• Title/Summary/Keyword: ability to use Internet

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Assessing the Differences in Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability between Young and Aging Consumers to use the Internet

  • Nam, Su-Jung;Kim, Ju-Ran
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2011
  • This study examines the motivation, opportunity, and ability in the use of the internet by comparing young and aging consumers in the essential infrastructure of an information oriented society. Previous studies have conducted surveys about using computers and the internet instead of measuring the digital divide by using multilateral approaches; however, this study examines digital divide in terms of motivation, opportunity, and ability. Results suggested age, gender, and education level influenced motivation, opportunity, and ability in the use of the internet by consumers; in addition, the motivation and ability were different depending on occupation. The results show that the digital divide was mainly influenced by motivation and ability in offering a difference between the two groups of young and aging consumers, This study contributes to illuminate the differences between young and aging consumers to use the internet and to suggest implications in the perspectives of motivation, opportunity, and ability.

An Analysis of the Moderating Effects of User Ability on the Acceptance of an Internet Shopping Mall (인터넷 쇼핑몰 수용에 있어 사용자 능력의 조절효과 분석)

  • Suh, Kun-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2008
  • Due to the increasing and intensifying competition in the Internet shopping market, it has been recognized as very important to develop an effective policy and strategy for acquiring loyal customers. For this reason, web site designers need to know if a new Internet shopping mall(ISM) will be accepted. Researchers have been working on identifying factors for explaining and predicting user acceptance of an ISM. Some studies, however, revealed inconsistent findings on the antecedents of user acceptance of a website. Lack of consideration for individual differences in user ability is believed to be one of the key reasons for the mixed findings. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and several studies have suggested that individual differences in ability plays an moderating role on the relationship between the antecedents and user acceptance. Despite the critical role of user ability, little research has examined the role of user ability in the Internet shopping mall context. The purpose of this study is to develop a user acceptance model that consider the moderating role of user ability in the context of Internet shopping. This study was initiated to see the ability of the technology acceptance model(TAM) to explain the acceptance of a specific ISM. According to TAM. which is one of the most influential models for explaining user acceptance of IT, an intention to use IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use. Given that interaction between user and website takes place through web interface, the decisions to accept and continue using an ISM depend on these beliefs. However, TAM neglects to consider the fact that many users would not stick to an ISM until they trust it although they may think it useful and easy to use. The importance of trust for user acceptance of ISM has been raised by the relational views. The relational view emphasizes the trust-building process between the user and ISM, and user's trust on the website is a major determinant of user acceptance. The proposed model extends and integrates the TAM and relational views on user acceptance of ISM by incorporating usefulness, ease of use, and trust. User acceptance is defined as a user's intention to reuse a specific ISM. And user ability is introduced into the model as moderating variable. Here, the user ability is defined as a degree of experiences, knowledge and skills regarding Internet shopping sites. The research model proposes that the ease of use, usefulness and trust of ISM are key determinants of user acceptance. In addition, this paper hypothesizes that the effects of the antecedents(i.e., ease of use, usefulness, and trust) on user acceptance may differ among users. In particular, this paper proposes a moderating effect of a user's ability on the relationship between antecedents with user's intention to reuse. The research model with eleven hypotheses was derived and tested through a survey that involved 470 university students. For each research variable, this paper used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context. The reliability and validity of the research variables were tested using the Crobnach's alpha and internal consistency reliability (ICR) values, standard factor loadings of the confirmative factor analysis, and average variance extracted (AVE) values. A LISREL method was used to test the suitability of the research model and its relating six hypotheses. Key findings of the results are summarized in the following. First, TAM's two constructs, ease of use and usefulness directly affect user acceptance. In addition, ease of use indirectly influences user acceptance by affecting trust. This implies that users tend to trust a shopping site and visit repeatedly when they perceive a specific ISM easy to use. Accordingly, designing a shopping site that allows users to navigate with heuristic and minimal clicks for finding information and products within the site is important for improving the site's trust and acceptance. Usefulness, however, was not found to influence trust. Second, among the three belief constructs(ease of use, usefulness, and trust), trust was empirically supported as the most important determinants of user acceptance. This implies that users require trustworthiness from an Internet shopping site to be repeat visitors of an ISM. Providing a sense of safety and eliminating the anxiety of online shoppers in relation to privacy, security, delivery, and product returns are critically important conditions for acquiring repeat visitors. Hence, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, trust should be a fundamental determinants of user acceptance in the context of internet shopping. Third, the user's ability on using an Internet shopping site played a moderating role. For users with low ability, ease of use was found to be a more important factors in deciding to reuse the shopping mall, whereas usefulness and trust had more effects on users with high ability. Applying the EML theory to these findings, we can suggest that experienced and knowledgeable ISM users tend to elaborate on such usefulness aspects as efficient and effective shopping performance and trust factors as ability, benevolence, integrity, and predictability of a shopping site before they become repeat visitors of the site. In contrast, novice users tend to rely on the low elaborating features, such as the perceived ease of use. The existence of moderating effects suggests the fact that different individuals evaluate an ISM from different perspectives. The expert users are more interested in the outcome of the visit(usefulness) and trustworthiness(trust) than those novice visitors. The latter evaluate the ISM in a more superficial manner focusing on the novelty of the site and on other instrumental beliefs(ease of use). This is consistent with the insights proposed by the Heuristic-Systematic model. According to the Heuristic-Systematic model. a users act on the principle of minimum effort. Thus, the user considers an ISM heuristically, focusing on those aspects that are easy to process and evaluate(ease of use). When the user has sufficient experience and skills, the user will change to systematic processing, where they will evaluate more complex aspects of the site(its usefulness and trustworthiness). This implies that an ISM has to provide a minimum level of ease of use to make it possible for a user to evaluate its usefulness and trustworthiness. Ease of use is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the acceptance and use of an ISM. Overall, the empirical results generally support the proposed model and identify the moderating effect of the effects of user ability. More detailed interpretations and implications of the findings are discussed. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide directions for future research.

The Change of Family Relations by the Internet Use of Housewives. - Focused on the Intimacy among Family Members and the Equality between Couples - (주부의 인터넷사용으로 인한 가족관계의 변화 - 가족원간의 친밀감과 부부간 평등성을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ah;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.329-343
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of family relations following the Internet use of housewives. The survey was performed on-line and off-line. 582 housewives who used the Internet at home gave valid responses to the questionnaire. The findings of tills study were as follows. First, after having started using the Internet, housewives felt that intimacy among family members has increased while the level of equality between couples unchanged. Second, the change in intimacy among family members has significant differences according to family adaptability and family cohesion. Whether or not other family members used the Internet also affected the intimacy among family members. Third, the change in equality between couples depended on their ability to use the Internet. This suggested that the ability to use the Internet was the core element to an equality. The results of this research suggested several implications for the public policy.

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The Effect of Internet Use on the Changes in Family Systems

  • Lee Hyunah;Lee Kiyoung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 2004
  • The introduction of the Internet in homes had an effect on family systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in family systems due to Internet use in South Korea. This study classified the types of changes in the family systems and analyzes the characteristics of each type. Systems approach provides the theoretical framework for this study. First, the cluster analysis demonstrated the three types of the changes in the family subsystems due to housewives' Internet use: 'positive changes', 'negative changes', and 'no changes'. Second, there are different characteristics among the types of changes according to demographic, Internet-related, and intra-system dynamic factors. These results suggest several implications for public policy. To utilize the Internet as a useful tool to improve the quality of family life, housewives must have the ability to control the Internet use and to manage their resources. In order to enhance their abilities of using the Internet, it may be necessary for the government to provide public educational programs for housewives.

A Study of Home Informatization and it′s Effect on the Family Resource Management - focused on the Internet Use- (가정정보화와 이로 인한 가정자원관리의 변화에 대한 연구 - 인터넷사용을 중심으로 -)

  • 이기영;이현아
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of home informatization on the family resource management. For this purpose we analyze the level of home informatization focused on the Internet use and it's effects on the family resource management through time management and financial management. Data were collected from 582 housewives who use the Internet at home. The results show that home informatization through the Internet use has changed family resource management totally. It contributes to improve planning and efficiency of resource management, but simultaneously it causes the imbalance of resource management. And the Internet use of housewives also affects time allocation and household expenditure. These changes depend on socio-demographics variables, home informatization related variables, and personal resource variables. The results show that the ability to manage time and finance have much more importance to improve the level of planning and efficiency and to decrease the level of imbalance in managerial subsystem. The results of this research suggest several implications for public policy.

Identifying Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction of Elderly Adults in the ICT Era

  • Moon-Yong Kim
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2024
  • The present research investigates the factors influencing the elderly adults' life satisfaction in the era of information and communication technology (ICT). Specifically, we examine whether the elderly individuals' digital literacy skills (i.e., ability to use PCs, ability to use mobile devices, and ability to distinguish information) and perceptions (i.e., perceived usefulness of digital technology, self-efficacy in using digital devices, and social interaction) predict their life satisfaction. To answer the research question, we performed a hierarchical multiple regression analysis using the elderly Korean adults aged 55 or older. The results indicate that (1) females (vs. males) are more satisfied with their life; (2) the higher individuals' age, education and monthly household income, the higher their life satisfaction; and (3) their perceived usefulness of digital technology, self-efficacy in using digital devices, social interaction, and ability to distinguish information are positively associated with life satisfaction. The findings provide important implications to enhance life satisfaction of the elderly adults in the ICT era.

The comparative effectiveness and evaluation study of user groups of the various web search tools (다양한 형태의 웹 탐색도구의 이용자집단간 비교효용성 및 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 박일종;윤명순
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.87-114
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is offering appropriate system and training program to helf the system designer and the trainer in addition to analyze information use behavior about the web search tools and evaluate the estimated system by user groups. The results of the study are as follows $\circledS1$ It is desirable to consider age than other demographic variables in the case of web search tool. $\circledS2$ It is desirable to design Directory Search Tool in the case of web search tool which serves the student user group. $\circledS3$ An Intelligent Search Tool is more appropriate for the students who are using keyword search tool than any other tools. $\circledS4$ A discussion about standard classification of the web information should be accomplished soon because users feel confused in using web search tools due t o absence of standard mode of classification about classified item. $\circledS5$ Librarians need the cognition about data on internet s a source of information and need positive service and user training program about these information because student users hardly get help from librarians or library orientation for learning method to use web search tool. $\circledS6$ Internet use experience and years of computer use had effect on their use ability when using web search tool, whereas computer use experience, library use experience and Online Public Access Catalogs (OPAC) use experience had no effect on it. Especially, OPAC use experience had no effect on use ability of web search tool of student user group because student user groups had no information about internet and web search tool and they did not recognized the difference about search method between web search tool and OPAC. $\circledS7$In the case of web search tool, it si important to index the increasing web resource automatically by a searching robot. But in the case of student users, web search tool is much more needed to index by index expert due to the absence of ability about selecting and combining keyword.

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Development and Validation of a Digital Literacy Scale in the Artificial Intelligence Era for College Students

  • Ha Sung Hwang;Liu Cun Zhu;Qin Cui
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.2241-2258
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    • 2023
  • This study developed digital literacy instruments and tested their effectiveness on college students' perceptions of AI technologies. In creating a new digital literacy test tool, we reviewed the concept and scale of digital literacy based on previous studies that identified the characteristics and measurement of AI literacy. We developed 23 preliminary questions for our research instrument and used a quantitative approach to survey 318 undergraduates. After conducting exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, we found that digital literacy in the age of AI had four ability sub-factors: critical understanding, artificial intelligence social impact recognition, artificial intelligence technology utilization, and ethical behavior. Then we tested the sub-factors' predictive powers on the perception of AI's usefulness and ease of use. The regression result shows that the most common powerful predictor of the usefulness and ease of use of AI technology was the ability to use AI technology. This finding implies that for college students, the ability to use various tools based on AI technology is an essential competency in the AI era.

The Characteristics of Internet Addiction Subtypes and the Effects of Internet Addiction in College Students (대학생의 인터넷중독유형에 따른 특성과 인터넷중독의 영향)

  • 이현아
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2004
  • The abuse of the internet creates the problem of ′Internet Addiction′ in the lives of college students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics and effects of ′Internet Addiction′ in college students. Data was gathered by in-depth interviews with 13 college students who use the internet addictively. The internet addictive group was divided into three subtypes:internet game addicts, personal relation addicts and majors in computer science. There were many characteristic differences among the internet addict subtypes in internet use, and psycho-social traits, such as self-efficacy, impulsiveness, and time management ability. The effects of "Internet Addiction" in the lives of college students were divided into five categories: emotional problems, physical problems, family relationship problems, friendship problems, and schoolwork problems. This study suggests some implications on developing programs for managing and schoolwork problems. This study suggests some implications on developing programs for managing and preventing "Internet Addiction."

A Study on the Effects of Daily Living Disorder and Self-Regulation Ability Disorder on Internet Game Addiction (일상생활지장과 자아조절능력지장이 인터넷게임중독에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Ahn, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Seong-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2020
  • Since the revision of the ICD-11 of the WHO, the level of social discourse on internet game use disorders has been increasing. However, existing studies have mixed terms and causal relationships with game use disorder or game addiction. This study was conducted with high school students aged 16 to 18, focusing on internet game addiction. As a result of the analysis, the greater the obstacles to daily life and self-regulation, the higher the risk of falling into internet game addiction. This study has a significance in reestablishing the causal relationship of Internet game addiction.