• Title/Summary/Keyword: anisotropic media

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Change Attention-based Vehicle Scratch Detection System (변화 주목 기반 차량 흠집 탐지 시스템)

  • Lee, EunSeong;Lee, DongJun;Park, GunHee;Lee, Woo-Ju;Sim, Donggyu;Oh, Seoung-Jun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.228-239
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose an unmanned vehicle scratch detection deep learning model for car sharing services. Conventional scratch detection models consist of two steps: 1) a deep learning module for scratch detection of images before and after rental, 2) a manual matching process for finding newly generated scratches. In order to build a fully automatic scratch detection model, we propose a one-step unmanned scratch detection deep learning model. The proposed model is implemented by applying transfer learning and fine-tuning to the deep learning model that detects changes in satellite images. In the proposed car sharing service, specular reflection greatly affects the scratch detection performance since the brightness of the gloss-treated automobile surface is anisotropic and a non-expert user takes a picture with a general camera. In order to reduce detection errors caused by specular reflected light, we propose a preprocessing process for removing specular reflection components. For data taken by mobile phone cameras, the proposed system can provide high matching performance subjectively and objectively. The scores for change detection metrics such as precision, recall, F1, and kappa are 67.90%, 74.56%, 71.08%, and 70.18%, respectively.

Alcohol Fermentation at High Temperature and the Strain-specific Characteristics Required to Endow the Thermotolerance of Sacchromyces cerevisiae KNU5377

  • Paik, Sang-Kyoo;Park, In-Su;Kim, Il-Sup;Kang, Kyung-Hee;Yu, Choon-Bal;Rhee, In-Koo;Jin, In-Gnyol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2005
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae KNU5377 is a thermotolerant strain, which can ferment ethanol from wasted papers and starch at 40$^{\circ}C$ with the almost same rate as at 30$^{\circ}C$. This strain showed alcohol fermentation ability to convert wasted papers 200 g (w/v) to ethanol 8.4% (v/v) at 40$^{\circ}C$, meaning that 8.4% ethanol is acceptable enough to ferment in the industrial economy. As well, all kinds of starch that are using in the industry were converted into ethanol at 40$^{\circ}C$ with the almost same rate as at 30$^{\circ}C$. Hyperthermic cell killing kinetics and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revealed that exponentially growing cells of this yeast strain KNU5377 were more thermotolerant than those of S. cerevisiae ATCC24858 used as a control. This intrinsic thermotolernace did not result from the stability of entire cellular components but possibly from that of a particular target. Heat shock induced similar results in whole cell DSC profiles of both strains and the accumulation of trehalose in the cells of both strains, but the trehalose contents in the strain KNU5377 were 2.6 fold higher than that in the control strain. On the contrary to the trehalose level, the neutral trehalase activity in the KNU5377 cells was not changed after the heat shock. This result made a conclusion that though the trehalose may stabilize cellular components, the surplus of trehalose in KNU5377 strain was not essential for stabilization of whole cellular components. A constitutively thermotolerant yeast, S. cerevisiae KNU5377, was compared with a relatively thermosensitive control, S. cerevisiae ATCC24858, by assaying the fluidity and proton ATPase on the plasma membrane. Anisotropic values (r) of both strains were slightly increased by elevating the incubation temperatures from 25$^{\circ}C$ to 37$^{\circ}C$ when they were aerobically cultured for 12 hours in the YPD media, implying the membrane fluidity was decreased. While the temperature was elevated up to 40$^{\circ}C$, the fluidity was not changed in the KNU5377 cell, but rather increased in the control. This result implies that the plasma membrane of the KNU5377 cell can be characterized into the more stabilized state than control. Besides, heat shock decreased the fluidity in the control strain, but not in the KNU5377 strain. This means also there's a stabilization of the plasma membrane in the KNU5377 cell. Furthermore, the proton ATPase assay indicated the KNU5377 cell kept a relatively more stabilized glucose metabolism at high temperature than the control cell. Therefore, the results were concluded that the stabilization of plasma membrane and growth at high temperature for the KNU5377 cell. Genome wide transcription analysis showed that the heat shock responses were very complex and combinatory in the KNU5377 cell. Induced by the heat shock, a number of genes were related with the ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, metallothionein (prevent ROS production from copper), hsp27 (88-fold induced remarkably, preventing the protein aggregation and denaturation), oxidative stress response (to remove the hydrogen peroxide), and etc.

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Static and dynamic elastic properties of the Iksan Jurassic Granite, Korea (익산 쥬라기 화강암의 정 및 동탄성학적 특성)

  • Kang, Dong-Hyo;Jung, Tae-Jong;Lee, Jung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2000
  • The Iksan Jurassic Granite shows relatively less fractures and homogeneous rock fabrics, and is one of the most popular stone materials for architectures and sculptures. Almost mutually perpendicular rift, grain, and halfway in the Iksan Jurassic Granite are well known to quarrymen based on its splitting directions, and therefore it should exhibit orthorhombic symmetry. Theoretically, there are 9 independent elastic stiffness coefficients $(C_{1111},\;C_{2222},\;C_{3333},\;C_{2323},\;C_{1313},\;C_{1212},\;C_{1122},\;C_{2233},\;and\;C_{1133})$ for orthorhombic anisotropy. In order to characterize the static and dynamic elastic properties of the Iksan Jurassic Granite, triaxial strains under uniaxial compressive stresses and ultrasonic velocities of elastic waves in three different polarizations are measured. Both experiments are carried out with six directional core samples from massive rock body. Using the results of experiments and the densities measured independently, the static and dynamic elastic coefficients are computed by simple mathematical manipulation derived from the governing equations for general anisotropic media. The static elastic coefficients increase ar uniaxial compressive stress rises. Among those, the static elastic coefficients at uniaxial compressive stress of a 24.5 MPa appear to be similar to the dynamic elastic coefficients under ambient condition. Although some deviations are observed, the preferred orientations of microcracks appear to be parallel or subparallel to the rift, the grain, and the hardway from microscopic observation of thin sections. This indicates that the preferred orientations of microcracks cause the elastic anisotropy of the Iksan Jurassic Granite. The results are to be applied to the effective use of the Iksan Jurassic Granite as stone materials, and can be used for the non-destructive safety test.

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