• 제목/요약/키워드: argument

검색결과 1,212건 처리시간 0.027초

실험 설계에서 나타난 소집단 논변활동 탐색: 활동에 대한 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해를 중심으로 (Exploring Small Group Argumentation Shown in Designing an Experiment: Focusing on Students' Epistemic Goals and Epistemic Considerations for Activities)

  • 권지숙;김희백
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 탐구 과제에서 드러나는 학생들의 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해의 전환을 확인하고, 이러한 전환이 논변활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 중학교 1학년 37명의 학생들이 연구에 참여하였고, 학생들의 인식론이 맥락에 따라 변한 1개 소집단을 선정하여 광합성 실험설계를 구성하는 논의 과정을 분석하였다. 학생들의 발화 및 행동을 통해 그들의 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해를 확인하였고 학생들의 실험설계 과정 및 결과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 학생들은 실험설계를 구성할 때 '과학적 의미 형성'이라는 인식적 목표에 초점을 두어 '이 실험이 어떻게 광합성에 이산화탄소가 필요한지를 알아볼 수 있는지'를 '과학 이론, 자료에 대한 자신의 해석에 기반을 두어 정당화'하였으며, 자기 자신을 '지식의 구성자'로 바라봄으로써 능동적으로 실험을 구성하였다. 그러나 다른 실험에 대해서는 '권위에 기반한 반박'을 보였으며 상대방 실험을 인정하지 않고 반박만을 제기하는 '평가자'로서의 태도를 보임으로써, 반박 과정에서 제기된 의견을 고려한 수정은 없었다. 하나의 실험을 선정하는 과정에서 인식적 목표는 '이기는 것'으로 전환되었고, '이런 실험이 좋다'라는 지식의 본성, '상대방을 이해시키기 위한 정당화를 할 필요가 없다' 혹은 '권위에 기반하여 정당화하는 것'이라는 정당화, '경쟁자'라는 청중에 대한 인식을 보였다. 이에 따라 학생들은 서로의 실험설계가 갖는 의미를 깊이 있게 탐색하지 못하였고 상대방 주장의 제한점만을 공격하여 인지적, 정서적 갈등 상황이 지속되었다. 시간 제한으로 인해 선택된 A의 실험설계를 정교화하는 과정에서 인식적 목표는 '과학적 의미 형성'으로 다시 전환되었고, '어떻게 그 실험이 과학적으로 타당한지'를 되짚어 보고 '납득할 만한 정당화가 이루어져야 한다'는 필요성을 바탕으로 과학적으로 옳은 정당화를 보였으며 학생들은 '협력자'의 관계에 놓였다. 이에 따라 구성원 모두가 의견을 제안하고 정당화하고 평가를 하는 생산적인 논변활동을 통해 발전된 소집단결과를 완성시켰다. 본 연구는 과학 수업에서 생산적인 논변활동을 지원하는 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해에 대한 기초 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

담배소송 중 담배회사의 과학적 근거 오용과 과학자 포섭 활동 (The Tobacco Industry's Abuse of Scientific Evidence and Activities to Recruit Scientists During Tobacco Litigation)

  • 이성규
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2016
  • 국민건강보험공단이 담배회사를 상대로 손해배상 청구소송을 진행 중에 있다. 담배회사는 전통적으로 소송 진행 과정에서 과학적 근거를 오용하거나 과학자를 포섭하여 소송을 유리한 방향으로 이끌어 가기 위한 노력을 해왔다. 본 연구는 전 세계적으로 주목 받고 있는 국민건강보험공단의 소송 과정 중 담배회사의 전략을 분석하였다. 선행연구를 통해 이미 밝혀진 담배회사의 담배소송 전략을 이해한다. 국민건강보험공단 소송 중 법원에 제출된 소장, 준비서면, 증거자료 등에 대한 내용분석을 통해 담배회사의 소송 전략을 파악한다. 국민건강보험공단의 소장 내용 중 첨가물 사용과 관련된 쟁점에 대해 담배회사는 세계보건기구의 "Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise(2006)" 보고서 중 'American spirit'과 같은 천연담배로 광고하는 담배제품에 대한 의견을 마치 첨가물이 들어간 제품과 천연담뱃잎을 사용하는 담배제품 간 위험성이나 중독성에 차이가 없다는 내용으로 준비서면을 작성하였다. 하지만 원래 보고서 내용은 첨가제가 들어가지 않았다고 광고하는 천연담배의 위험성을 경고하는 내용이었다. 즉, 보고서의 작성 의도를 무시하고 정반대의 해석으로 과학적 근거를 오용하였다. 또한 준비서면 내 다른 해외자료들은 영문 그 자체로 참고문헌에 수록하였지만 세계보건기구 보고서는 한글로 번역하였고, 그 이유는 아마도 보고서 제목의 "deadly"가 부담스러웠던 것으로 해석된다. 또한 국민건강보험공단 소송 이전에 제기되었던 개인소송 중 담배회사가 법원에 제출한 증거자료의 일부를 분석한 결과 담배회사의 컨설턴트로 활동한 과학자의 연구결과를 증거자료로 제출한 것도 확인할 수 있었다. 국내 담배소송에서도 해외사례와 마찬가지로 담배회사의 소송전략은 유사했다. 담배소송 결과는 담배규제정책에 막대한 영향을 미친다. 성공적인 소송을 위해 보건의료분야 전문가들은 담배회사가 제출하는 방대한 분량의 의견서와 증거자료에 대한 적극적인 관심을 가져야 한다. 또한 담배회사의 과학자 포섭활동을 인지하고 세계보건기구 담배규제기본협약(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) 제5조3항의 권고사항처럼 담배업계와의 협력을 거절해야 할 것이다.

중국군의 해양작전능력과 한국군의 과제 (PRC Maritime Operational Capability and the Task for the ROK Military)

  • 김민석
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권33호
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    • pp.65-112
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    • 2014
  • Recent trends show that the PRC has stepped aside its "army-centered approach" and placed greater emphasis on its Navy and Air Force for a wider range of operations, thereby reducing its ground force and harnessing its economic power and military technology into naval development. A quantitative growth of the PLA Navy itself is no surprise as this is not a recent phenomenon. Now is the time to pay closer attention to the level of PRC naval force's performance and the extent of its warfighting capacity in the maritime domain. It is also worth asking what China can do with its widening naval power foundation. In short, it is time to delve into several possible scenarios I which the PRC poses a real threat. With this in mind, in Section Two the paper seeks to observe the construction progress of PRC's naval power and its future prospects up to the year 2020, and categorize time frame according to its major force improvement trends. By analyzing qualitative improvements made over time, such as the scale of investment and the number of ships compared to increase in displacement (tonnage), this paper attempts to identify salient features in the construction of naval power. Chapter Three sets out performance evaluation on each type of PRC naval ships as well as capabilities of the Navy, Air Force, the Second Artillery (i.e., strategic missile forces) and satellites that could support maritime warfare. Finall, the concluding chapter estimates the PRC's maritime warfighting capability as anticipated in respective conflict scenarios, and considers its impact on the Korean Peninsula and proposes the directions ROK should steer in response. First of all, since the 1980s the PRC navy has undergone transitions as the focus of its military strategic outlook shifted from ground warfare to maritime warfare, and within 30 years of its effort to construct naval power while greatly reducing the size of its ground forces, the PRC has succeeded in building its naval power next to the U.S.'s in the world in terms of number, with acquisition of an aircraft carrier, Chinese-version of the Aegis, submarines and so on. The PRC also enjoys great potentials to qualitatively develop its forces such as indigenous aircraft carriers, next-generation strategic submarines, next-generation destroyers and so forth, which is possible because the PRC has accumulated its independent production capabilities in the process of its 30-year-long efforts. Secondly, one could argue that ROK still has its chances of coping with the PRC in naval power since, despite its continuous efforts, many estimate that the PRC naval force is roughly ten or more years behind that of superpowers such as the U.S., on areas including radar detection capability, EW capability, C4I and data-link systems, doctrines on force employment as well as tactics, and such gap cannot be easily overcome. The most probable scenarios involving the PRC in sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula are: first, upon the outbreak of war in the peninsula, the PRC may pursue military intervention through sea, thereby undermining efforts of the ROK-U.S. combined operations; second, ROK-PRC or PRC-Japan conflicts over maritime jurisdiction or ownership over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands could inflict damage to ROK territorial sovereignty or economic gains. The PRC would likely attempt to resolve the conflict employing blitzkrieg tactics before U.S. forces arrive on the scene, while at the same time delaying and denying access of the incoming U.S. forces. If this proves unattainable, the PRC could take a course of action adopting "long-term attrition warfare," thus weakening its enemy's sustainability. All in all, thiss paper makes three proposals on how the ROK should respond. First, modern warfare as well as the emergent future warfare demonstrates that the center stage of battle is no longer the domestic territory, but rather further away into the sea and space. In this respect, the ROKN should take advantage of the distinct feature of battle space on the peninsula, which is surrounded by the seas, and obtain capabilities to intercept more than 50 percent of the enemy's ballistic missiles, including those of North Korea. In tandem with this capacity, employment of a large scale of UAV/F Carrier for Kill Chain operations should enhance effectiveness. This is because conditions are more favorable to defend from sea, on matters concerning accuracy rates against enemy targets, minimized threat of friendly damage, and cost effectiveness. Second, to maintain readiness for a North Korean crisis where timely deployment of US forces is not possible, the ROKN ought to obtain capabilities to hold the enemy attack at bay while deterring PRC naval intervention. It is also argued that ROKN should strengthen its power so as to protect national interests in the seas surrounding the peninsula without support from the USN, should ROK-PRC or ROK-Japan conflict arise concerning maritime jurisprudence. Third, the ROK should fortify infrastructures for independent construction of naval power and expand its R&D efforts, and for this purpose, the ROK should make the most of the advantages stemming from the ROK-U.S. alliance inducing active support from the United States. The rationale behind this argument is that while it is strategically effective to rely on alliance or jump on the bandwagon, the ultimate goal is always to acquire an independent response capability as much as possible.

외국인 모델의 매력도와 외국어 사용의 상호작용 효과 (The Interaction Effect of Foreign Model Attractiveness and Foreign Language Usage)

  • 이지현;이동일
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.61-81
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    • 2007
  • 현재 한국시장의 광고에는 외국인 모델과 외국어를 사용하는 것이 일반적이다. 그러나 그 효과에 대한 검증은 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다. 기존의 연구에 의하면 마케팅 커뮤니케이션과 소비자의 문화적 가치가 일치하게 될 때 커뮤니케이션의 효과가 높아진다고 한다. 즉, 광고에의 외국문화 사용은 기존 연구에서 주장하고 있는 바와는 반대의 현상인 것이다. 그러나 인터넷 등 글로벌 매체에 의해 글로벌 문화가 출현함에 따라 마케팅 커뮤니케이션과 소비자의 문화적 가치가 일치하는 것이 가장 바람직한 커뮤니케이션 방법이라 볼 수는 없다. 이에 본 연구는 외국인 모델을 사용하는 광고에 있어서 모델의 매력도와 외국어 사용이 소비자의 광고와 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도 등에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 살펴보고 효과적인 광고 커뮤니케이션에 대한 제언을 하고자 했다. 연구결과, 광고에 사용된 언어와 광고의 시각적 단서인 모델 매력도는 광고의 효과에 상호작용 효과를 나타내는 것이 밝혀졌다. 광고에 사용된 모델 매력도가 높은 경우, 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도가 사용된 언어에 대해 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 광고에 사용된 모델의 매력도가 낮은 경우에는 영어를 사용한 경우가 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도가 높았다. 즉, 외국인 모델을 광고에 사용할 경우, 그 모델의 매력도의 높고 낮음에 따라 광고에 사용되는 언어를 선택함으로써 광고의 효과를 조절할 수 있다는 실무적 시사점을 제공한다.

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노인복지시설의 경영가치 추정 분석 (Estimation Analysis of the Value of Welfare Facilities for the Aged Management)

  • 김금환;박애경;조순점
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2013
  • 사회복지관련 예산의 급격한 증가가 함께 사회복지관련 사업도 다양한 분야로 확대되고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 사회복지정책을 수행하는 정부 및 지자체에 의한 지원과 보조사업 추진의 당위성 및 논거를 명확히 할 필요가 있다고 사료되며, 본 연구는 후생경제학 입장에서 노인복지시설 운영지출에 의해 이용노인들이 얻게 되는 효과인 사회적 편익, 즉 경영가치를 분석하고자 하였다. 노인복지정책의 달성을 위해 제공되는 복지서비스를 통해 지역 노인들은 가족들의 경제활동 참여기회 제공, 질환 예방 및 건강증진 기회제공, 삶의 만족감 제고 등의 다양한 영향을 발생시키게 되며, 본 연구에서는 노인복지시설 이용시 노인들이 얻게 되는 편익을 AHP분석기법을 적용하여 운영가치를 산출하였다. 수도권지역 P노인복지관의 사례를 적용한 결과 노인복지관 운영에 의한 이용가치는 248.4억원으로 추정되었으며, 이 중에서 비용요소에 의해 발생하는 기여효과는 전체의 23.1%인 57.3억원으로 분석되었으며, 자립요소 57.6억원(23.2%), 치료요소 133.4억원(53.7%)의 순으로 분석되었다. 본 연구 결과는 노인복지예산 및 서비스를 소비지출 및 소모성 혜택 정도로 인식하는 사회분위기 속에서 사회적 논란 야기 및 재정압박요인으로 작용하는 현 시점에서 노인복지정책에 대한 개입 지원 보조의 당위성 논의의 타당성은 결국 실증적인 분석을 통하여 뒷받침될 수 있느냐에 달려 있다고 사료되며, 본 연구는 이를 위한 기초적 연구로서의 역할이 기대된다. 또한 복지예산은 소멸성 지출이 아니며 우리나라 사회 경제에 다양한 영향을 파생시키는 중요한 산업임을 본 연구에서 확인할 수 있었으며, 지속적 연구를 통해 정책적 지원 및 사회적 합의가 필요하다.

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한국인삼론(韓國人蔘論) (Current Status of Korean Ginseng Research)

  • 한병훈
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 1972
  • Recent achievements of scientific research on the pharmacologic activities and the chemical problems of dammalene glycosides, which are considered to be effective principles of Korean ginseng, are reviewed and analyzed in view of structure-activity relationship. 1) S. Shibata and his co-workers detected 12 glycoside spots of dammalene series on the two dimensional T.L.C. of total glycoside fraction from Japanese ginseng, and designated them Ginsenoside Rx(x=a, b, c, g, h, etc.) in the order of increasing Rf-value. The aglycones of those glycosides were characterized to be protopanaxadiol for the Ginsenoside $Rx(x=a,\;b_{1},\;b_{2},\;c,\;d,\;e,\;f)$ and protopanaxatriol for the Ginsenoside $Rx(x=g_{1},\;g_{2},\;g_{3},\;h_{1}\;'h_{2})$. Using Korean ginseng as the material for our study, the author and his coworkers isolated a new dammalene glycoside(Panax Saponin C), which comes under the category of protopanaxadiol glycosides based on the classification of S. Shibata et al., and characterized this saponin to be the glycoside of protopanaxatriol series. Furthermore, Panax Saponin C dissociated into $two\;components(C_{1}\;and\;C_{2}-acetate)$ by acetylation, both of which returned to original Panax Saponin C by deacetylation. Based on this result, more than 13 glycoside components of dammalene series will be expected in the Korean ginseng. 2) The structures of protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol, the genuine aglycones of dammalene glycosides, are fully established to be structural analogues by S. Shibata and his co-workers, therefore antagonistic and/or analogical activities will be expected for the pharmacologic activities of these glycoside series of structural analogues. K. Takaki and his co-workers found central nervous system (CNS) stimmulant activity from the glycosides of protopanaxatriol series and CNS-depressant activity from the glycosides of protopanaxadiol series. On the other hand, the author and his co-workers found stimmulating activity on the protein synthesis from both the series of dammalene glycosides with delayed and long-lasting characteristics. This delayed and long-lasting characteristics were also observed in the anti-inflammatory activity of glycosides of protopanaxatriol series on their time course tendency. For the convenience's sake of argument, pluralistic pharmacologic activities of dammalene glycosides, which were observed by many workers at various pharmacologic site, may be classified into two main categories; one is pan-cellular activity and the other is organ specific activity to the certain tissue which is a mass of cells differentiated to a certain direction for their special functions in the body. Based on the data of K. Takaki and those of the authors, following assumption will be probable; Pharmacologic activities of both series of glycosides of protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol aglycones may be antagonistic on their tissue-specific activities and analogic on their pan-cellular activities. Therefore, the mixture of these two series of glycosides in an appropriate ratio, as the case of total extract of Korean ginseng, will be probably beneficial to the host by increasing the synthesis of some functional proteins, due to the additive action of pan-cellular activity, and with the disappearance of any significant behavioral symptoms due to the antagonism of tissue specific activity. This fact will probably be the main reason why classical trials of pharmacologists failed in re-discovering the efficacy of Korean ginseng with their behavioral test. 3) The author and his co-workers achieved the synthesis of $C^{14}-labelled\;Panax\;Saponin\;A\;on\;C_{25}-C_{27}\;position\;of\;aglycone$ in the interest of tracer studies in vivo. The method will be applicable to other dammalene glycosides regardless of their chemical structure. 4) The author and his co-workers converted chemically betulafolienetriol, a triterpene component of Betula platyphylla, to the protopanaxadiol, one of genuine aglycone of dammalene glycosides.

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항공운송증권(航空運送證卷) (Documents of Air Carriage)

  • 최준선
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제7권
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    • pp.101-134
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    • 1995
  • Article 3 Paragraph 1 of the Warsaw Convention regulates the requirements of passenger tickets, Article 4 Paragraph 3, the requirements of baggage tickets, Article 8, the requirements of airway bills. In this article the writer has discussed the legal nature of the documents of air carriage, such as air waybills, passenger tickets and baggage checks. Further, the writer has also discussed several issues relating to the use of the documents of air carriage under the Warsaw Convention. Article 3 Paragraph 2, as well as Article 4 Paragraph 4 and 9 provides that the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of the Convention which evade or limit his liability. In particular, the Montreal Agreement of 1966 provides that the notification on the carrier's liability in passenger ticket should be printed in more than 10 point type size with contrasting ink colors. However, another question is whether the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the liability limit under the Convention in case the type size is below 10 points. The Convention does not specify the type size of certain parts in passenger tickets and only provides that the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of liability limit, when a carrier fails to deliver the ticket to passenger. However, since the delivery of passenger tickets is to provide an opportunity for passengers to recognize the liability limit under the Convention and to map out a subsequent measures, the carrier who fails to give this opportunity shall not be entitled to avail himself of the liability limit under the Convention. But some decisions argue that when the notice on the carrier's liability limit is presented in a fine print in a hardly noticeable place, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself under the Convention. Meanwhile, most decisions declare that regardless of the type size, the carrier is entitled to avail himself of liability limit of the provisions of the Convention. The reason is that neither the Warsaw Convention nor the Montreal Agreement stipulate that the carrier is deprived from the right to avail himself of liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when violating the notice requirement. In particular, the main objective of the Montreal Agreement is not on the notice of liability limit but on the increase of it. The latest decisons also maintain the same view. This issue seems to have beeen settled on the occasion of Elisa Chan, et al. vs. Korean Airlines Ltd. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the type size of passenger ticket can not be a target of controversy since it is not required by law, after a cautious interpretation of the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Agreement highlighting the fact that no grounds for that are found both in the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Agreement. Now the issue of type size can hardly become any grounds for the carrier not to exclude himself from the liability limit. In this regard, any challenge to raise issue on type size seems to be defeated. The same issue can be raised in both airway bills and baggage tickets. But this argument can be raised only to the tranportation where the original Convention is applied. This creates no problem under the Convention revised by the Hague Protocol, because the Hague Protocol does not require any information on weight, bulk, size, and number of cargo or baggage. The problem here is whether the carrier is entitled to avail himself of the liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when no information on number or weight of the consigned packages is available in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention. Currently the majority of decisions show positive stance on this. The carrier is entitled to avail himself of the liability limit of the provisions of the Convention when the requirement of information on number and weight of consigned packages is skipped, because these requirements are too technical and insubstancial. However some decisions declare just the opposite. They hold that the provisions of the Convention Article 4 is clear, and their meaning and effect should be imposed on it literally and that it is neither unjust nor too technical for a carrier to meet the minimum requirement prescribed in the Convention. Up to now, no decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court on this issue is available.

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조직의 정보 니즈와 ERP 기능과의 불일치 및 그 대응책에 대한 이해: 조직 메모리 이론을 바탕으로 (Understanding the Mismatch between ERP and Organizational Information Needs and Its Responses: A Study based on Organizational Memory Theory)

  • 정승렬;배억호
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 2012
  • Until recently, successful implementation of ERP systems has been a popular topic among ERP researchers, who have attempted to identify its various contributing factors. None of these efforts, however, explicitly recognize the need to identify disparities that can exist between organizational information requirements and ERP systems. Since ERP systems are in fact "packages" -that is, software programs developed by independent software vendors for sale to organizations that use them-they are designed to meet the general needs of numerous organizations, rather than the unique needs of a particular organization, as is the case with custom-developed software. By adopting standard packages, organizations can substantially reduce many of the potential implementation risks commonly associated with custom-developed software. However, it is also true that the nature of the package itself could be a risk factor as the features and functions of the ERP systems may not completely comply with a particular organization's informational requirements. In this study, based on the organizational memory mismatch perspective that was derived from organizational memory theory and cognitive dissonance theory, we define the nature of disparities, which we call "mismatches," and propose that the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems is one of the primary determinants in the successful implementation of ERP systems. Furthermore, we suggest that customization efforts as a coping strategy for mismatches can play a significant role in increasing the possibilities of success. In order to examine the contention we propose in this study, we employed a survey-based field study of ERP project team members, resulting in a total of 77 responses. The results of this study show that, as anticipated from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems makes a significantly negative impact on the implementation success of ERP systems. This finding confirms our hypothesis that the more mismatch there is, the more difficult successful ERP implementation is, and thus requires more attention to be drawn to mismatch as a major failure source in ERP implementation. This study also found that as a coping strategy on mismatch, the effects of customization are significant. In other words, utilizing the appropriate customization method could lead to the implementation success of ERP systems. This is somewhat interesting because it runs counter to the argument of some literature and ERP vendors that minimized customization (or even the lack thereof) is required for successful ERP implementation. In many ERP projects, there is a tendency among ERP developers to adopt default ERP functions without any customization, adhering to the slogan of "the introduction of best practices." However, this study asserts that we cannot expect successful implementation if we don't attempt to customize ERP systems when mismatches exist. For a more detailed analysis, we identified three types of mismatches-Non-ERP, Non-Procedure, and Hybrid. Among these, only Non-ERP mismatches (a situation in which ERP systems cannot support the existing information needs that are currently fulfilled) were found to have a direct influence on the implementation of ERP systems. Neither Non-Procedure nor Hybrid mismatches were found to have significant impact in the ERP context. These findings provide meaningful insights since they could serve as the basis for discussing how the ERP implementation process should be defined and what activities should be included in the implementation process. They show that ERP developers may not want to include organizational (or business processes) changes in the implementation process, suggesting that doing so could lead to failed implementation. And in fact, this suggestion eventually turned out to be true when we found that the application of process customization led to higher possibilities of failure. From these discussions, we are convinced that Non-ERP is the only type of mismatch we need to focus on during the implementation process, implying that organizational changes must be made before, rather than during, the implementation process. Finally, this study found that among the various customization approaches, bolt-on development methods in particular seemed to have significantly positive effects. Interestingly again, this finding is not in the same line of thought as that of the vendors in the ERP industry. The vendors' recommendations are to apply as many best practices as possible, thereby resulting in the minimization of customization and utilization of bolt-on development methods. They particularly advise against changing the source code and rather recommend employing, when necessary, the method of programming additional software code using the computer language of the vendor. As previously stated, however, our study found active customization, especially bolt-on development methods, to have positive effects on ERP, and found source code changes in particular to have the most significant effects. Moreover, our study found programming additional software to be ineffective, suggesting there is much difference between ERP developers and vendors in viewpoints and strategies toward ERP customization. In summary, mismatches are inherent in the ERP implementation context and play an important role in determining its success. Considering the significance of mismatches, this study proposes a new model for successful ERP implementation, developed from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, and provides many insights by empirically confirming the model's usefulness.

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한국 설화문에서의 화제표현의 연속성 (Topic Continuity in Korea Narrative)

  • 정희자
    • 인지과학
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.405-428
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    • 1990
  • 언어는 정보교환이라는 사회적 기능을 가지고 있다. 60년대 이래로 언어학자들의 관심이 언어의 정보전달 기능, 즉 어떠한 의미가 어떤 형식을 통하여 어떻게 전달되는가 하는, 의미, 형식, 기능의 관계에 점차 집중되게 되었다. 이러한 관계는 문장분석보다는 담화분석을 통하여 더욱 명백하게 파악된다. 본 연구는 한국 설화문에서 사용되는 화제표현의 방법과 표현된 화제의 연속성을 측정함으로 효율적인 정보교환의 방법을 살펴보았다. 분석된 문법구조들은 영대용, 인칭대명사, 지시대명사, 고유대명사, 지시사 뒤에 오는 명사, 소유격을 따르는 명사, 한정적 명사 그리고 비한정적 명사, 모두 8가지이다. 본 연구의 결과를 다음과 같이 요약할수 있다. 첫째, 한국 설화문에서 '인간임'(humanness)이 가장 강한 화제의 연속성을 나타낸다. 인간지시 논항들은 주로 행위자 또는 경엄자를 나타내기 때문에 절이난 담화의 화제역학을 한다. 둘째, 이들 문법구조들은 각기 다른 화제표현의 연속성 정도를 나타낸다. 연속성 정도가 높은 구조일수록 표현이 간단하며, 연속성의 정도가 낮을수록 표현이 복잡하다. 셋째, 화제표현의 연속성은 구조들의 통사적 특성 이외에 사회적문화적 요인들과 작가의 화용상의 목적 등에 좌우되기도 한다. 마지막으로, 실질적인 정보교환의 방법을 파악하기 위하여, 구어체와 문어체 담화문을 비교분석하여 화제표현의 효율적 방법을 고찰할 것을 제의한다.

천계(天癸)에 대한 연구 -내경(內經) 주석가(注釋家)들의 견해(見解)를 중심으로- (Study on Tiangui(天癸)Focusing on the ${\ulcorner}$Neijing${\lrcorner}$(內經) commentators' views)

  • 이용범;허기회
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.174-188
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    • 2000
  • The meaning of Tiangui(天癸) in $Suwen{\cdot}Shanggutianzhenlun\;素問{\cdot}上古天眞論$ is very important because it has the cause of 'having a child' and it shows the signs to being healthy. But until now there have been many arguments about what the correct meaning of Tiangui is. The most important thing in these arguments is to compare and analyze Neijing(內經) commentators' views, and to understand differences between their views. So I compared and analyzed by focusing on Neijing(內經) text, the other books with explanatory notes, and other commentators' views, and, after that. I got the following results. 1. On the meaning of Tian(天), Wangbing(王氷) and Mashi(馬蒔) considered that it is inborn. Zhangjiecong(張志聽) considered it as the Yang(陽) producing Yin(陰) Zhangjiebin(張介賓) regarded it as the Yang(陽) of Gua symbol. On the meaning of the Gui(癸). Zhangjiebin(張介賓) said that it is Yin qi(陰氣) which is the prior step to Xing(形). Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangzhicong(張志聽) said that it is spirit or Jingxue(spiritual sanguine) which is the concrete constituents in our body. 2. On the relation bet ween Tian(天) and Gui(癸), Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangzhicong(張志聽) said that Gui(癸) is made from Tian(天), and Zhangjiebin(張介賓) said that Tian is intrinsic in Gui(癸). 3. On the relation between Tiangui(天癸) and Jingxue(精血), Yangshangshan(楊上善). Wangbing(王氷), and Zhangjiebin(張介賓) regarded Tiangui(天癸) as a concrete matter which is the prior step to becoming Jingxue(精血). Mashi(馬蒔) and Zhangjiecong(張志聽) considered Tiangui(天癸) as a concrete matter. Mashi(馬蒔) considered Tiangui(天癸) as Jing(精)which is directly related to pregnancy. Zhangjiecong(張志聽) regarded Tiangui(天癸) as Jingxue(精血) which controls general physiology of men and women. 4. On the function of Tiangui(天癸), Yangshangshan(楊上善) and Wangbing(王氷) considered that Tiangui (天癸) has relation to menstruation. pregnancy. and, production and extinction of Jing(精). Zhangjiecong(張志聽) argued that Tiangui(天癸) strengthens and warms muscle and derma. and controls differential physiology between men and women, and said that the maintenance of its activity is based on the acquired spirit of food. A book of 『Huangti Neijing Yanjiu Dacheng(黃帝內經硏究大成)』 said that the function of Tiangui(天癸) is to promote generation, to develop the second sexual symbol, and to make growing and aging in body. It also said that Tiangui(天癸) has some relation to kidney and other organs, Chong Meridian, Ren Meridian, Du Meridian, and Dai Meridian. 5. Other commentators of 『Neijing(內經)』 accepted the meaning of Tiangui(天癸) as the prior step of both man's spiritual overflowing and woman's menstruation. 6. On the relation between Tiangui(天癸). and, Cheng and Ren Meridians, Yangshangshan(楊上善) and Zhangjiecong(張志聽) said that Tiangui(天癸) has direct relation with two meridians. Wangbing(王氷) said that Tiangui(天癸) and two meridians have no direct relation. Now I compared commentaors' views of Tiangui(天癸) and studied the differences between their views. I concluded that on the concept of Tiangui(天癸), Zhangjiebin(張介賓)'s explanations express well its connotative meaning. And on the function of Tiangui (天癸), Zhangjiecong(張志聽)'s explanations are excellent because he organized well his seniors' views, and extended its meaning by showing Neijing(內經)'s phrases related to Chong and Ren Meridians. Also, Mashi(馬蒔) suggested that if Tiangui(天癸) comes earlier than normal. people will die soon. But I think that more studies on male and female bodies are needed as to Mashi(馬蒔)'s argument.

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