• 제목/요약/키워드: angle dependence

검색결과 273건 처리시간 0.03초

합성가스-순산소 예혼합 화염의 연소특성 (Syngas-Oxygen Combustion Characteristics of a Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flame)

  • 조주형;박준홍;전충환;안국영;김한석
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 2010
  • The present study deals with experimental investigations on the syngas-oxygen combustion characteristics of a swirl-stabilized premixed flame in a 10 kW combustor. The effect of hydrogen in syngas has been investigated with different swirl angles to identify the role of hydrogen and swirl strength on the flame stability and CO emissions. The results show that hydrogen addition extended the blowout limit while narrowing the flashback limit. The dependence of blowout on the swirl angle is negligible while the dependence of flashback on the swirl angle is evidenced by two regimes depending on the amount of hydrogen. CO emission is decreased with increasing excess $O_2$ supply or increasing hydrogen content. Chemiluminescence diagnostics is utilized to provide information on the structure of a swirl-stabilized premixed flame. The OH chemiluminescence intensity is more concentrated near the burner exit with an increase in the hydrogen content, which results from high reactivity of hydrogen.

반도체패키지에서의 층간박리 및 패키지균열에 대한 파괴역학적 연구 (2) - 패키지균열- (A Fracture Mechanics Approach on Delamination and Package Crack in Electronic Packaging(ll) - Package Crack -)

  • 박상선;반용운;엄윤용
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권8호
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    • pp.2158-2166
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    • 1994
  • In order to understand the package crack emanating from the edge of leadframe after the delamination between leadframe and epoxy molding compound in an electronic packaging of surface mounting type, the M-integral and J-integral in fracture mechanics are obtained. The effects of geometry, material properties and molding process temperature on the package crack are investigated taking into account the temperature dependence of the material properties, which simulates a more realistic condition. If the temperature dependence of the material properties is considered the result of analysis conforms with observations that the crack is kinked at between 50 and 65 degree. However, in case of constant material properties at the room temperature it is found that the J-integral is underestimated and the kink crack angle is different form the observation. The effects of the material properties and molding process temperature on J-integral and crack angle are less significant that the chip size for the cases considered here. It is suggested that the geometric factors such as ship size, leadframe size are to be well designed in order to prevent(or control) the occurrence and propagation of the package crack.

무작위로 거친 표면에서의 후방복사 초음파 (Ultrasonic Backward Radiation on Randomly Rough Surface)

  • 권성덕
    • 비파괴검사학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2005
  • 표면 거칠기가 다른 유리시편에 대해 후방 복사된 초음파 세기의 입사각 의존성(프로파일)이 측정되었다. 후방복사 세기와 레일리(Rayleigh) 표면파 속도는 표면 거칠기에 비례하였고 이 경향은 각기 초음파의 산란규칙과 경화현상으로 설명되었다. 후방복사 프로파일의 면적 역시 표면 거칠기에 민감함을 보여 표면상태에 대한 새로운 비파괴적 평가 변수의 가능성을 보였다. 레일리 각 C-스캔 기법은 화상 명도의 반전과 높은 신호대 잡음비(S/N)를 보여주었다.

자화방향에 따른 비정질 $Co_{66}Fe_4NiB_{14}Si_{15}$ 리본의 자기임피던스 효과 (Dependence of Magneto-Impedence on Magnetizing Angle from Amorphous $Co_{66}Fe_4NiB_{14}Si_{15}$ Ribbon Axis)

  • 유권상;김철기;윤석수;양재석;손대락
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 1997
  • 비정질 $Co_{66}$Fe$_{4}$NiB$_{14}$Si$_{15}$에서 리본의 종방향에 대하여 여러 가지 각도를 갖는 시편을 식각법으로 제작하여 100 kHz의 교류전류에서 4 단자법으로 MI 신호를 측정하였다. H=0 근처에서 30 .deg. 시편부터 dip이 나타났으며, 그 크기는 각도에 따라 단조증가하였다. 자기장 크기에 따라 Mi 신호는 증가하였고, 일정한 자기장에서 식각각도에 따라 MI 신호는 증가하다가 90 .deg. 시편에서 감소하였다.

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HPCVD 방법으로 성장된 $MgB_2$ 박막의 수송 특성 (Transport Properties of $MgB_2$ Films Grown by Hybrid Physical Chemical Vapor Deposition Method)

  • 김혜영;황태종;김동호;성원경;강원남
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2007
  • We prepared four different $MgB_2$ films on $Al_2O_3$ by hybrid physical chemical vapor deposition method with thicknesses ranging from $0.65\;{\mu}m$ to $1.2\;{\mu}m$. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that all the $MgB_2$ films are c-axis oriented perpendicular to $Al_2O_3$ substrates. The superconducting onset temperature of $MgB_2$ films were between 39.39K and 40.72K. The residual resistivity ratio of the $MgB_2$ films was in the range between 3.13 and 37.3. We measured the angle dependence of critical current density ($J_c$) and resistivity, and determined the upper critical field ($H_{c2}$) from the temperature dependence of the resistivity curves. The anisotropy ratios defined as the ratio of the $H_{c2}$ parallel to the ab-plane to that perpendicular to the ab-plane were in the range of 2.13 to 4.5 and were increased as the temperature was decreased. Some samples showed increase of $J_c$ and decrease of resistivity when a magnetic field in applied parallel to the c-axis. We interpret this angle dependence in terms of enhanced flux pinning due to columnar growth of $MgB_2$ along the c-axis.

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다결정${(Fe,In,Eu)}_2O_3$계의 자기적 성질에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Magnetic Properties of Polycrystailine${(Fe,In,Eu)}_2O_3$)

  • 김정기;서정철;한은주;홍양기
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1991
  • 다결정${(Fe_{2}O_{3})}_{1-x-y}{(In_{2}O_{3})}_{x}{(Eu_{2}O_{3})}_{y}$(x=0.01, y=0.02과 x=0.02, y=0.03)의 자기적 성질을 X선 회절, $M\"{o}ssbauer$ 효과 방법과 자기이력 측정에 의해서 연구하였다. X선 회절결과는 이들 시료의 결정구조는 $\alpha-Fe_{2}O_{3}$와 같음을 보인다. 사중극자 분열과 평균 반폭치 분석으로부터 x=0.01과 y=0.02인 시료는 Morin 전이를 보이며, x=0.02와 y=0.03시료에서 반 강자성 벡타와 결정축[111]사이의 각은 온도의 증가에 따라 약 $35^{\circ}$로부터 (111) 평면에 놓이기 까지 변한다. 초미세 자기장의 온도 의존성은 스핀파 이론을 써서 분석하였다. 상온에서의 이성질체 이동값은 약 0.35mm/s로 이는 시료내의 철의 이온값은 $3^{+}$임을 의미하는 것이다. 이성질체 이동의 온도의존성은 Delbye모형을 써서 분석하였다.

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View Angle Emission Pattern in ITO-TPD-$Alq_3$-LiF-Al Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

  • Kim, Tae-Wan;Park, Clara
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2009년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.193-194
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    • 2009
  • This report makes an important correction to estimating angular dependent emission pattern of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs). Today, experiments on measuring angular light intensity of OLEDs are conducted without considering the difference between the view angle identified by photodiode and the actual angle being measured. ITO-TPD-$Alq_3$-LiF-Al Organic Light-Emitting Diode was used to find out the degree of the error. In this case, the difference in average was about $1^*$, which is highly significant. Since the difference varies from case to case, the need for adjustment must be evaluated for each case.

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귀금속(금, 은)-유리계의 젖음성과 부착성 (Wettability and Adhesion of Noble Metal (Au, Ag)-Glass Systems)

  • 김종희
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 1995
  • In order to estimate the wettability of the borosilicate glasses with different composition on the noble metals of gold and silver, the measurements of the contact angle between the solid and the liquid were made at various temperatures and holding times using the sessil-drop method. The wetting behavior and the adhesion of the phases were strongly influenced by the thermal or the physical characteristics of the materials. The dependence of wetting angle ($\theta$) on the holding time (t) could be represented by the relation of $\theta$=a.tb, whereby the wettability of the systems was quantitatively compared. Also with increasing content of borosilicate glass in the glass-gold matrix composite, the tensile strength was decreased whereas the elastic modulus was increased.

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Mixed-state Hall angle Hg-based superconducting thin films

  • Kim, Wan-Seon;Lee, Sung-Ik;Kang, Won-Nam
    • 한국초전도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국초전도학회 2000년도 High Temperature Superconductivity Vol.X
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 2000
  • The mixed-state Hall angle has been measured in Hg-based superconducting thin films as functions of magnetic fields (H) up to 18 T. The temperature dependence of the Hall angle shows a peak (T$^{\ast}$) at low temperature, which is consistent with a crossover point from the thermally activated flux flow (TAFF) to a critical region (CR). At low fields below 10 T, T$^{\ast}$ shifts to low temperature with increasing fields. Interestingly, however, we found that T$^{\ast}$ is independent of fields above 10 T, suggesting unusual vortex state. A physical implication of H - T$^{\ast}$ line will be discussed.

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Mixed-state Hall Angle in Hg-based Superconducting Thin Films

  • Kang, Won-Nam;Kim, Wan-Seon;Lee, Sung-Ik
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 2000
  • The mixed-state Hall angle has been measured in Hg-based superconducting thin films as functions of magnetic fields (H) up to 18 T. The temperature dependence of the Hall angle shows a peak (T*) at low temperature, which is consistent with a crossover point from the thermally activated flux flow (TAFF) to a critical region (CR). At low fields below 10 T, T* shifts to low temperature with increasing fields. Interestingly, however, we found that T* is independent of fields above 10 T, suggesting unusual vortex state. A physical implication of H-T* line will be discussed.

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