shape constraints for recognizing and delineating the object boundary. For 3D model-based approaches, however, building the 3D shape model from a training set of segmented instances of an object is a major challenge and currently it remains an open problem in building the 3D shape model, one essential step is to generate a point distribution model (PDM). Corresponding landmarks must be selected in all1 training shapes for generating PDM, and manual determination of landmark correspondences is very time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. In this paper, we propose a novel automatic method for generating 3D statistical shape models. Given a set of training 3D shapes, we generate a 3D model by 1) building the mean shape fro]n the distance transform of the training shapes, 2) utilizing a tetrahedron method for automatically selecting landmarks on the mean shape, and 3) subsequently propagating these landmarks to each training shape via a distance labeling method. In this paper, we investigate the accuracy and compactness of the 3D model for the human liver built from 50 segmented individual CT data sets. The proposed method is very general without such assumptions and can be applied to other data sets.

Geochemistry of Total Gaseous Mercury in Nan-Ji-Do, Seoul, Korea (난지도 지역의 대기수은 지화학)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Lee, Gang-Woong;Shin, Jae-Young;Kim, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.611-622
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    • 2000
  • To investigate the exchange rates of mercury(Hg) across soil-air boundary, we undertook the measurements of Hg flux using gradient technique from a major waste reclamation site, Nan-Ji-Do. Based on these measurement data, we attempted to provide insights into various aspects of Hg exchange in a strongly polluted soil environment. According to our analysis, the study site turned out to be not only a major emission source area but also a major sink area. When these data were compared on hourly basis over a full day scale, large fluxes of emission and deposition centered on daytime periods relative to nighttime periods. However, when comparison of frequency with which emission or deposition occurs was made, there emerged a very contrasting pattern. While emission was dominant during nighttime periods, deposition was most favored during daytime periods. When similar comparison was made as a function of wind direction, it was noticed that there may be a major Hg source at easterly direction to bring out significant deposition of Hg in the study area. To account for the environmental conditions controlling the vertical direction of Hg exchange, we compared environmental conditions for both the whole data group and those observed from the wind direction of strong deposition events. Results of this analysis indicated that the concentrations of pollutant species varied sensitively enough to reflect the environmental conditions for each direction of exchange. When correlation analysis was applied to our data, results indicated that windspeed and ozone concentrations best reflected changes in the magnitudes of emission/deposition fluxes. The results of factor analysis also indicated the possibility that Hg emission of study area is temperature-driven process, while that of deposition is affected by a mixed effects of various factors including temperature, ozone, and non-methane HCs. If the computed emission rate is extrapolated to the whole study area we estimate that annual emission of Hg from the study area can amount to approximately 6kg.

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Dispute of Part-Whole Representation in Conceptual Modeling (부분-전체 관계에 관한 개념적 모델링의 논의에 관하여)

  • Kim, Taekyung;Park, Jinsoo;Rho, Sangkyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.97-116
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    • 2012
  • Conceptual modeling is an important step for successful system development. It helps system designers and business practitioners share the same view on domain knowledge. If the work is successful, a result of conceptual modeling can be beneficial in increasing productivity and reducing failures. However, the value of conceptual modeling is unlikely to be evaluated uniformly because we are lack of agreement on how to elicit concepts and how to represent those with conceptual modeling constructs. Especially, designing relationships between components, also known as part-whole relationships, have been regarded as complicated work. The recent study, "Representing Part-Whole Relations in Conceptual Modeling : An Empirical Evaluation" (Shanks et al., 2008), published in MIS Quarterly, can be regarded as one of positive efforts. Not only the study is one of few attempts of trying to clarify how to select modeling alternatives in part-whole design, but also it shows results based on an empirical experiment. Shanks et al. argue that there are two modeling alternatives to represent part-whole relationships : an implicit representation and an explicit one. By conducting an experiment, they insist that the explicit representation increases the value of a conceptual model. Moreover, Shanks et al. justify their findings by citing the BWW ontology. Recently, the study from Shanks et al. faces criticism. Allen and March (2012) argue that Shanks et al.'s experiment is lack of validity and reliability since the experimental setting suffers from error-prone and self-defensive design. They point out that the experiment is intentionally fabricated to support the idea, as such that using concrete UML concepts results in positive results in understanding models. Additionally, Allen and March add that the experiment failed to consider boundary conditions; thus reducing credibility. Shanks and Weber (2012) contradict flatly the argument suggested by Allen and March (2012). To defend, they posit the BWW ontology is righteously applied in supporting the research. Moreover, the experiment, they insist, can be fairly acceptable. Therefore, Shanks and Weber argue that Allen and March distort the true value of Shanks et al. by pointing out minor limitations. In this study, we try to investigate the dispute around Shanks et al. in order to answer to the following question : "What is the proper value of the study conducted by Shanks et al.?" More profoundly, we question whether or not using the BWW ontology can be the only viable option of exploring better conceptual modeling methods and procedures. To understand key issues around the dispute, first we reviewed previous studies relating to the BWW ontology. We critically reviewed both of Shanks and Weber and Allen and March. With those findings, we further discuss theories on part-whole (or part-of) relationships that are rarely treated in the dispute. As a result, we found three additional evidences that are not sufficiently covered by the dispute. The main focus of the dispute is on the errors of experimental methods: Shanks et al. did not use Bunge's Ontology properly; the refutation of a paradigm shift is lack of concrete, logical rationale; the conceptualization on part-whole relations should be reformed. Conclusively, Allen and March indicate properly issues that weaken the value of Shanks et al. In general, their criticism is reasonable; however, they do not provide sufficient answers how to anchor future studies on part-whole relationships. We argue that the use of the BWW ontology should be rigorously evaluated by its original philosophical rationales surrounding part-whole existence. Moreover, conceptual modeling on the part-whole phenomena should be investigated with more plentiful lens of alternative theories. The criticism on Shanks et al. should not be regarded as a contradiction on evaluating modeling methods of alternative part-whole representations. To the contrary, it should be viewed as a call for research on usable and useful approaches to increase value of conceptual modeling.

Analysis of Modality and Procedures for CCS as CDM Project and Its Countmeasures (CCS 기술의 CDM 사업화 수용에 대한 방식과 절차 분석 및 대응방안 고찰)

  • Noh, Hyon-Jeong;Huh, Cheol;Kang, Seong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2012
  • Carbon dioxide, emitted by human activities since the industrial revolution, is regarded as a major contributor of global warming. There are many efforts to mitigate climate change, and carbon dioxide capture and geological storage (CCS) is recognized as one of key technologies because it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from large point sources such as a power station or other industrial installation. The inclusion of CCS as clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities has been considered at UNFCCC as financial incentive mechanisms for those developing countries that may wish to deploy the CCS. Although the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the UNFCCC's Kyoto Protocol (CMP), at Cancun in December 2010, decided that CCS is eligible as CDM project activities, the issues identified in decision 2/CMP.5 should be addressed and resolved in a satisfactory manner. Major issues regarding modalities and procedure are 1) Site selection, 2) Monitoring, 3) Modeling, 4) Boundaries, 5) Seepage Measuring and Accounting, 6) Trans-Boundary Effects, 7) Accounting of Associated Project Emissions (Leakage), 8) Risk and Safety Assessment, and 9) Liability Under the CDM Scheme. The CMP, by its decision 7/CMP.6, invited Parties to submit their views to the secretariat of Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), SBSTA prepared a draft modalities and procedure by exchanging views of Parties through workshop held in Abu Dhabi, UAE (September 2011). The 7th CMP (Durban, December 2011) finally adopted the modalities and procedures for CCS as CDM project activities (CMP[2011], Decision-/CMP.7). The inclusion of CCS as CDM project activities means that CCS is officially accredited as one of $CO_2$ reducing technologies in global carbon market. Consequently, it will affect relevant technologies and industry as well as law and policy in Korea and aboard countries. This paper presents a progress made on discussion and challenges regarding the issue, and aims to suggest some considerations to policy makers in Korea in order to demonstrate and deploy the CCS project in the near future. According to the adopted modalities and procedures for CCS as CDM project activities, it is possible to implement relevant CCS projects in Non-Annex I countries, including Korea, as long as legal and regulatory frameworks are established. Though Korea enacted 'Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth', the details are too inadequate to content the requirements of modalities and procedures for CCS as CDM project. Therefore, it is required not only to amend the existing laws related with capture, transport, and storage of $CO_2$ for paving the way of an prompt deployment of CCS CDM activities in Korea as a short-term approach, but also to establish the united framework as a long-term approach.