• Title/Summary/Keyword: blood origin

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A clinical report of cerebral infarction patient with schizophrenia (전증(癲證)을 동반한 졸중풍(卒中風) 환자 치험1례)

  • Oh, Kyong-Min;Yang, Dong-Ho;Kim, Bo-Kyong
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.209-224
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    • 2007
  • Metabolic syndrome consists of several risk factors of metabolic origin like elevated blood pressure, abdominal obesity, elevated triglyceride concentrations, decreased HDL-cholesterol concentrations, and elevated fasting glucose. It appear to directly increase the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases which leading to cardiovascular diseases in later life. This 39 years female patient was diagnosed schizophrenia at the age of 17. but she didn't take reasonable treatments. during 20 years, she stayed in home and lived unsuited life with her family. As a result she gains heavy weight and centeral obesity, diabetic mellitus and hypertention, and developed cerevral vascular accident twice. This patient was treated with herb medication, acupuncture, western medication, psychotherapy primarily in focusing of pre-illness state(未病) as well as the stagnation of phelm. During 140 days of treatment from admission, before 2nd attack tbe patient showed improvement of Lt. hemiparesis but after second attack improved a little. And symptom of schizophrenia improved considerably. Also diet habit changed.

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Quantitative analysis of rutin content using silkworm genetic resources

  • Ju, Wan-Taek;Kim, Kee-Young;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Kim, Yong-Soon
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2015
  • Rutin is an important bioflavonoid that is consumed in the daily diet. This study compared the functional components of rutin from various silkworm species using a gene database with those of rutin produced by silkworms selectively bred through cross-combinations. We made comparisons between the geographical origin and species of silkworm using a gene database and discovered that rutin activity was ranked in the following order by species, Chinese (C5)> miscellaneous varieties (Jamsaeng 1 Ho) >Japanese (Jam 115) > European (E58) >Korean (Sun 3 ho). However, rutin levels with respect to various genetic traits (blood color, silk color, and egg color) were consistent. In order to study rutin changes that occurred during the cross breeding of the silkworm gene, we bred cross-combinations utilizing Jam 115 and the 4051 silkworms. In conclusion, in order to provide information about the constituents of functional materials contained in silkworm powder, it is imperative that silkworm cross breeding occurs so that the database of functional materials extracted from silkworms will expand.

An Experimental Study of Lactic Acidosis and Potassium Transfer in the Dog (락트산 산증과 칼륨이동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Choo-Chul;Lee, Yung-Kyoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 1979
  • Intracellular pH was determined by distribution of 5.5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidlnedione [DMO]in the skeletal muscle of dogs before and after lactic acidosis induced by intravenous infusion of lactic acid solution. After infusion of lactic acid solution arterial pH decreased from 7.40 to around 7.12 [P<0.001]and metabolic acidosis was induced. However, dose-pH change response was not proportional as in the case of hydrochloric acid infusion. During lactic acidosis, intracellular pH changed very little except when venous blood $pCO_2$ increased significantly. The decrease of intracellular pH in lactic acidosis might be due primarily to the increase of intracellular $pCO_2$. And during lactic acidosis, change of extracellular pH was larger than that of intracellular pH, and this was also the case of change In hydrogen Ion concentration in extracellular and intracellular fluid. The fact was estimated that exogenous lactic acid transported into the cell does not contribute to pH change by the participation in the metabolism. Change in plasma potassium Ion concentration was not eminent as metabolic acid-base disturbances by other origin, and changing pattern of Hi/He ratio was not same as Ki/Ke ratio. In spite of no changes in extracellular potassium ion concentration after exogenous lactic acidosis total amount of potassium ion in extracellular fluid increased from 12.62mEg to 18.26mEg [P< 0.05].

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Innominate Artery Ruplure Caused by Blunt Chest Trauma -A Case Report (흉부둔상에 의한 무명동맥 파열 -치험 1례-)

  • Lee, Gun;Kim, Yong-In
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.1028-1031
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    • 1997
  • Rupture of an innominate artery caused by blunt chest trauma is extremel rare because this artery is short and relatively well protected by the bony cage. This report describes a 37-year-old male who sustained a blunt chest injury that resulted in an innominate artery rupture, detected by chest CT and thoracic aortography. The patient underwent an urgent operation through median sternotomy. A 3 by 3 m sized pseudoaneurysm of proximal innominate artery was found with a complete intimal tear. After the origin of the innominate artery was closed, the injured segment of artery was excised and an aorto-innominate artery bypass with a 10 mm Gore-tex graft was performed without use of a shunt. The patient was discharged 20 days later without neurologic complications and had equal blood pressure in both arms.

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Lectin Activity and Chemical Characteristics of Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. from Gastrointestinal Mucosa of Growing Pigs

  • Gao, W.;Meng, Q.X.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.863-868
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    • 2004
  • Lectin activities and chemical characteristics of Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. originating from the porcine cecal mucosal layer were studied based on hemagglutination assay (HA) and hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA). Although all the bacterial strains were able to agglutinate erythrocytes of porcine or rabbit origin, much higher HA titers were consistently observed for Lactobacillus spp. than for E. coli or for Bifidobacterium spp. A remarkable reduction in HA titers occurred by the treatment of E. coli and Lactobacillus spp. with protease or trypsin and of Bifidobacterium spp. with protease, trypsin or periodate. There were no significant effects on the HA titers of the three groups of bacteria after the treatment with lipase. Hemagglutination of E. coli was strongly inhibited by D (+)-mannose and D (+)-galactose; Lactobacillus spp. by $\alpha$-L-rhamnose and methyl-$\beta$-galactopyranoside; Bifidobacterium spp. by D (+)-alactose, $\alpha$-L-rhamnose, $\alpha$-L-fucose, L (+)-arabinose, D (+)-mannose, D (-)-fructose at a relatively low concentration (1.43 to 3.75 mg/ml). These results, combined with the enhanced HA activities of the three bacterial strains by modification of rabbit erythrocytes with neuraminidase and abolished HA activity of E. coli after treatment with $\beta$-galactosidase, indicate that it might be the glycoproteinous substances surrounding the surface of the bacterial cells that are responsible for the adhesions of these microorganisms by recognizing the specific receptors on the red blood cell.

Walled-off Pancreatic necrosis in a Dog

  • Hwang, Tae-sung;Park, Su-jin;Lee, Jae-hoon;Jung, Dong-in;Lee, Hee Chun
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.146-149
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    • 2018
  • A 7-year-old, castrated, male Maltese dog presented with hyporexia and depression for 3 days. Elevated serum amylase, lipase activities, and liver enzyme values were found upon blood examination. An abdominal mass was seen on radiographs caudal to the gastric body in the left middle abdomen. In the left middle abdomen, abdominal ultrasonography also revealed a massive, irregularly marginated, heterogeneous mass of unknown origin, and in the right cranial abdomen, heterogeneously hypoechoic pancreatic tissue and hyperechoic change of adjacent mesenteric fat were observed. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed an irregular contour of the left pancreatic limb as well as heterogeneously enhanced parenchyma. A low-attenuating peripancreatic fluid collection with a thin and irregular wall was also seen. Based on these findings, an atypical pancreatic abscess with necrotizing pancreatitis which manifested as walled-off necrosis was suspected. The mass was excised, and the pancreatic abscess was confirmed by histopathologic examination. No complications were found in the patient after two months of follow-up examination.

A Study of the Devil′s Types and the Special Effect Makeup′s Techniques Expressed on Horror Movies (공포영화에 나타난 악마의 유형과 특수분장 기법에 대한 연구)

  • 장미숙;양숙희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.8
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to be studied the Devil's types and the special effect makeup's techniques expressed on horror movies. As the theoretical background, the researcher inquired the origin of Satan, Demon and Devil, and the shapes and meanings portrayed in the religion, philosophy art and literature. Also classified the Devil's types of the movies, and examined the factors, techniques and aesthetic characteristics of special effect makeup for each of them. The results are as follows. 1. The Devil's types are the Werewolf, the Zombie and the Vampire. The Werewolf is a kind of Devil that changes into a wolf when the full moon rises. It requires animatronics, rubber body suits, furs and fangs for special makeup effects. The Zombie is a dead body that the exorcist restored with a narcotic drug, and it nibbles on human's brain and flesh. So it needs decayed or pale skins, scars, bald heads, non-focus eyes and false teeth for making this character. The Vampire is a bloodsucking ghost. Therefore, it uses fangs, evil eyes, rubber body suits and dropping blood for special effect makeup. 2. They expresses Sadism, Masquerade and Cruelty as the aesthetic characteristics of the Devil's special effect makeup.

Effects of the Auricular Acupuncture on the blood pressure (이침요법(耳鍼療法)이 혈압(血壓)의 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Byun, Jae-Young;Ahn, Soo-Gi
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.418-426
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    • 1996
  • Clinical studies were done 23 peoples who were treated with the auricular acupuncture therapy to the hypertension in the Dept. of the Acupuncture and Moxibution Hospital of Oriental Medicine in Won Kwang University. The following results have obtained. 1. Distribution of sex: male (52.0%), female (48.0%), 2. Distribution of age: 50s age group (30.0%), 70s(26.0%), 40s or 60s(22.0%). 3. Distribution of occupation: housewife (26.0%), farmer or commerce(22.0%), unemployed(13.0%), 4. Causes of illness: unknown origin(61.0%), stress(17.0%), drinking (13.0%), 5. Distribution according to symptom: headache(57.0%), non-symptom(17.0%), dizziness(9.0%). 6. Duration of onset: 3-5 years(26,0%), unknown(17.0%), 6 months, 5-10 years or 10 years (13.0%). 7. Cure rate of auricular acupuncture treatment according to differentiation symptoms: HLY(43.0%), DLK(30.0%), DYY(13.0%), HYD(9.0%). 8. Result grade on $pr{\`{e}}-freatment$ of auricular acupuncture: Grade I(4.0%), GradeII(52.0%), Grade III(43.0%). Result grade on post-treaftment auricular acupuncture: Grade O(48.0%), Grade I(26.0%), Grade II(26.0%).

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Intramuscular hemangioma in buccal cheek: a case report

  • Park, Jae Woo;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Moon, Chan Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.262-266
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    • 2017
  • Hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of a vascular origin, and is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. Intramuscular hemangioma (IMH) usually involves the skeletal muscles of the trunk or limbs, but rarely occurs in the head and neck region. This case report presents a patient with IMH showing multiple phleboliths in the buccal cheek. A 13-year-old boy was referred for the evaluation and management of painful swelling of the left cheek that had gradually increased in size over a 6 year duration. The examination revealed a palpable firm mass. Reddish-blue buccal mucosa color was observed with an aciniform shape. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a vascular tumor in the left side adjacent to the buccinator and depressor orbicularis oris muscles. Surgical resection under general anesthesia was performed via the intraoral approach. The mass and phleboliths were extracted successfully. A histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of IMH. In conclusion, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of IMH in cases of a palpable mass with multiple nodules deep within the muscle in the buccal cheek. Among the several diagnostic tools, MRI provides essential information on the extent and surrounding anatomy of IMH.

Consideration in the Interpretation of the Gwibi-tang (귀비탕(歸脾湯)의 방론(方論)에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Hye-Youn;Kim, Ho-Kyoung;Lee, Myoung-Sun;Kim, Hong-Jun
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the interpretation of the Gwibi-tang(歸脾湯, GBT) prescription in order to obtain the traditional significance. Methods : We have analyzed the interpretation on the GBT prescription through translations and comparisons based on classic books about the oriental medical prescriptions. Results : 1. The source of GBT in Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑) is Guchiryuyo(口齒類要), Jeongcheryuyo(正體類要) and Gyojubuinyangbang(校註婦人良方) etc. 2. Meaning of "GwiBi(歸脾)" in the GBT name is returning to the Bi(脾) which is origin of generating Gi(氣) and Blood(血). 3. GBT is composed of Sagunja-tang(四君子湯), Hwanggi-tang(黃芪湯) and Danggwibohyeol-tang(當歸補血湯) etc. 4. According to wide range of symptom, GBT can be varied by adding or subtracting herbs. Conclusions : In this study, we have demonstrated various methodologies. This paper will be useful to the future researchers and clinicians to conduct a study on herbal medicines such as the GBT.