• Title/Summary/Keyword: annulus fibrosus

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Regeneration of Intervertebral Disc Using Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Scaffolds Included Demineralized Bone Particle In Vivo (In vivo 상에서 탈미네랄화된 골분이 함유된 PLGA 지지체를 이용한 추간판 디스크 재생)

  • Jang, Ji Eun;Kim, Hye Yoon;Song, Jeong Eun;Lee, Dongwon;Kwon, Soon Yong;Chung, Jin Wha;Khang, Gilson
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2013
  • Demineralized bone particle (DBP) is a biomaterial used widely in the field of tissue engineering. In this study, in order to study the effect of DBP/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffold on disc regeneration in vivo environment, we prepared the porous DBP/PLGA hybrid scaffold. Disc defect was induced by removing the nucleus pulposus tissue after incision the annulus fibrosus tissue in half and scaffolds were transplanted. After 1, 2 and 3 months later, the extracted discs were confirmed by collagen synthesis and glycosaminoglycan (sGAG). We conducted histology (H&E, Safranin-O, Alcian blue, Type I Collagen, Type II Collagen). From the results, it was confirmed that collagen and sGAG content were high in DBP/PLGA scaffold, and the regeneration of intervertebral disc was possible.

Diurnal Variation in Hydration of the Cervical Intervertebral Disc Assessed Using T2 Mapping of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Chanyuan Liu;Jingyi Wang;Bowen Hou;Yitong Li;John N. Morelli;Peisen Zhang;Jun Ran;Xiaoming Li
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.638-648
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The study aimed to investigate the diurnal variation in cervical disc hydration and its relationship with cervical degeneration. Materials and Methods: C3-C7 discs of 86 prospectively enrolled participants (37 males, 49 females; mean age ± standard deviation, 23.5 ± 2.5 years) were assessed using T2 mapping in the morning and evening. All discs were stratified by Miyazaki grade or C2-C7 Cobb angle and T2 values (T2). The degree of diurnal T2 variation (T2-DDV), defined as (morning T2 - evening T2)/morning T2 x 100%, was measured for the entire disc, annulus fibrosus (AF), nucleus pulposus (NP), and endplate zones. Results: T2 of the entire disc decreased significantly after the daytime load (p < 0.001), with a T2-DDV of 13.3% for all discs and 16.0%, 12.2%, and 13.0% for healthy (grade I), mild degenerative (grade II), and advanced degenerative (grade III/IV) discs, respectively. T2 of regional NPs and AFs decreased significantly from morning to evening (p ≤ 0.049) except in the healthy anterior inner AF (p = 0.092). Compared with healthy discs, mild degenerative discs displayed lower T2 and T2-DDV in regional NPs (p < 0.001). Advanced degenerative discs showed higher T2-DDV in the anterior inner AF compared with healthy discs (p = 0.050). Significant diurnal T2 changes in the endplate zones were observed only in healthy discs (p = 0.013). Cervical discs in the low Cobb angle group showed higher T2-DDV in the anterior AFs and anterior NP and lower T2-DDV in the posterior AF than those in the high Cobb angle group (p ≤ 0.041). Conclusion: This study characterized the diurnal variation in hydration of the cervical discs as assessed using T2 mapping and revealed early chemo-mechanical coupling dysfunction in degenerating discs. Cervical sagittal alignment on MRI can affect the diurnal stress patterns of the cervical discs. T2 mapping is sensitive to disc biomechanical dysfunction and offers translational potential from biomechanical research to clinical application.