• 제목/요약/키워드: anatomy

검색결과 4,390건 처리시간 0.028초

Anatomy teaching in Saudi medical colleges- is there necessity of the national core syllabus of anatomy

  • Srinivasa Rao Bolla;Radi Ali Al Saffar
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2022
  • Curricular updates in medicine resulted in changes in gross anatomy teaching. We aim to find the trends and methods of gross anatomy teaching in medicine programs in Saudi Arabia. Further, examine whether the data would help to discuss whether a core Anatomy syllabus is required. A survey questionnaire based on the earlier studies, was sent to the anatomy faculty of 25 medical colleges to collect the data on the pedagogic and dissection/laboratory approaches, inclusion of radiological, clinical, surface anatomy sessions, and the total number of hours allocated for anatomy education. A total of 15 responses were received from different medical colleges of which nine provided complete details. A wide variation in the component and mode of delivery of anatomy was observed. The number of hours for the anatomy course ranged from 89 to 388 hours. These data will provide an update on gross anatomy teaching approaches, which will help in making informed decisions in course revisions and adopting the best practices. The variations in anatomy course with short duration raises concern about whether the essential learning outcomes are achieved to prepare a skillful and safe clinician? do we require a core syllabus of Anatomy to be adopted at the national level to achieve the essential learning outcomes? The Anatomical Society, UK has developed core syllabi of Anatomy for undergraduate medical, dental, nursing, and pharmacy students, which can serve as a guide in developing the core syllabus of Anatomy for medicine in Saudi.

Variability in the projection level of the vertebra prominens: a cadaveric study

  • Trifon Totlis;Andreas Sammer;Maria Piagkou;Konstantinos Natsis;Panagiotis-Konstantinos Emfietzis;Filippos Karageorgos;George Tsakotos;George Triantafyllou;Georg Feigl
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제57권3호
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    • pp.378-383
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    • 2024
  • The 7th cervical vertebra (C7) is described as having the most prominent spinous process (SP) and is characterized as the "vertebra prominens" (VP) of the cervical spine in anatomy textbooks. The VP is an important anatomical landmark of the neck for clinical examination and therapeutic intervention. The present study identifies the level of the most prominent SP of the cervical and uppermost thoracic vertebrae in a cadaveric cohort. Thirty-nine (23 female and 16 male) cadavers of a mean age of 77.5 years were investigated in a prone position and a certain cervical kyphotic bending. The most prominent SP, at the base of the neck, was palpated and marked with a wedging nail into the SP of the vertebra. The cervical region was dissected, and a blind investigator examined whether the nail was placed into the SP of C7 or the SP of another upper or lower vertebra. In 19 out of 39 cadavers (48.7%), the C7 was identified as the VP (typical anatomy), followed by the C6 (in 14 cadavers, 35.9%), C5 (in 4 cadavers, 10.3%). In 2 cadavers (5.1%) the first thoracic vertebra was identified as having the most prominent SP. Although C7 is described as the VP, in the present study the SP of C7 was the most prominent in less than 50%. The high variable projection level of the most prominent SP of the cervical vertebra holds great clinical significance for spine examination, neck surgery, and spinal anesthesia.

The clinical anatomy of the accessory submandibular gland: a comprehensive review

  • Andrea Yazbeck;Joe Iwanaga;Jerzy A. Walocha;Lukasz Olewnik;R. Shane Tubbs
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2023
  • An accessory submandibular gland is a rare variation. As such, there is limited literature regarding the embryology, anatomy, variations, clinical imaging, and pathology of the accessory submandibular gland. In this article, we review the existing literature on the accessory submandibular gland from clinical and anatomical perspectives. The goal of this review is to provide comprehensive knowledge of this variation which can be useful for oral and maxillofacial/head and neck surgeons, radiologists, and anatomists. Within this review, the embryologic origin as well as the anatomy of the accessory submandibular gland is detailed. Several imaging modalities which can be used to visualize the accessory submandibular gland are outlined as well as its variations. Lastly, this review investigates several reported clinical considerations regarding the accessory submandibular gland including sialoliths, Wharton's duct obstruction, and pleomorphic adenoma.

Surgical Anatomy of Temporalis Muscle Transfer with Fascia Lata Augmentation for the Reanimation of the Paralyzed Face: A Cadaveric Study

  • Yi Zhang;Johannes Steinbacher;Wolfgang J. Weninger;Ulrike M. Heber;Lukas Reissig;Erdem Yildiz;Chieh-Han J. Tzou
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2023
  • Background The temporalis muscle flap transfer with fascia lata augmentation (FLA) is a promising method for smile reconstruction after facial palsy. International literature lacks a detailed anatomical analysis of the temporalis muscle (TPM) combined with fascia lata (FL) augmentation. This study aims to describe the muscle's properties and calculate the length of FL needed to perform the temporalis muscle flap transfer with FLA. Methods Twenty nonembalmed male (m) and female (f) hemifacial cadavers were dissected to investigate the temporalis muscle's anatomy. Results The calculated minimum length of FL needed is 7.03cm (f) and 5.99cm (m). The length of the harvested tendon is 3.16cm/± 1.32cm (f) and 3.18/± 0.73cm (m). The length of the anterior part of the temporalis muscle (aTPM) is 4.16/± 0.80cm (f) and 5.30/± 0.85cm (m). The length of the posterior part (pTPM) is 5.24/± 1.51cm (f) and 6.62/± 1.03cm (m). The length from the most anterior to the most posterior point (aTPMpTPM) is 8.60/± 0.98cm (f) and 10.18/± 0.79cm (m). The length from the most cranial point to the distal tendon (cTPMdT) is 7.90/± 0.43cm (f) and 9.79/± 1.11cm (m). Conclusions This study gives basic information about the temporalis muscle and its anatomy to support existing and future surgical procedures in their performance. The recommended minimum length of FL to perform a temporalis muscle transfer with FLA is 7.03cm for female and 5.99cm for male, and minimum width of 3 cm. We recommend harvesting some extra centimeters to allow adjusting afterward.

A biceps-bicaudatus sartorius muscle: dissection of a variant with possible clinical implications

  • Konstantinos Natsis;Christos Koutserimpas;Trifon Totlis;George Triantafyllou;George Tsakotos;Katerina Al Nasraoui;Filippos Karageorgos;Maria Piagkou
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제57권1호
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    • pp.143-146
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    • 2024
  • The current cadaveric report describes an unusual morphology of the sartorius muscle (SM), the biceps-bicaudatus variant. The SM had two (lateral and medial) heads, with distinct tendinous origins from the anterior superior iliac spine. The lateral head was further split into a lateral and a medial bundle. The anterior cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve emerged between the origins of the lateral and medial heads. SM morphological variants are exceedingly uncommon, with only a few documented cases in the literature, and several terms used for their description. Although their rare occurrence, they may play an important role in the differential diagnosis of entrapment syndromes, in cases of neural compressions, such as meralgia paresthetica, while careful dissection during the superficial inter-nervous plane of the direct anterior hip approach is of utmost importance, to avoid adverse effects due to the altered SM morphology.