• 제목/요약/키워드: adolescent cerebral

검색결과 28건 처리시간 0.031초


  • 신동원;육기환;전덕인;김경희;민성길;송동호
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구는 주의력결핍 과잉운동장애(ADHD) 남아에서 전형적인 중추신경자극제인 methylphenidate를 투여한 전후의 상태 간에 주의집중력을 요하는 과제를 수행하는 동안의 정량화 뇌파검사(Quantitative Encephalography;Q-EEG) 소견을 비교하였다. 이를 통하여 대뇌의 전기생리학적 활성도의 위치적 변화를 알아봄으로써 methylphenidate가 대뇌의 기능적 국소화에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상으로는 DSM-IV기준으로 ADHD로 진단된 $6{\sim}12$세의 남아 13명이었고, 단축형 Conners척도와 한국판 아동행동척도(Child Behavior Checklist;CBCL)을 포함한 임상평가를 하였다. 모든 대상에게 methylphe-nidate를 투여하기 전에 안정상태와 주의력과제인 TOVA(Test of Variables of Attention)를 수행하는 동안에 Q-EEG를 시행하였다. 그리고 1주일 후에 methylphenidate 0.7mg/kg을 1회 경구로 투여하고 1시간이 경과한 시점에서 안정상태와 활성상태에서 Q-EEG를 시행하여, 각 상태의 Q-EEG소견을 비교분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 안정상태에서는 약물을 투여한 전후 시기 간에 Q-EEG 소견의 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 활성상태에서는 약물투여 전에 비하여 약물투여 후의 뇌파소견 중 theta파와 beta파의 진폭 비율(theta/beta)이 대뇌 우측의 전두엽과 두정-후두엽부위, 좌측의 측두-두정엽에서 유의하게 증가하였다. 본 연구의 결과로 미루어 methylphenidate는 주의력과제를 수행하는 동안에 대뇌의 전기생리적인 활성도에 영향을 미침을 알 수있다. 특히 주의력과 관련되어 methylphenidate가 대뇌기능에 미치는 국소적 영향이 우측 전두엽과 두정-후두엽, 좌측 측두-두정엽에 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 중추신경자극제가 ADHD 환자에서 주의력 증진과 관련되어 대뇌기능의 국소적인 영향을 주는 약물임을 시사한다.

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  • 조수철;이명철;김자성
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1993
  • Tourette씨병과 만성틱장애는 7세 전후한 연령에서 가장 흔히 시작되는 소아 또는 청소년기의 행동장애로서 서로 밀접한 관련성을 가지고 있으며, 또한 유전적인 경향이 아주 강한 질환들로 알려져 있다. 원인으로서도 여러가지 가설이 있으나 뇌의 기능 또는 기질적인 장애로 인하여 발병될 가능성도 클 것으로 추정되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 이 질환들의 생물학적인 원인들 중 일부를 살펴보기 위하여 단일광자방출 전산화단층촬영술을 시행하고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 31.0%(13/42)에서 대뇌피질의 혈류감소 소견을 보였으며, 전두엽이 가장 흔한 혈류 이상 소견을 보인 부위였다.2) 4.8%(2/42)애서 대뇌기저핵의 혈류에 감소를 나타내었다. 3) 4.8%(2/42)에서 시상부의 혈류감소가 관찰되었다. 4) 16.7%(7/42)에서 소뇌의 혈류감소가 관찰되었다. 5) 주의력결핍과잉운동장애가 동반된 군과 동반되지 않은 군간에 혈류장애의 빈도에 있어서의 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 6) Tourette씨병과 만성틱장애에 있어서, 혈류장애가 동반된 빈도에 있어서의 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 이상의 걸과로 미루어 Tourette씨병과 만성틱장애의 생물학적인 원인중의 하나로 뇌혈류장애와 관계가 있을 가능성이 있으며, 뇌혈류의 정도를 정량화시키거나, 또는 자기공명영상과 같은 방법을 병행하여 연구를 시행함으로써, 본 연구의 타당성을 높여줄 수 있으리라 기대된다.

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사춘기 여성들의 월경경험 (Menstrual Experience of Adolescent Girls)

  • 정현숙
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 1996
  • Studies on menstruation have focused only on menstruation itself and menstrual disorders. The menstruating girls or women have been neglected. So, the purpose of this study was to understand menstrual experience of adolescent girls in their perspective and build a theory on it, The specific purpose of this study were to find initial reaction of the girls, their strategies to adapt to menstruation. consequences of their efforts, influencing factor, and patterns of experience. The subjects of this study were eleven adolescent girls who experienced menarche three months to twenty-six months before the interview time. They were selected purposively. Their ages were in range of twelve and sixteen. One of them was a elementary school girl, three high school girls, and seven middle school girls. Two girls were handicapped because of cerebral palsy. All of them had some knowledge about menstrual physiology and hygiene during menstruation. Data were collected from September, 1994 to July, 1995. Data collection & analysis were done according to the grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1990). Data collecting method was the long interviews and observation. Each interview took from 1 hour to 2 hours. Interview were tape-recorded and transcribed later by author. Data were analyzed immediately after interviews. Based on the results of previous interview, next interview were planned until gathered data reached the saturation point. Results were as follows. One hundred and six concepts were found. Those concepts were grouped into twenty eight categories and then fourteen higher categories. Twenty eight categories were as follows. “want to hide”, “bewildered”, “sense of burden”, “sense of heterogeneity”. “gladness”. “sense of superiority”, “negative empathy”, “positive empathy”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “lack of knowledge”, “lack of support”, “advance knowledge”, “informational support”, “emotional support”, “endurance”, “prayer”, “disclosing”, “avoidance”, “diversion”, “sense of powerlessness”, “discovery of sex identity”, “sense of maturation”, “sense of stability”, “acceptance of menstruation ”. fourteen higher categories were as follows. “negative feeling”, “posive feeling”, “exchange of feeling”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “accumulated experience”, “dysmenorrhea”, “level of knowledge”, “need for support”, “perceived support”, “sharing of feeling”, “self-control”, “passive acceptance”, “active acceptance”. The core category was “emotional shaking”, which consisted of “positive feeling” and “negative feeling”. “Emotional shaking”comes up to every adolescent girls experiencing menarche, independently of any contextual conditions, and its dimension has two directions : positive one and negative one. Its influencing factors were time of menarche, advance knowledge, support from the significant persons, expression and self-regulation. Even if they showed different process of adaptation to menstruation, general process of adaptation were as follows : 1. stage of emotional shaking 2. stage of acceptance 3. stage of internalization of the menstrual experience. Seven patterns existed on the process of adaptation to menstruation after menarche. Those are as follows. 1. If girls thought their menarche came too early and they had not much knowledge on menstruation, they had a kind of negative feeling. If they did not get enough support and dysmenorrhea superimposed, they came to accept menstruation passively. 2. If girls had menarche too early. they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge. But support helped them accept menstruation easily. 3. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. But by experiencing subsequent menstruations and disclosing feeling, they began to accept menstruation. 4. If girls had menarche too lately and they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. they had positive feeling. If dysmenorrhea superimposed later, their feeling turned in to negative one. But they came to accept menstruation positively by disclosing feeling and getting support. 5. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. In addition to this. if dysmenorrhes superimposed while they did not get enough support, they felt powerless and came to accept menstruation passively. 6. If girls had menarche too early and did not get enough advance knowledge, they had negative feeling. But disclosing feeling and support made them get sense of homogeneity and began to accept menstruation. 7. If girls had handicap, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge and menarche was late. But Menarche made them get feel sexual identity. Their limited hygenic control and negative empathy from their mothers made them accept menstruation passively. To let adolescent girls take their menstrual experience as a part of their lives forming a positive sense of feminine identity, it needs qualified teaching and, support and deep concern of the significant others. Nurses including school nurses should try to develop an educational program, which include menstrual physiology. hygiene during menstrual period, meaning of menstruation and impact of menstruation on the development of female sexual identity.

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  • 조수철;이명철;문대혁
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1990
  • 주의력결핍 ${\cdot}$ 과잉운동장애는 학령전기 또는 학령기에서 가장 흔히 발견되는 질환들 중의 하나로서 학령기아동의 악 $3{\sim}20%$ 의 아동이 이 질환을 앓고 있는 것으로 평가되고 있다. 이 질환의 원인에 대하여는 유전적인 소인, 사회환경적인 요인등 여러주장들이 있어 왔으나, 임신 전후한 합병증이 많다는 연구, 신경학적인 검사에서 이상소견이 많이 발견된다는 보고, 납중독과의 관련설, 어머니의 술중독과 관련이 있다는 주장등은 환경적인 요인보다는 기질적인 요인이 작용하고 있을 가능성을 시사해준다 이에 본 연구는 '주의력결핍 ${\cdot}$ 과잉운동장애'와 관련있는 뇌의 부위를 연구하기 위하여 '단일광자방출전산화단층촬영'을 시행하여, 30.4%(14/46)에서 혈류의 감소가 있었음을 발견하였다. 이상소견이 발견된 뇌의 부위는 대뇌피질, 시상부, 실부회백질, 기저핵, 소뇌등 일정하지는 않았다. 정신병리와의 관계에서는 이상소견이 나타난 군에서 심한 장애를 보였으며, 특히 과잉운동. 언어 소운동부분에서의 차이가 뚜렸하였다. 이러한 결과에 기반을 두어 '주의력결핍과잉운동장애'는 크게 뇌의 혈류장애가 있는 군과 없는 군의 두군으로 대별할 수가 있으며, 향후의 연구에서는 보다 많은 대상군을 선정하여, 정확한 뇌의 부위를 발견하기 위한 노력을 기울여야 한다.

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  • 신의진;유영훈;육기환;노경선;송동호;이호분
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.256-265
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    • 1997
  • 전반적발달장애 환자와 발달성언어장애 환자의 뇌혈류량의 분포를 조사하여 각 질환의 국소적 뇌기능의 특성을 알아보고자 한다. 14명의 전반적발달장애 환자와 13명의 발달성언어장애 환자를 대상으로 뇌 technetium-99m-EDC SPECT를 촬영하여 2명의 핵의학 전문의가 판독하고, 대뇌의 측두엽, 두정엽, 기저핵, 시상, 소뇌를 관심 영역(region of interest)으로 하여 뇌혈류량을 양적으로 측정하여 양군을 비교한다. 뇌 SPECT 소견상 전반적발달장애와 발달성언어장애에서 모두 측두엽, 두정엽, 기저핵, 시상, 소뇌의 혈류량의 감소를 보였고, 혈류량을 양적으로 측정한 결과, 상기부위의 혈류량이 전반적발달장애군과 발달성언어장애군에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이는 전반적발달장애와 발달성언어장애는 뇌기능의 특정 국소부위의 이상이 아니고, 대뇌피질과 피질하부위의 신경발달-신경연결(interneural connection)-상의 이상에 의한 질환이며, 두 질환이 스펙트럼장애일 가능성을 시사한다.

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장애 아동 및 청소년에게 가상현실(VR) 기반 작업치료 중재가 미치는 영향: 체계적 고찰 (Effect of Virtual Reality-based Occupational Therapy Interventions for Disabled Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review)

  • 김만제;길영숙;강셋별;이재신
    • 대한감각통합치료학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 2023
  • 목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 장애 아동 및 청소년에게 적용한 가상현실(Virtual Reality; VR) 기반 작업치료 중재의 효과와 적용 방법에 대해서 체계적으로 분석하고자 한다. 연구방법 : 2012년 1월부터 2022년 8월까지 RISS, DBpia, KCI, Science direct, CINAHL MEDLINE에서 문헌을 검색하였다. 주요 검색용어로 '가상현실', '작업치료', '아동', '청소년', 'Virtual Reality', 'Occupational Therapy', 'Child', 'Adolescent'을 사용하였다. PRISMA의 Flowchart 4단계를 거쳐 총 16편의 문헌을 분석 대상으로 선정하였다. 결과 : 선정된 16편의 연구에서 장애 아동 및 청소년에게 사용된 VR 기반 작업치료 중재가 유의미한 효과를 보였다. 중재 대상자는 뇌성마비 유형 중 편마비 아동을 대상으로 한 연구가 가장 많았으며, 효과 측정에 사용된 평가도구는 일상생활활동, 인지, 운동기술, 사회적-상호작용기술, 시-지각 평가이었다. 중재 도구로는 Nintendo Wii와 Microsoft Kinect가 운동기술 및 일상생활 향상을 위하여 가장 많이 사용되었다. 결론 : 본 연구를 바탕으로 향후에는 장애 아동 및 청소년의 진단과 중재목적에 맞는 VR 도구 선택과 구체적인 방법의 제시를 통하여 VR중재가 임상에서 더욱 효과적으로 사용될 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

강에서 발생한 익수 환자의 경추손상 위험도 (The Risk of Cervical Spine Injuries among Submersion Patients in River)

  • 김석환;최경호;최세민;오영민;서진숙;이미진;박규남;이원재
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Recently, the American Heart Association recommended that routine cervical spine protection in submerged patients was not necessary, except in high-energy injury situations. However, until now, this recommendation has few supportive studies and literatures. This retrospective study was performed to demonstrate the risk of cervical spine injury in patients who had been submerged in a river. Methods: Seventy-nine submerged patients who visited St. Mary's Hospital between January 2000 and December 2005 were included in this retrospective study. We investigated and analyzed the victim's age, sex, activity on submersion, mental status and level of severity at admission, prognosis at discharge, associated injuries, and risk group by using the medical records and cervical spine lateral images. According to the activity on submersion, victims were classified into three groups: high risk, low risk, and unknown risk. The reports of radiologic studies were classified into unstable fracture, stable fracture, sprain, degenerative change, and normal. Results: The patients' mean age was 36.8 yrs, and 54% were males. Of the 79 patients, adult and adolescent populations (80%) were dominant. Jumping from a high bridge (48%) was the most common activity on submersion and accounted for 52% of the high-risk group. The Glasgow coma scale at admission and the cerebral performance scale at discharge showed bimodal patterns. The results of the radiologic studies showed one stable fracture, one suspicious stable fracture, and 18 sprains. The incidence of cervical spine fracture in submerged patients was 2.5% in our study. The incidence of cervical spine injury was higher in the high-risk group than it was in the low-risk group, especially in the jumping-from-high-bridge subgroup; however this observation was not statistically significant. No other factors had any significant effect on the incidence of cervical spine injury. Conclusion: Our study showed that even submerged patients in the high risk group had a low incidence of cervical spine fracture and that the prognosis of a patient did not seem to be influenced by the cervical spine fracture itself.

소아과(小兒科) 외래(外來) 환자(患者)의 주소증(主訴症) 및 허약아(虛弱兒)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (An Observation of the Chief Complint and a Weak Child of Prediatric outpatinets)

  • 신지나;신원규
    • 대한한방소아과학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2000
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate the new effective oriential medicine tretments in pediatric disease and its clinical applicability The study was composed of 1245 new patients who had been treated at the all unit in the Dong-Seo oriential Medicine Hospitial for 1 year, from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000, and aged between 0 and 18 years. The chief complaint was mainly categorized by oral examination on patients and their care-givers. Result 1. The numbers of children who involved in this study is total 1245: Male children are 668 and female children are 577 children. The sex rate between male and female is 1.15 to 1. 2. Most of the above patients came to the hospital at first time from diseases such as musculoskelectal disease, weakness, asthma, cough, anorexia, common cold, rhiorrhea, sweating, dyspepsia, dematitis, night terror, obesity, stomach, short stature, Besides, they also came to the hospital at first time from various diseases such as epistasxis, pyrexia. Bell's palsy, nocturia, contipation, cerebral palsy, disorder, CVA. diarrhea. stress disease, Allergic disease, Tic disorder. Visual disorder, Kawasaki disease, Pierre Robin's syndrom, hematuria, edema and so on. 3. Looking at the frequent diseases, Respiratory dis. children including asthma, cough, rhiorrhea, sweating, common cold, pyrexia covers 36%, in 399 numbers. digestive dis. children including anorexia, dyspepsia, stomach, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion covers 19%, in 211 numbers. cadiovasculary disease children including arrthymia, terror in frequency, night crying, sediation, Tic disorder covers 8%, in 85 numbers. Hepatobiliary disease children including short stature, dizziness, visual difficulty, sprain, disorder of nail covers 21%, in 238 numbers. renal disease. children including nocturia, hematuria, hemation, disorder of hair, menorrhea, cerebral palsy, edema in 44 numbers. Fatigue children covers 13%. in 143 numbers. 4. In case of respatory disease children. total number is 399 children. dematitis children are 108 numbers and asthma children are 96 numbers. These show that children seem to the best have dematitis and asththma. The age from 0 to 6 is 290 numbers, covering 73 percentage. The others are covering 27 percentage. These data demonstrate that the age from 0 to 6 age could easily get these kinds - of diseases. The 29 percent of children had these kinds of diseases in spring. The 28 percent of children had these kinds of diseases in autumn. These show that children seem to frequently have these kinds of diseases in both spring and autumn season.(inter-season) 5. In case of digestive disease, anorexia covers 39%, in 83 numbers, dyspepsia covers 28%, in 59 numbers, anorexia and dyspepsia were the lagest group in digestive disease and the age from 0 to 6 covers 59%, in 125 numbers and the other age covers 39%. According to these data, infant seems to be vulnerable to these kinds of diseases. The 24 percent of children had these kinds of diseases in spring and summer. The 33 percent of children had these kinds of diseases in winter, which means that children mostly had winter. but decreased significant in autumn. 6. In case of cadiovasculary diseases, it can be divided into two categories: night covers 73% and nervous characteristics covers 27%. The age from 0 to 6 occupies 75%, and the other age occupies 25%. These data also show that infants can easily infected with these kinds of diseases. Analyzing by the season, summer could be the most frequent season that children have these kinds of diseases. but decreased in autumn. 7. In case of hepatobiliary children, sprains covers 166 numbers, fatigue covers 32 numbers, epistasxia covers 24 members, the reasion which sprain occupyied most of % were sprain covered ages. The age from 0 to 14 covers 59% and from 15 to 18 covers 41%. In the conclusion the adolescent seems to be vulnerable to sprains. In spring 29%, insummer 31%, in autumn 23%, and in winter 28% of children got these kinds of diseases, which show that children seems to have this kinds of disease in summer season. and decreased in autumn. 8. In case of renal disease. nocturia and hematuria covers 52%(occupied overhalf). The age from 0 to 6 covers 52%(occupied overhalf). Analyzing by season, in spring increased in summer(59%), decreased in autumn(45%) Conclusion 1. The chief complant in pediatric diseases that needed an oriental medical tretment was mainly the disease that tends to take iong time and the weakness. and appeared frequency in respiratory disease : 2. The oriential medical tretment was still preferred as a way to improve the weakness by patients, rather than a way to overcome their disease. In paticular, the study shows that the oriental medical tretment should be emphasized in terms of preventing the disease 3, The new disease, which were developed with the change of human life and envir oment(just like seual disorder, short stature, obesity, dynamic disorder, examinee disease), should be in vestigated as a new field of oriental medical tretment.

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