• Title/Summary/Keyword: block-pulse functions

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Sustained $K^+$ Outward Currents are Sensitive to Intracellular Heteropodatoxin2 in CA1 Neurons of Organotypic Cultured Hippocampi of Rats

  • Jung, Sung-Cherl;Eun, Su-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2012
  • Blocking or regulating $K^+$ channels is important for investigating neuronal functions in mammalian brains, because voltage-dependent $K^+$ channels (Kv channels) play roles to regulate membrane excitabilities for synaptic and somatic processings in neurons. Although a number of toxins and chemicals are useful to change gating properties of Kv channels, specific effects of each toxin on a particular Kv subunit have not been sufficiently demonstrated in neurons yet. In this study, we tested electro-physiologically if heteropodatoxin2 ($HpTX_2$), known as one of Kv4-specific toxins, might be effective on various $K^+$ outward currents in CA1 neurons of organotypic hippocampal slices of rats. Using a nucleated-patch technique and a pre-pulse protocol in voltage-clamp mode, total $K^+$ outward currents recorded in the soma of CA1 neurons were separated into two components, transient and sustained currents. The extracellular application of $HpTX_2$ weakly but significantly reduced transient currents. However, when $HpTX_2$ was added to internal solution, the significant reduction of amplitudes were observed in sustained currents but not in transient currents. This indicates the non-specificity of $HpTX_2$ effects on Kv4 family. Compared with the effect of cytosolic 4-AP to block transient currents, it is possible that cytosolic $HpTX_2$ is pharmacologically specific to sustained currents in CA1 neurons. These results suggest that distinctive actions of $HpTX_2$ inside and outside of neurons are very efficient to selectively reduce specific $K^+$ outward currents.

Chaotic particle swarm optimization in optimal active control of shear buildings

  • Gharebaghi, Saeed Asil;Zangooeia, Ehsan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2017
  • The applications of active control is being more popular nowadays. Several control algorithms have been developed to determine optimum control force. In this paper, a Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO) technique, based on Logistic map, is used to compute the optimum control force of active tendon system. A chaotic exploration is used to search the solution space for optimum control force. The response control of Multi-Degree of Freedom (MDOF) shear buildings, equipped with active tendons, is introduced as an optimization problem, based on Instantaneous Optimal Active Control algorithm. Three MDOFs are simulated in this paper. Two examples out of three, which have been previously controlled using Lattice type Probabilistic Neural Network (LPNN) and Block Pulse Functions (BPFs), are taken from prior works in order to compare the efficiency of the current method. In the present study, a maximum allowable value of control force is added to the original problem. Later, a twenty-story shear building, as the third and more realistic example, is considered and controlled. Besides, the required Central Processing Unit (CPU) time of CPSO control algorithm is investigated. Although the CPU time of LPNN and BPFs methods of prior works is not available, the results show that a full state measurement is necessary, especially when there are more than three control devices. The results show that CPSO algorithm has a good performance, especially in the presence of the cut-off limit of tendon force; therefore, can widely be used in the field of optimum active control of actual buildings.