• Title/Summary/Keyword: acid/base two-step catalyzed

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.02초

Microwave Assisted Energy Efficient Biodiesel Production from Crude Pongamia pinnata (L.) Oil Using Homogeneous Catalyst

  • Kumar, Ritesh;Sethy, A.K.
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2015
  • Microwave assisted biodiesel production from crude Pongamia pinnata oil using homogeneous base catalyst (KOH) was unsuccessful because of considerable soap formation. Therefore, a two step process of biodiesel production from high free fatty acid (FFA) oil was investigated. In first step, crude P. pinnata oil was acid catalyzed using $H_2SO_4$ and acid value of oil was reduced to less than 4 mg KOH/g. Effect of sulfuric acid concentration, alcohol-oil molar ratio and microwave irradiation time on acid value of oil was studied. Result suggested that 1.5% $H_2SO_4$ (w/w), 6:1 methanol oil molar ratio and 3 min microwave irradiation time was sufficient to reduce the acid value of oil from 12 and 22 mg KOH/g to 2.9 and 3.9 mg/KOH/g, respectively. Oil obtained after pretreatment was subsequently used for microwave assisted alkali catalyzed transesterification. A higher biodiesel yield (99.0%) was achieved by adopting two step processes. Microwave energy efficiency during alkali catalyzed transesterification was also investigated. The results suggested a significant energy saving because of reduced reaction time under microwave heating.

Methyltrimethoxysilane을 이용한 반사방지 코팅막의 성능 향상 (Improvement of Performance of Anti-reflective Coating Film Using Methyltrimethoxysilane)

  • 금영섭;김효섭;박주식;김영호
    • 공업화학
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.400-405
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    • 2015
  • Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS)를 전구체로서 이용하여 제조된 기존의 반사방지(AR; anti-reflective) 코팅막은 대부분 수분을 쉽게 흡수할 뿐만 아니라 낮은 내마모성을 갖는다. 본 연구에서는 AR 코팅막의 투과율, 소수성 및 내마모성을 향상할 목적으로 전구체로서 methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS)를 사용하고 불소 실란, 산 촉매, 염기 촉매 및 산-염기 2단계 촉매를 첨가하여 다양한 AR 코팅막을 제조하였다. 제조된 AR 코팅막은 UV-Vis, 접촉각 측정기, AFM, 연필경도 및 부착성 시험을 통해 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 경화온도가 $300^{\circ}C$일 때 코팅되지 않은 유리 기판의 투과율은 90.5%인 반면, AR 코팅된 유리 기판의 투과율은 94.8%로 증가하였다. 불소 실란을 첨가한 경우, 소수성이 크게 향상되었음을 나타내듯이 AR 코팅막 표면에서의 접촉각은 $96.3^{\circ}$에서 $108^{\circ}$까지 증가하였다. AR 코팅막의 내마모성은 산 촉매에 의해 향상되었으며, 그것의 투과율은 염기 촉매에 의해 증가하였다. 산-염기 2단계 촉매 반응에 의해 제조한 AR 코팅막의 경우, 상승 효과에 의해 촉매의 도입 없이 제조된 AR 코팅막과 비교하여 투과율 및 내마모성이 향상되었다.

중성 및 알카리성수용액에서 Cupferron 의 전극환원메카니즘 (Mechanism of the Electrode Reduction of Cupferron in Neutral and Alkaline Media)

  • 황금소;황정의
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.32-55
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    • 1975
  • The ammonium salt of N-Nitrosophenylhydroxiamine, namely Cupferron, is a well-known analytical reagent which precipitates a great number of metal ions in acid medium. Various structures of electrode reduction for N-Nitrosophenylhydroxiamine have been suggested in acid and alkaline media by many researchers, but not in neutral medium. So the mechanism of electrode reaction of Cupferron was investigated by both chronopotentiometric and polarographic methods. It was estimated that the reduction of Cupferron occurs in a three-step mechanism through which a chemical step is interposed between two charge transfer, the ECE (charge transfer-chemical reaction-charge transfer) mechanism, over a range of neutral and alkaline media. The chemical reaction of the process was assumed to be acid-base catalyzed from the fact that kapp (over all rate constant) of chemical reaction is pH dependent.

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Identification of Amino Acid Residues Involved in Feedback Inhibition of the Anthranilate Synthase in Escherichia coli

  • Kwak, Joon-Hyeok;Hong, Kwang-Won;Lee, Sung-Haeng;Hong, Jin-Han;Lee, Se-Yong
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.20-24
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    • 1999
  • The first step of the branch pathway in tryptophan biosynthesis is catalyzed by anthranilate synthase, which is subjected to feedback inhibition by the end product of the pathway. The $trpE^{FBR}$ gene from a mutant Escherichia coli strain coding for anthranilate synthase that was insensitive to feedback inhibition by tryptophan has been cloned. To identify the amino acid changes involved in the feedback regulation of anthranilate synthase, the nucleotide sequence of the mutant $trpE^{FBR}$ gene was determined. Sequence analysis of the $trpE^{FBR}$ gene revealed that four bases were changed in the structural gene while alteration was not found in the 5' control region. Among these base changes, only two base substitutions caused the alterations in amino acid sequences. From the results of restriction fragment exchange mapping, the 61st nucleotide, C to A substitution, that changed $Pro^{21}{\rightarrow}Ser$ was identified as the cause of the desensitization to feedback inhibition by tryptophan. Additional feedback-resistant enzymes of the E. coli anthranilate synthases were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis to examine the effect of the $Ser^{40}\;{\rightarrow}\;Arg^{40}$ change found in the $trpE^{FBR}$ gene of Brevibacterium lactofermentum. From the feedback inhibition analysis, the $Pro^{21}{\rightarrow}Ser$ and $Ser^{40}{\rightarrow}Arg$ mutants maintained about 50% and 90% of their maximal activities, respectively, even at the extreme concentration of 10 mM tryptophan. From these results, we suggest that the $Pro^{21}$ and $Ser^{40}$ residues are involved in the tryptophan binding in the E. coli enzyme.

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Theoretical Evaluation of the Electrophilic Catalyses in Successive Enolization and Reketonization Reactions by Δ5-3-Ketosteroid Isomerase

  • Park, Hwang-Seo;Seh, Jung-Hun;Lee, Sang-Youb
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.837-845
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    • 2002
  • Based on ab initio calculations at the MP2(FULL)/6-31+G**//RHF/6-31G** level, we compare the energetic and mechanistic features of a model reaction for catalytic action of Δ?-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSL,E.C.5.3,3.1) with those of a corresponding nonenzymatic reaction in aqueous solution. The results show that the two catalytic acid residues,Tyr14 and Asp99, can lower the free energy of activation by 8.6kcal/mol, which is in good agreement with the experimentally predicted~9 kcal/mol,contribution of electrophilic catalyses to the whole enzymatic rate enhancement. The dienolate intermediate formed by proton transfer from the substrate carbon acid to the catalytic base residue (Asp38) ins predicted to be stabilized by 12.0 kcal/mol in the enzymatic reaction, making its formation thermodynamically favorable. It has been argued that enzymes catalyzing the reactions of carbon acids should resolve the thermodynamic problem of stabilizing the enolate intermediate as well as the kinetic porblem of lowering the free energy of activation for porton abstraction. We find that KSI can successfully overcome the thermodynamic difficulty ingerent in the nonenzymatic reaction through the electrophilic catalyses of the two acid residues. Owing to the stabilization of dienolate intermediate, the reketonization step could influence the overall reaction rate more significantly in the KSI- catalyzed reaction than in the nonenzymatic reaction, further supporting the previous experimental findings. However, the electrophilic catalyses alone cannot account for the whole catalygic capability (12-13 kcal/mol), confiming the earlier experimental implications for the invement of additional catalytic components. The present computational study indicates clearly how catalytic residues of KSI resolve the fundamental problems associated with the entropic penalty for forming the rate-limiting transition state and its destabilization in the bulk solvation environment.

PEI(Polyethyleneimine)를 이용하여 음이온계 레진에 고정화된 Lipase AH 제조 및 효소적 Interesterification을 통한 반응 특성 연구 (Immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia Lipase on Weak Base Styrene Resin Using Polyethyleneimine with Cross-linking)

  • 이치우;이기택
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제43권7호
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    • pp.1025-1035
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 polyethyleneimine(PEI)을 이용하여 음이온계 레진에 비 고정화 효소인 lipase AH(Burkholderia cepacia)를 고정화한 후 효소적 interesterification을 통해 고정화 효소의 반응 특성을 확인하고자 하였다. 효소적 interesterification에 canola oil, palmitic ethyl ester와 stearic ethyl ester를 기질로 사용하였으며 합성물의 TAG 조성 분석을 통해 특성 연구를 진행하였다. 또한 두 가지 고정화방법(multi layer, mono layer)으로 고정화를 진행하였으며 사용된 lipase solution의 농도와 pH를 달리하여 실시하였다. 먼저 효소와 support 간의 친화력을 확인하기 위하여 단백질 함량을 측정하였다. 그 결과 고정화에 사용된 lipase solution의 농도가 8 mg/mL일 때 친화력이 좋았으며 MUIM의 경우 pH 7.5에서, MOIM의 경우 pH 8.0에서 고정화 효율이 가장 좋았다. 또한 고정화 효소의 활성을 확인하기 위하여 interesterification을 진행하였고 TAG와 sn-2 position 분석을 통하여 활성을 비교하였다. 이러한 결과를 참고하여 가장 친화력이 좋았던 조건에서 고정화를 진행하였다. 그 결과 MUIM의 경우 total saturated fatty acid(${\Sigma}SFA$)의 함량이 16.79 area%였으며 MOIM의 경우는 ${\Sigma}SFA$의 함량이 26.17 area%로 나타났다. 반면에 sn-2 position 분석결과 MUIM과 MOIM 모두 palmitic acid와 stearic acid의 함량이 증가한 경향을 나타내었는데, 이는 기존의 sn-1, 3 특이성을 가지는 lipase AH가 고정화를 통해 무작위 특이성으로 변화한 것으로 생각되었다. 또한 RP-HPLC를 이용하여 TAG의 조성을 확인한 결과, 기질은 canola oil이 주로 OOO와 LOO로 조성되었으나 고정화 효소의 interesterification 반응 후 합성물은 주로 POO/SLO, LPO/LOP와 SOO, SOS 등으로 이루어진 것으로 확인되었다. 위와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 최종 생산된 MUIM과 MOIM을 이용하여 interesterification 반응을 온도, 시간을 달리하여 진행하였다. 전체적으로 MOIM의 활성이 가장 높았으며 lipase AH, MOIM과 MUIM 모두 반응시간이 증가할수록 ${\Sigma}SFA$의 함량은 증가하였으나 12시간 이후로는 시간대비 효율은 크게 증가하지 않았다. 또한 시간이 증가함에 따라 sn-2 position의 ${\Sigma}SFA$ 함량이 높아졌다. 한편 반응온도가 높을수록 ${\Sigma}SFA$의 함량도 증가하였는데, 이는 상온인 $25^{\circ}C$보다 높은 melting point를 가지는 stearic ethyl ester와 palmitic ethyl ester가 semi solid 형태로 존재하여 활성이 저해된 것으로 생각된다. 또한 lipase AH는 재사용이 불가능하였지만 고정화 효소인 MUIM과 MOIM은 5번을 재사용하여도 그 효소의 활성이 유지되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 음이온계 레진에 PEI를 이용하여 lipase AH를 고정화하였을 경우 비 고정화 효소인 lipase AH보다 MUIM과 MOIM의 활성이 더 높아 산업적으로 이용 가능할 것으로 생각된다.