• Title/Summary/Keyword: acidity

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An Analysis of Long-term Trends in Precipitation Acidity of Seoul, Korea (서울지역 강수 산성도의 장기적인 경향분석)

  • 강공언;임재현;김희강
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1997
  • Precipitation samples were collected by the wet- only event sampling method from Seoul during September 1991 to April 1995. These samples were analyzed for the concentrations of the major ionic components (N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ , N $O_2$$^{[-10]}$ , S $O_4$$^{2-}$, C $l^{[-10]}$ , $F^{[-10]}$ , N $a^{+}$, $K^{+}$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, and N $H_4$$^{+}$), pH, and electric conductivity. During the study period, a total of 182 samples were collected, but only 163 samples were used for the data analysis via quality assurance of precipitation chemistry data. The volume-weighted pH was found to be 4.7. The major acidifying species from our precipitation studies were identified to be non-seasalt sulfate (84$\pm$9 $\mu$eq/L) and nitrate (24$\pm$2 $\mu$eq/L) except for chloride. Because the Cl/Na ratio in the precipitation was close to the ratio in seawater. If all of the non-seasalt sulfate and nitrate were in the form of sulfuric and nitric acids, the mean pH in the precipitation could have been as low as 3.7 lower than the computed value. Consequently, the difference between two pH values indicate that the acidity of precipitation was neutralized by alkaline species. The equivalent concentration ratio of sulfate to nitrate was 3.5, indicating that sulfuric and nitric acids can comprise 78% and 22% of the precipitation acidity, respectively. Analysis of temporal trend in the measured acidity and ionic components were also performed using the linear regression method. The precipitation acidity generally showed a significantly decreasing trend, which was compatible with the pattern of the ratio (N $H_4$$^{+}$+C $a^{2+}$)/ (nss-S $O_4$$^{2-}$+N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ ).).

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Investigation of the Effect of Solution Acidity and Organic Additives on the Electrodeposition of Trivalent Chromium Ions (3가크롬 이온의 전착 반응에 용액 산도 및 유기물 첨가제가 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Yul;Van Phuong, Nguyen;Kang, Dae-Keun;Kim, Man;Kwon, Sik-Chol
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2010
  • The effect of solution acidity and organic additives, polyethylene glycol (PEG), on the trivalent chromium electroplating was systematically investigated in the view point of electroreduction of trivalent chromium ions and solution stability. It was found that solution acidity controlled at pH 2.5 showed the widest current range for bright electrodeposits in the presence of PEG additives, which reduced the local current intensification at high current densities. Through complex interaction between PEG additives and hydrogen ion, that is, solution acidity, electrode potential was moved in the negative direction in the bulk solution, while it shifted in the positive when electric potential was scanned. In conjunction with electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), it was found that PEG additives had a role in promoting the electron transfer to trivalent chromium ion complexes in bulk solution and their adsorption at the electrode surface as well as interfering with hydrogen ion reduction process below pH 2.5. The PEG additives developed the nodular morphology during electroreduction of trivalent chromium ions with the increase of solution acidity and enhanced its current efficiency by maintaining the consumption of complexant, formic acid, at low speed.

Extracellular acidity enhances tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-mediated apoptosis via DR5 in gastric cancer cells

  • Hong, Ran;Han, Song Iy
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2018
  • The tumor microenvironment greatly influences cancer cell characteristics, and acidic extracellular pH has been implicated as an essential factor in tumor malignancy and the induction of drug resistance. Here, we examined the characteristics of gastric carcinoma (GC) cells under conditions of extracellular acidity and attempted to identify a means of enhancing treatment efficacy. Acidic conditions caused several changes in GC cells adversely affecting chemotherapeutic treatment. Extracellular acidity did inhibit GC cell growth by inducing cell cycle arrest, but did not induce cell death at pH values down to 6.2, which was consistent with down-regulated cyclin D1 and up-regulated p21 mRNA expression. Additionally, an acidic environment altered the expression of atg5, HSPA1B, collagen XIII, collagen XXAI, slug, snail, and zeb1 genes which are related to regulation of cell resistance to cytotoxicity and malignancy, and as expected, resulted in increased resistance of cells to multiple chemotherapeutic drugs including etoposide, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, cisplatin, oxaliplatin and 5-FU. Interestingly, however, acidic environment dramatically sensitized GC cells to apoptosis induced by tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Consistently, the acidity at pH 6.5 increased mRNA levels of DR4 and DR5 genes, and also elevated protein expression of both death receptors as detected by immunoblotting. Gene silencing analysis showed that of these two receptors, the major role in this effect was played by DR5. Therefore, these results suggest that extracellular acidity can sensitize TRAIL-mediated apoptosis at least partially via DR5 in GCs while it confers resistance to various type of chemotherapeutic drugs.

Measurement of Aerosol Acidity ($H^+$) in Ambient Air (대기중의 산성도(H+) 측정)

  • 이학성
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1995
  • To collect and evaluate an aerosol acidity ($H^+$) in ambient air, the cyclone/annular denuder/filter pack sampling system (ADS) was used. Aerosol acidity was collected in Chicago using the ADS for 81 12-hr samples divided in spring/summer/fall 1990 and winter 1991. This study illustrated that the ADS was suitable for measuring aerosol acidity. The $10^{-5}N$ $HCIO_4$ extraction solution for pH determination provided more reliable scale than $10^{-4}N$ HClO4. NH3 should be removed prior to particle collection to accurately measure $H^+$ concentration on the filter. There was seasonal variation in aerosol acidity concertrations. Aerosols were more acidic in the summer. High correlations between $SO_4^{2+} and$NH_4^+$, and between TEX>$SO_4^{2+}$H^+$ were observed during the entire sampling period.

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Effects of Gibberellin Application and Bagging on Ripening and Quality in 'Delaware' Grape Berries (Delaware 포도에서 Gibberellin 처리와 봉지씌우기가 과립의 성숙과 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 최주수;박영도
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.342-346
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    • 1997
  • This experiment was carried out to clarify the effects of gibberellin(GA) aplication and bagging on repeening and quality in 'Delaware' grape berries. Treatments are 4 plots(2X2 factorial experiment); GA, GA+bagging, bagging and control. The clusters were dipped twice in 100 ppm GA with GA treatment : 10 days before and after the full bloom. The results obtained as follows: 1. GA treatment made the seedless grape berry reduced in the fresh weight but it hastened the ripening period about 2 weeks. 2. Total soluble solid(TSS), viscosity and pH value of berry juice increased with maturation. The concentration of TSS and viscosity were higher in GA treatment plot than GA non-treatment. 3. Berry-hardness, titratable acidity and alcohol inslouble solid(AIS) decreased with maturation. Expically berry-hardness and AIS decreased more greatly in GA non-treatment than GA treatment. 4. The concentration of anthocyanin increased with ripening but pectic substance didn't fluctuate nearly. These of anthocyanin and pectin were higher in GA non-treatment plot than GA treatment. 5. By analysis of factorial experiment GA treatment was highly significant with the $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio, juice viscosity and AIS, but high negatively, significant with berry-hardness and berry fresh weight. And it was significant with T S S and negatively, titratable acidity. Bagging was significant with $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio and AIS content, but negatively, titratable acidity. 6. Qualitative characters were high correlated with the $^{o}$Brix/Acidity ratio in simple correlation but direct effect by the path-coefficient analysis didn't coincide with simple correlation. The direct effect of pH was large and juice viscosity, the next. And that of berry-hardness was negligible but, AIS, small negatively.

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Varietal Difference of Germination, Fat acidity, and Lipoxygenase Activity of Rice Grain Stored at High Temperature (벼 고온저장시 발아율, 지방산도 및 Lipoxygenase 활성의 품종간 차이)

  • Kim, Ki-Young;Lee, Gun-Mi;Noh, Kwang-Il;Ha, Ki-Yong;Son, Ji-Young;Kim, Bo-Kyeong;Ko, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Chung-Kon
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the germination rate, fat acidity and lipoxygenase activity of brown rice after storage of 6 and 12 weeks at high temperature ($35^{\circ}C$) with fifteen Korean and two Japanese rice varieties. Germination rate in rough rice and palatability value in cooked rice by rice taster were lower with longer storage period, while protein content, fat acidity, and lipoxygenase activity in brown rice were higher with longer storage period. Fat acidify was negatively correlated with germination rate. However fat acidity was positively correlated with lipoxygenase activity. Seventeen varieties were classified into two groups on the basis of germination rate, fat acidity and lipoxygenase activity after 12 weeks' storage at high temperature; Group I including eleven varieties of Odaebyeo, Sangmibyeo, Unkwangbyeo, Ilpumbyeo, Nampyeongbyeo, Ilmibyeo, Donganbyeo, Jungsanbyeo, Koshihikari, Hitomebore and Chucheongbyeo showed high germination rate, low fat acidity and low lipoxygenase activity, while Group II including six varieties of Sindongjinbyeo, Hoanbyeo, Gyehwabyeo, Daeyabyeo, Hopyeongbyeo, and Dongin 1 showed lower germination rate, high fat acidity and high lipoxygenase activity.

Andic Properties of Major Soils in Cheju Island II. Electric Charge Characteristics (제주도(濟州島) 대표토양(代表土壤)의 Andic 특성(特性)에 관한 연구 II.전하특성(電荷特性))

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Yoo, Sun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 1991
  • Electric charge characteristics of volcanic ash soils in Cheju Island were investigated. For this study, soils of toposequence distributed along the sourthern slope of Mt. Halla, and the major soil groups such as dark brown soils, very dark brown soils, black soils, and brown forest soils were collected and analyzed for extratable acidity, KCl ext. Al, CEC, base saturation, permanent charge and variable charge, etc.. Weolpyeong and Yongheung soils developed on the lower elevations have high $NH_4OAc$ ext. bases, permanent charge and base saturation, and relatively low ext. acidity, CEC and variable charge. For other soils, whose colloidal fractions are dominated by allophane or Al-humus complexes, ext. acidity, CEC, variable charge, and variable charge ratio were very high, and $NH_4OAc$ ext. bases, permanent charge, and base saturation were very low. These trends were especially prominant in the surface. horizons of black soils and brown forest soils dominated by Al-humus complexes. Ext. acidity, CEC($NH_4OAc$), CEC(sum of cations), and variable charge strongly correlated with pyrophosphate ext. carbon. Very dark brown soils and cinder cone soils dominated by allophane showed low KCl ext. Al and relatively high pH, despite their very low base saturation.

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  • Hwang, I.G.;Noh, S.H.;Lee, H.Y.;Yang, S.B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2000
  • Since the SSC(soluble solid contents) and titratable acidity of fruit are highly concerned to the taste, the need for measuring them by non-destructive technology such as NIR(Visual and Near-infrared) spectroscopy is increasing. Specially, in order to grade the quality of each fruit with a sorter at sorting and packing facilities, technologies for online measurement satisfying the tolerance in terms of accuracy and speed should be developed. Many researches have been done to develop devices to measure the internal qualities of fruit such as SSC, titratable acidity, firmness, etc. with the VIS(Visual)/NIR(Near Infrared) reflectance spectra. The distributions of the SSC, titratable acidity, firmness, etc. are different with respect to the position and depth of fruit, and generally the VIS/NIR light can interact with fruit in a few millimeters of pathlength, and it is very difficult to measure the qualities of inner flesh of fruit. Therefore, to measure the average concentrations of each quality factor such as SSC and titratable acidity with the reflectance-type NIR devices, the spectra of fruit at several positions should be measured. Recently, the interest about the transmittance-type VIS/NIR devices is increasing. NIR light can penetrate through the fruit about 1/10-1/1,000,000 %. Therefore, very intensive light source and very sensitive sensor should be adopted to measure the transmitted light spectra of intact fruit. The ultimate purpose of this study was to develop a device to measure the transmitted light spectra of intact fruit such as apple, pear, peach, etc. With the transmittance-type VIS/NIR device, the feasibility of measurement of the SSC and titratable acidity in intact fruit cultivated in Korea was tested. The results are summarized as follows; A simple measurement device which can measure the transmitted light spectra of intact fruit was constructed with sample holder, two 500W-tungsten halogen lamps, a real-time spectrometer having a very sensitive CCD array sensor and optical fiber probe. With the device, it was possible to measure the transmitted light spectra of intact fruit such as apple, pear and peach. Main factors affecting the intensity of transmitted light spectra were the size of sample, the radiation intensity of light source and the integration time of the detector. Sample holder should be designed so that direct light leakage to the probe could be protected. Preprocessing method to the raw spectrum data significantly influenced the performance of the nondestructive measurement of SSC and titratable acidity of intact fruit. Representative results of PLS models in predicting the SSC of peach were SEP of 0.558 Brix% and R2 of 0.819, and those in predicting titratable acidity were SEP of 0.056% and R2 of 0.655.

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Quality Comparison of Commercial Cider Vinegars by Their Acidity Levels (시판 사과식초의 산도에 따른 품질특성 비교)

  • Jo, Deokjo;Park, Eun-Joo;Kim, Gui-Ran;Yeo, Soo-Hwan;Jeong, Yong-Jin;Kwon, Joong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.699-703
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    • 2012
  • The quality of commercial cider vinegars was compared according to their acidity levels (low, general, double strength and triple strength). The pH, reducing sugar content and brown color intensity decreased, while the total acidity increased with the increasing acidity levels, which may be resulted from difference in formulation and manufacturing procedures. The free sugars were mainly composed of fructose and glucose, which were the highest in low acidity vinegar, followed by double strength, general, and triple strength acidity vinegars. Acetic acids and malic acids were identified as the major organic acids. The citric acid concentration was the highest in triple strength vinegars. The contents of total phenolics and flavonoids were the highest in low acidity vinegars, which indicated their dependence on the apple juice content. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities were the highest in low acidity vinegars, that showed high amounts of antioxidants.

Acidity and Adsorption Mechanism of Solid Acid (固體酸의 酸性度와 吸着메카니즘에 관한 硏究)

  • Kwun, Oh-Cheun
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 1965
  • Korean acid clays and Japanese acid clay were 1 N KCl solution and then their acidities were determined by measuring pH of the filtrates produced. And on examining the effect of neutral salt solution, such as KCl, NaCl, $BaCl_2,\;Pb(NO_3)_2\;and\;CuSO_4$, on the acidity, it was found that the effect decreased in order mentioned above and this situation proved to be in accord with Lyotrope series, i.e., the order of $K^+>Na^+>Ba^{++}>Pb^{++}>Cu^{++}.$ And after adsorbing cation, $Al_2O_3\;and\;Fe_2O_3$ which dissolved out of acid clay were measured, with the result that the amounts dissolved out were nearly proportional to acidity. This result accords with Kobayashi and Yamamoto's theory that the cause for acidity of clays is due to the fact that HCl which is formed initially by exchange of cation reacts with solid clay, and then chlorides dissolved out bring about hydrolysis, then resulting in the second formation of HCl. On measuring the rate which acid clay adsorbed dye in aqueous solution of basic and acid dyes, it was found that acid dye had no relation to acidity, and though it was not adsorbed by acid clay, the adsorption rate of basic dye was proportional to acidity. After adsorbing basic dye, pH was proportional to both acidity of solid acid and its adsorption rate of dye. Hence, it was concluded that the adsorption of basic dye was in accord with adsorption mechanism of neutral salt. This study led to find the acidic cause of solid acid and its adsorption mechanism of dye in aqueous solution.

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