• 제목/요약/키워드: angle dependence

검색결과 273건 처리시간 0.036초

2차원 절삭과정에서의 Acoustic Emission과 절삭 파라미터 사이의 관계 (Relationship between Acoustic Emission and Cutting Parameters of the Orthogonal Cutting Process)

  • 최성주;강명순
    • 오토저널
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 1987
  • The objective of this study is to establish the comprehensive analytical relationship between acoustic emission and fundamental parameters of the orthogonal cutting process. The sources of acoustic emission in the orthogonal metal cutting process was identified as deformation in the shear zone and sliding friction at the chip-tool interface. The validity of this relationship is evaluated by a series of tests varing cutting speed and rake angle for A16063 tube. Strong dependence of the RMS voltage of acoustic emission on cutting speed and rake angle was observed. It was also found that the percentage contribution of AE energy at each zone for the total AE activity is constant in accordance with the change of cutting speed. The relationship between the RMS of acoustic emission and the fundamental cutting parameters was modified in order to be utilized independent of rake angle.

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스크롤 선회에 따른 압축 공간내의 유동 특성 (Flow Characteristics inside a Compression Chamber due to the Orbiting Motion of a Scroll)

  • 강동진;전현주;오미애
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 유체기계공업학회 2003년도 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2003
  • The detailed flow characteristics inside a compression chamber due to the orbiting motion of a scroll is studied numerically. The orbiting motion of a scroll is modelled at 7 orbiting angles. At each orbit angle, the central compression chamber is modelled. All computations are carried by using an in-house code. It is based on the SIMPLE algorithm. Computation results show that the flow structure inside the compression chamber is dependent on the orbit angle. The pressure variation inside the compression chamber also shows great dependence on the orbit angle. The pressure variation shows local maxima when the orbiting motion of a scroll directs toward the center of the compression chamber.

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Atomic structure of amorphous carbon deposited by various incidence angles -MD simulation study

  • 조민웅;이광렬
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2009년도 제38회 동계학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.52-52
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    • 2010
  • Amorphous carbon films have a variety of potential applications. In most such applications film properties are crucial and highly dependent on the film growth conditions. We here investigate the atomic structure of the films, which is generated at various incidence angles, using the classical molecular dynamics. Varying incidence angle of the deposited carbon atoms, different level of sp hybridization and porosity of the film are captured in our model. As the incidence angle becomes glancing, subplantation of the deposited carbon in vertical direction is significantly reduced, rather bouncing back of the incident carbon with slight modification of surface structure is mainly occurred at the early stage of the film growth. As the surface becomes rougher, shadowing effect at these glancing incidences also becomes more significant, which tends to cause asymmetrical and columnar structure. We describe incidence angle dependence of the evolution of the atomic structure of the film and its corresponding properties.

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박막수직방향에서 면방향으로 회전하는 인가자기장에 대한 다층박막 [Pt/Co]N-IrMn의 교환바이어스의 각도의존특성 (Characteristics of the Angular-dependent Exchange Coupling Bias in Multilayer [Pt/Co]N-IrMn with Toward-in Plane Applied Fields)

  • 김순섭;임혜인;이장로;이상석;황도근
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.142-146
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    • 2008
  • 마그네트론 스퍼터링방법으로 제작한 다층박막 $[Pt/Co]_N-IrMn$에 측정자기장이 박막면에 수직한 방향에서 면방향으로 각도 $\theta$방향으로 인가될때, 교환결합바이어스($H_{ex}$)와 보자력($H_c$)의 각도의존성이 측정되었다. 자기이력곡선은 인가 자기장축 뿐 아니라 자화축에 대하여도 그 원점이 이동하여 비대칭을 나타내었다. $H__{ex}$$H_c$는 각도$\theta$에 대하여 각각 $1/cos{\theta}$$1/|cos{\theta}|$ 의존성을 나타내며, 이와 같은 각도의존특성은 자기장냉각(박막면에 수직방향)을 통하여 생긴 강한 수직자기이방성에 기인하는 것을 알 수 있다.

프로펠러 회전류에서 작동하는 방향타의 받음각 특성 연구 (Study on the Angle-of-Attack Characteristics of the Rudder in Rotating Propeller Flow)

  • 정재환;백동근;윤현식;김기섭;백부근
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제50권6호
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2013
  • This study aims at numerically investigating the angle of attack characteristics of the rudder behind a rotating propeller. The rotating propeller of 5 blades and the full spade rudder are placed in the numerical water tunnel with a uniform flow condition to consider propeller-rudder interaction. The turbulence closure model is employed to simulate the three-dimensional unsteady incompressible viscous turbulent flow around the propeller and the rudder. The present numerical method are well verified by comparing with the experimental results. In order to identify the dependence of the angle of attack of the rudder on the rudder angle, a wide range of rudder angles is considered. The present study carried out the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the angle of attack in terms of the pressure distribution, streamlines and the evaluation of the flow incidence, resulting in that the angle of attack increases as we move from the root and the tip to the center of the rudder, regardless of the rudder angle. The distribution of the angle-of-attack along the span is strongly affected by rotating propeller flow and rudder angle. Consequently, the distribution of the angle-of-attack of the oncoming flow against the rudder leading edge plays a role in determination of rudder performance.

Correlation Analysis of Transmission and Reflection Angle of Propagation Characteristics from 13-28 GHz

  • Kim, Yong Won;Jeong, Won Ho;Ju, Sang Lim;Kim, Kyung Seok
    • 한국위성정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2016
  • In order to derive reliable propagation models for future millimeter-wave frequency indoor pico-cellular communications systems, accurate reflectivity data of building materials is necessary. The broad variety of building materials and construction codes makes accurate attenuation prediction very difficult without the support of specific construction data or measurements. This paper derives a transmission and reflection coefficient based on 13 GHz to 28 GHz measurement data. Transmission and reflection is measured by applying change in the reception angle of each building material, such as plasterboard. The transmission and reflection coefficient derived shows a correlation between frequency dependence and angle. As a result, as the reception angle is reduced, the reflected angle from the transmitter that could be received increases, showing that there is a correlation. In addition, the fundamental investigations carried out lay the foundation for radio channel-related research, which is essential for the development of future millimeter-wave communications systems.

Magnetization Angle and Thickness Dependence of Perpendicular Exchange Anisotropy in [Pd/Co]n/FeMn Films

  • Choi, S.D.;Joo, H.W.;Yun, D.K.;Lee, M.S.;Lee, K.A.;Lee, H.S.;Kim, S.W.;Lee, S.S.;Hwang, D.G.
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2006
  • The magnetization angle and thickness dependence of magnetic anisotropy in the exchange-biased [Pd/Co]${\times}$5/FeMn multilayers with an out-of-plane anisotropy were investigated to determine the origin of perpendicular exchange biasing. As the Co thickness increased to 1.5 nm in the [Pd(0.8 nm)/Co(t)]${\times}$5/FeMn(120 nm) films, the hysteresis loops were converted from square loops at a thin Co (<0.4 nm) to complicated round ones at a thick Co. The irregularly asymmetric step (IAS) at the left top of the loop appeared in the loop of the 0.6-nm Co film due to an inhomogeneity in the exchange anisotropy. As the Pd thickness increased to 1.6 nm, the step disappeared, and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was maximized in the Co thickness between 0.6 and 0.9 nm. The conversion of the magnetization loop along the magnetization angle coincided with the equation $H_{(eff)}=H_o\;cos{\theta}$. The IAS of the 0.8-nm Pd film disappeared after thermal annealing up to $200^{\circ}C$ under an external magnetic field.

전면 유기 발광 다이오드의 각도에 따른 발광 패턴 연구 (Angular dependence of emision pattern in top-emission organic light-emitting diodes)

  • 주현우;목랑균;김태완;장경욱;송민종;이호식
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2009년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.277-278
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    • 2009
  • We have studied an angular dependence of emission pattern of top-emssion organic light-emitting diodes (TEOLED). Device structure is Al(100nm)/TPD(40nm)/$Alq_3$(60nm)/LiF(0.5nm)/Al(2nm)/Ag(30nm). N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-di(m-tolyl)-benzidine (TPD) and tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium ($Alq_3$)were used as a hole transport layer and emission layer, respectively. Organic layers and cathode were thermally evaporated at $2\times10^{-5}$torr. The evaporation rate of the organic material was maintained to be $1.5\sim2.0{\AA}/s$, and that of metal layer to be $0.5\sim5{\AA}/s$. A transmittance of a cathode electrode(Al/Ag) in visible region is about 25~30%. In order to measure view-angle dependent intensity, electroluminenscence spectra of the device at each angle were integrated. Angle dependent emission spectra of the device do not show blue shift. Emission intensity of the device that the going straight characteristic is stronger the bottom-emission organic light-emitting diodes is shown.

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한국 연근해에서 어획된 주요 12어종의 75 kHz에 대한 음향 반사 강도의 체장 의존성 (Fish length dependence of acoustic target strength for 12 dominant fish species caught in the Korean waters at 75 kHz)

  • 이대재
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.296-305
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    • 2005
  • Acoustic target strength (TS) of 12 commercially important fish species caught in the Korean waters had been investigated and their results were presented. Laboratory measurements of target strength on 12 dominant fish species were carried out at a frequencies of 75 kHz by single beam method under the controlled condition of the water tank with the 241 samples of dead and live fishes. The target strength pattern on individual fish of each species was measured as a function of tilt angle, ranging from $-45^{\circ}$ (head down aspect) to $45^{\circ}$ (head up aspect) in $0.2^{\circ}$ intervals, and the averaged target strength was estimated by assuming the tilt angle distribution as N ($-5.0^{\circ}$, $^15.0{\circ}$). The 75 to fish length relationship for each species was independently derived by a least - squares fitting procedure. Also, a linear regression analysis for all species was performed to reduce the data to a set of empirical equations showing the variation of target strength to fish length and fish species. An empirical model for fish target strength(TS, dB) averaged over the dorsal aspect of 158 fishes of 7 species and which spans the fish length(L, m) to wavelength(${\lambda}$, m) ratio between 6.2 and 21.3 was derived: TS: 27.03 Log(L)-7.7Log(${\kanbda}$)-17.21, ($r^2$=0.59).

레일리각 근처에서 도색된 거친 표면으로부터 후방 산란된 초음파 (Ultrasonic Backscattering on Painted Rough Surface at near Rayleigh Angle)

  • 권성덕;권용규;윤석수
    • 비파괴검사학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • [ $1.71{\mu}m$ ] 범위의 표면 거칠기를 가진 철 시편에 대해 물속에서 후방산란된 초음파의 입사각 의존성(프로파일)이 측정되었다. 거칠기가 도색에 의해 숨겨졌을 때 수직 프로파일은 거칠기에 대한 분별력이 사라졌으나 레일리 각 근처에서의 후방산란 프로파일은 거칠기 의존성을 여전히 보여주었다. 레일리 각에서 직접 복사된 프로파일 세기는 거칠기와 비례하였고 코너에서 반사되어 되돌아오는 표면파로부터의 후방복사의 세기는 거칠기와 반비례하였다. 도색 처리된 시편에서 0.03 파장 이하의 직접 후방복사에서도 선형성이 관찰되었고 주기적 거칠기에 의해 발생한 비정상 저면 다중반사 현상이 사라졌다.