• Title/Summary/Keyword: areal distribution

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A Hybrid Dasymetric Mapping for Population Density Surface using Remote Sensing Data (원격탐사자료를 바탕으로 인구밀도 분포 작성을 위한 하이브리드 대시메트릭 지도법)

  • Kim, Hwa-Hwan;Choi, Jin-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2011
  • Choropleth mapping of population distribution is based on the assumption that people are uniformly distributed throughout each enumeration unit. Dasymetric mapping technique improves choropleth mapping by refining spatially aggregated data with residential information. Further, pycnophylactic interpolation can upgrade dasymetric mapping by considering population distribution of neighboring areas, while preserving the volumes of original units. This study proposed a combined solution of dasymetric mapping and pycnophylactic interpolation to improve the accuracy of population density distribution. Specifically, the dasymetric method accounts for the spatial distribution of population within each census unit, while pycnophylactic interpolation considers population distribution of neighboring area. This technique is demonstrated with 1990 census data of the Athens, GA. with land use land cover information derived from remotely-sensed imagery for the areal extent of populated areas. The results are evaluated by comparison between original population counts of smaller census units (census block groups) and population counts of the grid map built from larger units (census tracts) aggregated to the same areal units. The estimated populations indicate a satisfactory level of accuracy. Population distribution acquired by the suggested method can be re-aggregated to any type of geographic boundaries such as electoral boundaries, school districts, and even watershed for a variety of applications.

Comparative Study of the Storm Centered Areal Reduction Factors by Storm Types (호우 형태에 따른 호우중심형 면적감소계수 비교)

  • Lee, Dongjoo;Hyun, Sukhoon;Kang, Boosik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1219-1228
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    • 2015
  • The Fixed Area ARFs (Area Reduction Factors) method has limitations in providing exact information about spatial distribution due to the lack of enough density of rain gauge stations. In this study the storm-centered ARF was evaluated between frontal and typhoon storm events utilizing radar precipitation. In estimating storm-centered ARFs, in order to consider the horizontal advection, direction, and spatial distribution of rain cells, the rotational angle of rainfall of each rainfall event and the optimum areal rainfall within the spatial rain cell envelope was taken into account. Compared with the frontal storm, the ARF of typhoon storm shows narrow range of variability. It is noted that the ARFs of frontal storm increases with the rainfall duration, but those of typhoon storm shows opposite pattern. As a result the typhoon ARFs appear greater than frontal ARFs for 1~3 hours of duration, but less for more than 6 hours of duration.

Estimation of Areal Reduction Factors for the Youngsan River Basin (영산강유역의 면적우량감소계수 산정)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyung;Koh, Won-Joon;Lee, Yoon-Young;Kim, Dae-Geun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.10 s.171
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    • pp.813-822
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    • 2006
  • By analyzing the concurrent rainfall data from rainfall gauges positioned in the Youngsan River basin, the areal reduction factors related to the rainfall characteristics of the Youngsan River basin are estimated. The estimated values are compared with the values of the Han River basin, and show that the rate of decrease of the areal reduction factors of the Youngsan River basin are smaller than those of the Han River basin as the basin area is increasing. That is especially true for short-term duration storm events. These findings reveal that the spatial variations in the Youngsan River basin's storms are smaller than the spatial variations of the storms In the Han River basin, due to the size of the two basin areas in addition to the topological characteristics that affect the rainfall distributions.

Estimation of Water Balance based on Satellite Data in the Korean Peninsula (人工衛星 資料에 근거한 한반도 물수지 분포의 推定)

  • 신사철
    • Water for future
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 1996
  • Quantifying water balance components is crucial to understanding the basic hydrology and hydrochemistry. An importance of water balance has been suggested in order to grasp actual condition of water resources and environmental changes including climatic changes. The present paper proposes an evaluation method of the water balance components based on vegetation monitoring from remote sensing data. In this study, evapotranspiration model adopts a directmethod by using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from NOAA/AVHRR data and the detailed description of water balance by using the evapotranspiration in all over the Korean Peninsula. Areal distribution data sets of evapotranspiration in all over the Korean Peninsula. Areal distribution data sets of evapotranspiration, runoff ratio, water surplus and deficit are produced using NDVI and simplified water balance model. This method enables to discuss the hydrological problems for North Korea where enough meteorological and hydrological data are unavailable.

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Application of SWAT Model considering Spatial Distribution of Rainfall (강우의 공간분포를 고려한 SWAT 모형의 적용)

  • JANG, Daewon;KIM, Duckgil;KIM, Yonsoo;Choi, Wooil
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2018
  • In general, the rainfall-runoff simulation is performed using rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations. However, if we only use rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations for runoff simulation of a large watershed, the problem in the reliability of the simulated runoff can be occurred. Therefore, this study examined the influence of the rainfall data on the simulated runoff volume by a Semi-distributed model. For this, we used rainfall data from meteorological stations, meteorological and observational stations, and a spatially distributed rainfall data from hypothetical stations obtained by kriging method. And, we estimated the areal rainfall of each sub-basin. Also the estimated areal rainfall and the observed rainfall were compared and we compared the simulated runoff volumes using SWAT model by the rainfall data from meteorological and observational rain gauge stations and runoff volume from the estimated areal rainfall by Kriging method were analyzed. This study was performed to examine the accuracy of calculated runoff volume by spatially distributed areal rainfall. The analysis result of this study showed that runoff volume using areal rainfall is similar to observed runoff volume than runoff volume using the rainfall data of weather and rain gauging station. this means that spatially distributed rainfall reflect the real rainfall pattern.

Areal Distribution of Runoff Volume by Seasonal Watershed Model (계절유역 모형을 사용한 유량의 공간적분포 결정)

  • 선우중
    • Water for future
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 1984
  • watershed Model by mathematical formulation is one of the powerful tool to analyze the hydrologic process in a watershed. The seasonal watershed model is one of the mathematial model from which the monthly streamflow can be simulated and forcasted for given precipitaion data. This model also enables us to compute the monthly runoff at each subbgasin when the basin is subdivided into several small subbasins. The computation of runoff volume makes a Prediction of the areal distirbution of runoff volume for a given precipitation data. Several basins in Han River basin were chosen to simulate the monthly runoff and compute the runoff at each subbasin. A simple logarithmic regression were conducted between runoff ratio and area ratio. The correlation was very high and the equation can be used for prediciting flood volume when flood at downstream gaging station is know.

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GIS-Based Methods to Assess the Population Distribution Criteria for Undesirable Facilities: The Case of Nuclear Power Plants (비선호 시설의 인구분포 관련 입지기준 평가를 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 -원자력 발전소의 경우-)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Cho, Daeheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.755-774
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of the study is to propose GIS-based methods to assess the population distribution criteria for undesirable facilities such as nuclear power plants. First of all, a review of the relevant criteria was conducted for the official documents compiled by such institutions as IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), U.S. NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and some national institutes including the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. It is informed from the review that the fundamental principle underlying the various criteria is to maximize the distance between a plant and the nearest population center. It is realized that two interrelated GIS-based techniques need to be devised to put the principle into practice; sophisticated ways of representing population distribution and identifying population centers. A dasymetric areal interpolation is proposed for the former and cell-based and area-based critical density methods are introduced. Grid-based population distributions at various spatial resolutions are created by means of the dasymetric areal interpolation. By applying the critical density methods to the gridded population distribution, some population centers satisfying the population size and density criteria can be identified. These methods were applied to the case of the Gori-1 nuclear power plant and their strengths and limitations were discussed. It was revealed that the assessment results could vary depending upon which method was employed and what values were chosen for various parameters. This study is expected to contribute to foster the applications of methods and techniques developed in geospatial analysis and modeling to the site selection and evaluation.

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Spatial Analysis of Precipitation with PRISM in Gangwondo (강원도 지역의 PRISM를 이용한 강우의 공간분포 해석)

  • Um, Myoung-Jin;Jeong, Chang-Sam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the regional factors in Gangwondo were used to analysis the relationship between point precipitation and areal precipitation. The most province area in Gangwondo is consist of mountainous terrain. At the east part of the Taebaek Mountains, the slope is very steep and the coastal plains don't exist. At the west part of the Taebaek Mountains, the slope is mild, there are many rivers, such as South Han-river and North Han-river, and the regions are very complex terrain. The data of 66 stations in Gangwondo and the PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regression on Indepedent Slope Model) were used to estimate the spatial distribution of precipitation. According to the topographic conditions, such as elevation and slope, and the regional conditions, such as Youngdong and Youngseo, the spatial distribution of precipitation is well shown. At the results of cross-validation, the RRBIAS and the RRMSE are under 0.1 and therefore the analysis of the PRISM are well conducted. Consequently the PRISM in this study is a appropriate method to estimate the spatial distribution of precipitation in Gangwondo.

A Study on the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of the Distribution of Longevity Population and the Scale Effect of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem(MAUP) (장수 인구의 분포 패턴에 관한 탐색적 공간 데이터 분석과 수정 가능한 공간단위 문제(MAUP)의 Scale Effect에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Don-Jeong;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2013
  • Most of the existing domestic studies to identify the distribution of longevity population and influencing factors oriented confirmatory approach. Furthermore, most of the studies in this research topic simply have used their own definition of spatial unit of analysis or employed arbitrary spatial units of analysis according to data availability. These research approaches can not sufficiently reflect the spatial characteristic of longevity phenomenon and exposed to the Modifiable Aerial Unit Problem(MAUP). This research performed the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA) to identify the spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of longevity population and investigated whether the modifiable areal unit problem in the aspect of scale effect using spatial population data in Korea. We used Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong as two different spatial units of regional longevity indicators measured. Then, we applied Getis-Ord Gi* to investigate the existence of spatial hot spots and cold spots. The results from our analysis show that there exist statistically significant spatial autocorrelation and spatial hot spots and cold spots of regional longevity at both Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong levels. This result implies that the modifiable areal unit problem does exist in the studies of spatial patterns of longevity population distribution. The demand for longevity researches would be increased inevitably. In addition, there were apparent differences for the global spatial autocorrelation and local spatial cluster which calculated different spatial units such as Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong and this can be seen as scale effect of MAUP. The findings from our analysis show that any study in this topic can mislead results when the modifiable areal unit problem and spatial autocorrelation are not explicitly considered.

A Study on the Evaluation of Areal Precipitation in Korea. (한국 면적 강우량 산정에 관한 연구<월별, 계절별 및 연간우량 중심으로>)

  • 정문교;심재설
    • Water for future
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 1981
  • This study is to evaluate the areal precipitation from the basic data groups of monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfalls over all ma in stations in Korea. The evaluating pocesses are performed through the point and regional frequency analysis from the basic data. The basic data groups are divided into two periods-the first(1916-1944) and the second (1960-1979)-which are compared with each other. In the point frequecny analysis, the variable transformation method is applied to the best fitting distribution, and the normal fittings are established by using the Chisquare test method. In the regional frequency analysis, the geomorphologic factors and hydrometeorological factors are taken into consideration when dividing into five zones and Thiessen method and the Isohyetal method are applied. The results of this study are as follows: 1)The areal precipitation values of the first period are about 70-80mm less than that of the second period for the whole of Korea. Therefore, a new precipitation value of 1180mm is considered more suitable than the value of 1159mm, which has been up till now. 2)As the annual areal precipitiation values areevaluated over the five divide zones, it tis noticed that the difference between the values of the first period and the second is the largest in spring (to the extent of 5 times that in the other seasonas). Thereform it is considered that this result is necessary for the establishment of a timely insurance plan for the water resources. 3)The application of the Isohyetal method through the division of Korea into five zones is considered to be a reasonable procedure in the analysis of areal precipitation.

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