• Title/Summary/Keyword: astronomical observatory

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  • Jeong, Il-Gyo;Kang, Hyunwoo;Jung, Jaehoon;Lee, Changhoon;Byun, Do-Young;Je, Do-Heung;Kang, Sung-Ju;Lee, Youngung;Lee, Chang Won
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2019
  • We report the performance of the 13.7-meter Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) radio telescope. The telescope has been equipped with a new receiver, SEQUOIA-TRAO, a new backend system, FFT2G, and a new VxWorks operating system. The receiver system features a 16-pixel focal plane array using high-performance MMIC preamplifiers; it shows very low system noise levels, with system noise temperatures from 150 K to 450 K at frequencies from 86 to 115 GHz. With the new backend system, we can simultaneously obtain 32 spectra, each with a velocity coverage of 163 km s-1 and a resolution of 0.04 km s-1 at 115 GHz. The new operating system, VxWorks, has successfully handled the LMTMC-TRAO observing software. The main observing method is the on-the-fly (OTF) mapping mode; a position-switching mode is available for small-area observations. Remote observing is provided. The antenna surface has been newly adjusted using digital photogrammetry, achieving a rms surface accuracy better than 130 ㎛. The pointing uncertainty is found to be less than 5" over the entire sky. We tested the new receiver system with multi-frequency observations in OTF mode. The aperture efficiencies are 43±1%, 42±1%, 37±1%, and 33±1%, the beam efficiencies are 45±2%, 48±2%, 46±2%, and 41±2% at 86, 98, 110, and 115 GHz, respectively.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.223-243
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    • 1996
  • We have constructed a line-by-line model of the A-X system of CO in order to analyze the CO bands appearing in the UV spectra of comets. The model includes electronic, rotational, vibrational transitions, excitations by solar UV radiation, and effects of neutral and electron collisions. The major bands of the A-X system occur in the $1200 - 1800{\AA}$ range where the temporal variation of solar irradiation is significant. The solar spectrum in this spectral range shows many emission lines, which cause a significant Swings effect. We derived fluorescence efficiencies of the bands as functions of heliocentric velocity and cometocentric distance using a high resolution spectrum of the sun. We compared our model with a spectrum of comet P/Halley obtained with the IUE, and estimated that the UV Swings effects are less than 20 fluorescence efficiencies for the most bands of the A-X system. We discuss the temporal variation of solar UV irradiation and its effects on the fluorescence efficiencies. The study of the A-X system also requites knowledge of vibrational and rotational fluorescent processes in the infrared and radio regions because the majority of CO molecules in the coma is in the ground rotational states. The solar infrared spectrum near 5 microns, where the fundamental band of CO occurs, contains strong absorption lines of the fundamental band and hot bands of CO and its isotopes. We derived fluorescence efficiencies of the infrared band as functions of heliocentric velocity and cometrocentric distance. The solar absorption lines near 5 microns cause a 20 reduction of the g-factor of the fundamental band at heliocentric velocities close to 0 km/sec. We discuss the effects of neutral and electron collisions on the fluorescence efficiencies of the infrared and UV bands.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.131-135
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    • 2004
  • The $H_2S\;(2_{2,0} - 2_{1,1})$ line emission is observed to be strongly localized toward Sgr B2(M), and emissions from other positions in the more extended SgrB2 region are almost negligible. $H_2S$ is thought to form effectively by the passage of the C-type shocks but to be quickly transformed to $SO_2$ or other sulfur species (Pineau des Forets et al. 1993). Such a shock may have enhanced the $H_2S$ abundance in Sgr B2(M), where massive star formation is taking place. But the negligible emission of $H_2S$ from other observed positions may indicate that these positions have not been affected by shocks enough to produce $H_2S$, or if they have experienced shocks, $H_2S$ may have transformed already to other sulfur-containing species. The $SO_2\;22_{2,20} - 22_{1,21}$ line was also observed to be detectable only toward the (M) position. The line intensity ratios of these two molecules appear to be very similar at Sgr B2(M) and IRAS 16239-2422, where the latter is a region of low-mass star formation. This may suggest that the shock environment in these two star-forming regions is similar and that the shock chemistry also proceeds in a similar fashion in these two different regions, if we accept shock formation of these two species.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2004
  • Optical imaging and spectroscopy of G353.2+0.9, the brightest part of the giant H II region NGC 6357, shows that this H II region is optically thin, contains ${\~}300\;M_{\bigodot}$ of ionized gas and is probably expanding into the surrounding medium. Its chemical composition is similar to that found in other H II regions at similar galactocentric distances if temperature fluctuations are significant. The inner regions are probably made of thin shells and filaments, whereas extended slabs of material, maybe shells seen edge-on, are found in the periphery. The radio continuum and H$\alpha$ emission maps are very similar, indicating that most of the optical nebula is not embedded in the denser regions traced by molecular gas and the presence of IR sources. About $10^{50}$ UV photons per second are required to produce the H$\beta$ flux from the 1l.3'${\times}$10' region surrounding the Pis 24 cluster that is south of G353.2+0.9. Most of the energy powering this region is produced by the 03-7 stars in Pis 24. Most of the 2MASS sources in the field with large infrared excesses are within G353.2+0.9, indicating that the most recent star forming process occured within it. The formation of Pis 24 preceded and caused the formation of this new generation of stars and may be responsible for the present-day morphology of the entire NGC 6357 region.

Post-outburst observation of HBC722 in Pelican nebula

  • Yang, Yun-A;Sung, Hyun-Il;Lee, Sang-Gak;Jeon, Young-Beom;Lee, Jung-Eun;Sung, Hwan-Kyung;Kang, Won-Seok;Park, Keun-Hong
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.148.1-148.1
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    • 2011
  • We report the result of post-outburst observation of HBC722, the new FU Orionis-like young stellar object (also known as LkHa 188-G4 and PTF 10qpf; A. Miller et al., 2011). We have been monitoring this object since Nov. 2010 with KASINICS (Korean Astronomy and Space Institute Near Infrared Camera System) at Bohyun Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). The observations were performed two times; the first observation was conducted in Nov. 19, 24, and 25, 2010. And the second one was done in March 22 and 25, 2011. We used three filters: J, H, and Ks band. We did aperture photometry with IRAF packages and standardized the photometric result (instrumental magnitude) with 2MASS data that were used as standard stars. As a result, we have found that the brightness of the target decreased in all bands and its colors reddened: the magnitudes and colors of the target are J=10.37, H= 9.49, Ks=8.59, J-H=0.88, and J-Ks=1.36 on Nov. 19, 2010. And those are J=10.81, H=9.81, Ks=9.28, J-H=1.00, and J-Ks=1.53 on March 25, 2011. The previous study showed the similar decrease of brightness in J and H band except for Ks band., They were J= 10.03, H= 9.14, and Ks= 8.65 on Sept. 2010 and those were J= 10.02, H=9.24, and Ks= 8.59 on Nov. 2010. Consequently, we can conclude that HBC722 is fading out continuously from last November to this March.

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The X-ray Emission Properties of G308.3-1.4 and Its Central X-ray Sources

  • Seo, Kyoung-Ae;Woo, Yeon-Joo;Hui, Chung-Yue;Huang, Regina Hsiu-Hui;Trepl, Ludwig;Woo, Yeon-Joo;Lu, Tlng-Ni;Kong, Albert Kwok Hing;Walter, Fred M.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.147.2-147.2
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    • 2011
  • We have initiated a long-term identification campaign of supernova remnant candidates in X-ray regime. In the short-listed unidentified sources from the ROSAT All Sky Survey, we have chosen the brightest candidate, G308.3-1.4, as our pilot target for a dedicated investigation with Chandra X-ray Observatory. Our observation has revealed an incomplete shell-like X-ray structure which well-correlated with the radio feature. Together with the spectral properties of a shocked heated plasma, we confirm that G308.3-1.4 is indeed a supernova remnant. A bright X-ray point source which locates close to the remnant center is also uncovered in this observation. Its spectral behavior conform with those observed in a rare class of neutron stars. The properties of its optical/infrared counterpart suggests the evidence for a late-type companion star. Interestingly, possible excesses in B-band and H-alpha have been found which indicate this can be an accretion-powered system. With the further support from the putative periodicity of ~1.4 hrs, this source can possibly provide the direct evidence of a binary system survived in a supernova explosion for the first time.

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Preliminary Result from Rapid Cadence Photometric Monitoring of HBC722

  • Baek, Gi-Seon;Green, Joel D.;Pak, Soo-Jong;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Eon, Yi-Seulj;Park, Won-Kee;Choi, Chang-Su;Kang, Won-Seok;Im, Myung-Shin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.113.2-113.2
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    • 2011
  • We observed a low-mass pre-main sequence star, HBC722 (also known as $LkH{\alpha}$ 188 G4), with Camera for QUasars in EArly uNiverse (CQUEAN) attached to 2.1 Otto Struve telescope at McDonald Observatory, USA. HBC722 is a new FU orionis-type object in the direction of NGC7000/IC5070, which produced large amplitude optical outbursts (${\delta}V$=4.7 mag over one year) for a few months and reached the peak in 2010 September. We carried out the photometric observation in SDSS r,i, and z band in 2011 April, July and August to monitor the long term decrease of its brightness. We also made continuous observation in r-band for half night in July, and whole two nights in August to investigate short term variability which could be related to the rotation of the central star or the inner circumstellar disk. In this poster, we present a preliminary result of the photometric observation for HBC722.

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Development of medium resolution cross-dispersed silicon grisms in the Near Infrared ; Direct Silicon wafer bonding technique

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Ju;Wang, Wei-Song;Gully-Santiago, Michael;Deen, Casey;Pak, Soo-Jong;Jaffe, Daniel T.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.125.2-125.2
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    • 2011
  • We are developing medium resolution cross-dispersed silicon grisms in the near IR region ($1.45{\sim}5.2{\mu}m$). The grisms will be installed in MIMIR, a multifunction instrument at the Lowel Observatory, USA. The two devices are designed to cover H and K band and L and M band simultaneously. Our goal is to make grism with R=3000 at 1.2 arcsec slit. The Silicon has high refractive index (n=3.4 at $1.5{\mu}m$) which enhances the resolving power by up to 5 times when compared to conventional material such as BK-7 (n=1.5 at 1.5 ${\mu}m$). The bonded grisms will be installed in a filter wheel for the uses switch from spectroscopic mode to imaging mode easily. Our device is compact and light weighted while it provides a decent resolving power. We produce monolithic grisms using e-beam lithography at the NASA JPL and chemically etching the grooves on the silicon prisms. Moreover, the main-disperser and cross-disperser will be contacted together by direct Si-Si bonding technique and eventually turn into one piece. The bonded pair offers more stability in terms of the layout of the spectrum and removes the Fresnel loss at the intersection of two grisms. We report on the proper wafer bonding steps through this research, and inspected the bonding quality thermally, optically and mechanically.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.175-192
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    • 2016
  • CCD photometric observations of the globular cluster (GC), M53 (NGC 5024), are performed using the 1.8 m telescope at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory in Korea on the same nights (2002 April and 2003 May) as the observations of the GC M92 (NGC 6341) reported by Cho and Lee using the same instrumental setup. The data for M53 is reduced using the same method as used for M92 by Cho and Lee, including preprocessing, point-spread function fitting photometry, and standardization etc. Therefore, M53 and M92 are on the same photometric system defined by Landolt, and the photometry of M53 and M92 is tied together as closely as possible. After complete photometric reduction, the V versus B − V , V versus V − I, and V versus B − I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of M53 are produced to derive the relative ages of M53 and M92 and derive the various characteristics of its CMDs in future analysis. From the present analysis, the relative ages of M53 and M92 are derived using the Δ(B − V ) method reported by VandenBerg et al. The relative age of M53 is found to be 1.6 ± 0.85 Gyr younger than that of M92 if the absolute age of M92 is taken to be 14 Gyr. This relative age difference between M53 and M92 causes slight differences in the horizontal-branch morphology of these two GCs.


  • Kim, Sujin;Park, Jong-Yeop;Kim, Yeon-Han
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.125-129
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    • 2017
  • We investigate the solar cycle variation of microwave and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) intensity in latitude to compare microwave polar brightening (MPB) with the EUV polar coronal hole (CH). For this study, we used the full-sun images observed in 17 GHz of the Nobeyama Radioheliograph from 1992 July to 2016 November and in two EUV channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) $193{\AA}$ and $171{\AA}$ on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) from 2011 January to 2016 November. As a result, we found that the polar intensity in EUV is anti-correlated with the polar intensity in microwave. Since the depression of EUV intensity in the pole is mostly owing to the CH appearance and continuation there, the anti-correlation in the intensity implies the intimate association between the polar CH and the MPB. Considering the report of Gopalswamy et al. (1999) that the enhanced microwave brightness in the CH is seen above the enhanced photospheric magnetic field, we suggest that the pole area during the solar minimum has a stronger magnetic field than the quiet sun level and such a strong field in the pole results in the formation of the polar CH. The emission mechanism of the MPB and the physical link with the polar CH are not still fully understood. It is necessary to investigate the MPB using high resolution microwave imaging data, which can be obtained by the high performance large-array radio observatories such as the ALMA project.