• 제목/요약/키워드: bending processing

검색결과 329건 처리시간 0.028초

열간압연시 권취장력 설정기준치의 실험적 검증 (Experimental Verification of Set-Up Reference Values for the Determination of Downcoiling Tension in Hot Strip Mill)

  • 공성락;강용기;김영환;문영훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2001
  • Set-up reference values, used in determining the optimum downcoiling tension, we experimentally verified in this study. During the actual downcoiling, the strip suffers both tension and bending force through the rotation of mandrel. Therefore, simulative test which can measure both tension and bending resistance of strip was performed to estimate set-up reference value for strip tension during downcoiling operations. The values obtained from the simulative test were correlated with the yield stress which has conventionally been used as reference values for downcoiling tension. The correlative analysis showed that the yield stress of strip can be a good reference value for downcoiling tension. Furthermore, the bending load also shows strong correlation with simulated values due to the close relationship between yield stress and bending load.

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  • 권용원;조인호
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the fithness, hardness and bending strength of the conventional reliners and visible light curing reliner. Nine regions were selected in the upper transverse section which were thought to be of interest from a clinical standpoint and the discrepancies between the dentures and the master cast in these regions were determined by the coordinated measuring machine(UMM-500, Zeiss, W. Germany). The results were as follows ; 1. The experimental denture bases showed the lowest fittness at the central portion of the posterior palatal border and the intimate contact in the buccal flanges regardless of relining materials and relining methods. 2. The fittness of relined denture base was the best in autopolymerizing group and in the order of long processing, short processing and visible light curing group. 3. The fittness after 24 hour-storage in water was improved in long processing and autopolymerizing groups, but there was no significant difference. 4. The hardness was the highest in long processing group and decreased in the order of short processing, visible light curing and autopolymerizing group. 5. The bending strength was the highest in long processing group and decreased short processing, visible light curing, and aotopolymerzing group in order.

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스테인리스 강관의 굽힘 특성 연구 (A Study on the Bendability of Stainless Steel Tubes)

  • 이건엽;이호진;이혜경;김윤규;문영훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 2009
  • Hydroformed parts have higher dimensional accuracy, structural strength, and dimensional repeatability. Particularly in the automotive industry, manufacturing of parts with complex shapes from tubular materials sometimes requires one or more pre-forming operations such as bending before the hydroforming process. The pre-bending process is an important process for the successful hydroforming in the case where the perimeter of the blank is nearly the same as that of final product. The bendability of a tube depends on the parameters such as the bending radius, welding methods, mechanical properties and hardness. Through the stainless steel tubes bent by rotary draw bending machine, this study shows the following : (1) The influence on spring back ratio variation with stress level in the welded bent tube. (2) The Cross-section ovality variation with weld seam position and bending radius. (3) The relation between elongation and thickness reduction of tension zone with weld seam position and bending radius. (4) Workability evaluation of bent stainless steel tubes through the hardness of materials and hardness increment. The results of this study may help to understanding of characteristics on bendability of stainless steel tubes.

프레스-브레이킹 굽힘 공정을 이용한 SAW 후육강관의 외경 예측을 위한 해석적 연구 (Numerical Prediction of the Outer Diameter for SAW Pipes Formed by Press-Brake Bending)

  • 박기범;강병권;강범수;구태완
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2016
  • Press-brake bending is used to shape flat and thick plates into a targeted circular configuration without excessive localized thinning or thickening. A brake bending press called 'a knife press bending apparatus' has been widely adopted to manufacture thick, large and long pipe from initially thick plate. Submerged Arc Welded (SAW) pipes are also produced by employing press-brake bending. These pipes are mainly used for oil, natural gas and water pipelines. The principal process variables for press-brake bending can be summarized as stroke of the press-brake knife, the distance between both roll in the lower die, and the feeding length of the plate. Many combinations of these process variables are available, thus various pipe diameters can be realized. In the current study, a series of repetitive numerical simulations by feeding a thick plate with initial thickness of 25.4mm were conducted with the consideration of elastic recovery. Furthermore, an index for SAW pipe production is proposed which can be widely used in industry.

용접 판재의 U 드로오 벤딩에서 스프링백 예측을 위한 이론적 단순화 (A Simplified Approach for Predicting Springback in U-Draw Bending of Sheet Metals)

  • 장성호;서대교
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제13권8호
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    • pp.678-688
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    • 2004
  • The U-draw bending operation is known as a representative test method for springback evaluation of sheet metals since the sheet in U-draw bending operation undergoes stretching, bending and unbending deformations occurred at the stamping process. In this study, a simplified approach was proposed for predicting springback and side-wall curls of tailor-welded blank in U-draw bending operations, using moment-curvature relationships derived for sheets undergoing stretching, bending and unbending deformation. Two different welded strips were adopted to compare the effects of weld-line locations on the springback. One (type A) was welded along the centerline of the strip-width and the other (type B) was welded along the centerline of the strip-length. To investigate the effect of different thickness combination on the springback, the tailor-welded strips were joined by the laser welding process and consisted of three types of thickness combinations of sheets, SCP1 0.8t * SCP1 1.2t, SCP1 0.8t * SCP1 1.6t and SCP1 0.8t * TRIP 1.0t. Some calculated results by the simplified formula were compared with experimental results.

고주파 유도가열 및 동적 반력 모멘트를 이용한 파이프 벤딩 공정의 최적설계 (An Optimum Design of Pipe Bending Process Using High Frequency Induction Heating and Dynamic Reverse Moment)

  • 이현우;정성윤;우타관;김철
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2010
  • The Pipe bending process using high frequency local induction heating is an advanced technique to bend pipes with a small bending radius and a large diameter. Even though the pipe bending process is a quite widespread engineering practice, it depends heavily upon trial and error method by field engineers with several years of experience. So it is necessary to develop an integrated methodology for optimum design of the pipe bending process. During hot pipe bending using induction heating, outward wall thickness of a pipe is thinned due to tensile stress and the reduction of wall thickness is not allowed to exceed 12.5%. Taguchi method and dynamic reverse moment is proposed to maintain a reduction ratio of thickness within 12.5%, when D/t ratio is high. An application of the proposed approach was compared with those of the finite element analysis and has good in agreements.

Mechanical Properties of Cork Composite Boards Reinforced with Metal, Glass Fiber, and Carbon Fiber

  • Min-Seong, CHA;So-Jeong, YOON;Jin-Ho, KWON;Hee-Seop, BYEON;Han-Min, PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제50권6호
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 2022
  • For effective applicability of reinforced cork, cork composites reinforced with metal, glass fiber, and carbon fiber were developed, and the effects of the reinforcing materials on the mechanical properties of cork composites were investigated. The bending moduli of elasticity (MOE) of cork composites were in the 32.7-35.9 MPa range, while the bending strength values were in the 1.62-1.73 MPa range. The strength performance decreased in the order cork-metal > cork-carbon fiber > cork-glass fiber. The bending MOEs were improved by 29%-41% compared with simple cork boards, while the bending strengths of reinforced cork were 35%-45% higher. The strength performance significantly improved following the incorporation of thin mesh materials into the middle layer of the studied cork composites. The bending strains of the cork composites were remarkably higher compared with oak wood, making them promising for applications that require bending processing, such as curved jointing. The internal bond strengths of the cork composites were 0.26-0.44 MPa, approximately 0.36-0.60 times lower compared with medium-density fiber boards.

금속 박판의 표면가공과 인서트 사출을 통한 형내 접합기술 (In-mold Assembly of Polymer and Surface-machined Sheet Metal by Insert Injection Molding)

  • 김성원;김선경
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we have investigated bonding of metal and plastic parts with single planar interface. This is facilitated by surface processing of aluminum sheet, which consists of slitting and punching, followed by insert-molding of polybuthylelne terephthalate(PBT). An injection mold has been built to fabricate specimen. After processing of the specimen, tensile and bending shear adhesion tests have been fulfilled according to KS M3734 and KS M3723, respectively. We also have conducted simulation of tensile and bending shear adhesion tests. Based on the tests results, the proposed bonding method outperforms existing methods based on adhesion.

Bending Strength of Textured Alumina Prepared by Slip Casting in a Strong Magnetic Field

  • Suzuki, Tohru S.;Uchikoshi, Tetsuo;Morita, Koji;Hirage, Keijiro;Sakka, Yoshio
    • 한국분말야금학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국분말야금학회 2006년도 Extended Abstracts of 2006 POWDER METALLURGY World Congress Part2
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    • pp.1099-1100
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    • 2006
  • The mechanical properties of ceramics materials can be tailored by designing their microstructures. We have reported that development of texture can be controlled by slip casting in a strong magnetic field followed by heating even for diamagnetic ceramics such as alumina. A strong magnetic field of 12T was applied to the suspension indcuding alumina powder to rotate each particle during slip casting. The sintering was conducted at the desired temperature in air without a magnetic field. C-axis of alumina was parallel to the magnetic field. Bending strength of textured alumina depended on the direction of oriented microstructure.

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핀이 부착된 금속곡관 제품의 열간압출 굽힘가공에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Bending Process for the Circular Curved Tube and Rectangular Curved Tube with Fins)

  • 김민규;박중원;진인태
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.204-207
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    • 2001
  • The bending process for the circular curved tube and rectangular curved tube with fins can be developed by the hot metal extrusion machine with the multiple punches moving in the different velocity. The bending phenomenon can be controlled by the two variables. The one of them is the difference of velocity at the die exit section by the different velocity of billets through the multi-hole container. The other is the one by the different hole diameter. The results of the experiment show that the circular curved tube with fins and rectangular curved tube with pins can be formed by the extrusion process and that the curveture of the product can be controlled by the velocity of punch and diameter of container hole and that the defects such as the distortion of section and the thickness change of the wall of tube the folding and wrinkling of thin tube and fins did not happen after the bending processing by the extrusion bending machine.

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