• Title/Summary/Keyword: bending processing

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The Development of Inner Structure of Metallic Sandwich Plates for Bending (굽힘성형을 위한 금속 샌드위치판재의 내부구조재 개발)

  • Seong, D.Y.;Jung, C.G.;Yoon, S.J.;Shim, D.S.;Lee, S.H.;Ahn, D.G.;Yang, D.Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.2 s.83
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2006
  • Metallic sandwich plates are ultra-light materials not only with high strength and stiffness but also with other multifunctional physical properties. Inner dimpled shell structure can be fabricated by a piecewise sectional forming process, and then bonded with face sheets of the same material by resistance welding. Possible region for bending and limit radius of curvature are defined to compare the formability of sandwich plates. Tests have shown that sandwich plates with inner dimpled shell structure subject to bending have longer possible region for bending and smaller limit radius of curvature than other types of sandwich plates. The proposed inner dimpled shell structure is shown to have better formability of sandwich plates for bending than other types inner structures.

Study on the Solid and Laminated Wood Bending of Platanus occidentalis L.(I) - Solid Wood-bending Properties by Steaming - (양버즘나무의 소재(素材) 및 집성곡목제조(集成曲木製造)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) - 증자(蒸煮)에 의한 소재(素材)휨가공성(加工性) -)

  • So, Won-Tek;Jung, Hee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.26-40
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    • 1990
  • The plane trees(Platanus occidentalis L.) have been grown in Korea very widely as ornamental garden or street trees but they have not been used as manufacturing materials The proportion of imported wood has been now over 85% of raw materials needed in the wood industry, and therefore, many of studies on the substitution of domestic wood for imported wood and on the increasing the utilization rate of domestic species have been attempted and considered as very important projects to solve. From a this point of view, this study was carried out to investigate solid wood bending properties of plane trees and then to develop their end-uses, and the size of specimens tested was $15\times15\times350mm$ for steaming treatment and they were dried to $15\pm1%$ before bending. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The optimum conditions for solid wood bending processing of Platanus occidentalis are showed in Table 7. 2. The minimum solid-bending radii of Platanus occidentalis were 40mm in steaming treatment. 3. The effect of knots, diagonal grain and decay on the degradation of bending processing properties were very severe. 4. The bending stress was setted successfully through $80^{\circ}C$-15hrs drying after bending and the spring back for 24hr-exposing time was only about 1%.

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Study on the Application of Microwave-heating System for Making Bent-wood Furniture(II) - Bending Processing Properties of Carpinus laxiflora BL. by Microwave-heating - (국산재(國産材) 곡목가구(曲木家具) 제조(製造)를 위한 Microwave-heating System 활용(活用)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) - Microwave-heating에 의한 서어나무의 소재(素材) 휨가공특성 -)

  • So, Won-Tek
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 1997
  • Hornbeam trees(Carpinus laxiflora BL.) are growing in Korea and have good characteristics such as relatively high density, fine texture, split- resistance, and white colour. However, they have seldom been used as manufacturing materials This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of using hornbeam wood as bent, wood furniture materials. Softening methods were steaming and micro-wave heating. The specimens of $15{\times}15{\times}350mm$ were used green or air-dried, and were steamed at $100^{\circ}C$ for 20min, or microwave heat ed f or 60 seconds. The bending processing conditions are showed in Table 3. The minimum solid-bending radii of air-dried wood were 40mm for steaming and 200mm for micro-wave heating, respectively. And that of green wood were 40mm for micro-wave heating. In conclusion, both of the steamed wood and micro-wave heated green wood showed very good solid bending processing properties, but micro-wave heated air-dried wood were not sufficient for bent-wood furniture.

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Study on the Application of Microwave-heating System for Making Bent-wood Furniture(II) - Bending Processing Properties of Carpinus laxiflora BL. by Microwave-heating - (국산재(國産材) 곡목가구(曲木家具) 제조(製造)를 위한 Microwave-heating System 활용(活用)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) - Microwave-heating에 의한 서어나무의 소재(素材) 휨가공특성 -)

  • So, Won-Tek
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 1983
  • Hornbeam trees(Carpinus laxiflora BL.) are growing in Korea and have good characteristics such as relatively high density, fine texture, split-resistance, and white colour. However, they have seldom been used as manufacturing materials This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of using hornbeam wood as bent-wood furniture materials. Softening methods were steaming and micro-wave heating. The specimens of $15{\times}15{\times}350mm$ were used green or air-dried, and were steamed at $100^{\circ}C$ for 20min, or microwave heated for 60 seconds. The bending processing conditions are showed in Table 3. The minimum solid-bending radii of air-dried wood were 40mm for steaming and 200mm for micro-wave heating, respectively. And that of green wood were 40mm for micro-wave heating. In conclusion, both of the steamed wood and micro-wave heated green wood showed very good solid bending processing properties, but micro-wave heated air-dried wood were not sufficient for bent-wood furniture.

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Manufacture of Bending die System for the Manufacturing of Metal Panel Coner (금속패널코너가공을 위한 벤딩 다이시스템 제작)

  • Kim, Woo-Ki;Kim, Seung-Kyeum;Choi, Kye-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1518-1522
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    • 2008
  • The design technology to be developed in this study is technology related to the metal panel corner processing method of very high value-added, interior and exterior cladding material, in the architecture. This study is aimed at designing a Bending Die System that enables metal panel corner processing for the first time in Korea, by improving corrosion resistance (durability), weather resistance and elegances (design) for the connecting part of right angle cornering, where most serious problems occur in using metal steel plates of 2.5mm or thicker. This is used as a kind of metal ball and as architectural interior and exterior cladding material.

Sectional Finite Element Analysis of Forming Process of Aluminum Sandwich Sheet by Bending Augmented Membrane Elements (굽힘 첨가 박막요소에 의한 알루미늄 샌드위치 판재 성형공정의 단면 유한요소 해석)

  • 이재경;금영탁;유용문;이명호
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2001
  • A sectional FEA program is developed lot analyzing forming processes of sandwich sheets, which are intensively used recently as a lightweight material of an automobile body. The aluminum sandwich sheet consists of two aluminum skins and a polyprophylen core in between. The aluminum sandwich sheet is dominantly effected by the bending effects in small radius of curvature, so that an appropriate description of bending effects is required to analyze the forming processes. For the evaluation of bending effects, the bending equivalent forces are calculated from the bending moment computed using the curvature of the tool and are added to the membrane stretch forces. To verify the validity of the developed program the sectional FEA results in stretch/draw forming Processes of a square cup and draw forming Processes of an outer hood panel were compared with the measurements.

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A Study on the Springback for Three Point Bending (3점 굽힘에서의 스프링백에 관한 연구)

  • 이호용;황병복
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.401-414
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    • 1994
  • Springback for the three point bending is anlayzed and experimented. Neutral axis is assumed to remain at the midthickness for large ratio of radius of curvature to thickness. Pure bending theory is used to be extended to the analysis of the springback for three point bending. The specimen is thought to be divided into numerous small elements. The theory for pure bending is then adopted for analysis of each element to obtain springback in terms of the relationship between initial and final deflections. the boundary conditions between neighborhood elements are the deflection and slope which should be the same. Deflection is calculated by summing up the deflections of each element. Experiments have been performed for different conditions which are punch radius, span length, and initial deflections. Comparisons between the analytical solution and experimental results show the same trends.

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A Study on the Springback of High-Strength TRIP Steel (고강도 TRIP 강의 스프링백에 대한 연구)

  • 김용환;김태우;이영선;이정환
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2004
  • TRIP steel has got attention in automobile industry because of its high strength and high formability. However, the information on deformation behavior of TRIP steel, including bending and springback, is not enough until now. In this research, the V-die bending experiment and analysis have been done to obtain the information of springback of TRIP steel. And a new numerical method, where elastic modulus is varied with the change of the strain, was suggested. Tensile test for TRIP steel was done to get tensile properties as well as strain dependency of elastic modulus of the material. Strain-dependency of elastic modulus was used the numerical analysis of V-die bending and unbending process to predict springback amount. The results were compared with experiment, showing reasonable agreement. Through the analysis of V-die bending as well as draw bending of TRIP steel, the proposed scheme with variable elastic modulus was proven to well predict the deformation behavior of TRIP steel during bending and springback.

A Study on the Derivation of Springback Compensation Angle Trend Line in Tube Bending (튜브 벤딩시 스프링백 보정각 추세선 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, D.Y.;Oh, S.G.;Choi, B.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2020
  • Piping work of large ships or offshore plants is often done in a narrow and confined space, requiring precise bending and safety. In order to realize an accurate bending angle, it is very important to predict and correct a deformation that may be caused by elasticity in the bending process, that is, an angular deviation due to springback. Therefore, by using CAE analysis to develop a correction angle model for springback based on multiple tube bending angles and using trend line data derived from this correction angle model, at bending the tube as the diameter of the base former and the tube outer diameter change, the springback compensation angle at any angle can be obtained. In this study, the bending mechanism was analyzed to increase the bending precision, and a correction angle model was developed and a trend line was derived in consideration of springback occurring in the bending process. In order to derive a more accurate and reliable trend line, a tube tensile test was performed, and the reliability of the corrected angle trend line was verified by comparing the bending angle measurement and analysis results with a 3D scanner.

Effect of HTT on Bending and Tensile Properties of 2D C/C Composites

  • Dhakate, S.R.;Aoki, T.;Ogasawara, T.
    • Carbon letters
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2005
  • Bending and tensile properties of 2D cross-ply C/C composites with processing heat treatment temperature (HTT) are evaluated. C/C composites used are made from two types of PAN based T700 and M40 carbon fibers with phenolic resin as carbon matrix precursor. Both the types of composites are heat treated at different temperatures (ranging from 750 to $2800^{\circ}C$) and characterized for bending and tensile properties. It is observed that, real density and open porosity increases with HTT, however, bulk density does show remarkable change. The real density and open porosity are higher in case T-700 carbon fiber composites at $2800^{\circ}C$, even though the density of M40 carbon fiber is higher. Bending strength is considerably greater than tensile strength through out the processing HTT due to the different mode of fracture. The bending and tensile strength decreases in both composites on $1000^{\circ}C$ which attributed to decrease in bulk density, thereafter with increase in HTT, bending and tensile strength increases. The maximum strength is in T700 fiber based composites at HTT $1500^{\circ}C$ and in M40 fiber based composites at HTT $2500^{\circ}C$. After attending the maximum value of strength in both types of composite at deflection HTT, after that strength decreases continuously. Decrease in strength is due to the degradation of fiber properties and in-situ fiber damages in the composite. The maximum carbon fiber strength realization in C/C composites is possible at a temperature that is same of fiber HTT. It has been found first time that the bending strength more or less 1.55 times higher in T700 fiber composites and in M40 fiber composites bending strength is 1.2 times higher than that of tensile strength of C/C composites.

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