• 제목/요약/키워드: air flow field

검색결과 803건 처리시간 0.025초

공기청정기 회전 루버 각도에 따른 유동소음 변화에 관한 연구 (Study on the flow noise generated from the air-cleaner auto louver by changing angle)

  • 박진원;정윤영;전완호
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.1007-1010
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    • 2006
  • In order to optimize the rotating angle of the auto louver, the air-cleaner with turbo fan was numerical and experimentally analyzed . The noise generated from the auto louver was changed by modifying the installation angle of the louver. Flow field and flow noise were analyzed numerically by commercial tool SC/Tetra and FlowNoise S/W. Experiment was also done at anechoic chamber. From the numerical and experimental data, we can find the optimal rotating angle for auto louver of the air-cleaner.

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균일 난류 유동장내에서 연료입자의 퍼짐에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Dispersion of Fuel Particles in the Homogeneous Turbulent Flow Field)

  • 김덕줄;최연우
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.1330-1337
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    • 1994
  • This study is to predict the lateral dispersion of the particles with time in a vertical pipe. Particle is released downward and located in the center of a pipe through which stationary, homogeneous turbulent air is flowing. We assume that gas turbulence velocities have a Gaussian probability density distribution and the presence of particle is not to alter turbulent structures. Particle trajectory is computed by numerically integrating the particle Lagrangian equation of motion, with a random sampling to determine the fluctuating air velocity experienced by each particle, which considered inertia effect and crossing-trajectories effect. The result shows characterestics of particle dispersion according to flow field condition and droplet size by using the parameters and scales, which expressed characterestics of flow field and particle. Predictions agree reasonably with experimental data.

$10^{\circ}$상향분사된 혼합분류의 유동장 해석 (A Flow Field Analysis of Compound Jets Modified at a 10 Degree Upward Angle)

  • 박상규;이용호
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2000
  • A two phase compound jet, which mixes pulverized solid particles with the air in the test section, is experimentally analyzed in this study. Two phase flow is jetted 10 degree upward in the primary jet, while the secondary jet utilizes the air only. The height difference between the primary and secondary central axises is 32.5mm. The velocity vector field, concentration field, and turbulent properties of solid particles are measured by using 3-Dimensional Particles Dynamics Analyzer. When the jet angle of the secondary jet goes into effect, the solid particle recirculation zone becomes larger. Also, solid particle concentration becomes more dense due to a velocity decrement of particles.

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연료전지용 캐소드 공기블로어의 비정상 내부유동장 연구 (Unsteady Internal Flow Analysis of a Cathode Air Blower Used for Fuel Cell System)

  • 장춘만;이종성
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes unsteady internal flow characteristics of a cathode air blower, used for the 1 kW fuel cell system. The cathode air blower considered in the present study is a diaphragm type blower. To analyze the flow field inside the diaphragm cavity, compressible unsteady numerical simulation is performed. Moving mesh system is applied to the numerical analysis for describing the volume change of the diaphragm cavity in time. Throughout a numerical simulation by modeling the inlet and outlet valves in a diaphragm cavity, unsteady nature of an internal flow is successfully analyzed. Variations of mass flow rate, force and pressure on the lower moving plate of a diaphragm cavity are evaluated in time. The computed mass flow rate at the same pressure and rotating frequency of a motor has a maximum of 5 percent error with the experimental data. It is found that flow pattern at the suction process is more complex compared to that at the discharge process. Unsteady nature of internal flow in the cathode air blower is analyzed in detail.

초음속 습공기 유동에서 비정상 공동유동의 진동 (The Unsteady Cavity Flow Oscillation in Supersonic Moisture Air Stream)

  • 신춘식;이종성;김희동
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2008년도 제31회 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.341-344
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    • 2008
  • Numerical simulations have been carried out for a supersonic two-dimensional flow over open, rectangular cavities (length-to-depth ratios are L/D = 1.0) in order to investigate the effect of non-equilibrium condensation of moist air on supersonic flows around the cavity for the flow Mach number 1.83 at the cavity entrance. In the present computational investigation, a condensing flow was produced by an expansion of moist air in a Laval nozzle. The results obtained showed that in the case with non-equilibrium condensation for L/D = 1.0, amplitudes of oscillation in the cavity became smaller than those without the non-equilibrium condensation. Furthermore, the occurrence of the non-equilibrium condensation reduced the peaks of power spectrum density and the frequency of the flow field oscillation increased in comparison with the case of $S_0$ = 0.

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환형 이젝터 루프 내부의 이상유동특성 파악을 위한 수치해석 및 유동가시화 연구 (Numerical Analysis and Flow Visualization Study on Two-phase Flow Characteristics in Annular Ejector Loop)

  • 이동엽;김윤기;김현동;김경천
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2011
  • A water driven ejector loop was designed and constructed for air absorption. The used ejector was horizontally installed in the loop and annular water jet at the throat entrained air through the circular pipe placed at the center of the ejector. Wide range of water flow rate was provided using two kinds of pumps in the loop. The tested range of water flow rate was 100${\ell}$ /min to 1,000 ${\ell}$/min. Two-phase flow inside the ejector loop was simulated by CFD analysis. Homogeneous particle model was used for void fraction prediction. Water and air flow rates and pressure drop through the ejector were automatically recorded by using the LabView based data acquisition system. Flow characteristics and air bubble velocity field downstream of the ejector were investigated by two-phase flow visualization and PIV measurement based on bubble shadow images. Overall performance of the two-phase ejector predicted by the CFD simulation agrees well with that of the experiment.

Dynamic PIV를 이용한 커튼형 에어백 부품림 장치의 유동해석 (Dynamic PIV analysis of High-Speed Flow Ejected from the Inflator Housing of a Curtain-type Airbag)

  • 장영길;김석;이상준
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 유체기계공업학회 2006년 제4회 한국유체공학학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.407-408
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    • 2006
  • Passenger safety is one of the most important considerations in the purchase of an automobile. A curtain-type air bag is increasingly adapted in deluxe cars for protecting passengers from the danger of side clash. Inflator housing is a main part of the curtain-type air bag system for supplying high-pressure gases to pump up the air bag-curtain. Although the inflator housing is fundamental in designing a curtain-type air bag system, flow information on the inflator housing is very limited. In this study, we measured instantaneous velocity fields of a high-speed flow ejecting from the inflator housing using a dynamic PIV system. From the velocity field data measured at a high frame-rate, we evaluated the variation of the mass flow rate with time. From the instantaneous velocity fields of flow ejecting from the airbag inflator housing in the initial stage, we can see a flow pattern of broken shock wave front and its downward propagation. The flow ejecting from the inflator housing was found to have large velocity fluctuations and the maximum velocity was about 700m/s. The velocity of high-speed flow was decreased rapidly and the duration of high-speed flow over 400m/s was maintained only to 30ms. After 100ms, there was no perceptible flow.

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차내 환기구 형상변화에 대한 연구 (A Study ono the Type-Change of Automotive Register)

  • 김종원;윤종갑;배한;원성필
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제7권6호
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 1999
  • Nowadays since the automobile is regarded as the third living space, comfortable conditions are required in the passenger compartment. The customer's concern on air-conditioning/heating, ventilation and demisting/defrosting performances has been much increased. Both ventilation and demisting /defrosting performances are directly influenced by register location, shape of regist guide vane, ventilation flow rate, air distribution , and air circulation pattern. Diffuse plume of air from the register is desirable not only to maintain comfort when the comfort when the comfortable condition has been satisfied but to improve demisting /defrosting performance. In this study, experimental and numerical investigation about the flow field of six different register vane types were carried out , respectively. The numerical analysis, based upon the $textsc{k}$-$\varepsilon$ turbulence model , was applied to the air flow field. The results show that the shape of register guide vane should be considered as an important design paramter.

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엘리베이터 카 내부 기류분포에 관한 열 유동해석 (Thermal and Fluid Analysis on Air Distribution in a Elevator Car)

  • 정경택;이중섭
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the visualization of the flow field for air flow distributed in the car from the ventilation fan installed in the ceiling of the passenger elevator car through the numerical analysis using computational fluid dynamics. STAR-CCM+, which is a code used for the numerical analysis, was used to predict the airflow distribution inside the elevator car. The numerical analysis of the distribution of the air current in the elevator was carried out. As a result, the analysis results for each point and the visualization of the air current distribution and the temperature distribution in the elevator car and were obtained. It was found that heat transfer was actively occurring inside the car due to the influence of the flow field discharged from the ventilation vent installed in the ceiling in the elevator car, and especially the convection heat transfer of Model-2 was more active than that of Model-1. As a result, the temperature distribution inside the car was found to be relatively low. In addition, the temperature distribution at a cross-section of 1700mm height in the elevator car shows that Model-2 is the location of the ventilation vent which makes people feel more comfortable.

동시냉난방 시스템 에어컨의 냉매량 변화에 따른 고낙차 장배관 운전 신뢰성 평가 (Evaluation of the operating reliability on the concurrent heating-cooling system air conditioner for different refrigerant flow rates with high-head and long-line conditions)

  • 이승찬;김태안;태상진;정규하;문제명;김윤제
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2008
  • The heating and cooling performances of system multi-air conditioner for various refrigerant flow rates with high-head and long-line conditions are experimentally investigated. The maximum head and tube length were 110 m and 1000 m, and the two different adjustments of refrigerant flow rates were +20 % and -20 %, respectively. The experimental system was composed of 4 outdoor units with module systems, and 13 indoor units which were joined with the mode change unit by single-tube circuit. Field tests without indoor and outdoor temperature control were performed in a general office building with two different refrigerant flow rates. Especially, the oil level in the compressor was normally maintained at the safety zone. Experimental results were prepared on the p-h diagram.

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