• Title/Summary/Keyword: aspect of slope

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The Study on Ecological Function Assessment at Streams in Rural Area - The Focus of Han-River Basin - (농촌지역 소하천의 생태환경 평가 연구 - 한강유역 지류를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Bang-Hun;Kim, Nam-Choon;Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Mi-Heui;Cho, Seung-Jin;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to produce basic planning criteria required in ecological restoration and improvement works of streams in rural area through the application of stream assessment methods (water quality, soil environment, and ecological function assessment) at 6 study sites of Han River basin. The investigation results were as followings; 1) There were the evaluation items like a manure use, salt degree, river peripheral tree, which did not fitted to apply to domestic streams, in the SVAP (Stream Visual Assessment Protocol) and NRCS Riparian Assessment that were evaluation models developed in USDA. The area inhabitants with a little knowledge and education personally seems to utilize the evaluation methods through improvement partly with an aspect that evaluation is slightly easy. 2) From the stream assessment results, the construction of diverse pools, large woody debris and isolated backwater pool are needed to improve a few of problems observed at the mostly study sites. The result of NRCS Riparian Assessment showed that the improvement of stream bank vegetative communities is needed by planting tree with deep-binding root masses, and managing of noxious weeds and exotic undesirable plants. 3) Summing up, the assessment results showed that the assessment scores were higher at upstream than downstream, the stream with totally maintenance than that with partly maintenance, the stream with slope bank than that with vertical bank, and the stream with a flood plain than that without a flood plain. So, the direction of stream maintenance projects must be set by consideration of those results.

Analysis of Early Revegetation Effect in Rock Slopes using Vegetation-Plant (식생플랜트를 이용한 암반비탈면의 조기녹화 효과분석)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Kang, Won-Seok;Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of early revegetation by analyzing the characteristics of germination and growth of Chrysanthemum zawadskii using vegetation-plant in rock slopes. After making up a growing basis of approximately 20-cm depth and 10-cm diameter by using a boring machine, the surface of rock slopes was planted with vegetation-plant. The number of germinating populations by soil media was 41 in H.s, 4 in T.s, 3 in M.s, and 0 in M.g.s. The germination rate (%) by soil media was 20.0% in H.s, 3.3% in T.s, 2.5% in M.s and 0% in M.g.s. In monthly changes of growth rate, the aspect was northwest direction, the soil media was H.s, and the treatment was microorganism plot. The main factors affecting survivorship and growth of population were soil media and treatment plot. The interaction between each factor had a good effects in bearing x treatment plot, soil media x treatment plot. but, it is recommended that the mulching of vegetation plant is highly needed to help the germination of seed and growth of vegetation because of loss of seed and soil media occurred due to rainfall. Therefore, The result suggests that the revegetation technique using boring in rock slope was very efficient in respect of the early revegetation and the landscape.

Extraction of the Talus Distribution Potential Area Using the Spatial Statistical Techniques - Focusing on the Weight of Evidence Model - (공간통계기법을 이용한 애추 분포 가능지역 추출 - Weight of evidence 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jaejin;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2014
  • Reducing the range of target landform, is required to save the time and cost before real field survey in the case of inaccessible landform such as talus. In this study, Weight of Evidence modeling, which is a Target-driven spatial analysis statistics methods, has been applied to reduce the field survey range of target landform. In order to apply the Weight of Evidence analysis, a likelihood ratio was calculated on the basis of the result of correlation analysis between geomorphic factors and GIS information after selection of geomorphic factors regarding talus. A best combination, which has the biggest possibility for Talus Potential Index, was found by using SRC and AUC methods after calculating the number of cases for each thematic maps. This combination which includes aspect, geology, slope, land-cover, soil depth and soil drainage factors, showed quite high accuracy by 74.47% indicating the ratio of real existent talus to potential talus distribution.

Topographical Analysis for Spatial Distribution of Pinus densiflora (소나무 공간분포의 지형학적 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Min;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Son, Yowhan;Yoo, Seongjin;Kim, So-Ra
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.764-771
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    • 2009
  • This research aimed at analyzing relationship between spatial distribution of Pinus densiflora, and topographical factors in Seorak and Chiak national park. 100 m grid size was proven to be suitable for analyzing spatial distribution characteristics of Pinus densiflora. Pinus densiflora appeared mainly on 400 m~800 m of elevation, $15^{\circ}{\sim}30^{\circ}$ of slope and 0~2 of TWI. There were no big differences in appearance frequency of Pinus densiflora area by aspect. There were differences in distribution characteristics of Pinus densiflora between below and above 400 m of elevation. There were no big differences in appearance frequency of Pinus densiflora area above 400 m of elevation but a big differences by topographical factors below 400 m of elevation.

Geographical distribution range and growth environmental characteristics of Deutzia paniculata Nakai, a Korean Endemic Plant (한반도 특산식물 꼬리말발도리의 분포와 생육환경특성)

  • Jung, Ji-young;An, Jong-Bin;Yun, Ho-Geun;Jung, Su-Young;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Son, Sung-won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2020
  • The current status of geographical distribution range of Deutzia paniculata, one of the korean endemic plants, was investigated based on the species distribution information. The information of the geographical range used for analysis includes all the published references to the distribution of D. paniculata, herbarium specimens in Korea National Arboretum (KH) including its online database: http://www.nature.go.kr, and field research. Although, D. paniculata was firstly recorded in Wonsan, Hamgyeongnam-do, North Korea, this research revelaved that D. paniculata is mainly distributed in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do, southern regions of the Korean Peninsula. According to the distribution map, this species was estimated on distribution edge of in Anyang region of Gyeonggi-do, Mt. Naejang of Jeollabuk-do and Mt. Taebaek of Gwangwon-do on the distribution edge. However, it was made use of intensive field survey to identify the natural population of the species in these regions. D. paniculata habitat was mainly distributed between 290 meters and 491 meters in altitude, but it was also found ranged from 936 to 959 meters in Gun-wi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The distribution slope was 5° to 35° and the north, N, NE and NW in the aspect. The flora of vascular plants in D. paniculata habitats was listed in 137 taxa: 54 families, 103 genera, 120 species, 2 subspecies, 12 varieties and 3 forms while Korean endemic plants were found in three taxa, Stewartia koreana, Weigela subsessilis and D. Paniculata. Based on a collection of non-biological environment and biological environment data, D. paniculata population were discussed to make strategy and basic research methods for sustainable preservation.

A Study on the Spatial and Environmental Characteristics of Forest Biology using GIS: A Case Study of Baekdudaegan area, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Chungcheongbuk-do (GIS를 이용한 산림 생물의 공간적·환경적 특성 분석 - 백두대간(경북·충북)을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jeong-Mook;Seo, Hwan-Seok;Lee, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the geographical and environmental distribution of animals and plants in Baekdudaegan region using field survey and GIS data. Crucial factors were selected and analyzed to understand the distributional characteristics of wild animals (16 species in 5 orders) and rare endemic plants (20 species in 12 orders). These crucial factors include stand factor (forest type, DBH class, and crown density), soil factor (bed rock, soil texture, and organic matter), geographical factor (elevation, slope, aspect) and climatic factor (temperature, rain fall, humidity). Finally, ten crucial factors were selected by statistical analysis and categorized for analyzing geographical and environmental features. Three orders such as Rodentia, Carnivora, and Artiodactula in wild animal showed the similar habitat characteristics with the small diameter and the elevation range from 801 to 1,000m. The Hydropotes inermis of Artiodactyla and Rattus norvegicus of Rodentia were different in the type of orders, but they had the similar habitat characteristics with the coniferous forest and loam. On the other hand, four orders such as Tubiflorales, Liliales, Ericales, and Rhamnales in the rare and endemic plants were showed high occurrence rate in the organic matter between 4 and 6%. The Rodgersia podophylla of Rosales and Gastrodia elata Blume of Microspermae were different in the type of orders, but they had the similar habitat characteristics with the stand factor and soil factor.

Estimation of non-point pollution reduction effect of Haean Catchment by application of Nature-based Solutions (자연기반해법 적용에 따른 강원도 양구군 해안면의 비점오염 저감 효과 추정)

  • Lee, Ji-Woo;Park, Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2022
  • The Ministry of Environment has been working to reduce the impact on biodiversity, ecosystems, and social costs caused by soil runoff from highland Agricultural fields by setting up non-point pollution source management districts. To reduce soil loss, runoff path reduction technology has been applied, but it has been less cost effective. In addition, non-point pollution sources cause environmental conflicts in downstream areas, and recently highland Agricultural fields are becoming vulnerable to climate change. The Ministry of Environment is promoting the optimal management plan in earnest to convert arable land into forests and grasslands, but since non-point pollution is not a simple environmental problem, it is necessary to approach it from the aspect of NbS(Nature-Based Solution). In this study, a scenario for applying the nature-based solution was established for three subwatersheds west of Haean-myeon, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do. The soil loss distribution was spatialized through GeoWEPP and the amount of soil loss was compared for the non-point pollution reduction effect of mixed forests and grasslands. When cultivated land with a slope of 20% or more and ginseng fields were restored to perennial grasslands and mixed forests, non-point pollution reduction effects of about 32% and 29.000 tons compared to the current land use were shown. Also, it was confirmed that mixed forest rather than perennial grassland is an effective nature-based solution to reduce non-point pollution.

A Comparison of Urban Growth Probability Maps using Frequency Ratio and Logistic Regression Methods

  • Park, So-Young;Jin, Cheung-Kil;Kim, Shin-Yup;Jo, Gyung-Cheol;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.194-205
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    • 2010
  • To predict urban growth according to changes in landcover, probability factors werecal culated and mapped. Topographic, geographic and social and political factors were used as prediction variables for constructing probability maps of urban growth. Urban growth-related factors included elevation, slope, aspect, distance from road,road ratio, distance from the main city, land cover, environmental rating and legislative rating. Accounting for these factors, probability maps of urban growth were constr uctedusing frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression (LR) methods and the effectiveness of the results was verified by the relative operating characteristic (ROC). ROC values of the urban growth probability index (UGPI) maps by the FR and LR models were 0.937 and 0.940, respectively. The LR map had a slightly higher ROC value than the FR map, but the numerical difference was slight, with both models showing similar results. The FR model is the simplest tool for probability analysis of urban growth, providing a faster and easier calculation process than other available tools. Additionally, the results can be easily interpreted. In contrast, for the LR model, only a limited amount of input data can be processed by the statistical program and a separate conversion process for input and output data is necessary. In conclusion, although the FR model is the simplest way to analyze the probability of urban growth, the LR model is more appropriate because it allows for quantitative analysis.

Individual Tree Growth Models for Natural Mixed Forests in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China

  • Lu, Jun;Li, Fengri
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.2
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2007
  • The data used to develop distance-independent individual models for natural mixed forests were collected from 712 remeasured permanent sample plots (25,526 trees) of 10-year periodic from 1990 to 2000 in Baihe Forest Bureau of Changbai Mountains, northeast China. Based on analyzing relationship between diameter increment of individual trees with tree size, competitive status, and site condition, the diameter growth models for individual trees of 15 species growing in mixed-species uneven-aged forest stands, that have simple form, good predicting precision, and easily applicable, were developed using stepwise regression method. The main variables influencing on diameter increment of individual trees were tree size and competition, however, the site conditions were not significantly related with diameter increment. The tree size variables (lnDBH and $DBH^2$) were the most significant and important predictors of diameter growth existing in all 15 growth models. The diameter increment was directly proportional to tree diameter for each species. For the competitive factors in growth model, the relative diameter (RD), canopy closure (P), and the ratio of diameter of subject tree with maximum diameter (DDM) were contributed to the diameter increment at a certain extent. Other measures of stand density, such as basal area of stand (G) and stand density index (SDI), were not significantly influenced on diameter increment. Site factors, such as site index, slope and aspect were not important to diameter increment and excluded in the final models. The total variance explained by the final models of squared diameter increment ($R^2$) for all 15 species ranged from 35% to 72% and these results compared quit closely with those of Wykoff (1990) for mixed conifer stands. Using independent data set, validation measures were evaluated for predicting models of diameter increment developed in this study. The result indicated that the estimated precision was all greater than 94% and the models were suitable to describe diameter increment.

The study on the Igneous Activity in the Southeastern Zone(SE-zone) of the Ogcheon Geosynclinal Belt,Korea(III) (with the Igneous Activity between Naju and Namchang Area) (옥천지향사대(沃川地向斜帶) 동남대(東南帶)에서의 화성활동(火成活動)(III)(나주(羅州)-남창지역(南倉地域)을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kim, Yong-Jun;Park, Young-Seog;Choo, Seung-Hwan;Oh, Min-Soo;Park, Jay-Bong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.261-276
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    • 1991
  • The main aspect of this study are to clarify igneous activity of igneous rocks, which is a member of various intrusives and volcanics exposed in Naju-Namchang area of southern central zone of Ogcheon Geosynclinal Belt, southern part of Youngdong-Kwangju depression zone of tectonic provinces in Korea. Naju-Namchang area are subdivided into three rock belts based on occuring of Cretaceous granites. Three rock belts consist of foliated granites, Jurassic granites and Cretaceous granites in central granitic rock belt (C-C), and acidic tuff and lavas in northwest volcanic rock belt(C-NW) and southeast volcanic rock belt(C-SE). Chemical composition of these igneous rocks show mostly similar trend to the Daly's values on Harker diagram and correspond to VAG + Syn-COLG region on Pearce's discrimination diagram. These igneous rocks vary wide range in total REE amount(37.4-221.3ppm) characterized by enriched LREE content and steep negative slope in Eu(-) anomaly. It is concluded each synchronous granites which composed of serveral rock facies is considered to formed by differentiation of co-magma at continental margin, and igneous activity of study area are two more Pre-Cambrian Orogenies, Songrim Disturbance, Daebo Orogeny and Bulkuksa Disturbance.

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