• 제목/요약/키워드: acidity

검색결과 3,639건 처리시간 0.029초

Impaired Autophagic Flux in Glucose-Deprived Cells: An Outcome of Lysosomal Acidification Failure Exacerbated by Mitophagy Dysfunction

  • Eun Seong Hwang;Seon Beom Song
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제46권11호
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    • pp.655-663
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    • 2023
  • Autophagy dysfunction is associated with human diseases and conditions including neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic issues, and chronic infections. Additionally, the decline in autophagic activity contributes to tissue and organ dysfunction and aging-related diseases. Several factors, such as down-regulation of autophagy components and activators, oxidative damage, microinflammation, and impaired autophagy flux, are linked to autophagy decline. An autophagy flux impairment (AFI) has been implicated in neurological disorders and in certain other pathological conditions. Here, to enhance our understanding of AFI, we conducted a comprehensive literature review of findings derived from two well-studied cellular stress models: glucose deprivation and replicative senescence. Glucose deprivation is a condition in which cells heavily rely on oxidative phosphorylation for ATP generation. Autophagy is activated, but its flux is hindered at the autolysis step, primarily due to an impairment of lysosomal acidity. Cells undergoing replicative senescence also experience AFI, which is also known to be caused by lysosomal acidity failure. Both glucose deprivation and replicative senescence elevate levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting lysosomal acidification. Mitochondrial alterations play a crucial role in elevating ROS generation and reducing lysosomal acidity, highlighting their association with autophagy dysfunction and disease conditions. This paper delves into the underlying molecular and cellular pathways of AFI in glucose-deprived cells, providing insights into potential strategies for managing AFI that is driven by lysosomal acidity failure. Furthermore, the investigation on the roles of mitochondrial dysfunction sheds light on the potential effectiveness of modulating mitochondrial function to overcome AFI, offering new possibilities for therapeutic interventions.

Extracellular acidity-induced expression of Kallikrein-related peptidases 7 and 8 is involved in increased invasiveness of gastric cancer cells

  • Sung‑Chul Lim;Keun Hong Kee;Mi Ja Lee;Ran Hong;Song Iy Han
    • Oncology Reports
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    • 제43권5호
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    • pp.1705-1713
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    • 2020
  • In several cancers, the acidic microenvironment of cancer cells has been implicated in enhanced malignancy and metastasis. In the present study, it was observed that gastric cancer cell lines, SNU601 and AGS, exposed to an acidic medium had increased invasiveness, as assessed using Matrigel-coated Transwell analysis. The factors regulating such acidity-mediated enhancement of invasiveness were investigated and it was revealed that a low-pH environment markedly increased kallikrein-related peptidase 7 (KLK7) and kallikrein-related peptidase 8 (KLK8) expression. Gene silencing assays confirmed that these peptidases were involved in acidity-promoted invasion. Acidic conditions also increased the expression of cyclooxygenases (COX), key regulatory enzymes in the catalytic pathway of prostaglandin production. Notably, these enzymes appeared to be involved in the acidity-mediated expression of KLK7 and KLK8, as revealed using COX inhibitors. Therefore, it was indicated that tumor invasion enhancement by extracellular acidity is regulated at least in part through the induction of the COX/KLK7 and KLK8 axis in gastric cancer cells.

재료를 달리한 김치의 발효중 미생물학적 및 화학적 변화 (Microbial and Chemical Changes of Kimchies Containing Different Ingredients During Fermentation)

  • 유영균
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 1996
  • Population changes of aerobic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria and changes of pH, acidity, and total sugar content were creased from initial period of fermentation. Lactic acid bacteria Increased during the first one nay rapidly and thereafter they creased slowly thereafter. Acidity increased on the third day of fermentation. Acidity was very low In Kimchi containing both Total sugar content decreased gradually from initial period to late period of fermentation.

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서울지역 입자의 수분함량 및 강산성도 예측 (Estimation of water content and strong acideity of ambient particles in Seoul)

  • 김진영;김용표;심상규;문길주;천만영;김희강
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1995
  • Water content and strong acidity are estimated for ambient particles measured between Fall, 1991 and Summer, 1992 in Seoul using a gas/aerosol equilibrium model, called SCAPE. Particle water content and formation of solid species are closely related to ambient relative humidity and ionic concentrations. Generally, water content of particles is high during the night and summer. Estimated particle strong acidity level of Seoul is similar to that of Los Angeles, U.S.A. Acidity of wet and dry depositions in Seoul is discussed.

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Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Non-Invasive Measuring of Internal Quality of Apple Fruit

  • Sohn, Mi-Ryeong;Park, Woo-Churl;Cho, Rae-Kwang
    • Near Infrared Analysis
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 2000
  • In this study, we investigated the feasibility of non-destructive determination of internal quality factors of Fuji apple fruit using near infrared(NIR) reflectance spectroscopy and developed the calibration models. As the reference methods, refractometer, titration and texture analyzer for sugar content, acidity and firmness were used, respectively. Samples were scanned from 1100∼2500nm with InfraAlyzer 500C spectrometer and SESAME software was used for data analysis. A multiple linear regression(MLR) analysis was performed to develop the calibrations. The correlation coefficient(R) and standard error of prediction(SEP) were as follows; 0.91, 0.41$^{\circ}$Brix for sugar content, 0.90, 0.04% for acidity and 0.84, 0.094 kg for firmness, respectively. This study shows that NIR spectroscopy can be used to evaluate the sugar content acidity and firmness of apple fruit with acceptable accuracy.

오징어 먹즙 첨가에 따른 저염 오징어 젓갈의 적정산도 및 유리아미노산의 변화 (The Changes of Titrable Acidity and Free Amino Acids in Low Salt Fermented Squid Affected by Adding to Squid Ink)

  • 오성천
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.517-525
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    • 2011
  • Squid ink was added to the low salt fermented squid by 4% of concentration and ripened at $10^{\circ}C$ for 6 weeks and at $20^{\circ}C$ for 28 days. The effect of the squid ink on the titrable acidity and free amino acids of low salt fermented squid were investigated. The results are as follows; The titrable acidity in the salt fermented squid without addition of the squid ink was continuously decreased except for the salt fermented squid with 9% salt content till the latter stage of the ripening, had larger decreasing range than treatment groups. Seeing the composition of free amino acid, the major amino acids are proline, arginine, glutamic acid. leucine and glycine.

Characterizations of Membrane for Water Treatment: Surface Charge Analysis by Electrophoresis and Acidity Measurements

  • Yongki Shim;Lee, Sangyoup;Moon, Seung-Hyeon;Jaeweon Cho
    • Korean Membrane Journal
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.56-59
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    • 2000
  • The surface charge properties of a polymeric NF and a ceramic UF membranes were characterized in terms of zeta potential and acidity. Both the negative zeta potential and acidity values increased as pH increases due to ionizable acidic functional groups. Increased ionic strength reduced the acidity of the negatively-charged membrane surface as anticipated. Through these results, it can be envisioned are used to reject solutes with ionizable functional groups. Fouling of the negatively-charged membrane with natural organic matter (NOM) having a negative charge density was also investigated with respect to the surface charge. The surface charge of the NF membrane increased negatively when greater NOM adsorption onto the membrane surface occured.

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프락토올리고당이 숙성 중인 김치의 산도와 맛에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Fructooligosaccharide on the Acidity and Taste during Kimchi Fermentation)

  • 인만진;채희정
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2004
  • 프락토올리고당(fructooligosaccharide, FOS)의 첨가가 숙성 중인 김치의 산도와 맛에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. FOS를 첨가한 경우 설탕을 첨가한 경우에 비하여 숙성 중의 김치의 pH와 산도 변화에 큰 영향을 주지 않았다 또한 FOS가 1%의 농도로 첨가된 김치는 신맛이 덜하고 전체적인 맛도 우수한 것으로 나타났으며 이취의 발생도 억제되었다.

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알루미늄 조리기구에서 산성조미료와 조리조건이 알루미늄 용출에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Acid Condiment and Cooking Condition on Aluminum Dissolution from Aluminum Cookware)

  • 김명선;한재숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2000
  • Effect of aluminum dissolution from aluminum sauce pans with the kind and concentration of acidity, boiling times and temperature of acidity solution, in new and old sauce pans, and aluminum content in typical food was investigated. As acetic acid concentration increases, aluminum content has increased. But malic acid and citric acid have suddenly increased until acidity concentration would be 0.4%. After that rapidly increasing is not shown. As boiling time and temperature of acidity solution increases, concentration of aluminum dissolved from aluminum sauce pan has increased. Concentration of aluminum by repeated use has increased only a slightly. But aluminum content has dissolved in large quantities from new pan rather than old pan.

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