• Title/Summary/Keyword: ZONATION

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3D Reconstruction of Internal Zonation in Zircon (저어콘의 내부 누대구조의 3차원적 복원기법)

  • Kim, Sook Ju;Yi, Keewook
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2014
  • A series of the planar cathodoluminescence (CL) and backscattered-electron (BSE) images of magmatic zircon from the Paleozoic Yeongdeok pluton in the southeastern Korean Peninsula were taken using a scanning electron microscope for a 3D reconstruction of internal zonation of zircon. Seven zircon crystals mounted in epoxy were serially polished with average $3{\mu}m$ thickness to their disappearance. Their 3D reconstruction of zonation was performed using the Volume Viewer function in the ImageJ software. The 3D oscillatory zoning pattern of zircon was apparently shown in all the analyzed crystals. This method can further be applied to zircon crystals of multiple growth histories as well as other geological materials.

Seismic Zonation of Site Period at Daejeon within Spatial GIS tool (공간 GIS 기법을 활용한 대전 지역 부지 주기의 지진 구역화)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Shin, Jin-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.563-574
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    • 2008
  • Most of earthquake-induced geotechnical hazards have been caused by the site effects relating to the amplification of ground motion, which are strongly influenced by the local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated GIS-based information system for geotechnical data, called geotechnical information system (GTIS), was constructed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake-induced hazards at an urban area, Daejeon, which is represented as a hub of research and development in Korea. To build the GTIS for the area of interesting, pre-existing geotechnical data collections were performed across the extended area including the study area and a walk-over site survey was additionally carried out to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. For practical application of the GTIS used to estimate the site effects at the area of interesting, seismic microzoning map of the characteristic site period was created and presented as regional synthetic strategy for earthquake-induced hazards prediction. In addition, seismic zonation for site classification according to the spatial distribution of the site period was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site in the study area. Based on the case study on seismic zonations at Daejeon, it was verified that the GIS-based GTIS was very useful for the regional prediction of seismic hazards and also the decision support for seismic hazard mitigation.

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Application of Numerical Methods in the Zonation and Correlation of Four Late Quaternary Pollen Data from lows (수치분석의 도식화를 통한 제사기 화분자료의 분대 및 대비)

  • Hyung Keun Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 1989
  • This paper presents examples of the computer-aided zonation and correlation of pollen data from the Late-glacial to Holocene stratigraphic sequences at four sites in central Iowa, U.S.A. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient matrix and first four components of Principal components analysis plotted in a stratigraphic order are combined to provide an excellent zonation of the pollen data at each site. Correlation of the four pollen sequences are conducted by Principal components analysis of the data sets combined in one. The first and second principal components successfully provide correlation lines that match fairly closely the zone boundaries of each pollen sequence. The third and fourth components, in contrast, are greatly different from site to site, representing the unique pollen assemblages at each site.

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Zonation of the Exposed Sandy Beach Macrofauna in Okjukpo, Taechongdo, Korea (황해 대청도 옥죽포의 외해로 노출된 모래갯벌에 서식하는 대형저서동물의 대상분포)

  • Yoon, Sang-Pil;Hong, Jae-Sang
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2000
  • Zonation pattern of macro-invertebrate community structure was examined from Okjukpo sandy beach, Taechongdo, Korea. Macrofauna were collected in June 1998 using a can corer from ten stations along one transect. Mean grain size ranged from 1.97 to 2.23${\phi}$ and sediment organic contents ranged from 0.52 to 1.02%. A total of benthic macro-invertebrates comprised 25 species, providing 10,705 individuals and 89.13 g wet weight in biomass. Peracaridean crustaceans such as amphipods and isopods are the most prominant components in this exposed sandy beach. The dominant species were Eohaustorius setulosus (33%), Excirolana chiltoni (26%), Haustorioides koreanus (12%), Platorchestia crassicornis (8%), and Cycladicama cumingii (6%). The zonation patterns by these animals were very similar to those noted by Dahl(1952) and Jo(1990). They are divided into three faunal zones: 1) subterrestrial fringe dominated by a talitrid amphipod Platorchestia crassicornis, 2) midlittoral zone by a cirolanid isopod Excirolana chiltoni, 3) sublittoral fringe by more diverse amphipods communities.

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Diversity and Zonation of Vegetation Related Micro-Topography in Sinduri Coastal Dune, Korea - Focused on the Natural Monument Area - (신두리 해안사구의 미지형별 식생의 대상구조와 다양성 변화 - 천연기념물 지정지를 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Hong-Seon;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.290-298
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    • 2007
  • The results of this research on the diversity, zonation of vegetation and micro-topography by TWINSPAN classification and DECORANA ordination, executed with Sinduri coastal dunes of Korea, are as follows: The vegetation and micro-topography of coastal dunes formed a noticeably clear zonation structure. The beach in the direction of the coastline saw a lot of appearance of Salsola komarovi and the primary dune was dominated by Elymus mollis. Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii and Carex pumila formed a colony at flat area of the sand hills and Calamagrostis epigeios was widely distributed at the wet slack. The secondary dune was dominated mostly by Ischaemum anthephoroides and Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, and it showed an aspect of the distribution of Vitex rotundifolia and Rosa rugosa. while the hinterland hillside in the direction of inland was dominated by Robinia pseudo-acacia and Pinus thunbergii. However, Carex kobomugi, known as the pioneer species of the coastline-bound areas at the coastal dune, dominantly occupied the secondary dune of the rear side and continentally-inclined Miscanthus sinensi and Oenothera biennis of naturalized plant were irregularly spread over the whole of the coastal dune, so the stabilization of micro-topography seemed to be uncertain. Particularly, Miscanthus sinensis was predicted to be changed into dominant species of the primary dune, and secondary dune and slack having a commonly high species gathering inclination with the more progress of stabilization of the coastal dune. The expansion of sand hill wetlands and roads located between the primary dune and secondary dune was judged to have an effect on the zonation structure of plant distribution.

Intraspecific Zonation of the Benthic Amphipod Pontogeneia rostrata in Relation to Diel and Tidal Cycles (저서성 단각류 Pontogeneia rostrata의 종내 대상분포와 주야-조석주기)

  • YU Ok Hwan;SUH Hae-Lip;SOH Ho Youn
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.500-507
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    • 1998
  • Using a sledge net, the benthic amphipods were taken over one cycle of the neap and spring tides in January 1993 at the sandy shore surf zone of Dolsando, southern Korea. From these samples, we investigated the diel and tidal effects on the intraspecific zonation of Pontogeneia rostrata. The density of p. rostrata was higher during neap tide than spring. Of three categories (adult males and females and juveniles), juveniles and males attained to its highest density during neap and spring tides, respectively. Length- frequency data show that the high mortality of juveniles seemed to occur in winter. In the surface at night, it is significant that juveniles were significantly more abundant during neap tide than spring, whereas both adult males and females were more abundant during spring tide than neap. This suggests that the vortical migration patterns of juveniles and adults vary with the type of tides. During flood of spring tide, more than $90\%$ of population collected at the area above the mean sea level (MSL) were adults. With a decrease of female/male ratio, size of males increased there but that of female did not change, indicating an active migration of large males. This behavior can provide an extension of distribution area far large males, and also give a competitive advantage to large male against small one for mate and feeding. Although adult p. rostrata was collected at 100 cm above MSL at night during spring tide, a major portion of population as usually present on the shore below MSL. The center of zonation was restricted from 50 cm to 250 cm below MSL.

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Zonation and soil factors of salt marsh halophyte communities

  • Lee, Jeom-Sook;Kim, Jong-Wook;Lee, Seung Ho;Myeong, Hyeon-Ho;Lee, Jung-Yun;Cho, Jang Sam
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 2016
  • Background: The structures and soil factors of Suaeda glauca-Suaeda japonica zonal communities and Phragmites australis-S. japonica zonal communities were studied in salt marshes of west and south coasts of South Korea to provide basic data for coastal wetland conservation and restoration. Results: S. glauca community mean length was 67 m and S. japonica community mean length was 567 m in zonal communities, and P. australis and S. japonica community mean length were 57 m and 191 m in zonal communities. Regarding the electrical conductivity, sodium content, and clay contents in Upnae-ri, Shinan-gun, there were significant differences among zonal communities at significance level of 0.05 for two-sided t test. However, other factors were not significantly different. Conclusions: The results indicate that multiple factors such as electronic conductivity, total nitrogen level, clay, and sodium might play important roles in the formation of zonal plant communities of salt marshes.

Primary Survey on Algal Community of Gyounggi Bay for Restoration (서해 경기만 해조군집 복원을 위한 기초생태조사)

  • Lee, Wook-Jae;Hwang, Mi-Sook;Baek, Jae-Min;Lee, Jae-Wan;Kim, Join-In
    • ALGAE
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2007
  • For getting primary cue of restoration, the algal flora and intertidal community structure of Deokjeokdo, Yeonpyeongdo and Ganghwado were investigated for from February to November 2006. The total of 28 species, including five Chlorophytes, five Phaeophytes, 17 Rhodophytes and one sea grass were identified. The occurrence of species according to sampling site was 22 species in Deokjeokdo, seven species in Yeonpyeongdo and four species in Ganghwado. Among them Gloiopeltis furcata, Ulva pertusa and Sargassum horneri in Deokjeokdo, Scytosiphon lomentaria in Yeonpyeongdo, Enteromorpha prolifera in Ganghwado were ominants. The algal zonation of intertidal zone was figured out by Gloiopeltis furcata, Caulacanthus okamurae – Corallina pilulifera – Ulva pertusa, Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis, Sargassum horneri, Undaria pinnatifida in Deokjeokdo, Bangia atropurpurea – Scytosiphon lomentaria – Ahnfeltiopsis flablleiformis in Yeonpyeongdo from upper to lower zone and Enteromorpha prolifera, Enteromorpha linza – Sargassum thunbergii, Myelophycus simplex in Ganghwado from middle to lower zone. The average of biomass was measured as 80.6 g dry wt. m–2 in Deokjeokdo, 32.2 g dry wt. m–2 in Yeonpyeongdo and less than 1 g dry wt. m–2 in Ganghwado.

Spatial interpolation of geotechnical data: A case study for Multan City, Pakistan

  • Aziz, Mubashir;Khan, Tanveer A.;Ahmed, Tauqir
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.475-488
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    • 2017
  • Geotechnical data contributes substantially to the cost of engineering projects due to increasing cost of site investigations. Existing information in the form of soil maps can save considerable time and expenses while deciding the scope and extent of site exploration for a proposed project site. This paper presents spatial interpolation of data obtained from soil investigation reports of different construction sites and development of soil maps for geotechnical characterization of Multan area using ArcGIS. The subsurface conditions of the study area have been examined in terms of soil type and standard penetration resistance. The Inverse Distance Weighting method in the Spatial Analyst extension of ArcMap10 has been employed to develop zonation maps at different depths of the study area. Each depth level has been interpolated as a surface to create zonation maps for soil type and standard penetration resistance. Correlations have been presented based on linear regression of standard penetration resistance values with depth for quick estimation of strength and stiffness of soil during preliminary planning and design stage of a proposed project in the study area. Such information helps engineers to use data derived from nearby sites or sites of similar subsoils subjected to similar geological process to build a preliminary ground model for a new site. Moreover, reliable information on geometry and engineering properties of underground layers would make projects safer and economical.

Evaluation of Meymeh Aquifer vulnerability to nitrate pollution by GIS and statistical methods

  • Tabatabaei, Javad;Gorji, Leila
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2019
  • Increasing the concentration of nitrate ions in the soil solution and then leaching it to underground aquifers increases the concentration of nitrate in the water, and can cause many health and ecological problems. This study was conducted to evaluate the vulnerability of Meymeh aquifer to nitrate pollution. In this research, sampling of 10 wells was performed according to standard sampling principles and analyzed in the laboratory by spectrophotometric method, then; the nitrate concentration zonation map was drawn by using intermediate models. In the drastic model, the effective parameters for assessing the vulnerability of groundwater aquifers, including the depth of ground water, pure feeding, aquifer environment, soil type, topography slope, non-saturated area and hydraulic conductivity. Which were prepared in the form of seven layers in the ARC GIS software, and by weighting and ranking and integrating these seven layers, the final map of groundwater vulnerability to contamination was prepared. Drastic index estimated for the region between 75-128. For verification of the model, nitrate concentration data in groundwater of the region were used, which showed a relative correlation between the concentration of nitrate and the prepared version of the model. A combination of two vulnerability map and nitrate concentration zonation was provided a qualitative aquifer classification map. According to this map, most of the study areas are within safe and low risk, and only a small portion of the Meymeh Aquifer, which has a nitrate concentration of more than 50 mg / L in groundwater, is classified in a hazardous area.